Midwifery 2

Jordan University of Science and Technology

Faculty of Nursing

Department of Midwifery

Spring 2007

|Course Information |

|Course Title |Midwifery 2 (Clinical) |

|Course Number |MW 338 |

|Prerequisites |MW 336 or concurrent with |

|Course Website |Not applicable |

|Instructors |Ms. Shurouq Hawamdeh, RM, Msc |

|Office Location |N2-L4 |

|Office Phone |23740 |

|Office Hours |11-12 Thursday |

| |1-2 Thursday |

| |2-3 Thursday |

|E-mail |shurouq@just.edu.jo |

|Teaching Assistant |Dr. Reem Hatamleh, RN, RM, PGD, PhD. |

| |Ms. Shurouq Hawamdeh, RM, MSc. |

| |Mrs. Taroob Al-Lataifeh, RN, Msc. |

| |Mrs.Haia Ajloni, RN, RM. |

|Course Description |

|The course provides practice essential to the midwifery care of normal and high – risk childbearing women. Emphasis is on the application of|

|intra-partum skills based on the concept of "normality" in child birth, the appliance of the "midwifery Model of care", evidence based |

|practice, risk assessment and management. |

|The student midwife will demonstrate the midwifery approach of care, attend physiological childbirth and assist in high risk deliveries. |

|Also, the student will display proper techniques to solve problems rise in the area of reproductive health. |

| |

|Text Book |

|Title |Skills for Midwifery Practice |

|Author(s) |Johnson, R. & Taylor, W. |

|Publisher |Churchill living stone |

|Year |2002 |

|Edition |14th Edition |

|Book Website |- |

| |Enkin, M., Keirse, M. J. N. C., Renfrew, M. & Neilson, J. (Editors) (2000) A Guide to Effective Care in |

|References |Pregnancy and Childbirth (3rd Edition). Oxford: Oxford University Press. |

| | |

| |Fraser, D. M. & Cooper, M. A. (Editors) (2003) Myles Textbook for midwives (14th edition). Edinburgh: |

| |Churchill Livingstone. |

| | |

| |Johnson, R. & Taylor, W. (2002) Skills for Midwifery Practice (2nd Edition). Edinbrugh: Churchill |

| |Livingstone. |

| | |

| |Johnston, P., Flood, K. & Spinks, K. (Editors) (2003) The Newborn Child (9th Edition). Edinbrugh: |

| |Churchill Livingstone. |

| | |

| |Martin, E. J. (Editor) (2002) Intrapartum Management Modules: A perinatal Education Program (3rd edition).|

| |Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. |

| | |

| |Sinclair, C. (2004) A Midwife's HandBook. Philadelphia: Elsevier. |

| | |

|Assessment Policy |

|Assessment Type |Expected Due Date: |Weight |

|lab exam (written) |Feb, 25. 2007 |15% |

|Intrapartum skills. |April, 17.2007 |30% |

|Abdominal examination during labour | | |

|(7-10 times) 5%. | | |

|Examination pervaginam (7-10 | | |

|times)7.5%. | | |

|Management of the Second stage of | | |

|labour (7-10 times)7.5%. | | |

|Third stage issues and examination of | | |

|the placenta (7-10 times) 5%. | | |

|Immediate newborn assessment (10 | | |

|times) 5%. | | |

|Evidence and Debate Midwifery class |April, 17.2007 |10% |

|(one). | | |

|a- written part 5%. | | |

|b- Presentation part 5%. | | |

|Daily labour report |May, 20. 2007 |10% |

|Final clinical exam |April. 22, 2007- May. 22, 2007 |20% |

|Clinical evaluation criteria |May, 20. 2007 |20% |

|Course Objectives |Weights |

|Describe current midwife practice and issues. |10% |

|Identify the role of the midwife in promotion of women's health and prevention of complications. |15% |

|Use the "woman- centered care" approach to apply the concept of normality in childbirth and midwifery skills/ techniques |20% |

|while caring for child bearing women. | |

|Demonstrate high level of competency and judgment in performance of midwifery skills appropriate to maternal– newborn |15% |

|management. | |

| 5. Recognise deviations from normal in intrapartum period. Mainly by, |15% |

|Applying the knowledge of anatomy, physiology and midwifery (2) courses, to assess high risk childbearing woman. | |

