
Title of taskOUR ENTERPRISE VPG TASK‘First year Movie and Goody Bag’Film DayMarch 2015LCA VOCATIONAL PREPARATION Exam number: 2. Contents Page:1. Title of task2. Contents3. Aims4. Market Research5. Action Plan6. Business Plan7. How I did my task8. Outcomes9. Business Letters and Business Documents.10. Cross curricular Integration/Health&Safety/Change of plans 11. Finances12. Reflections/Evaluations Group and Individual14. Photographs and Pie ChartsAimsGroup Aims: Our main objective is to get experience in setting up an enterprise that will make a large profit.We would like to learn the basics of setting up, running and closing a business so that in the future we would understand how to have our own companies when we are older. Our secondary objective is to give 30% of what we earn for to buy new footballs for the football yard and give to a charity of the students choice.My individual aim: I wanted to see if I could run a business and make money so that if I ever do it in the future I'll have a better idea of what to do. I wanted to experience working in a team with my class mates and make a successful company. 4. Market Research5th LCA Enterprise Questionnaire: Please circle your answers;We are planning to set up a movie and goody bags for first years some Friday afternoon.Q1:Would you be interested in going?Yes or NoQ2:Would you be interested in buying a goody bag?Yes or NoQ3: How likely are you to buy a goody bag plus seat and movie ticket for 3.50 euro? Very likely, Likely or Not likelyHow likely are you to pay 4.50 for a premium seat at the front with more space/or a table?Yes or No?How likely are you to buy a 2.50 seat in the back row without a goody bag?Very likely, Likely or Not likelyQ4: What movie would you like to see?1. Guardians of the galaxy 2. Lego movie 3. How to train a dragon 24. X men days of future past 5. The amazing Spiderman 2Q5: What items would you like in your goody bag?Jellies CrispsChocolate Coke Extra Questionnaire@ . Action PlanEnterprise plan for Wednesday the 18th of March 2015Mr Mc Garry to try to set up projector etc in the hall early morning. …………... Collect money boxes from Tracy and go to classes to collect money. Also collect from LCA lads who haven't invested yet. 1A where and what teacher 1B 1C 1D rooms 20, 22,11,31,31?.(Any students you can't find will pay on entry) Team in charge of crowd control. Making sure students are in orderly queues and that they get in when they’ve paid. Also, to encourage first years to come and go one class at a time to minimise any problems on entering or leaving. Also go around near the end of the film to put litter back into the original box. Set up chairs in the hall and speak with caretakers again about this. All students and teacher to help clean up afterwards before anyone goes home.The finance team of to stay back and count the money and tidy up our finances. Create a safe area for bags or first years leave bags in the first year area.Movie started at 140 latest.Monitor supplies as supplier manager and to give bags back to cost cutter Lusk with a thank you note and to do a stock take after the movie. Adam also to double check lists to check stock versus payments made. Ttake photos of the jobs students do. Accounts will be continued next class and profits will be shared out among those who invested 10%charity and two sponsored footballsSteps involved in setting up our EnterpriseIdea generation and ScreeningPermission letter to principal Market research questionnaire and survey monkey Business PlanIndividual actions.Business documents. Order, Invoice and Delivery Docs.Student Database of payments. Finances . Estimates, Trading P+L A/C etcReflections and Evaluations of individual actions and groups and our company ‘Film Day Inc’ as a whole. 6. Business PlanBusiness Enterprise Task Planner 2015. Title: Our Enterprise task will consist of a Movie and Goody Bags to first yearsName of our Company: Film Day Incorporated Business Planning:For our Business Enterprise Project we will use a business plan framework known as the SOST 4M’s Framework. Plus we will use the 5 P's of Marketing and SWOT Analysis marketing techniques. SOST 4M is a business tool/framework that helps us to formulate our business action plan.S = SituationO = ObjectivesS = StrategyT = Tactics4 M’s are;Men, Money, Minutes and Measurement.Situation and Idea Generation/Brainstorming: The situation at present is that we need to make an Enterprise project like a mini company where we research, plan, organise, buy, sell and do the financial accounts. We discussed different ideas in class, got rid of bad ideas by discussing their strengths and weakness and we decided on movie with goody bags as we felt it would make us a healthy profit. We plan to set up an enterprise to sell food to 1st years and to put on a movie with an entrance fee.At present, we have about 93 students in first year. We could make 300 euro sales on the movies and 75 euro on confectionary food. We plan to sell a combination deal of a goody bag and ticket entry for 4.99. We will also offer premium seats with a table and a bigger goody bag for 6.50 euro. Group Aims/Objectives/Learning Outcomes of the group:Our main objective