
09525003943350952500Instituto Anglo BritanicoMiddle Year ProgramInnovation Fair ReportSuper Kit of WorkingEloisa Ivonne Morales GarzaDesignAida FernandezMayo 2016Context TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Analyzing Existing Product PAGEREF _Toc451712131 \h 4Justify the need PAGEREF _Toc451712132 \h 6Justify Need Objective PAGEREF _Toc451712133 \h 9Identify and Prioritize Research PAGEREF _Toc451712134 \h 11Developing planning drawing/diagram PAGEREF _Toc451712135 \h 13Present the Choosing Design PAGEREF _Toc451712136 \h 14Justify Need PAGEREF _Toc451712137 \h 15Identify and Prioritize Research PAGEREF _Toc451712138 \h 17Construct Logical Plan PAGEREF _Toc451712139 \h 19Plan Table PAGEREF _Toc451712140 \h 19Material List PAGEREF _Toc451712141 \h 20Procedure PAGEREF _Toc451712142 \h 21Demonstrate technical skills PAGEREF _Toc451712143 \h 22Justify changes made to the design PAGEREF _Toc451712144 \h 24Design testing method PAGEREF _Toc451712145 \h 25Evaluate the success of the product PAGEREF _Toc451712146 \h 28Explain how the product could be improved PAGEREF _Toc451712147 \h 29Evaluating our Performance PAGEREF _Toc451712150 \h 30-1143000-571500CRITERIA A Inquiring and Analyzing 00CRITERIA A Inquiring and Analyzing -1143000331470CRITERIA A Inquiring and Analyzing 00CRITERIA A Inquiring and Analyzing Analyzing Existing Product322897512065 I choose this work?Because it has many uses.Which problems I had doing this work?Do not use much space.What I learned?On an object can be many things.How this works cold be improved?Which can have more big.User: FamilyMaterial: bottle, newspaper, glue, paint and brush.Function: Put things.Cost: It does not cost muchAm I able creating it by myself? Yes0 I choose this work?Because it has many uses.Which problems I had doing this work?Do not use much space.What I learned?On an object can be many things.How this works cold be improved?Which can have more big.User: FamilyMaterial: bottle, newspaper, glue, paint and brush.Function: Put things.Cost: It does not cost muchAm I able creating it by myself? Yes-17145029495750033426402962275 I choose this work?Because you can put many things.Which problems I had doing this work?Do not use much space.What I learned?On an object can be put many things.How this works cold be improved?Change the color.User: Each person Material: tube of plastic, glue, paint and brush.Function: Put things.Cost: It does not cost muchAm I able creating it by myself? Yes00 I choose this work?Because you can put many things.Which problems I had doing this work?Do not use much space.What I learned?On an object can be put many things.How this works cold be improved?Change the color.User: Each person Material: tube of plastic, glue, paint and brush.Function: Put things.Cost: It does not cost muchAm I able creating it by myself? Yes-685800-5715000026384252438400 I choose this work?Helps a lot of the people.Which problems I had doing this work?Do not use much space.What I learned?A single object can help a lot. How this works cold be improved?I would like that but change the color.User: Family Material: cardboard, newspaper, plastic, glue, paint and brush. Function: As table or passing things.Cost: It does not cost much.Am I able create it by myself? Yes00 I choose this work?Helps a lot of the people.Which problems I had doing this work?Do not use much space.What I learned?A single object can help a lot. How this works cold be improved?I would like that but change the color.User: Family Material: cardboard, newspaper, plastic, glue, paint and brush. Function: As table or passing things.Cost: It does not cost much.Am I able create it by myself? Yes2971800-686435Why I choose this work?Because it has many uses.Which problems I had doing this work?Do not use much space.What I learned?That with an object can do many things.How this works cold be improved?Which can have more uses and would change color.User: Each person Material: cardboard, newspaper, glue, paint and brush.Function: sleep, eat and sitCost: It does not cost muchAm I able create it by myself? Yes I choose this work?Because it has many uses.Which problems I had doing this work?Do not use much space.What I learned?That with an object can do many things.How this works cold be improved?Which can have more uses and would change color.User: Each person Material: cardboard, newspaper, glue, paint and brush.Function: sleep, eat and sitCost: It does not cost muchAm I able create it by myself? Yes the needHello my name is Eloisa Yvonne. I study in school Instituto Anglo Britanico. This report is about the technology fair that in May and participate in 7th grade to 9th grade, which groups the teacher decides each classroom and are of maximum 4 to 5 people and these groups have to make a product is made to help society, which is recycled material but also the most important thing this easy to do because students are what will create and cannot get help from their parents or teacher. But before groups each student has to search 3 products that help society and those 3 products are made have to choose one, then you start to do this report till half and as when you're in the group that play you choose you can call public attention and you end up with the other half. This report is as evidence how you start choosing 3 products have made product.962025245999000The problem that I speak is to live in a small house. The live together in a small space arouses aggression, since it generates a struggle for living space, either