|Recognise and assist in managing emergency complications and abnormal birth events. Emphasis is on bleeding, heamatoma, | |

|meconium– stained amniotic fluid, shoulder dystocia, breech delivery and newborn's resuscitation. | |

|Understand and demonstrate appropriate policies and procedures of consultation/ referral implemented in the labour unit. | |

|6. Apply the nursing process to the care of labouring women, newborns and families using principles of primary, secondary, |15% |

|and tertiary prevention. | |

|7. Design evidence and debate classes aimed at reviewing and evaluating the current midwifery/ childbirth interventions and|10% |

|improving the standards of midwifery practice. | |

|Teaching & Learning Methods |

|Audio-visual materials. |

|Group presentation. |

|Case presentation (hospital). |

|Useful Resources |

| |

|Fraser (D) and cooper (M) (2003): Myles text book for midwives 14th ed |

|Edinburgh Churchill living stone. |

| |

|Henderson (C) and Jones (K) (1997): Essential Midwifery Philadelphia. |

| |

|Johnson (R) Taylor (W) (2002): Skills for Midwifery Practice 3th ed Churchil living stone. |

| |

|Ann (L) and Perecival (P) (2000): The new midwifery: science and sensitivity in practice 2th ed Churchill living stone. |

| |

|Additional Notes |

|Assignments |One daily documentation, one evidence class per semester |

|Cheating |According to university regulation |

|Attendance |According to university regulation |

|Laboratory exam |One written exam |


Instructions for students

Hospital Clinical Experience

The student will be assigned to an inpatient clinical area. During this time the student should apply principles of the midwifery model of care and provide maternal – newborn care. Direct education, explanations and support for women are included in this experience. Rotation is required in specialised clinical area such as labour and postpartum wards. Students are expected to complete course requirments at the scheduled time and provide safe and effective midwifery care in a timely manner.

1Intrapartum skills/ details

Each student is required to perform the following essential skills, safely and effectively.

a) Abdominal examination during labour (7-10 times).

b) Examination pervaginam (7-10 times).

c) Management of the Second stage of labour (7-10 times).

d) Third stage issues and examination of the placenta (7-10 times).

e) Immediate newborn assessment (10 times).

The total score for intrapartum skills will be calculated on 17/4/2007 (mid semester) as the following:

Compute the average score for each skill; then take the sum of all averages.

Average (a) + average (b) + average (c) + average (d) + average (e) = Grade/30%

Instructions for 2Evidence and Debate Midwifery class

This method of evaluation aimed at ,

• Exploring new approaches to and paradigms of heallth in general, and birth in particular.

• Exploring aspects of midwives' practices and accounts

• Summarising natinal and international data and debates relating childbith interventions and management issues.

- Each student is required to review and evaluate the findings of 4 research articles, at minimum, dated from 2000 – 2007 during the midsemester.

- Each student has to submit written part one week prior to class presentation. Copy of the selected research articles should be included within the written draft.

- Student has 20 minutes maximum to present the evidence and debate class.

-Each student should choose, only, one of the following topics:

• Nutrition and fluid restrictions in labour.

• Routine frequent vaginal examination.

• Artificial rupture of membranes.

• Fetal heart monitoring.

• Pain relief.

• Routine episiotomy.

• Newborns resuscitation at perineum.

• Evidence regarding cord clamping.

• Stripping or milking the cord.

• The need for newborn's suction of birth.

- Any student who does not present in the evidence and debate class will immediately receive a grade of Zero.

- Students are advised to strat preparing for the evidence and debate class in advance inorder to be ready on time and obtain a good grade.

- Deadline is on (15/4/2007).

4Final clinical exam

- The clinical exam aimed at evaluating the students' ability to manage childbearing women, mainly, in second and third stages of labour.

- Each student will be examined while conducting a normal delivery in the assigned clinical area, starting from (April. 22, 2007- May. 22, 2007).

- Any student who does not attend the exam in the hospital will immediately receive a grade of Zero! No make up and no excuses are accepted.

Rules and Regulations

1- Each student should arrive on time for every clinical day.

