Lobby Level___________________________________________________________________________


Lower Level___________________________________________________________________________



Thursday, October 2, 2014

1:00pm – 10:00pm Registration

Location: Bellows Prefunction East (Lower level)

6:30pm – 8:30pm Reception (drink ticket and cash bar, appetizers)

Location: George Bellows Ballroom DEF (Lower level)

6:00pm – 10:00pm Executive committee meeting and dinner

Location: Edward Parker Hayden (Lobby level)


Friday, October 3, 2014

8:00am – 5:00pm Registration

Location: Bellows Prefunction East (Lower level)

7:30am – 8:30am Continental Breakfast

Location: George Bellows Ballroom CDEF (Lower level)


8:30am – 9:40am Symposia: Session 1

Close Relationships Conceptualized as a Judgment and Decision Making Domain

Location: George Bellows Ballroom A & B (Lower level)

Chair: Geoff MacDonald, University of Toronto

John V. Petrocelli, Wake Forest University

Counterfactual Thinking and Regret in the Context of Close Relationships

John V Petrocelli, Julia E Brinton, &Kelly Erickson, Wake Forest University

People Overestimate their Willingness to Reject Potential Romantic Partners

Geoff MacDonald, Samantha Joel, & Rimma Teper, University of Toronto

What do People Really Think of You? Accuracy and Bias in Interpersonal Judgment

Erika N. Carlson, University of Toronto

Deciding Whom to Seek for Support

Lara Kammrath, Wake Forest University

Ben Armstrong, McGill University

Character in Context: Diverse Approaches to the Study of Unethical Behavior

Location: Robert King (Lobby level)

Chair: Taya R. Cohen, Carnegie Mellon University

Jeremy A. Frimer, University of Winnipeg

Moral Character Predominates in Person Perception and Evaluation

Geoffrey P. Goodwin, Jared Piazza, Paul Rozin, &Justin Landy, University of Pennsylvania

Do Moral Talkers Walk the Moral Walk?

Jeremy A. Frimer, University of Winnipeg

Character through Context: Exploring Individual Differences in “Triggers” of Immoral Behavior

Erik G. Helzer, William Fleeson, &R. Michael Furr, Wake Forest University

The Reciprocal Relationship between Bad Work Environments and Unethical Work Behaviors

Taya R. Cohen & Yeonjeong Kim, Carnegie Mellon University

A. T. Panter, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Achieving Intergroup Understanding: Contact, Communication, and (Affiliative) Concerns

Location: Elijah Pierce A & B (Lobby level)

Chair: Deborah S. Holoien, The Ohio State University

Robyn K. Mallett, Loyola University Chicago

Everyday Cross-Race Experiences: The Role of Affect, Understanding, and Acquaintanceship

Robyn K. Mallett, Loyola University Chicago

Sharon Akimoto, Carleton College

Shigehiro Oishi, University of Virginia

Feeling (Mis)understood in Intergroup Friendships and Interracial Interactions

Nicole Shelton & Randi L. Garcia, Princeton University

Sara Douglass, Arizona State University

Tiffany Yip, Fordham University

Thomas Trail, RAND

“Fight the Power” vs. “I Have a Dream”: Implicit Power Moderates how African Americans Promote Intergroup Understanding About Injustice and Oppression

Ruth Ditlmann, WZB Social Science Research Center Berlin

Valerie Purdie-Vaughns, Columbia University

John Dovidio, Yale University

Desire to Affiliate and Accuracy in Understanding Cross-Race Partners

Deborah S. Holoien, Ohio State University

Hilary B. Bergsieker, University of Waterloo

J. Nicole Shelton & Jan Marie Alegre, Princeton University


9:40am – 9:45am Break


9:45am – 10:55am Symposia: Session 2

New Insights into Scientific Integrity in Social Psychology and Other Sciences: A Challenge for Our Field

Location: George Bellows Ballroom A & B (Lower level)

Chair: Jon A. Krosnick, Stanford University

An Overview

A. Krosnick, Stanford University

Could you repeat the question please?

Uri Simonsohn, University of Pennsylvania

The “Wow Effect”: Data Interpretation and Scientific Story-Telling as Issues of Research Integrity

Lee Jussim, Rutgers University

Ifat Maoz, Hebrew University, Israel

An Example of (Partial) Failure to Replicate: How Important (But Not So New) Lessons Can Be (Re)Learned from Relentless Pursuit of the Ease of Retrieval Effect

David Yeager, University of Texas, Austin


John Cacioppo, University of Chicago

New Perspectives on Classic Experiments: Asch, Milgram, and Zimbardo Reconsidered

Location: Robert King (Lobby level)

Chair: Bert Hodges, Gordon College & University of Connecticut

Speaking from Ignorance: Diverging from and Following the Lead of Others

Bert H. Hodges, Gordon College & University of Connecticut

Escaping our Theoretical Prisons: The Path from Tyranny to Resistance 

S. Alexander Haslam, University of Queensland

Only Obeying Orders? Revisiting Milgram's Obedience Studies

Stephen D. Reicher, University of St. Andrews

Antecedents and Consequences of Perceived Science-Religion Conflicts

Location: Elijah Pierce A & B (Lobby level)