in apartments or houses, however this condition can cause changes in personality development, as well as physical or mental illnesses such as diabetes, respiratory infections, stomach and skin derived hygiene conditions that occur in small and crowded places. The presence of children is often contentious issue for their expansion needs. Overcrowding affects the development of children and their educational growth, because due to growing in small spaces lacking concentration in the classroom and not having an optimal place to do their homework, they have poor school performance. People who live in places like that does not have an identification with their homes, creating personal insecurity, for it seeks to belong to groups such as religions, clubs or institutions.Where is it happened?In each area the houses were designed to meet our needs, according to many factors such as the weather, customs, family reunion, etc. Therefore, this article will not only be a compilation of a number of different types of housing, but also a trip around the world to know why they vary so much about houses and what affect other external circumstances. Where these cases have a small space is icy as Antarctica and Alaska areas, the Mapuche tribe living in Chile and Argentina, the native peoples of America, Central Asia, Southwest and Western United States, Amazonas, in Spain presents in Valencia and Murcia, indigenous peoples of the Pacific northwest, Iraq, southeast England, Easter Island, areas such as Normandy, Briere, in France, UK, Germany, Morocco, Argentina, Colombia, Benin, Chile, Peru, etc. Many parts of the world where people live in homes with limited space.38862007620002057400762000012192000 When is the problem occurring?Before the houses were spacious, high, with double doors with windows and shutters. Some make adobe bricks but a kind of uncooked was used. The floors were tiled with large, sometimes black and white. Some had galleries overlooking the garden. They were heated and cooked in wood stoves. Also they had hot water for the water heater to firewood. The rooms were large. There was light as now; only they used it to light more than anything else. Some had telephone, though not very common or was quarried and adobe wooden doors large high windows brick floors had latrine trees wood fruit trees in the back and wash one middle courtyard and usually very large arched rooms were high ceilings and wooden beams hand-painted drawings had the curtains were usually woven in crochet wooden furniture and many clay pots with pots, cages with birds, and if the corridor had hallways was full of ferns.The houses were the same for most people but it is different now.Why it is occurring?This is because this type of houses regularly is not suitable because they are designed according to economy in order to make it more as a business than in the welfare of the family for which it is designed, also because consistently good relations are diluted with neighbors also by the dispute through space and is a favorable environment for crime and vandalism in these highly populated residential sectors to develop and also because it greatly diminishes the quality of life of people field, this leads to decrease altruistic attitudes people that is this tendency to want to do good and instead generates aggressiveness overcrowding because everyone defends his territory. There are many morereasons but these three are the most important where it is shown that happens you have that kind of house and causing build such housing.13811256477000 Need Objective8286751143000781050-149606000789940114300078994017399000Identify and Prioritize ResearchHabitat for Humanity is in Georgia, United States. Created in 1976 by Linda and Millard Fuller, it is an ecumenical Christian ministry that works with low-income people from all over the world achieve possess a shelter. Their actions are mainly in Latin America seeking to build homes so that people in the needy countries can have their own home and in good condition, providing new amenities. According to his data, so far it has been helping more than 1 million people from over 100 countries, coming at this time to 300,001 new homes. It is for low-income people not for everyone. Habitat for Humanity is obviously a solidarity association for people in need and not for those who have resources if at least rent an apartment.Five hundred low-income families is the total covered by the program unprecedentedly has been carrying out Intendance of Peach, for which assists with credits of materials and supplies at low costs and long term who want to improve their homes or build "from zero". The Municipality of Durazno, receives daily a significant number of requests for building materials to renovate farms, building new houses or rooms.