Instructor/ Supervisor's Assigned Students

Field Experience Module HandbookA Resource for Teacher Candidates, Host/Mentor Teachers, and University SupervisorsRichard W. Riley College of EducationWinthrop University2013 - 2014Online access: . GENERAL INFORMATIONTABLE OF CONTENTSGeneral Information……2Table of Contents........................................................................................................................................2Important Dates3Introduction4LiveText Requirement4LiveText Field Experience Module Requirement4Roles in the Field Experience Module Placement System..................................................... ....................5The Field Experience Module User's Guide for Students......................................................................5Placement Guidelines..................................................................................................................................5Step by Step Intern/FE Access Information ................................................................................................5Detailed Intern/FE Access Information........................................................................................................6The Field Experience Module User's Guide for the Mentor..................................................................7Placement Guidelines..................................................................................................................... ...........7Sample Email................................................................................................................................. .............7Step by Step Mentor Access Information.....................................................................................................8Detail mentor Access Information................................................................................................................9The Field Experience Modules User's Guide for the Instructor/Supervisor..10Placement Guidelines......10Detailed Instructor/Supervisor ..................................................................................................................10Instructor/Supervisor's Assigned Students................................................................................................11Viewing Instructor/Supervisor Placements................................................................................................11VI. Password Information a. Forgotten Username and Password........................................................................................................12 b. Update/Reset Password..........................................................................................................................12 Important Dates - Fall 2013DateEventAugust 20First Day of ClassesAugust 23Last Day to Drop/Add ClassesSeptember 3Required FERPA training - Plowden 11:00 am (please choose one)September 4Required FERPA training - Plowden 11:00 amSeptember 5Required FERPA training - Plowden 1:00 pmSeptember 26 Teacher Education Information Session- 11:00 am – Plowden September 27 Teacher Education Information Session- 1:00 am – Plowden October 4Scholarship LuncheonOctober 7Second Half Semester Courses BeginOctober 14 -15Fall Break - No ClassOctober 18Last Day to withdraw from Classes without penaltyOctober 31Teacher Education Information Session- 11:00 am – Plowden November 1Teacher Education Information Session- 1:00 am – Plowden November 6Early Registration Begins for Spring 2014November 27 - Dec. 1Thanksgiving BreakDecember 2Last Day of ClassesDecember 3Study DayDecember 4 - 10Final ExamsDecember 13Fall Convocation - Plowden Auditorium 4:30pmDecember 14Undergraduate Commencement - 11:00 amThese dates may change due to unforeseen circumstances.II. INTRODUCTIONLiveText RequirementThe Richard W. Riley College of Education is requiring students to use LiveText. This is an online management tool that will strongly reinforce the learning experience. Teacher Candidates have the opportunity to benefit from the use of LiveText in a variety of ways. After the initial sign in process, it is available for five years. The program helps to build a personal portfolio. In addition, teacher candidates may download public presentations, musical performances, auditions, lesson plans, unit plans, portfolios, etc. which may later be shared with prospective graduate schools or employers. LiveText, therefore, serves not only as a learning tool but also as a repository that allows teacher candidates to collect, evaluate and reflect on assignments. LiveText can be purchased at the campus bookstore as well through LiveText. For additional information on LiveText at Winthrop, visit the ITC in Withers or . LiveText Field Experience Module RequirementThe faculty of the Richard W. Riley College of Education is requiring all teacher candidates to sign up for additional access to LiveText. This additional access is called the Field Experience Module(FEM). This module helps track the time and activities during field experiences and the year long internship. The Field Experience e module may be access through an IPhone, IPad, laptop or desktop computer. The FEM module must be purchased through LiveText at . For additional information visit the ITC in Withers or is used:By Students: LiveText is used by students to create, submit, store and complete assignments for courses. It can be used as an Eportfolio and in some cases, a Etextbook. Students can organize their materials per course and receive the feedback from faculty members. By Faculty: Faculty use LiveText to manage courses to directly and indirectly evaluate student learning. This helps faculty members save time and money because of the online access and assists in the assessment of the courses and students. By Others: Administrators and members of the Unit Assessment Committee use LiveText as a data management system to assist in the evaluation of individual, program and college-wide courses, and most importantly for use in accreditation processes. Students, Faculty, and K-12 personnel :use the Field Experience Module (FEM) of LiveText in all PDS and Partner Schools to monitor student progress as well as evaluate individual students and courses. Roles in the Field Experience Module Placement System SupervisorOne of three roles assigned to Placements as part of the placement team, the Supervisor represents the institution. Usually a Faculty memberMentorOne of three roles assigned to Placements as part of the placement team, the Mentor