Chair: Kimberly Rios, Ohio University

Azim Shariff, University of Oregon

Creationism: The Science behind a Science-Religion Conflict

Will Gervais, University of Kentucky

Ghost vs. Machine: Explanatory Completion between Neuroscience and the Soul

Jesse Preston, Ryan Ritter, University of Illinois

Justin Hepler, University of Nevada, Reno

Christian Identity as Stereotype Threat: Effects on Scientific Performance and Interest

Kimberly Rios and Rebecca Totton, Ohio University

Zhen Cheng, University of Oregon

Kathryne Van Hedger and Joshua Liu, University of Chicago

Azim Shariff, University of Oregon

Religion in the Ivory Tower: Where Angels Fear to Tread

Azim Shariff & Zhen Cheng, University of Oregon

Kimberly Rios, Ohio University


10:55am – 11:10am Coffee break

Location: Bellows Prefunction North (Lower level) and Pierce Prefunction A & B (Lobby level)


11:10am – 12:20pm Symposia: Session 3

Advances in Behavioral Effects of Priming through Meta-Analysis and Experimental Research

Location: George Bellows Ballroom A & B (Lower level)

Chair: Dolores Albarracín, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

Making Sense of Moderation with Theory – The Situated Inference Model of Priming

Chris Loersch, University of Colorado

B. Keith Payne, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Priming, Replication, and Models of Automaticity

Joseph Cesario, Michigan State University, USA

Meta-Analysis of Behavioral Effects of Primes to Incidentally Induce Goals

Dolores Albarracín, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

Evan Weingarten, Qijia Chen, Maxwell McAdams, & Jessica Yi, University of Pennsylvania

Publication Bias in Incidental Goal Priming Effects?

Justin Hepler, University of Nevada, Reno

Evan Weingarten, Qijia Chen, Maxwell McAdams, & Jessica Yi, University of Pennsylvania

Dolores Albarracín, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

From Culture as Stable to Culture as Situated and Malleable by Context

Location: Robert King (Lobby level)

Chair: Daphna Oyserman University of Southern California

Kees van den Bos, Utrecht University

Culture as Situated Cognition

Daphna Oyserman, University of Southern California

Cultural Mindset, Problem Type and Problem-Solving

Sharon Arieli &Lilach Sagiv, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Cultural Influences on Emotional Expressiveness Influence the Neural Processing of Emotional Experiences

Mary Helen Immordino-Yang& Xiaofei Yang, Brain and Creativity Institute & Rossier School of Education, University of Southern California

Studying Cross-Cultural Differences in Fairness Responses Using Countercultural Priming

Kees van den Bos, Utrecht University

Joel Brockner, Columbia University

Tanja S. van Veldhuizen, Maastricht University


Hazel R. Markus, Stanford University

Gratitude as an Engine for Sociality

Location: Elijah Pierce A & B (Lobby level)

Chair: David DeSteno, Northeastern University

The Development of Gratitude: The Effects of Receiving a Gift

Peter R. Blake, Boston University

Maria Renken, The College of William and Mary

Yarrow Dunham, Yale University

Gratitude is the New Willpower: How Being Grateful Builds Economic and Social Capital

David DeSteno, Northeastern University

Unpacking the Mechanisms for Gratitude’s Benefits in Closer Relationships

Sara B. Algoe, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Is Expressing Gratitude (and Other Relational Emotions) Always Needed and Always Good for Relationships?

Margaret S. Clark & Katherine Von Culin, Yale University


12:25pm – 2:10pm Lunch and Award Addresses

Location: George Bellows Ballroom CDEF (Lower level)

Distinguished Scientist Award

FABBS Early Career Award


2:10pm – 3:20pm Symposia: Session 4

Self-Continuity: How Individuals Maintain Links with Their Past and Their Future

Location: George Bellows Ballroom A & B (Lower level)

Chair: Constantine Sedikides, University of Southampton, UK

Restoring Self-Continuity through Growth Meanings: Narrating Transgressions

Monisha Pasupathi, University of Utah

Metaphor Use Facilitates Self-Continuity

Mark J. Landau, University of Kansas

Nostalgia Fosters Self-Continuity

Constantine Sedikides, University of Southampton, UK

Words Speak Loudly Too: The Effect of Linguistic Structure and Choices on Cognition, Emotion, and Behavior

Location: Robert King (Lobby level)

Pamela K. Smith, University of California, San Diego

Language Structure and Economic Behavior

M. Keith Chen, University of California, Los Angeles

Framing Love: When it Hurts to Think We Were Made for Each Other

Spike W. S. Lee, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Canada

Norbert Schwarz, University of Southern California

Being by Doing: When What You Do Shapes Who You Are

Christopher Bryan & Dominic Alvernaz, University of California, San Diego

Using Abstract Language Signals Power

Cheryl J. Wakslak, Pamela K. Smith, & Albert Han, University of Southern California