2- There are No excused absences for the clinical setting, make up work may be assigned of the choice of the faculty to be certain that objectives are being met.

3- Students should be at the hospital in full uniform ready for work by 7:30 am., at the least,.

- Tow lates are considered one absence.

- For each absence, one point will be deducted from the total mark.

4- Any student who exceeds her absences limit will be suspended from the clinical course and given a grade of 35%.

5- Jewelry should be kept at minimum.

- Makeup should be avoided as possible.

- Long hair should, always, be tied up.

- Uniforms should, always, be clean and tidy. Name tags are essential.

- Students should wear dark blue uniforms with white stockings and white shoes.

- Each student is required to have the following supplies on each clinical day:

a. a blue pen .

b. a red pen .

c. a measurement meter.

d. Adequate paper for writing

e. Thermometer

6- Each group of students should have the following supplies, when possible:

1. Pinard stethoscope or sonicaid.

2. Delivery set.

3. Sphegmanometer and stethoscope.

7- Students should, always, respect their clinical instructors.

8- Students should, always, demonstrate professional behaviour when dealing with childbearing women, their pears, health care professionals and instructors.

9- Students should communicate effectively with health team members, pears and instructors.

10- Each student should complete labour report paper every clinical day.

11- Each student has to assist in 5 high risk deliveries, at the least.

12- All major clinical procedures should be done under the supervision of a clinical instructor.

Appendix. A

Jordan University of Science and Technology

Faculty of Nursing/ Department of Midwifery

Midwifery 2 (MW. 338)

Evaluation of Intrapartum skills (30%)

A) Abdominal examination during labour (5%)

Student Name: _______________________________________

ID. Number: _________________________________________

Scale :

1. Poor

2. Satisfactory

3. Good

4. Very good

5. Excellent

|Items |score |

|1. Explain the procedure to the women | |

|2. Gather the equipment: | |

|a. Measurement meter. | |

|b. Sonicad. | |

|c. Watch/ clock with second hand. | |

|d. Lubricantgel. | |

|e. Patient file. | |

|3. Instruct the woman to empty her bladder | |

|4. provide privacy and prepare the environment. | |

|5. wash hands using warm water. | |

|6. Position the women supine with knees slightly flexed. place a | |

|small pillow or towel under one side. | |

|7. Inspect the abdomen for : | |

|a. Size. | |

|b. Shape. | |

|c. Skin changes. | |

|d. Umbilical hernia. | |

|e. Fetal movement. | |

|8. Palpate the funds for : | |

|a. Fundal height. | |

|b. Presence of fetal pole (head or buttocks). | |

|c. Contractions, if felt, for : | |

|a. Intersity. | |

|b. Duration. | |

|c. Frequency. | |

|9. Palpate the main body of the uterus using the later at palpation | |

|for : | |

|a. Fetal position identification. | |

|b. Lie confirmation. | |

|10. Pelvic palpation using 'two hands' technique or 'pawliks' | |

|maneuver, for: | |

|a. Presenting part. | |

|b. Engagement. | |

|c. Attitude confirmation. | |

|11. Auscultate the fetal heart, for: | |

|a. Rate. | |

|b. Rhythm. | |

|12. Assist the woman in to a comfortable position and discuss the | |

|findings. | |

|13. Document the findings and acts accordingly. | |

|a. Fundal height. | |

|b. Lie. | |

|c. Presenting part and Degree of engagement. | |

|d. Position. | |

|e. Fetal heart rate , Equipment used. | |

|f. Fetal movement felt. | |

|j. Uterine contractions felt. | |

|h. Any additional in formation, such as: inspection of small size | |

|abdomen, vertical scars and asymmetry of the abdomen. | |

|Total | |

|Total × 5 |Grade = |

|13 |/5% |

Appendix. A

Jordan University of Science and Technology

Faculty of Nursing/ Department of Midwifery

Midwifery 2 (MW. 338)

Evaluation of Intrapartum skills (30%)

B) Examination pervaginam (PV Exam) (7.5%)

Student Name: _______________________________________

ID. Number: _________________________________________

Scale :