represents the hosting site. Instead, they receive their username and password when they are uploaded by the Field Experience Administrator, and can access only the Field Experience Module.InternOne of three roles assigned to Placements as part of the placement team, the field experience student/Intern is added to the student account when purchased. The access to the Field Experience Module is activated with a key code. A Student’s accountIII. FIELD EXPERIENCE MODULE USER'S GUIDE FOR STUDENTSPlacement guidelinesStaff of the Office of Clinical Experiences will assign placements by matching the school, student, mentor and supervisor. Each placement is entered in the Field Experience Module of LiveText.Once students purchase the FEM module, a tab is visible in the upper left- had corner of the student LiveText account.Once the staff of the Rex Institute for Educational Renewal and partnership make the placement , LiveText support staff send an email to the student, mentor and course instructor/supervisor notifying all of the placement details. This email will come from LiveText, NOT from Winthrop. The LiveText Username and Password will be included in the email message. Please make a note of the Username and Password. *If you forget your Username and Password, see page 12*Step by Step Intern/FE Access Information Using Mozilla Foxfire for Windows or Safari for Apple, follow the steps below for entering time and activities completed during a field experience session.The information may be entered using an iPhone, iPad, laptop or desktop computer.Go to Enter username and passwordClick LoginClick on FIELD EXPERIENCE (tab at top left)Click on VIEW PLACEMENT DETAILS (upper right hand corner)In the log at the top right hand corner enter:DateMentor's name under "Class Info"Activity(ies) completed or in progressHours/minutes spent in the classroom- (Must be listed in hours and minutes. For example, 1 hour is 1:00, 50 minutes is :50)Indicate make-up days in the Activity space by first writingMAKE-UP DAY and then describe the activity.Detailed Intern/FE Access Information(The following is the detailed explanation for each number circled in red above:)Placement details are displayed on the left (i.e., the internship title, the course information, site location, grade, subject).The names of the Mentor and Supervisor appear next to email icons. Clicking one of these icons will open an email window.The View Demographics button will display the demographic information for both the site and the classroom. The Mentor is the only member of the team who is able to edit the demographics in this area.All assessments for the internship are listed in the center of the page. Assessments will be linked if they are assigned to the Intern, or if the Intern has published them for viewing.In the Attachments area, the Intern is able to post work samples or other artifacts that can be viewed by their Supervisor and Mentor. The Intern clicks Add Attachment. A hovering window will appear, with two links at the top: LiveText Document and File Attachment. Selecting LiveText Document will open a Document Chooser, and the Intern can select the LiveText Document(s) they want to attach. Selecting File Attachment will open the Interns File Manager, and the Intern can either add files already stored in their LiveText account, or upload new files from their computer.The Time Log for this placement will display to the right. To add entries, the Intern clicks Add Hours and enters the date, the number of hours logged that day, and a description of the entry. Any entry can be edited until the Mentor approves it, at which time the entry is locked.IV. FIELD EXPERIENCE MODULE USER'S GUIDE FOR MENTORSPlacement guidelinesStaff of the Office of Clinical Experiences will assign placements by matching the school, student, mentor and supervisor. Each placement is entered in the Field Experience Module of LiveText.Once students purchase the FEM module, a tab is visible in the upper left- had corner of the student LiveText account.Once the staff of the Rex Institute for Educational Renewal and partnership make the placement , LiveText support staff send an email to the student, mentor and course instructor/supervisor notifying all of the placement details. This email will come from LiveText, NOT from Winthrop.The primary responsibilities of the Mentor include:Assessing Interns during the field experience placementApproving the entries in the Intern’s Time Log for the placementEntering the Site and/or classroom demographics for the placementLiveText email Samplecenter0Dear [NAME],Thank you for agreeing to be a field experience mentor. You have been added to a list of available mentors and will be notified when a placement is made. During this placement, assessments and other activities will be managed through an online application called LiveText.To log in, go to , and enter the following username and password:User name: [UNIQUE USERNAME]Password: [SECURE PASSWORD]Thank you for the contributions you will make to your mentee's professional development.020000Dear [NAME],Thank you for agreeing to be a field experience mentor. You have been added to a list of available mentors and will be notified when a placement is made. During this placement, assessments and other activities will be managed through an online application called LiveText.To log in, go to , and enter the following username and password:User name: [UNIQUE USERNAME]Password: [SECURE PASSWORD]Thank you for the contributions you will make to your mentee's professional development.As soon as a Mentor receives his/her account information, LiveText can be accessed . An additional message is sent when an Intern has been assigned.The LiveText Username and Password will be included in the email message. Please make a note of the Username and Password. *If you forget your Username and Password, see page 12*Step by Step Mentor Access InformationUsing Mozilla Foxfire for Windows or Safari for Apple, follow the steps below for approving student’s time and activities completed during a field experience session.The information may be entered in an iPhone, iPad, laptop or desktop computer:The mentor must log in to his/her account and approve the information entered by the student.Directions:Go to Enter username and passwordClick LoginClick on FIELD EXPERIENCE (tab at top left)Click on VIEW PLACEMENT DETAILS (upper right hand corner)After the student enters his/her time and activity for the day click on the box at the end of the day’s entry. Exit the system.At the end of the semester, the