Political Traps: Psychological Barriers to Political Solutions and Psychological Solutions to Political Barriers

Location: Elijah Pierce B (Lobby Level)

Chair: David Sherman, University of California, Santa Barbara

Leaf Van Boven, University of Colorado Boulder

Motivated Numeracy and Enlightened Self-Government

Dan Kahan, Yale Law School

Ellen Peters, The Ohio State University

Erica Dawson, Cornell University

Paul Slovic, University of Oregon

Political Partisanship is a Substantial Yet Surmountable Barrier to Climate Change Policy Solutions

Leaf Van Boven, University of Colorado Boulder

David Sherman, University of California, Santa Barbara

Michaela Huber, Dresden University

Strategic Moral Reframing Facilitates Political Influence and Understanding

Matthew Feinberg, University of Toronto

Robb Willar, Stanford University

The Psychological and Health Benefits of Civil Rights: The Case of the 2013 Supreme Court Ruling on Same-Sex Marriage

Kyle Ratner, University of California, Santa Barbara

Baldwin Way, The Ohio State University


3:20pm – 3:35pm Coffee and snack break

Location: Bellows Prefunction North (Lower level) and Pierce Prefunction A & B (Lobby level)


3:35pm – 4:45pm Symposia: Session 5

The Road to Success is Paved by the Self: Exploring Self-Processes that Influence Goal Pursuit

Location: George Bellows Ballroom A & B (Lower level)

Chair: Erin M. O’Mara, University of Dayton

Lowell Gaertner, University of Tennessee

Keeping Good Company: Self-regulatory Skill Predicts Looking outside the Self for Goal Support

Michelle R. vanDellen, University of Georgia

James Y. Shah, Duke University

N. Pontus Leander, University of Groningen

Julie C. Delose & Jerica X. Bornstein, University of Georgia

My Calendar, Myself: How Temporal Landmarks Structure Time, and Influence Identity and Goal-Pursuit Motivation

Johanna Peetz, Carleton University

Anne E. Wilson, Wilfrid Laurier University

Boasts are a Boost: Achievement-Prime Self-Reactivity Predicts Subsequent Academic Performance

Richard H. Gramzow, Syracuse University

Camille S. Johnson, San Jose State University

Greg Willard, Harvard University

An Experimental Analysis of Self-Enhancement as a Goal Directed Force

Erin M. O’Mara, University of Dayton

Lowell Gaertner, University of Tennessee

Developing a Social Mind

Location: Robert King (Lobby level)

Chair: Yarrow Dunham, Yale University

Competence and Warmth in the Development of Selective Trust

Melissa Koenig, University of Minnesota

Rituals Increase Children’s Affiliation with In-group Members

Cristine Legare & Nicole Wen, University of Texas, Austin

Developmental and Cross-Cultural Evidence for the Emergence of Beliefs About Choice

Tamar Kushnir, Cornell University

A Developmental History of Implicit Evaluations

Yarrow Dunham, Yale University

Leveraging the Value of Diversity In Teams: Four Useful Processes

Location: Elijah Pierce A (Lobby level)

Chair: Tanya Vacharkulksemsuk, University of California, Berkeley

Katherine Phillips, Columbia University

Intergroup Contact: Can Positive Social Contact Enhance Performance for Cross-race relative to Same-race Dyads?

Modupe Akinola, Columbia University

Wendy Berry Mendes, University of California, San Francisco

Sync or Swim? Initial Evidence for Entrainment and Cognitive Resource Differences in Same- and Cross-race Interactions

Tanya Vacharkulksemsuk, University of California, Berkeley

Sophie Trawalter, University of Virginia

Kimberly Quinn, DePaul University

The Effects of Cognitive Diversity on Collective Intelligence and Team Learning

Ishani Aggarwal, Georgia Tech

Anita Williams Woolley, Carnegie Mellon University

Is it better to Disagree or Stay Silent? It Depends on Status and Diversity

Negin R. Toosi & Katherine W. Phillips, Columbia University

When Does Consensus Emerge, and Why Does it Matter? Social, Personality, and Evolutionary Perspectives

Location: Elijah Pierce B (Lobby level)

Chair: Paul W. Eastwick, University of Texas at Austin

Judgments of Personality from Close Others: Agreement across Various Social Contexts

Simine Vazire, University of California, Davis

Kelci Harris, Washington University in St. Louis

Relational Mate Value: Consensus and Uniqueness in Romantic Evaluations

Paul W. Eastwick & Lucy L. Hunt, University of Texas at Austin

“Ditto Heads”: Do Conservatives Perceive Greater Consensus within Their Ranks than Liberals?

Tessa West & Chadly Stern, New York University

Social Rejection: The Cowardice or Courage of Social Consensus?