1= Poor

2= Satisfactory

3= Good

4= Very good

5= Excellent

|Items |score |

|1. Explain the procedure to the woman. | |

|2. Provide privacy and Prepare the environment. | |

|3. Collect equipment required: | |

|a. Sterile gloves. | |

|b. Sterile lubricant. | |

|c. Antiseptic solution. | |

|d. Disposable sheet. | |

|e. Pinard or sonicaid stethoscope. | |

|f. Galipot. | |

|J. Gauze or Cotton. | |

|4. Encourage the woman to empty her bladder. | |

|5. Auscultate the fetal heart. | |

|Note: Abdominal exam should be undertaken prior to perform PV exam. | |

|6. Ask the women to turn on to back with knees flexed (dorsal recumbent | |

|position), placing the disposable sheet beneath her buttocks. | |

|7. Wash hands while the assistant opens the gloves sliding the gloves on | |

|to the sterile field. | |

|8. Dry hands and put on gloves. | |

|9. Ask the assistant to pour antiseptic solution into the galipot and | |

|remove the covers from the women. | |

|10. Swab the perineum from front to back using cotton or gauze soaked with| |

|savlon or warm water, passing the swabs from examining (clean) hand to the| |

|non- examining (dirty) hand. | |

|-Use each swab once and dispose it. | |

|11. Discard drops of clean lubricating gel on tips of gloved fingers. | |

|12. place non dominant hand on the outer edges of the woman's vulva and | |

|spread the labia while inspecting the external genitalia for: | |

|a. Lesions. | |

|b. Clustered pinpoint vesicles. | |

|c. Open ulcerated sores. | |

|e. Varicosities. | |

|13. Look for escaping amniotic fluid or the presence of umbilical cord or | |

|bleeding. | |

|14. If there is no bleeding or cord visible, Introduce the index and | |

|middle fingers of dominant hand gently in to the vagina, directed them | |

|into the posterior vaginal wall. Asses the vagina for warmness and | |

|moisture. | |

|15. Locate and Palpate the cervix for : | |

|a. Position. | |

|b. Consistency, firm or soft. | |

|c. Extent of dilatation (palpate the anterior rim or lip of cervix). | |

|d. Application to the presenting part. | |

|16. Estimate the degree of effacement. | |

|17. Estimate whether membranes are intact. | |

|18. Locate the Ischial spine, to: | |

|a. Rate the station of the presenting part. | |

|b. Identify the presentation. | |

|19. Establish the fetal position, for example, Right Occiputo Anterior | |

|(ROA). | |

|20. Withdraw the fingers gently. | |

|21. Wipe the perineum front to back to remove secretions or examining | |

|solution. | |

|22. Leave client comfortable and turned to side. | |

|23. Dispose equipment appropriately and wash hands. | |

|24. Document findings and acts accordingly. | |

|a. External genitalia. | |

|b. Vagina. | |

|c. Cervix. | |

|d. The membranes. | |

|e. Presentation | |

|f. Position | |

|g. Pelvic outlet for prominent Ischial spines. | |

|Total | |

|Total X 7.5 |Grade= |

|24 |/7.5% |

Appendix. A

Jordan University of Science and Technology

Faculty of Nursing/ Department of Midwifery

Midwifery 2 (MW. 338)

Evaluation of Intrapartum skills (30%)

C) Management of the Second stage of labour (7.5%)

Student Name: _______________________________________

ID. Number: _________________________________________

Scale :

1= Poor

2= Satisfactory

3= Good

4= Very good

5= Excellent

|Items |Score |

|1. Prepare the environment and gather the equipment. | |

|2. Give reassurance and explanations to the woman. | |

|3. Place the disposable sheets in the area of perineum. | |

|4. The second midwife maintains fetal and mother observation. | |

|5. Wash hands whilst the assistant opens the outer covering of the delivery pack.| |

|6. Open the pack and dry hands while the assistant slides the sterile gloves onto| |

|the sterile field. | |

|7. Apply gloves and gown. | |

|8. Check the swabs and instruments in the delivery pack while the assistant adds | |

|aseptic solution to the galipot on sterile field. | |

|9. Arrange the trolley in a way that suits , having cord clamps and the receiver | |

|for the placenta accessible. | |

|10. Continue to observe the advancing fetus. | |

|11. Swab the perineum using gauze and aseptic solution front to back, using each | |

