
SEO Template for new contentTarget keywords: app that pays you to walkPage title? Optimal title length: 55 characters? Add at least one of your target keywords to your <title> tag, don't use each target keyword more than 1 time: app that pays you to walkMeta description? Optimal meta description length: 160 characters? Add at least one of your target keywords, don't use each target keyword more than 1 time: app that pays you to walkH1? Add all your target keywords at least one time: app that pays you to walkText? Focus on creating more informative content. Recommended text length: 977 words? Make sure that your text is easy to read with the Flesch-Kincaid readability test. The readability score should be 66? Enrich your text with the following semantically related words: friends and family, lose weight, apple watch, pay you to walk, extra money, walk app, dog walker, outdoor steps, physical activity, tracking your steps, earn money, fitness tracker, gift cards, earn points, app that pays, 80 points per day, redeem your points, health apps, dog walking, 1,000 steps? Add at least one of your target keywords: app that pays you to walkWhen your content has been published, launch an On Page SEO Checker campaign to check if your content complies with all on-page SEO factors and discover what else can be done to give your content a SEO boost.Analyzed top-10-ranking rivals for your target keywordsapp that pays you to walk1. . . . . . . . . . how competitors write about targeted keywords:app that pays you to walk1. Apps and Programs That Pay You to Walk. twitter. Wendy Bumgardner is a freelance writer covering walking and other health and fitness topics and has competed in more than 1,000 walking events. View All. Wouldn't it be great if your walking earned you money or rewards beyond race t-shirts and medals? You may already be using a pedometer app to track your walking . These apps can turn your steps into money, discounts, or charity donations. Sadly, you won't be able to quit your day job, but it's nice to make a few bucks for your efforts. Now that should help you overcome walking excuses . The Charity Miles app lets you earn money for charities without begging your friends and family for walkathon donations. This app allows you to log your running, cycling, or walking workouts . You choose a charity and it uses your phone's GPS and the motion sensors to track your mileage. It can log both indoor and outdoor workouts, so you can put that treadmill time to good use. You also can choose from over two dozen charities, including the ASPCA, Habitat for Humanity, Nature Conservancy, Alzheimer's Association, the Leukemia, and Lymphoma Society, Special Olympics, and Wounded Warrior Project. Charity Miles is available for both iOS and Android. The drawback of this app compared to some others is that you must open it and track each workout. You don't get credit for your all-day steps and activity, only for those dedicated workouts. With the Achievement app , you can earn money for walking, biking, swimming, and other exercises as tracked via the app. You can earn up to 80 points per day for exercise activities and six points per day for logging food, sleep tracking, weighing yourself, meditating, or sharing your health journey on Twitter. . Maximizing your point-earning, it will still take four months to earn $10. Although the payouts are slow, it could earn you $30 per year. Your points expire one year from the date they are earned. They have other opportunities to earn cash and rewards besides this baseline system. You can take surveys on exercise and health that earn points. With the app, you can connect to over 30 apps including Apple Health, Samsung Health, Fitbit , Garmin, Strava, RunKeeper, MapMyFitness, MyFitnessPal, and Misfit. As a result, you don't even need a fitness tracker to use Achievement as it can connect to the activity logged by your mobile phone. It can truly be "set it and forget it," other than remembering to redeem your points for cash. However, you will most motivate yourself if you check it to see how many points you are earning per day. The Lympo app challenges you to be more active and earn their LYM cryptocurrency towards gift cards and sports merchandise. It is available on both iOS and Android. Each day you can join in challenges such as going for a morning walk or a lunchtime walk, building healthy habits. It has a great interface, and as you walk you can see your route on a map and get details such as speed, distance, and time. You can also sync it to Apple Health and use your daily steps in the challenges. It's a good app to motivate you to get moving. The People Walker app is used by people to book a walking partner on demand. You can apply to be one of the People Walkers and earn fees for walking with those who want a partner. There is a small application fee that goes towards a background