Jennifer S. Beer & Gili Freedman, University of Texas at Austin


4:45pm – 4:50pm Break


4:50pm – 6:00pm Symposia: Session 6

New Directions in the Motivational Science of Self-Regulation

Location: George Bellows A & B (Lower level)

Chair: Ayelet Fishbach, University of Chicago

Melissa Ferguson, Cornell University

Age-Related Differences in Focusing on the Process vs. the Outcome of Goal

Pursuit: Effects on Adaptive Self-Regulation

Alexandra M. Freund & Josua R. Schmeitzky, University of Zurich

Intrinsic Rewards for Extrinsic Goals

Ayelet Fishbach & Kaitlin Woolley, University of Chicago

Revisiting Perceptual Readiness: Effects of Goals on Object Construal

Melissa Ferguson, Cornell University

Ying Zhang, University of Texas

Szu-chi Huang, Stanford University

Ayelet Fishbach, University of Chicago

Infants’ Reasoning about Affiliative Goals and Food Consumption

Katherine D. Kinzler, Zoe Liberman, Kathleen Sullivan, & Amanda L. Woodward,

University of Chicago

Social Neurochemistry: The Pharmacological Dissection of Social Psychology

Location: Robert King (Lobby level)

Chair: Jennifer A. Bartz, McGill University

A Social High: MDMA’s Effects on Social Cognitive Processes

Margaret C. Wardle, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

Charles G. Frye, Greg J. Norman, & Harriet de Wit, University of Chicago

How Serotonin and Dopamine Shape Moral Decision-Making

Molly J. Crockett, University of Oxford, UK

Acetaminophen’s Effects on Social Pain are a Function of Personality and Social Context

Baldwin M. Way, Ohio State University

When Two Worlds Unite: How Button Presses and Reaction Times Can Help Us to Understand Real-World Phenomena

Location: Elijah Pierce B (Lobby level)

Chair: Bertram Gawronski, University of Texas at Austin

Decisions among the Undecided: Implicit Attitudes Predict Behavior for Undecided Voters

B. Keith Payne, University of North Carolina at Chapel-Hill

Stacking the Jury: Legal Professionals Intuitively Select Jurors According to Implicit Racial Bias

Michael Morrison, Kings University College

Amanda DeVaul-Fetters, University of Western Ontario

Bertram Gawronski, University of Texas at Austin

Using Implicit Measures to Explore Cognitions Associated With Sexual Offending Against Children

Kevin L. Nunes & Chantal A. Hermann, Carleton University

Hidden Scars of Depression: Negative Implicit Self-Associations Following Recurrent Depressive Episodes

Peter J. de Jong, Hermien Elgersma, & Klaske Glashouwer, University of Groningen

6:00pm – 7:00pm Reception and Cash Bar

Location: George Bellows Ballroom CDEF (Lower level)

Informal Paper Session

Social Hour in Honor of New SESP Members

Newly elected members of SESP

Sara Algoe Jeremy Ginges Francois Ric

Emily Amanatullah Joshua Hart Laura Richman

Evan Apfelbaum Joshua Hicks Abraham Rutchick

Brock Bastian Jeffrey Huntsinger Rebecca Schlegel

Rachel L. Calogero Jeremy Jamieson Abigail Scholer

Eugene Caruso Eden King Nurit Shnabel

John Chambers Catalina Kopetz Garriy Shteynberg

Alison Chasteen Christine Logel Tomas Stahl

Rosalind Chow Denise Marigold Danu Anthony Stinson

Paul Conway Takahiko Masuda Justin Storbeck

Jarret Crawford Pranjal Mehta Andrew R. Todd

J. David Cresswell Jamie Napier Jay Van Bavel

Belle Deks Ellen Peters Courtney von Hippel

Nathanael Fast David Pizarro Heidi Wayment

Alexandra M. Freund Joseph Priester Adam Waytz

Jochen Gebauer Kimberly Quinn Elanor F. William

Andrew Geers Kate Ratiff

Informal Papers

Michele Acker (Otterbein University) “Perceptions of STEM Colleagues: Impact of Gender and Parenthood”

Kevin Blankenship (Iowa State University) “Values as a source of thought confidence in persuasion”

Cameron Brick (University of California, Santa Barbara) “I can't recycle in public: Visibility and pro-environmental behaviors”

Pablo Briñol, Ana Cancela, Beatriz Gandarillas, Richard Petty, Blanca Requero, & David Santos (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid) “Processing goals and persuasion”

Brad J. Bushman (The Ohio State University) “Violent video games reduce self-control”

Serena Chen (UC Berkeley) “Authenticity and Power”

John. F. Dovidio (Yale University) “The darker side of ‘we’”

Rebecca C. Hetey & Jennifer L. Eberhardt (Stanford University) “Racial disparities in incarceration increase acceptance of punitive policies”

Andrew Geers (University of Toledo) “Self-persuasion processes and placebo effects”

Michael Gilead (Columbia University) “Not our problem: Judgments of harmful vs. apathetic behavior towards ingroup and outgroup members”

Eric Hehman (New York University) “Person Perception at Intersection of Multiple Cues and Categories”

Jennifer Howell (University of Florida) “Establishing a Scale Measure of Information Avoidance”

Jeffrey R. Huntsinger (Loyola University Chicago) “A Flexible Influence of Affective Feelings on Analytic and Creative Performance”

Janice R. Kelly (Purdue University) “Emotional Contagion of Negative Emotions is Automatic”

Laura G. Kiken (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) “Does mindfulness attenuate thoughts emphasizing negativity, but not positivity?”