|swap once using a 'clean and dirty' hand technique. | |

|12. Place sterile drapes appropriately to provide a sterile field. | |

|13. Position the anal pad. | |

|14. As the head crowns, consider applying gentle pressure to it with one hand to | |

|slow the birth; guard the perineum with the other hand. | |

|15. As the head restitutes, feel below the occiput for the presence of the cord | |

|around the neck – if felt, it may be pulled gently to loop over the head. | |

|16. As the next contraction occurs and the woman has urges to push again, apply | |

|traction to the anterior shoulder (in direction away from the symphysis pubis) to| |

|deliver it, followed by traction in the opposite direction to deliver the | |

|posterior one. | |

|17. Administration of intramuscular syntocinon or syntometrine following the | |

|birth of the anterior shoulder. | |

|18. Deliver the body and limbs of the baby by lateral flexion, following the | |

|curve of the birth canal, in an upward direction towards the woman's abdomen. | |

|19. Note the time of delivery. | |

|20. The baby is placed ideally skin to skin with his mother and dried completely.| |

|21. Complete Apgar score. | |

|22. Clamping and cutting of the cord, ensuring both ends are secured. | |

|23. Breast feeding may be facilitated. | |

|24. Provide perineal care after birth. | |

|25. Document labour events and acts accordingly. | |

|Total | |

|Total X 7.5 |Grade= |

|25 |/7.5% |

Appendix. A

Jordan University of Science and Technology

Faculty of Nursing/ Department of Midwifery

Midwifery 2 (MW. 338)

Evaluation of Intrapartum skills (30%)

D) Third stage issues and examination of the placenta (5%)

Student Name: _______________________________________

ID. Number: _________________________________________

Scale :

1= Poor

2= Satisfactory

3= Good

4= Very good

5= Excellent

|Items |Score |

|1. Explain the procedure to the woman. | |

|2. Ensure empty bladder. | |

|3. The Student continues to wear the gloves that have been used for delivery of | |

|fetus. | |

|4. Cord blood sample, if required, should be obtained from the fetal surface of | |

|placenta before examining the placenta. | |

|5. Place a sterile towel over the woman's abdomen. | |

|6. Place the non dominant hand over the fundus, wait a contraction and observe | |

|for signs of placental separation. | |

|7. Apply the controlled cord traction to deliver the placenta. | |

|8. If resistance is felt, stop and wait for 2 minutes before attempting again, | |

|ensuring the uterus is contracted. | |

|9. When the placenta appears at the vulva, traction should be applied in an | |

|upward direction. | |

|10. The non dominant hand is moved down to help ease the placenta into the | |

|receiver, allowing membranes to be expelled slowly. | |

|11. Observe the condition of the woman throughout, particularly, any blood loss | |

|per vaginam. | |

|12. Note the time of placental and membranes delivery. | |

|13. Assess the condition of the uterus. | |

|14. Assess the amount of blood loss. | |

|15. Asses the woman's vital signs. | |

|16. Assess the condition of the genital tract and need for suturing. | |

|17. Assist woman into comfortable position. | |

|18. Provide perineal care. | |

|19. Examine the placenta for: | |

|a. The cord: Colour, length, insertion point, number of vessels at the end of the| |

|cord. | |

|b. Fetal surface for colour, irregularities, smell. | |

|c. Membranes: Holes, extra vessels or lobes, unexplained holes. Aminion and | |

|Chorion characteristics. | |

|d. Maternal side: presence of cotyledons, amount of areas of infarction or blood | |

|clots. | |

|e. Placental weight. | |

|20. Dispose of the placenta and equipment correctly. | |

|21. Document findings and acts accordingly. | |

|Total | |

|Total × 5 |Grade |

|21 |/5% |

Appendix. A

Jordan University of Science and Technology

Faculty of Nursing/ Department of Midwifery

Midwifery 2 (MW. 338)

Evaluation of Intrapartum skills (30%)

E) Immediate newborn assessment (5%)

Student Name: _______________________________________

ID. Number: _________________________________________

Scale :

