
Type Your TitleYour NameChamberlain College of NursingNR443 Community Health NursingTerm Month and YearType Your Title HereType your introduction here and remove the instructions. Provide a brief description of your community including the city name and state and key features. Briefly introduce one aggregate or vulnerable population that you identified in your windshield survey. Discuss the purpose of your paper. The purpose statement of the paper should relate to assessing this vulnerable population in your community. See the APA file in Course Resources for additional writing resources such as the APA Annotated Paper and the Chamberlain Guidelines for Writing Professional Papers. Vulnerable Population OverviewBegin to type the body of your paper here and remove these instructions. Create one to two well-developed paragraphs about a vulnerable population you identified in your windshield survey. Describe this aggregate or vulnerable group in your community. Include your observations about this group from the windshield survey. Discuss events or trends that have affected this vulnerable group such as economic conditions, trends in health related behaviors or disease rates, etc. Cite any sources that you use.Strengths, Risk Factors, and/or BarriersBegin to type here and remove these instructions. Create one to two well-developed paragraphs to discuss the strengths, risk factors, and/or barriers that impact this vulnerable population’s health. Include support from at least one scholarly peer-reviewed journal article in this discussion (see the guidelines for details). You may include and cite your textbook or other types of scholarly sources as well, but they do not count as the scholarly journal article. Please do not include more than two short quotations, at most. Instead summarize and analyze the information from the article in your own words. Cite all sources in the body of the paper and include them in the References list following proper APA formatting. Community ResourcesBegin to type here and remove these instructions. Create one to two well-developed paragraphs to describe the resources in your community that are available for this group. Use your own words to briefly describe the resource and cite the resource with the organization’s name and year (or n.d. if a date cannot be found on the website). Include the full reference to the organization on the Reference page. Next discuss whether these resources are adequate for your vulnerable group. If so, discuss why. If not, discuss gaps in services that you munity Health Problem Diagnosis Begin to type here and remove these instructions. Create one to two well-developed paragraphs to discuss one priority community health problem this vulnerable group experiences that a community health nurse could positively impact. Next state a Healthy People 2020 numbered objective that relates to this problem. Discuss this objective. See the guidelines for more information.SummaryEnd with a summary and conclusion. In one well developed paragraph, summarize important points from the body of your paper including the aggregate or vulnerable group you identified and key factors that you discussed above that affect the health of this group. Include a statement about the priority problem you identified. End with a concluding statement. No matter how much space remains on the page, the references always start on a separate page (insert a page break after the conclusion so that the references will start on a new page). ReferencesType your references in alphabetical order here using the hanging indents set up here. Include all references cited in your paper. This must include one scholarly peer-reviewed journal article that was discussed above. Also reference any agencies you discussed (a URL link is not sufficient) and the text if you discussed it above. We have included the correct reference for Healthy People 2020 below, but you may need to change the year. See your APA Manual and the resources in your APA folder in Course Resources for reference formatting.U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2017).?Healthy People 2020: Topics and objectives. Retrieved from? ................

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