Robert W. Livingston (University of Sussex) “The Impact of Agency on Perceptions of Women Leaders”

Kerry Marsh (National Science Foundation) “Funding Opportunities”

Allen R. McConnell (Miami University) “Implicit consistency processes in social cognition: Explicit-implicit discrepancies across systems of evaluation”

Kathleen C. McCulloch (Lancaster University) “The Effects of Self-Other Similarity and Behavioral Synchrony on Vicarious Goal Satiation”

Rachel McDonald (University of Kansas) “Ingroup responsibility and normative inferences as barriers to climate change action”

Kala J. Melchiori (Loyola University Chicago) “Goal Activation following Sexism”

Andrea Meltzer (Southern Methodist University) “Sex Differences in the Implications of Partner Physical Attractiveness for the Trajectory of Marital Satisfaction”

Lisa Neff (University of Texas at Austin) “When blue skies turn cloudy: The influence of stressful life circumstances on perceptions of partner behavior in newlywed marriage”

Michael North (Columbia University) “Racial differences in non-verbal anxiety behaviors of pre-medical students under stereotype threat”

Michael Olson (University of Tennessee) “Downstream consequences of implicitly-formed attitudes: Implications for attitude strength”

Dominic Packer (Lehigh University) “Effective Social Institutions Reduce Strategic Intergroup Biases”

Lora Park (University at Buffalo, SUNY) “Stand Tall, But Don't Put Your Feet Up: Universal and Culturally-Specific Effects of Expansive Postures on Power”

John B. Pryor (Illinois State University) “Stigma Magic”

Kimberly Quinn (DePaul University) “(A)synchrony-induced evaluative conditioning”

Richard Ronay (VU University, Amsterdam) “Sensitivity to changing contingencies is a foundation of social intelligence”

Ann Rumble (Ohio University- Chillicothe) “Why do we underuse punishment in response to noncooperation?”

Mark Seery & Wendy Quinton (University at Buffalo, SUNY) “Targeting Prejudice: Personal Self-Esteem as a Resource for Asians’ Attributions to Racial Discrimination”

Carolin Showers (University of Oklahoma) “Self-Structure and the Quality of Self-Knowledge”

Garriy Shteynberg (University of Tennessee) “Group Attention: A Fundamental Social Connection that Focuses the Mind”

Stefanie Simon (Tulane University) “The Effect of Confronting Gender Prejudice on Appraisals and Performance”

Mia Steinberg (Miami University) “The effect of construal level on communal affordances in STEM”

Leigh Ann Vaughn (Ithaca College) “Self-compassion and positive mood as predictors of meaning in life: The moderating effect of age”

Gregory D. Webster (University of Florida) “The Brief Aggression Questionnaire: Reliability, Validity, Structure, and Generalizability”

Duane T. Wegener (Ohio State University) “Use of Attitudes in Choice”

Eric D. Wesselmann (Illinois State University) “Manipulating Commitment to the Natural Environment”

Geoffrey Wetherell, Mark Brandt, & Christine Reyna (DePaul University & Tilburg University) “Moral Conviction is a Personal Matter”

Kipling Williams (Purdue University) “Evidence for the resignation stage of ostracism responses”

John Paul Wilson (University of Toronto) “Interactive Effects of Obvious and Ambiguous Social Categories on Perceptions of Leadership”

7:00pm – ??? Dinner out on the town

Locations: Short North Arts District, Arena District, Downtown Columbus


Saturday, October 4, 2014

8:00am – 1:00pm Registration

Location: Bellows Prefunction East (Lower level)

7:30am – 8:30am Continental Breakfast

Location: George Bellows Ballroom CDEF (Lower level)

8:30am – 9:40am Symposia: Session 7

Social Relationships and Health

Location: Robert King (Lobby level)

Chair: Baldwin M. Way, The Ohio State University

Marital Discord, Depression, and Metabolic Responses to High-Fat Meals: How Troubled Marriages Promote Obesity

Janice K. Kiecolt-Glaser, Lisa Jaremka, Rebecca Andridge, Juan Peng, Diane Habash, William B. Malarkey, & Martha A. Belury, Institute for Behavioral Medicine Research and Ohio State University

Social Isolation and Health: Pathways and Mechanisms

John T. Cacioppo & Stephanie Cacioppo, University of Chicago

The Physiological Mechanisms Underlying Social Influences on Health

A. Courtney DeVries, Departments of Neuroscience and Psychology, Institute for Behavioral Medicine Research, The Ohio State University College of Medicine

Oxytocin Receptor Gene Polymorphism Modulates The Effects of Social Support on Heart Rate Variability in the Context of Social Stress

Julian F. Thayer, The Ohio State University

Magdalena K. Kanthak, University of Freiburg

Frances S. Chen, University of British Columbia

Robert Kumsta, Ruhr-University Bochum

LaBarron Hill, Duke University

Markus Heinrichs, University of Freiburg

The Many Faces of Hierarchy Maintenance: How Pro-Hierarchy Dominant Group Members Maintain Existing Social Hierarchies

Location: Elijah Pierce A (Lobby level)

Chair: Rosalind M. Chow, Carnegie Mellon University

Appeasement: Pro-Hierarchy Dominant Group Members’ Strategic Support for Redistributive Policies

Rosalind M. Chow, Carnegie Mellon University

Brian S. Lowery, Stanford University

Caitlin M. Hogan, Google, Inc.