-5143561595714375111760 BDeveloping Ideas 0Criteria BDeveloping Ideas -114300057785Criteria BDeveloping Ideas 0Criteria BDeveloping Ideas Developing planning drawing/diagram01270000Present the Choosing DesignIn my team everyone chooses their products which are three and put if its cost is cheap or not, what it is its use, function, materials, etc. Of those three products each person will choose one when we had already got together to discuss going to choose. One of my team called Alonso chose a product that is a wooden box that when you open a table is done, another colleague called Alberto chose one that is a wooden table and when you separate yourself can make chairs but when it together can be like and what staff, please mention a table but also a couch, another who is a fellow named Ana Montse chose one that is pure newspaper and two strips pressing the paper turning it into a chair and my other companion called Tali chose two products because it did not know which one is choose a sofa made with wooden boxes and check a table with wooden boxes and a wooden plank.1676402476500The product you chose my partner Alonso did not choose because it would be very difficult to do when you change in table hold and could not use wooden bone go shopping had to be recycled, that of my partner Alberto not choose because it is very typical that product, have been used extensively in other years and apart is very easy to do, the product of my colleague Ana Montse not chose it because it was very easy to do, many of the members of the other teams had chosen and was very likely it chose, mine not chosen because it is very difficult to do and it would be difficult to assemble and the last one is my partner Tali if we chose it because it is neither easy but not so hard to do, the material would not cost us so much and it is a product that can attract attention of others. It consists of a table and a shelf, the two are made of wooden boxes which used the greengrocersJustify NeedHello my name is Tali López Montejano. I?am student of the Instituto Anglo Britanco, I?am coursing seventh grade and we are preparing for our Innovation Fair. The members of my team are Ana Montse, Eloisa, Alberto and me. We are creating a product that would help us to solve a problem in our homes, school, etc. Our idea is to create a table that would help to reduce space in the small houses.Living in tiny spaces can cause psychological problems.?New York City has a housing problem. Currently, it has 1.8 million one- and two-person households, and only one million studios and one-bedroom apartments.?The obvious solution seems to be to develop more small residential units.?For some residents, the potential health risks and crowding challenges might outweigh the benefits of affordable housing.?But they definitely can be unhealthy for older people, say in their 30’s and 40’s, who face different stress factors that can make tight living conditions a problem.”Home is supposed to be a safe haven, and a resident with a demanding job may feel trapped in a claustrophobic apartment at night—forced to choose between the physical crowding of furniture and belongings in his unit, and social crowding, caused by other residents, in the building’s common spaces.? But most people don’t like adding extra steps to everyday tasks. Because micro-apartments are too small to hold basic furniture like a bed, table, and couch at the same time, residents must reconfigure their quarters throughout the day: folding down a Murphy bed, or hanging up a dining table on the wall.?Susan Saegert,?agrees that the micro-apartments will likely be a welcome choice for young New Yorkers who would probably otherwise share cramped space with friends.?I’ve studied children in crowded apartments and low-income housing a lot,”?Susan said, “and they can end up becoming withdrawn, and have trouble studying and concentrating.”?Here are the measures of a normal house, the measures of a bedroom are 3x3 meters or 3x4 approximately, those of a living room are 3x3 or 3x3.5 approx., the bath 1.5x2 or 2x2, the garage 3x5 or 4x5 approx., portico 2x2 or 2x3, and finally the kitchen, this one can be of 2x3 or 3x3 approximately, considering that you have in mind the use of railings or integral kitchens.?If you see now they houses are getting minimal measures, they are some cases that is that the persons are throwing their furniture because they don?t have enough space in their houses, but the problem is that they don?t find furniture that can reduce space.Currently, in many houses and apartments lack of space is a problem that generates many discomforts, that?s why that the owners are making their effort to make their houses look bigger and make them comfortable. This is the reason why some furniture manufacturers have developed multifunctional furniture to help make life easier for those who live in too small houses.?Now a days on the markets we can find many multifunctional furniture, for example, an entertainment center that has the function of a desk, hidden beds, bookcases with folding tables, dining tables with mechanical system to enlarge or reduce its size, among many other models.?We can solve the lack of space if we use the space placing small furniture, folding, multifunctional dimensions and tasteful. The solution to having reduced space at home is the folded or dual-use furniture. With a product of this type you could have the needs of a desk, chair, sofa, bookcase and bed, including bunk.Some of the companies that are currently manufacturing this type of folded or dual-use furniture are Pleg-Art and Living, and others, which in its catalog they are offering various multifunctional furniture options that can be transformed with just remove insurance. The creation of the product is how the client want it and also the appropiate measure.Also if you know of someone who has their house with a small size but has many things, for example television, mirrors, chairs, among others, is better that they throw them off because if they have a small space they just need to have the necessary things.? and Prioritize ResearchThe small house are useful because is easier to maintain. Everyone knows that isn’t easy to maintain