1= Poor

2= Satisfactory

3= Good

4= Very good

5= Excellent

|Items |Score |

|1. Ensure lighting is good to allow good visualisation of colour, have good acces to the | |

|baby. | |

|2. Note time of delivery, wait 1 minute then under take first assessment of Apgar score: | |

|a. Appearance (colour). | |

|b. pulse (heart rate). | |

|c. Grimace (response to stimuli). | |

|d. Activity (muscle tone). | |

|e. Respiratory effort . | |

|3. * Act promptly and appropriately according to the score, for example, a baby scoring 0-3 | |

|requires immediate resuscitation. | |

|4. Lay the newborn on the radiant heat warmer and dry him or her well with a warmed towel. | |

|5. Apply ID bracelet. | |

|6. Take foot print. | |

|7. Assess the newborn's weight, length, head circumference and chest circumference. | |

|8. Cord assessment and care. | |

|9. Administration of vit- K, accordingly. | |

|10. Cleaning and clothing. | |

|11. If the woman wishes to breast feed, this is an optimal time for her to begin. | |

|12. Birth exam (1st hour after birth). | |

|- head (eyes, nose, mouth, ears). | |

|- Neck. | |

|- Clavicles and arms. | |

|- Chest. | |

|- Abdomen. | |

|- Gentalia. | |

|- Legs. | |

|- Spine. | |

|- Elimination. | |

|12. document finding and acts accordingly | |

|Total × 5 |Grade= |

|12 |/5% |

Appendix. B

Jordan University of Science and Technology

Faculty of Nursing/ Department of Midwifery

Midwifery 2 (MW. 338)

Evidence and Debate Midwifery class (10%)

Student Name: _______________________________________

ID. Number: _________________________________________

Title of project:------------------------------ Hospital: -----------------------

Date: -------------------------.

1. Introduce self 2.5%

2. Communication skills 10%

- Appropriate tone of voice.

- Appropriate vocabulary/ terminology.

- Presents in a confident manner.

- Uses appropriate audio- visual materials.

- Encourages participation and discussion of the audiences.

3. Content 10%

- Clear and accurate.

- Comprehensible.

- Relevant and applicable to midwifery.

- Appropriate to the level of audiences.

4. Organisation 10%

- Starts and finishes on time.

- Well prepared for the presentation.

- Conduct presentation in an organized manner.

- Appropriate preparation to physical environment.

- Able to control audiences.

5. Process 7.5 %

- Allows time for questions and gives appropriate answers.

- summarises the main points and terminates Session properly.

6. Written part 10%

- Well organised content. 2.5%

- Accurate and clear. 2.5%

- Complete. 2.5%

- References are included. 2.5%

Appendix. C

Jordan University of Science and Technology

Faculty of Nursing/ Department of Midwifery

Midwifery 2 (MW. 338)

Daily labour report (5%)

Student Name: _______________________________________

ID. Number: _________________________________________


Name of client:-----------------------------------------.

Date of admission:--------------------------------------.

Age: ------------.

L.M.P:-----------------------. E.D.D:------------------------.

G T P A L: --------------------------------------.

Reason for admission:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Vital signs:------------------------------------------------------------------------.

Fetal condition:--------------------------------------------------------------------

P.V exam findings:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Abdominal exam findings:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.

Uterine activity: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.

Lab tests:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Medications:----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Coping with contractions:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Time of complete cervical dilatation and effacement:-------------------------

Type of delivery: a. fetus:---------------------.

b. placenta and membranes:-------------------.

Type of episiotomy:------------------------------.

Degree of laceration:------------------------------.

Labour complications:----------------------------------------------.

Newborn's data:




Head circumference:-------------.

Chest circumference:-------------.

Apgar score:

1 minute:---------------.

5 minutes:---------------.


Newborn immediate care:-----------------------------------------------------



a. Subjective data:

b. Objective data:

Nursing DX (actual):

Goals (short term):


Interventions (implemented):

Evaluation and modification:


Appendix. D

Jordan University of Science and Technology

Faculty of Nursing/ Department of Midwifery

Midwifery 2 (MW. 338)

Final clinical exam (20%)

Student Name: _______________________________________

ID. Number: _________________________________________

Scale :