Taking Race off the Table: Agenda-Setting and Support for Color-Blind Public Policy

Eric D. Knowles, New York University

Rosalind M. Chow, Carnegie Mellon University

Social Dominance Orientation Moderates Reactions to Black and White Discrimination Claimants

Miguel M. Unzueta, University of California, Los Angeles

Benjamin A. Everly, University of Sussex

Angélica S. Gutiérrez, Loyola Marymount University

“Nothing (Hierarchal) to See Here”: The Denial of Power Differences Between Groups across Contexts Links Social Dominance Orientation to the Rejection of Egalitarian Social Policy

Nour Kteily, Northwestern University

Arnold Ho, University of Michigan

Jennifer Sheehy-Skeffington, Harvard University

Emotional and Cognitive Capacities that Enable Social Intelligence

Location: Elijah Pierce B (Lobby level)

Chair: William von Hippel, University of Queensland, Australia

Emotion Recognition Has Social Psychological Consequences and Converges With Other Emotional Abilities When Assessed With Laboratory-Quality Measures

Hillary Anger Elfenbein, Washington University in St. Louis

The Nature and Consequences of Emotional Aperture Abilities: Collective Affect Recognition and Its Implications

Jeffrey Sanchez-Burks, University of Michigan

Caroline Bartel, University of Texas-Austin

Laura Rees, Vanderbilt University


Inside The Mindful Mind: How Mindfulness Enhances Emotion Regulation through Improvements in Executive Control

Michael Inzlicht, University of Toronto

Rimma Teper, Yale University

Sensitivity to Changing Contingencies is a Foundation of Social Intelligence

Richard Ronay, VU University Amsterdam

William von Hippel, University of Queensland


9:40am – 9:45am Break


9:45am – 10:55am Symposia: Session 8

The Interface of Psychopathology with Basic Social and Personality Psychology

Location: Robert King (Lobby level)

Chair: William Fleeson, Wake Forest University

A Basic Personality Model, Built on Social Psychology Principles, for Elucidating the Personality Disorders

William Fleeson &R. Michael Furr, Wake Forest University

Elizabeth Mayfield Arnold, Wake Forest School of Medicine

Self-knowledge and Mental Disorders: The Need for Collaborative Research Efforts

Thomas Oltmanns, Washington University in St. Louis

Interpersonal Theory as a Foundation for Studying Social Processes in Psychopathology

Aidan G.C. Wright, University of Pittsburgh

Risk Taking as Motivated Cognition and Action

Catalina Kopetz, Wayne State University

Alexis Matusiewicz, University of Maryland, College Park

The Puzzle of Gender Inequality: Updated Pieces and Contemporary Issues

Location: Elijah Pierce A (Lobby level)

Chair: Toni Schmader, University of British Columbia

Alyssa Croft, University of British Columbia

A Status Asymmetry in Changing Roles: How Men’s Disinterest in Communal Roles Constrains Women’s Advancement

Toni Schmader, Alyssa Croft, & Katharina Block, University of British Columbia, Canada

Measuring Intergroup Gender-Ideologies: Separating Group Evaluations from Group Differentiation

Bernadette Park & Sarah Banchefsky, University of Colorado at Boulder

Something Old, Something New: How Do Individuals Accommodate to Change in the Social Structure?

Amanda B. Diekman, Miami University

The Tenacity of Gender Stereotypes

Alice Eagly, Northwestern University

Anne Koenig, University of San Diego

New Insights into Mechanisms for Promoting Self-Control

Location: Elijah Pierce B (Lobby level)

Chair: Shana Cole, Rutgers University

Tali Kleiman, New York University

Lead Us Not Close to Temptation: Perceptual Distancing During Self-Control Conflicts

Shana Cole, Rutgers University

Emily Balcetis, New York University

Getting Ready to Control: The Proactive Function of Conflict in Facilitating Self-Control

Tali Kleiman & Yaacov Trope, New York University

A Spotlight Model of Depletion: Protecting High- and Abandoning Low-Commitment Goal Pursuit in Response to Ego Depletion

Edward R. Hirt, Indiana University-Bloomington

Lile Jia, National University of Singapore

Metacognitive Knowledge of the Role of Construal Level in Self-Control

Kentaro Fujita, The Ohio State University


10:55am – 11:10am Coffee break

Location: Pierce Prefunction A & B (Lobby level)