is to get experience in setting up an enterprise that will make a large profit.We would like to learn the basics of setting up, running and closing a business so that in the future we would understand how to have our own companies when we are older. Our secondary objective is to give 30% of what we earn for to buy new footballs for the football yard and give to a charity of the students choice.My individual aim: I wanted to see if I could run a business and make money so that if I ever do it in the future I'll have a better idea of what to do. I wanted to experience working in a team with my class mates and make a successful company. Strategy:Our first strategy is to carry out market search using hardcopy surveys and an online survey monkey. We will do field or primary research using survey monkey and a printed questionnaires handed out to first years.We will also go to the internet to look up videos popular and suitable for first years and the prices for confectionary items using google.Tactics: On a day to day basis we will set up teams to keep our enterprise running smoothly.A market research team for questionnaires.A team to buy the video and the confectionary itemsWe will buy receipts books to keep everything accounted for.A team to collect Money.A team to write a letter and sell our enterprise idea to our principal.A team to sell our idea to our first yearsWe will do financial accounts using excel and in teams.We will make a project booklet to show case our enterpriseMEN:Supply manager: Adam Murphy Managing Director: Dylan CurleyFinance Department: Justin, Corey and DylanHelped collect and count money. Helped with Mr Mc Garry's excel accounting template. Also helped to update a database.Creative/Marketing Department: Shane and WarrenTimetabling committee: Justin and DylanMarket Research committee: All students contributed ideas. Sales team: All students helped to sell and advertise to first years. Heavy Lifting team: Adam Haberlin, Warren and ShaneSecurity team during the movie: Shane, Warren and Adam HaberlinPhotcgraphy and Laptop/Video organisers and set up team: Jordan and CoreyPacking Committee: All students helped with unpacking and packing goods into separate goodie bags. Thank you Committee after Eater: Letter, card, photos of where the 30-50% went from LCA to school and charity thanks to our generous supplier in costcutter in Lusk. Adam Murphy, Adam Haberlin, Shane and Warren. General help and templates for each section by: Mr Mc GarryMoney:We will invest in this company ourselves knowing once we know from the principal if we can do it and once we know from our market research that first years will buy and make us a bigger profit back than what we invested. 5 euro investment per member. The shareholders of our company therefore are ourselves. When we close the business on March 31st the dividends/profit will be shared out among those who have invested and shared in the workload.Minutes/Timeframe:01/02/15 Week one we will do: Write letter and speak to the principal or year head for permission. Mid term 16/02/15-20/02/1508/02/15: Market research and analysis22/02/15: SWOT and 7P's Analysis28/02/15: Marketing Plan/Action Plan/Business plan reviewed02/03/15: Organise Movie time/Classes timetables. Letter to our supplier9/03/15: Business Documents explained.16/03/15: Letter to parents. Reflect and evaluate how our Enterprise went. Posters up. 18/03/15 Movie Day23/03/15 Wind up our company. Collecting outstanding money and finishing our accounts. Easter Holidays: 27/03/15 -06/04/15 After the holidays we will share out profits and give 30% of profits to our school and to a charity of our choice. Measurement of success:Did our market research work? Yes as we found out what movie, what sweets and how much students would be willing to pay.Did our enterprise yield a healthy profit?Yes it did plus enough for 30% to school and charity. Did we learn from our experiences?Reflections in class with teacher on what was learned and what we could do better if we opened our enterprises in the future. Yes we did reflection and in a separate page we said what we thought we would do differently next time. SWOT ANALYSIS:Strengths: Strong workers good at sellingFirst Years love movie and sweetsAdam Murphy can access Goody bags for usCan advertise in the school93 students in first year so we will make profit by buying one movie for 93 students.Weaknesses:We have never set up a company before so we have more learning to do before we're ready.We may not be able to get the goody bags for a cheap enough price.We will need a strong helping hand from our teacher as things like Business Documents, market research analysis, business planning and financial accounts and we haven't done before. Opportunities:To set up a second movie and sweets day with the same first years or another year group if successful.To use the skills we learned to set up our own business and make money for ourselves without the need of our teacher.To learn from our teacher how to run a business and make a profit.Threats:Competition from vending petition from local shops.Better cheaper prices in Tesco.Maybe the first years have seen the movie already.Maybe the principal won't allow or cancel it if we don't run it properly.5P's of Marketing:Product: The product and service we are selling are goody bags, confectionary sweets, drinks and maybe premium seats. The service we are selling is the movie afternoon.Price: We are going to charge either €4 standard price for everyone or €4.99 for the basic package of goody bag with sweets and €6.50 for the premium seats. Last row seats will be sold for €2 euro without goody bag.The cost of the movie is free as Jordan has new movies legally purchased at home.The cost of the goody bag is about 2 euro each from our internet research and after Adam Murphy spoke to John Wilson in Cost Cutter in Lusk. Profit could be 4-2 = 2 x 93 students = 186 euro. Minus 30% for charity. 