a house. I can name 5 reasons about why someone can be happier with a smaller home. The first one is that it is easier to maintain. Anyone who has owned a house knows the amount of time, energy, and effort to maintain it. All things being equal,?a smaller home requires less of your?time, energy, and effort to accomplish that task. The second one is that is less expensive. Smaller homes are less expensive to purchase and less expensive to keep (insurance, taxes, heating, cooling, electricity, etc.). The third one is less decorating. While some people love the idea of choosing wall color, carpet color, furniture, window treatments, decorations, and light fixtures for dozens of rooms, other people don’t. The forth reason is more time. Many of the benefits above (less cleaning, less maintaining, mental freedom) result in?the freeing up of our schedule to pursue the things in life that really matter whatever you want that to be. And the fifth reason the last one is that you spend lest time cleaning, your room, the bathroom, the other room, the kitchen, outside of the house. And that should be reason enough.This reasons were the main reasons about why to live in a smaller house is more useful. CCrating The Solution0Criteria CCrating The Solution0-10287000right612775Criteria CCrating The Solution0Criteria CCrating The SolutionConstruct Logical PlanPlan TableNUMBERACTIVITYSTUDENTSTART DATEDUE DATEACCOSMPLISH1CRATE PADLETAlberto17/04/201625/04/2016Yes2Plan tableEloisa17/04/201625/04/2016Yes3SloganAna Montse17/04/201625/04/2016Yes4LogoAna Montse 17/04/201625/04/2016Yes5BadgetsAna Montse17/04/201625/04/2016Yes6Justify NeedTali17/04/201625/04/2016Yes7Prioritize resarchAlonso 17/04/201625/04/2016Yes8Present final chose DesignAlberto17/04/201625/04/2016Yes9Comparison TableEloisa17/04/201625/04/2016YesMaterial ListMATERIALSSTUDENTSPRICE #1HomedepotPRICE #2LowesHingesAna Montse$17$20WoodTali$100$150HammerEloisa----------------------------------PaintingAlonso$50$50PaintAlberto$22$32ScrewsAna Montse$23$60GlueTali$31$35NailsEloisa$2$6ScaffoldAlonso-------------------------Total: $244 $303ProcedureProcedure for making the product:1.First we gather all the materials already mentioned above that are:?Wood (2 pieces).?Hinge.?Legs (for the table).?Hammer.?Nails/Cloves.?Glue.?Emery.?Paint (spray).2.Then we start joining the legs and the piece of wood and putting the hinges in the both pieces of wood (To fold it).3.Then we put nails (In case that the nails where used, we bang them with the hammer) or glue to the legs and placing them in the bottom of the piece of wood.4.(We wait until is dry in case of it is used the glue) we spray the table with the paint and wait until it is dry.Demonstrate technical skills310515088901010635000088265202147637514732000415290057153030-3810000221615404131445024447500Justify changes made to the designWe had problems in painting the table, put the two pieces of wood on both sides of the furniture and we also had problems with screwing the hinges. In painting the table because we did not have the paint needed to paint the entire table, put two pieces of wood because we were moving and did not were focusing well and had trouble putting the hinges because we did not know how to put them or when we wanted to put the screws so we were moving by accident and that complicated things more. We solve this problem with the help of mom Anna Montserrat, also we solve them taking calm, do it slowly and dedication to get it right and the problem of painting we ask mom Ana Montserrat to buy more white paint .12287251016000Design testing method933450889000center533400010858501905000center149225001181100317500Evaluate the success of the productIn the innovation fair when we presented our product to the judges, one of them told us that our product was very good and the display and the other judge who touched us told us that our product was well only be better to have a tablecloth or a glass to put the glasses fall. The parents who came to see our product said the explanation is very good, the color of the table gives peace to the room, the size is very good and meets the goal of recycling wood and reduce space. What happened at the fair of innovation and surveys we did in the past weeks we can conclude that our product met its goal, our product solves the problem that we choose it is to recycle wood and reduce space and our product also called attention to the color we choose and the size.82867512319000Explain how the product could be improvedProduct quality is very good because our team thinks that and also the potatoes we went to see. What I would change my product call more attention is to change the paint color, make it smaller and put a cloth or a piece of glass. What change would put the lowest price for our bad luck because not bought our product and we get the conclusion my colleagues that perhaps not bought because it is very expensive. I would have liked to improve our because it has all the information it is well organized but I would like bone with more color call more attention to the judge and the parents, also I would change is that we would have brought things to put on the table to make examples such as notebooks, books, plants, colors, computer, etc.-13335016827500Evaluating our PerformanceStudentIdeasCompletedDocumentMakingProductOn timeAttitudes8Eloisa7787Open Mind7Tali7787Open Mind6Ana Montse7888Open Mind5Alonso7686Thinker4Alberto7787Thinker ................

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