11:10am – 12:20pm Symposia: Session 9

Uncertainty Across Time: Present Days of Future Past

Location: Robert King (Lobby level)

Chair: Jae-Eun Namkoong, University of Nevada

Marlone D. Henderson, University of Texas

A Bird’s Eye to Understand Why: A Bidirectional Link between Abstraction and Causal Uncertainty About the Past

Jae-Eun Namkoong, University of Nevada

Marlone D. Henderson, University of Texas

A (Creative) Portrait of the Uncertain Individual: Uncertainty about the Present Self Enhances Creative Generation

Keith D. Markman & Kimberly Rios, Ohio University

Juliana Schroeder, University of Chicago

Elizabeth Dyczewski, Ohio University

The Comfort of the Uncertain: Subjective Judgments of Time and Uncertainty in the Face of a Threatening Future

Anne Wilson, Monica El Gamal, & Kathryn Schuett, Wilfrid Laurier University

Psychological Bases of Contractive and Expansive Temporal Scope and the Role Of Uncertainty

Yaacov Trope (New York University

Personal Security: Perspectives from Social, Personality, and Clinical Psychology

Location: Elijah Pierce A (Lobby level)

Chair: Patrick Carroll, The Ohio State University

Robert M. Arkin, The Ohio State University

Aaron Wichman, Western Kentucky University

Being Threatened and Being a Threat Can Increase Reliance on Thoughts: A Self-Validation Approach

Pablo Briñol, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Richard Petty, Ohio State University

Kenneth DeMarree, University at Buffalo

Toward an Integrative Theory of Psychological Defense

Joshua Hart, Union College

Interpersonal Security Regulation Model

Edward Lemay, University of Maryland-College Park

Attachment Security and Prosociality: Dynamics, Underlying Mechanisms, and Implications

Omri Gillath, University of Kansas

Gery Karantzas, Deakin University

Dying for a Cause: Self-Sacrifice for the Sake of the Social Group

Location: Elijah Pierce B (Lobby level)

Chair: Edward Orehek, University of Pittsburgh

Interdependent Self-Construals Mitigate the Fear of Death and Augment the Willingness to Become a Martyr

Edward Orehek, University of Pittsburgh

Epistemic Motivations in the Real World: Need for Closure Mediates the Relation between Loss of Significance and Extremism

Arie W. Kruglanski, Michele Gelfand, Jocelyn Belanger, Marc Lafreniere & Noa Schori-Eyal, University of Maryland

In the Name of the Eternal Group: Willingness to Sacrifice and Endurance of Ingroup Suffering during Intergroup Conflicts

Yechiel Klar &Dennis Kahn, Tel Aviv University

Sonia Roccas,The Open University, Israel

What Makes a Group Worth Dying For? Identity Fusion and Self-Sacrifice.

Bill Swann, University of Texas


12:25pm – 2:25pm Lunch, Award Addresses, and Business Meeting

Location: George Bellows Ballroom CDEF (Lower level)

Career Trajectory Award

Scientific Impact Award

Dissertation Award


2:30pm – 3:40pm Symposia: Session 10

The Social Psychology of Obesity

Location: Robert King (Lobby level)

Chair: Brenda Major, University of California, Santa Barbara

Crystal L. Hoyt, University of Richmond

Social Psychological Approaches to Obesity: Using Nudges and Norms to Get Kids to Eat Vegetables

Traci Mann, University of Minnesota

Social Psychology and Public Health: Obesity Messages Matter for Mindsets

Jeni L. Burnette, North Carolina State University

Crystal L. Hoyt, University of Richmond

Lisa Auster-Gussman, University of Minnesota

Carol S. Dweck, Stanford University

Weight Stigma: The Role of Public Health Messages in Decreasing Stigma against Obese Individuals

Crystal L. Hoyt, University of Richmond

Jeni L. Burnette, North Carolina State University

Lisa Auster-Gussman, University of Minnesota

Weight stigma as identity threat

Brenda Major, Jeff Hunger, &Alison Blodorn, University of California, Santa Barbara

Carol Miller, University of Vermont


Brenda Major, University of California, Santa Barbara

The Emergence of Macro-Micro Bridging in Social Psychology

Location: Elijah Pierce A (Lobby level)

Chair: Robb Willer, Stanford University

Aaron C. Kay, Duke University

How Control Motivations Shape (and are Shaped by) Macro Social Phenomena

Aaron C. Kay, Duke University

Culture Cycles

Hazel Markus, Stanford University

Macro-Micro Interfacing and the Production of Group-Based Social Hierarchy: The Case of Individual Differences in Social Dominance and Institutions Socio-Political Terror

Jim Sidanius, Harvard University

The Declining Status of Whiteness and the Rise of the Tea Party

Robb Willer, Stanford University

Matthew Feinberg, University of Toronto

Rachel Wetts, University of California, Berkeley

Sandra Nakagawa, Stanford University

The Devil Made Me Do It: Maintaining a Moral Self-Image in the Face of Threat

Location: Elijah Pierce B (Lobby level)