1= Poor

2= Satisfactory

3= Good

4= Very good

5= Excellent

|Items |Score |

|1. Prepare the environment and gather the equipment. | |

|2. Give reassurance and explanations to the woman. | |

|3. Place the disposable sheets in the area of perineum. | |

|4. The second midwife maintains fetal and mother observation. | |

|5. Wash hands whilst the assistant opens the outer covering of the delivery pack.| |

|6. Open the pack and dry hands while the assistant slides the sterile gloves onto| |

|the sterile field. | |

|7. Apply gloves and gown. | |

|8. Check the swabs and instruments in the delivery pack while the assistant adds | |

|aseptic solution to the galipot on sterile field. | |

|9. Arrange the trolley in a way that suits , having cord clamps and the receiver | |

|for the placenta accessible. | |

|10. Continue to observe the advancing fetus. | |

|11. Swab the perineum using gauze and aseptic solution front to back, using each | |

|swap once using a 'clean and dirty' hand technique. | |

|12. Place sterile drapes appropriately to provide a sterile field. | |

|13. Position the anal pad. | |

|14. As the head crowns, consider applying gentle pressure to it with one hand to | |

|slow the birth; guard the perineum with the other hand. | |

|15. As the head restitutes, feel below the occiput for the presence of the cord | |

|around the neck – if felt, it may be pulled gently to loop over the head. | |

|16. As the next contraction occurs and the woman has urges to push again, apply | |

|traction to the anterior shoulder (in direction away from the symphysis pubis) to| |

|deliver it, followed by traction in the opposite direction to deliver the | |

|posterior one. | |

|17. Administration of intramuscular syntocinon or syntometrine following the | |

|birth of the anterior shoulder. | |

|18. Deliver the body and limbs of the baby by lateral flexion, following the | |

|curve of the birth canal, in an upward direction towards the woman's abdomen. | |

|19. Note the time of delivery. | |

|20. The baby is placed ideally skin to skin with his mother and dried completely.| |

|21. Complete Apgar score. | |

|22. Clamping and cutting of the cord, ensuring both ends are secured. | |

|23. Breast feeding may be facilitated. | |

|24. Ensure empty bladder. | |

|25. Place a sterile towel over the woman's abdomen. | |

|26. Place the non dominant hand over the fundus, wait a contraction and observe | |

|for signs of placental separation. | |

|27. Apply the controlled cord traction to deliver the placenta. | |

|28. If resistance is felt, stop and wait for 2 minutes before attempting again, | |

|ensuring the uterus is contracted. | |

|29. When the placenta appears at the vulva, traction should be applied in an | |

|upward direction. | |

|30. The non dominant hand is moved down to help ease the placenta into the | |

|receiver, allowing membranes to be expelled slowly. | |

|31. Observe the condition of the woman throughout, particularly, any blood loss | |

|per vaginam. | |

|32. Note the time of placental and membranes delivery. | |

|33. Assess the condition of the uterus. | |

|34. Assess the amount of blood loss. | |

|35. Asses the woman's vital signs. | |

|36. Assess the condition of the genital tract and need for suturing. | |

|37. Assist woman into comfortable position. | |

|38. Provide perineal care. | |

|39. Examine the placenta. | |

|40. Dispose of the placenta and equipment correctly. | |

|41. Document findings and acts accordingly. | |

|Total | |

|Total × 20 |Grade = |

|41 | |

Appendix. E

Jordan University of Science and Technology

Faculty of Nursing/ Department of Midwifery

Midwifery 2 (MW. 338)

Clinical evaluation criteria (20%)

Student Name: _______________________________________

ID. Number: _________________________________________

Scale :

1= Poor

2= Satisfactory

3= Good

4= Very good

5= Excellent

|Criteria Items |Score |

|1. Arrives on time. | |

|2. Maintains professional appearance. | |

|3. Maintains professional attitude/ behavior . | |

|4. Assessment effectively. | |

|5. Planning. | |

|6. Implemention. | |

|7. Evaluation. | |

|8. Completes assignments /work on time. | |

|9. Performs clinical intrapartum skills saftly and effectively. | |

|10. Documents midwifery care provided for child bearing woman and acts accordingly. | |

|11.Assumes responsibility and accountability for actions and practice. | |

|12. serves as a change agent with client and peers. | |

|13. demonstrates leadership abilities. | |

|Total × 20 |Grade= |

|13 |/20% |


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