186 x.30=55.80 for charity. So 186-55.80 = 130.2 / 9 Investors = 14 euro we maybe take home each.Place:The place we are going to sell and advertise the products is in the first year area and class to class and word of mouth.How we will distribute the goody bags is I'll collect the goody bags from Adams shop and deliver them to the Staff roomAll students will be involved in unpacking and putting confectionary into goody bags.Sales team will hand out goody bags to the first years.Promotion: We can go class to class from the school timetable and use word of mouth to advertise, sell and collect money.We can announce movie on the intercom.We can announce which classes to arrive first to limit overcrowdingWe will put up posters in the first year area and along main hallways to advertise the upcoming event.Packaging:We will use bags and draw the Cost Cutter Lusk name on each bag that we got for free from a local shop so that Cost Cutter can get advertisement for their generosity in giving us cost price on all goods. 7. How I did my taskCompletion of this module will require the following by the inspectors: ● Need to say what your personal involvement was in decision making. E.g I decided we should carry the wooden boards over to block the light coming onto the projector screen. Each of you should have different decisions that you made in class when planning movie and goody bag or on the day of our movie and goody bags or the day after when collecting money. E.g I decided we should highlight €4 on our corridor posters. ●I conducted a market research survey and undertook an analysis of my findings using ICT.We all gave Mr Mc Garry ideas for questions on the questionnaire. E.G I suggested that we.. Using ICT we made pie charts with the help of Mr Kinsella and Mr Mc Garry to analyse our findings. E.g I added up question answers for the movie choice and asked Mr Kinsella and Mr Mc Garry how to make a fancy diagram of this.●I have listed the main steps involved in establishing an enterprise and identified my personal involvement in the decision 8. Outcomes●I wrote about my own experiences under the following headings:●Working as part of a teamE.g Market research team: Justin, Corey, Dylan and JordanPoster team: Shane and WarrenHeavy lifting team, security and crowd control team: Adam Haberlin, Shane and WarrenSupplies team: Mr Mc Garry and Adam Murphy.Finance team: Justin, Dylan and CoreyTechnical team for video and photography: Jordan and Corey Thank you Committee/Team: Adam Haberlin and Adam Murphy●Problems(see answers below) Access to Computer room problemsNo colour ink printer problems.Time pressures due to the amount of work required with only two classes a week and one class with no computer access at all. We weren't always in Mr Woods room every week and recently we missed classes because of a school quiz and paddy’s weekend. Movie problemsSound problems Who would do what jobs problems Some doing more work than others was a problemCrowding problems How did I and we solve these problems:Stayed back after school in the computer room for extra classes and so we could print out our documents Mr Byrne in the art room allowed some of us to print off photos and pie charts in colour.Extra classes after school and use of email.Extra classes after school and use of email.Jordan brought in a back up hard copyJordan and Corey asked our caretaker to help fix the sound and have spare cable at the ready.We gave lads who were doing less than others new jobs.Dylan as managing director helped share out jobs more evenlyWe called classes out one at a time to help with over crowding and let classes in early when there were too many crowding up the corridor outside.