Chair: Paul Conway, Universität zu Köln

Daniel A. Effron, London Business School

The Moral Consequences of Feeling Inauthentic

Maryam Kouchaki, Northwestern University

Francesca Gino, Harvard University

Adam D. Galinsky, Columbia University

Let He who is Without Sin Cast the First Stone: Activating the Moral Self Amplifies Moral Judgments and Behavior

Paul Conway, Universität zu Köln

Irene Cheung, Huron University College at The University of Western Ontario

James M. Olson, The University of Western Ontario

The Role of Moral Identity in the Aftermath of (Real or Imagined) Dishonesty

Laetitia B. Mulder, University of Groningen

Karl Aquino, University of British Columbia

Making Mountains of Morality from Molehills of Virtue: Threat Causes People to Overestimate Their Moral Credentials

Daniel A. Effron, London Business School


3:40pm – 3:55pm Coffee and snack break

Location: Pierce Prefunction A & B (Lobby level)


3:55pm – 5:05pm Symposia: Session 11

Adapting to Relationship Contexts: Functional Behavior Depends on the Relationship Situation

Location: Robert King (Lobby level)

Chair: John G. Holmes, University of Waterloo

Cautious to a Fault: Whether Self-Protection Tendencies Match Relationship Risk

John G. Holmes, University of Waterloo

Sandra S. Murray, SUNY Buffalo

Adding Insult to Injury: The Implications of Partner-Regulation Behaviors Depend on Partners’ Depressive Symptoms

James K. McNulty & Levi R. Baker, Florida State University

Do as the Satisfied Do? Calibrating Responsiveness to Disclosers’ Negativity Baselines

Amanda L. Forest, University of Pittsburgh

David R. Kille, Joanne V. Wood, &John G. Holmes, University of Waterloo

Oh, You Do Need Me: Attachment Avoidance Reverses the Destructive Effects of Reassurance-Seeking

Nickola C. Overall, Phoebe Molloy, Christian Antonellis, & Yuthika U. Girme, University of Auckland, New Zealand

The Cultural Shaping of Negative Emotion and Their Implications for Empathy and Sympathy

Location: Elijah Pierce A (Lobby level)

Chair: Jeanne L. Tsai, Stanford University

Batja Mesquita, University of Leuven

Mapping Anger and Shame in Three Cultures: The Psychology of Differences

Batja Mesquita & Michael Boiger, University of Leuven

Emotional Complexity, Culture, and the Self

Igor Grossmann, University of Waterloo

Different Paths to Eliciting Empathy: The Importance Of Somatization In KoreanContexts

Yulia Chentsova-Dutton & Eunsoo Choi, Georgetown University

Cultural Differences in Expressions of Sympathy: Differences between Two

Independent Contexts

Jeanne Tsai & Birgit Koopmann-Holm, Stanford University

The Diversity Within: New Developments in the Study of Multiracial Issues

Location: Elijah Pierce B (Lobby level)

Chair: Jacqueline M. Chen, University of California, Irvine

Why Political Majorities and Minorities Categorize Multiracials as Ethnic Minorities: Toward a Differential Motives Hypothesis

Arnold K. Ho, University of Michigan

Nour Kteily, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University

Jacqueline M. Chen, UC Irvine

One Bad Apple Spoils the Bunch: Implicit Attitudes Generalize from Black to

Multiracial Group Members

Jacqueline M. Chen, UC Irvine

Kate Ratliff, University of Florida

Exposure to Racial Ambiguity Influences Lay Theories of Race

Diana Sanchez & Danielle M. Young, Rutgers University

Kristin Pauker, University of Hawaii

How Racial Priming Affects Learning and Social Preferences Differently for Biracial and Monoracial Children

Sarah E. Gaither, Tufts University

Eva Chen, The University of Hong Kong

Kathleen Corriveau, Boston University

Paul Harris, Harvard Graduate School of Education

Nalini Ambady, Stanford University

Samuel R. Sommers, Tufts University


6:00-6:30pm Drinks and appetizers

Location: Edward Parker Hayden and Edna Boies Hopkins (Lobby level)

6:30-8:30pm Dinner reception

Location: Elijah Pierce A & B (Lobby level)

6:00-?? Short North Gallery Hop, on your own

Location: Short North Arts District (Many galleries open all afternoon and evening; see maps included at registration)


Thank you!

We hope you enjoy SESP and Columbus!

At your service,

The Ohio State Social Psychology Program


|Robert Arkin |Jennifer Crocker |Russell Fazio |

|Kentaro Fujita |Lisa Libby |Ellen Peters |

|Richard Petty |Dylan Wagner |Baldwin Way |

|Duane Wegener | | |

Emeritus Faculty

Marilynn Brewer Gifford Weary

Affiliated Faculty

|Brad Bushman |Wil Cunningham |Pat Carroll |

|David Ewoldsen |Curt Haugtvedt |Kathleen McGraw |

|Phil Mazzocco |Brad Okdie |Vanessa Sawicki |

|Jim Wirth | | |



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