
Assignment 3: Persuasive Research Essay (Draft)Due Week 7200 pointsFor the persuasive research essay (draft) you will explore one of the four topics in the listed below:Responsibility of companies to provide accurate information to consumersAccountability in the mediaAdvertising and informationTechnology and innovation in the classroomThe purpose of this assignment is to research the chosen topic, decide your stance, and write your essay to persuade the reader to adopt your stance. The essay must be 5-7 pages long and must use at least 6 academically appropriate sources (requirements listed below).Your points must be clearly supported and the target audience is a similar group of people as yourself (same relative age range and education level).How to assemble the essay:Choose a topic from the provided list and create a research question.Research the question and determine your stance (follow the research requirements listed below).Write a thesis statement that covers the paper topic, stance, and direction (what you want the reader to comprehend by the end of your essay).Create an essay in APA format with proper in-text citations and a References page.Each point made should be supported by quoted or paraphrased information from at least one academically relevant source.As a general rule, you will have 2-3 citations in each fully-developed paragraph.Include a minimum of one paragraph that deals with an opposing viewpoint (including a minimum of one source).Review draft to be certain ideas flow, each paragraph supports the thesis found at the end of the introduction, and that the conclusion provides a strong sense of closure.Proofread the final version for grammatical, sentence structure, clarity, and word use errors.Submit the essay to the provided Blackboard link in Week 7.Source Requirements:Minimum 3 sources from peer reviewed databases (EBSCOhost or other instructor approved database)Minimum 3 sources published since 2015Minimum 1 source supporting opposing viewpointStandard dictionaries and encyclopedias (including ) do not count toward requirementThe final version must:Be in essay form with an introduction and thesis statement, body, and conclusion.Be written in third person.Meet the 5-7 page requirement (title and References pages do not count).Take a clear stance and articulate the stance through a well-developed thesis.Use a minimum of 6 academically appropriate sources (follow source requirements above) properly cited in APA format and represented on a References page.Points: 200Assignment 3: Argumentative Research Essay (Draft)CriteriaUnacceptableBelow 60% FMeets Minimum Expectations60-69% DFair70-79% CProficient80-89% BExemplary90-100% A1. Submission meets the content requirements outlined in assignment details.Weight: 30%Submission content missing multiple required elements, has multiple issues with development of content, or does not relate to the stated requirements.Submission missing at least one noted content requirement and has multiple issues with development of provided content items.Submission is missing at least one requirement or has specific development issues with provided content items.Submission includes all stated requirements and most are well developed.Submission includes all stated requirements and is well developed.2. Assignment meets the format requirements outlined in assignment details (APA style).Weight: 20%Assignment makes little or no attempt to meet the stated format requirements.Assignment is missing at least two format requirements (or there are major errors as noted in comments).Assignment is missing at least one format requirement and/or has 4-5 minor errors.Assignment includes all stated format requirements and has 2-3 minor errors.Assignment includes all stated format requirements and has 0-1 minor errors.3. Audience, Purpose, and Overall Effectiveness of the essay.Weight: 20%The essay is not properly targeted, the purpose is unclear, and/or the essay is ineffective in achieving its goal(s).The essay has major errors in at least two of the areas (Audience, Purpose, or Overall Effectiveness).The essay has a major error in at least one of the areas (Audience, Purpose, or Overall Effectiveness). The essay mostly addresses the proper audience, generally achieves its purpose, and is somewhat effective.The essay addresses the proper audience, achieves its purpose, and is effective.4. Assignment meets source requirements presented in assignment details.Weight: 15%Assignment makes little or no attempt to meet the stated source requirements (or fails to use any citations/References page) Assignment is missing at least two source requirements (or there are major errors as noted in comments).Assignment is missing at least one source requirement and/or has 4-5 minor errors.Assignment includes all required sources and has 2-3 minor errors.Assignment includes all required sources and has 0-1 minor errors.5. Clarity, writing mechanics, appropriate language/style requirements.Weight: 15%9+ errors present.7-8 errors present.5-6 errors present.3-4 errors present.0-2 errors present. ................

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