●Personal learning from the enterprise experience:To start the enterprise day earlier next time so we have more time to print, bind and correct our enterprise task booklets. We must get up earlier on the day of the enterprise day as many things went wrong on the day that we should have tested in advance that morning.No to give out goody bags next time until money is paid in full as it is very difficult to chase anybody for money. Keeping tin boxes sellotaped with slots on top for money helped keep track of our money.Using a database with first year students names printed out in advance was good idea as it saved us time when they were entering the cinema hall. Also, collecting most of the money class by class in the morning also took some of the pressure off us. 9. Business Letters and Business Documents.Letter to Principal and Year head:Mrs Hayden,St Josephs,Convent Lane,Rush,Co Dublin03/03/2015From 5th Year LCA.Dear Mrs Hayden,Fifth year LCA would like to ask permission to run an enterprise for our main LCA enterprise task for Vocational Preparation. We plan to; Start by doing market research among first years to gauge interest.Set up a movie for first years in the hall for a Friday afternoon or another that suits the school before the end of March.Buy goody bags for the studentsWe will be using official business documents and typing up accounts at year end. Type all our actions and reflections into an LCA task booklet for an external examiner.We are continuing to work on documentation and planning in class. We endeavour to abide by school rules and policies and begin trading as soon as possible.Yours Sincerely,5th Year LCA Names: ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................04/03/15John Mc GarryLeaving Certificate Applied Vocational Preparation TeacherSt Joseph's, RushTo the owner of cost cutter,Would there be any chance you would be so generous as to sponsor Adam Murphy’s LCA class in LCA to help them make a profit for their small enterprise please? We will ensure to mention your generosity to the school and you will be the main and only sponsor.Our 5 year LCA class can raise 40 euro to buy confectionary/cans of coke for 93 first year students for their movie day. They plan to charge each student approx 3 euro per head for a goodie bag and movie. Therefore 279 could be the income we receive as there will be a set movie afternoon in the school. They plan to donate 30-50% of this for a few footballs for the school, charity and towards the school. and share the profits among the 10 student investors. Since 40 euro won't be enough more than likely for the cost price for 93 goodie bags we could pay the balance after profits come in if that was acceptable to you? You could send me a quotation and then an invoice to my name. We would be receiving cash so paying in cash. If you could sell us each item for their goody bag at cost price this would make this viable. The main reason is to give students the chance to experience running a business and to enjoy making some profit from their efforts. Suggestions for what cheap items we could put into the goody bags would be welcome. E.g jellies, chocs, cheap crisps and can of coke or whatever would be the minimum for a goody bag.I will drive down and collect the goody bags at your convenience. We need to start selling by mid March to give students a chance to type up final accounts and do up their Enterprise booklets and reports by 27th March. Yours sincerely,John Mc Garry and 5th Year LCAPlease Email John.mcgarry@stjosephsrush.ie or send a note back to me through Adam Murphy. And I and Adam Murphy call around to you soon for ideas if that's ok.Mr Mc Garry Vocational Preparation/Enterprise,St Joseph’s Secondary School,Convent lane,Rush, Co DublinDate: 10/03/2105Dear Parents,Our class has a very important enterprise module to complete and we need an investment please of 5 euro investment from each parent please. I asked them to ask you last week. We are setting up an enterprise. This includes organising a movie day and purchasing of goody bags from a local store.Students can give the 5 back to you if needed with the profits they make. Also, part of the profits will go towards the cost of binding their enterprise booklets so that parents don’t have to pay this either. Part of the profits will be given to the supplier of the goody bags. Lastly, 10% of the profits will go towards balls for the school yard. In addition, 10% to a charity of the students choice. Students should also receive a profit of between €10-20 euro if they put the work into it.The movie day will commence within the next two weeks. Your support on this would be appreciated. It would be helpful if students can spend time at home typing up their enterprise booklets also at home, as our computer room usage is limited.Kindest Regards,Mr Mc Garry and 5th Year LCAOrder FormFrom: St Josephs Rush Post PrimaryConvent Lane RushTo: Cost Cutters,Main Street Lusk.Telephone: 0857243079 Order No. 1Email: john.mcgarry@stjosephsrush.ie VAT REG?: N/A Date?: 12/03/15To John Wilson,We like to order 55 euro worth of confectionary and cans of coke if possible please given the low prices you are kindly giving us for our goody bags please.QuantityDescriptionPrice Each €93coke193chocolate193Crisps8093Jellies Mix50Signed :……………………………………………. Title: Teacher of Business Enterprise/Voc PrepInvoice DocumentFrom: Cost Cutter,Main Street Lusk.To: St Joseph’s Rush Post PrimaryConvent Lane, Rush. Telephone: 0857249079 Invoice No: 1Email: john.mcgarry@stjosephsrush.ie VAT REG?: Sponsorship Date?: 12/03/15To 5th year LCA and Mr Mc Garry,We like to order 55 euro worth of confectionary and cans of coke if possible please given the low prices you are kindly giving us for our goody bags please.QuantityDescriptionPrice Each €TOTALS93Coke19393Chocolate19393Crisps8074.493Jellies Mix5046.5Total306.9DiscountSubtotalVATSubtotal100%Free GiftSigned :……………………………………………. Title: