

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Greetings! To ensure safety and order in our school, we shall be issuing a Fetcher’s Pass for each student. Moreover, please register the fetchers’ details on your child’s online account upon enrollment. Hence, we respectfully request for the full names of your child’s/ward’s official fetchers. Based on this system, families may share the use of a fetcher’s pass assigned to their child/ward. One Fetcher’s Pass is good for 6 authorized fetchers. Families may still opt to apply for more than one pass if deemed necessary. Families are advised to immediately inform the school in writing if their fetcher’s pass is lost. Likewise, please inform us in writing if any revisions on the authorized fetchers is required. One fetcher’s pass was already included in the miscellaneous fees. An additional pass will cost Php 150. Our school’s security personnel may in some instances, respectfully request for valid personal IDS to validate the fetcher’s identity.

To promote security and safety, we shall be requesting companions of the student to stay at the Fetchers’ Lounge. Parents and caregivers waiting for their child/ward will not be allowed to stay in other areas of the school. This will enable our students to maximize the school’s facilities for learning.

The drop-off and pick-up point of students will be at the designated gate. Visitors and parents who wish to transact at the Administrative Office may use the Buenviaje Gate. To decongest traffic, we request all drivers to follow the one way scheme along Buenviaje Street. Please enter Buenviaje Street via San Rafael side. We would also like to request drivers not to park along our neighbors’ driveways.

Thank you for understanding our efforts to make our school safer. Kindly fill – out the reply slip for your feedback.


APDM Admin



I have read the above information and I agree to abide by the school’s regulations.

I. Below is/are the full name/s of my child’s/ward’s authorized fetchers. (include family members)

1. _______________________________

2. _______________________________

3. _______________________________

4. _______________________________

5. _______________________________

6. _______________________________

number of fetcher’s pass requested (an additional pass will cost Php 150): _______

II. Answer only if applicable:

• Below is/are the full name/s of my child’s/ward’s additional authorized fetchers.

1. _______________________________

2. _______________________________

3. _______________________________

4. _______________________________

5. _______________________________

6. _______________________________


Full Name of Student: _________________________________________________________________________

Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature over printed name: ________________________________

Date: ____________________________________________________


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