mentor must assess the student.Go to Enter username and passwordClick LoginClick on FIELD EXPERIENCE (tab at top left)Click on VIEW PLACEMENT DETAILS (upper right hand corner)Click on COMPLETE ASSESSMENTClick on the rubric in each categoryEnter comments at the top of the rubric.Click on SubmitDetailed Mentor Access Information(The following is the detailed explanation for each number circled in red above:)To the left, the placement details are displayed (the internship title, the associated course information, site location, grade, subject).The View Demographics button will display the demographic information for both the site and the classroom. The Mentor is the only member of the team who is able to edit the demographics in this area. The names of the Intern and Supervisor appear as links. Clicking one of these links will open an email window.All assessments for the internship are listed in the center of the page. Assessments will be linked if they are assigned to the Mentor, or if the Mentor has published them for viewing.In the Attachments area, work samples that have been posted by the Intern are linked and may be viewed. Attachments can be either LiveText documents or files.The Time Log for this placement will display to the right. The Intern enters hours, but the Mentor is able to Approve entries. To approve an entry, the Mentor checks the box to the right of the entry and clicks Approve Hours.To approve all entries or multiple entries at the same time, check the box at the bottom of the Time Log to highlight all unapproved entries and click Approve Hours.Demographic data about a placement can be entered at two levels: site and classroom. The FEM Administrator has already populated the Site demographic data when the site was added. The Mentor should enter classroom level demographics from this page. V. FIELD EXPERIENCE MODULE USER'S GUIDE FOR INSTRUCTORS/SUPERVISORSPlacement guidelinesStaff of the Office of Clinical Experiences will assign placements by matching the school, student, mentor and supervisor. Each placement is entered in the Field Experience Module of LiveText.Once students purchase the FEM module, a tab is visible in the upper left- had corner of the student LiveText account.Once the staff of the Rex Institute for Educational Renewal and partnership make the placement , LiveText support staff send an email to the student, mentor and course instructor/supervisor notifying all of the placement details. This email will come from LiveText, NOT from Winthrop.Detailed Instructor/Supervisor Access InformationThe Supervisor is one of two roles in the Field Experience Module that corresponds to the responsibilities usually associated with a Faculty user - mainly assessing students. This role is ideal for any college or university personnel who also act as advisors, observers, or assessors of the activities of interns in the field. An individual must already have a LiveText faculty account in order to be added by the FEM Admin as a Supervisor, and a Supervisor can simultaneously be an instructor of courses in LiveText, including the course associated with the internship. The primary responsibilities of the Supervisor include:Assessing Interns during the field experience placementMonitoring the activities of his or her assigned interns in the field through the shared workspace to which each intern-mentor-supervisor team has access. When a Supervisor clicks the Field Experiencetab, he/she will have access to only one sub-tab, called Placements.Instructor/ Supervisor's Assigned Students The Instructor/Supervisor can access any assigned placement from this tab. By default, only active placements will display.Each placement is listed individually, and includes important identifying information such as the site, the start and end dates, and the FE/internship title. The assessments for each placement are also listed, and those assigned to the Supervisor appear as links, so that he or she can begin one with a single click. The names of the Intern and Mentor associated with each placement appear with email icons next to them. Clicking on any one of these icons will open a hovering window in which the supervisor can compose an email. Viewing Instructor/Supervisors PlacementsAt the top right corner of each placement listed on this page, the Instructor/Supervisor will also find a button labeled View Placement Details. Clicking on this button will direct the supervisor to a screen containing the full details of this placement. This page is the aforementioned “shared workspace” that is accessible to all three members of the assessment team for this placement. (Supervisor, Mentor, and Intern) Placement details are displayed on the left (i.e., the internship title, the associated course information, site location, grade, subject).The View Demographics button will display the demographic information for both the site and the classroom. The Supervisor is only able to view demographics.The names of the Intern and Mentor again appear next to email icons. Clicking one of these icons will open an email window.All assessments for the internship are listed in the center of the page. Assessments will be linked if they are assigned to the Supervisor, or if they have been completed and published for viewing by the Supervisor. Remember, each user’s permission to see a completed assessment is determined by the publishing rules set by the Placement Coordinator.In the Attachments area, work samples that have been posted by the Intern are linked and may be viewed. Attachments can be either LiveText documents or files.The Time Log for this placement will display to the right. Hours are entered by the Intern and the Supervisor is able to Approve hours.VI. PASSWORD INFORMATIONForgotten Username and/or PasswordLog on to 52006507620000On the top right hand corner of the screen is a “Forgot” link. Click that link.Enter in the email that is associated with your account. If you are Field Experience Mentor, please be sure that the email you are entering is the email you have provided to the Institution of Higher Education you are working with. Update/Reset PasswordTo update/reset your password: Click My Account in the upper right corner.Click Change Password.Entering the old password, then entering and confirming a new passwordYou will receive an email from SUPPORT. Open up that email and your username will be provided, along with a link to reset your password. If you have any trouble please contact LiveText Support at 866.548.3839. ................

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