Students and Teacher of Business Enterprise/Voc PrepDelivery DocumentFrom: Cost Cutters,Main Street Lusk.Co DublinTo: St Joseph’s, Rush Post PrimaryConvent Lane Rush. Telephone: 0857256473 Invoice No: 1Email: john.mcgarry@stjosephsrush.ie VAT REG?: Sponsorship Date?: 12/03/15QuantityDescriptionPrice Each €Delivered93Coke1Yes 9393Chocolate1Yes 9393Crisps80Yes 9393Jellies Mix50Yes 3 boxesStock recieved282 ItemsStock returns0Signed :……………………………………………. Title: 5th LCA and Teacher of Business Enterprise/Voc Prep10. Cross curricular Integration/Health&Safety/Change of plansChange of Plans: Went to 4 euro standard price as it was agreed by all students that it would make good profits and easier to calculate. We had to use Jordan's Guardian of the Galaxy movie as Mr Mc Garry’s IPAD version wouldn't work. We had try try out different sound systems and levels as there were sound issues. We had to erect wooden panels for the back of the white screen so that students could get a more clear image of the film. First we wanted 90% profits and 10% chairity but Mr Mc Garry thought this was too much for students . We then negotiated 70% profits to investors and 30% to charity while Mr Mc Garry still wanted to give 50% profit to us and 50% to charity once we did the accounts on it. He felt giving 70% of profits to students would be too much so we still haven't agreed yet on whether 50% or 30% is going to charity. We had to give stock away without payment as some first years had forgotten to bring money in plus we could leave students sitting there without goody bags so we took note of their names and trusted that they would pay us soon. Health and Safety:We all had a look around the cinema to make sure there was nothing on the ground or seats or the building that would be a safety issue to students.We also had to protect against overcrowding by announce one class group at a time.We had a security checking on first year bags and had a safe place for first year bag storage.Cross Curriculum with other Teachers on this Enterprise Task:Danny Murray: Word, Excel and PowerpointBrian Worrell: Help with numeracy, accounts, costs and profits.Sinead Moore: Literacy, reflections evaluations and letters. Mr Mc Garry: All of the above plus business documentation.11. FinancesClassFull Name€Sign below if you paid, recieved correct change and recieved your goody bag.1.A?1.A?1.A?1.A?1.A?1.A?1.A?1.A?1.A?1.A?1.A?1.A?1.A?1.A?1.A?1.A?1.A?1.A?1.A?1.A?1.A?1.A?1.B?1.B?1.B?1.B?1.B?1.B?1.B?1.B?1.B?1.B?1.B?1.B?1.B?1.B?1.B?1.B?1.B?1.B?1.B?1.B?1.B?1.B?1.B?1.B?P?P?????ClassSign below if you paid, recieved correct change and recieved your goody bag.1.C?1.C?1.C?1.C?1.C?1.C?1.C?1.C?1.C?1.C?1.C?1.C?1.C?1.C?1.C?1.C?1.C?1.C?1.C?1.C?1.C?1.C?1.C?1.D?1.D?1.D?1.D?1.D?1.D?1.D?1.D?1.D?1.D?1.D?1.D?1.D?1.D?1.D?1.D?1.D?1.D?1.D?1.D?1.D?1.D?P??P???TOTAL?Final Accounts excel file Add and Investors excel file. 12. Photographs and Pie Charts:Pie Charts Insert Next and then the photos and Film Day Advertisement out in here. 13. Reflections/Evaluations Group and IndividualReflect and Evaluate:Pros:Our enterprise went well overall and we made a healthy profit for ourselves, the school and a charity of our choice.Our market research analysis helped us to decide on a standard cost of €4 per student and we were able to decide on what confectionary to use and what film to go for.First years were happy with the film choice and were happy to pay 4 euro.Our finance team successfully collected most of the money from first years the morning of the enterprise afternoon.No money went unaccounted for and the remaining stock of 4 goody bags we were allowed share out between us for our good work.The money boxes with the slits in them and the float box with change in it worked really well.Warren and Shane helped to get the first years into orderly queues class by class to avoid overcrowding.Corey got some good photos of our accounts team at work and of the movie and students at the end with the lights on.We acted fast when we saw there was a problem with the light on the projector. We found large boards and had to board up the back windows.We had a large black sack and students put all litter into it before leavingCons:Some students ended up doing more jobs than others.The Sound system was broken and Mr Mc Garry had to organise an electrician to arrive to fix the problem.Some first years forgot to bring in their €4 and we had to give them goody bags without any payment.The Hall isn’t used to having a movie on at daytime and first years had problems being able to view the screen until we fixed the problem.The side corridor maybe wasn’t big enough for queueing so next time we will start outside the main doors of the hall. On reflection, next time we would test playing the film more and have students in early morning to prepare for the day ahead. Next, day we would split the box with the goody bags in it up into too as it was too heavy to carry and started to break underneath as we were carrying it. Next, time we won’t waste money on an apple purchase as it is restricted for personal use. Luckily, we had a back up plan of a hardcopy disk too. ................

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