check. This service is available in a limited number of cities on the West Coast of the U.S. but may expand if it proves to be sustainable. You can earn Balance Reward points towards Redemption Dollars at Walgreens by tracking your walks and other fitness activities in the Balance Rewards for healthy choices program. Sign up on the Walgreens website or link your current Walgreens BR account to the healthy choices program and download the app. The app is available for iOS, Google Play, and Windows Phone. You can link a fitness tracker (including your phone's motion sensor) to log your steps , distance, or duration on the app. You get 20 BR Points per mile. However, there is a cap of 1,000 points per month for fitness activities. You also earn points for tracking your weight, blood pressure , blood glucose, sleep, and oximeter readings with other health apps. That's a further bonus for those who track their sleep already with Fitbit or MyFitnessPal. Within the app, you can view your activity in steps and minutes . On the Walgreens website, you can see your totals tracked on a graph as well. PK Rewards is an iOS app that allows you to earn virtual coins towards rewards or to support charities. Any physical activity that can be tracked by your phone will earn coins. The more effort you put into the exercise, the faster you earn coins, so it encourages moderate-to-vigorous physical activity. You can link your Apple Watch or compatible heart rate monitors to get a more accurate estimate of effort. You can link other workout apps and import workouts from them. You can earn unlimited workout coins per day, but there is a limit on how many you can bank each day to spend on items or donations. By upgrading to a Max account, you can bank more coins per day. Sweatcoin gives you cryptocurrency rewards for walking. The basic app is free, but has a walking step limit for the day. It converts every 2,000 steps into their own currency you can use for various rewards or to trade. The company is U.K.-based and the app is available for both iOS and Android. A drawback of this app is that you have to walk outdoors as it uses GPS. It doesn't link to any fitness trackers but only uses your phone's GPS and built-in accelerometer. It also uses an algorithm to ensure you are walking rather than driving, so there will be a speed limit. Featured rewards include gift cards, but availability is limited. They note the ability to convert 20,000 Sweatcoins to $1,000 in PayPal cash. However, they also say this will take 18 months to accomplish and you can redeem only one per customer. Higi isn't its own app. Instead, it partners with many devices and apps to turn fitness efforts into points for rewards on Higi. The company acquired the Earndit site, which performed the same function (your account is transferable). You can join for free and link your apps to automatically update your points earned in their challenges. The challenges can be a week-long or a month-long. You earn points per mile (or mile's worth of daily steps). You can also earn points by using a Higi health tracking station, located at pharmacies. This measures your pulse, blood pressure, weight, BMI , and body fat. Points convert into chances in a prize drawing at the end of a challenge. Points also count towards rewards, which are discounts for health and fitness items. You can get more points by recruiting friends to sign up. Track your points vs. your friends and turn it into a fun social competition. Pluses: They link to an impressive range of apps and devices, including Fitbit, Nike+ , Strava, RunKeeper, Omron, endomondo, Garmin, iHealth, Striiv, and Under Armour. You can't game the system by tracking the same workout on more than one app or device. It just gives you credit for the one that logged the most activity. Minuses: You have to spend money to redeem most of the rewards, such as getting 20 percent off Garmin products. At times, they offer charity rewards so you can donate excess points to charities. The BetterPoints app offers rewards for walking and other physical activities for those in the U.K,. Poland, France, and Italy. You must track your activities in those countries. After joining, you select a challenge and earn points or a ticket in a drawing for a large number of points. The points are redeemable for gift cards that are valid in the countries where they are earned. The points can also be used for charity donations to specific charities. With the FitFetti app , you can get your steps sponsored by friends or maybe even your employer, or you can sponsor a loved one to get more active. This iOS app links to Apple Health or Fitbit for your daily steps and active minutes. Your sponsors can pledge money for you reaching your weekly goal, which is paid in Amazon credits. With the StepBet app you bet on yourself (with real money) to reach your step goals. You can win or lose. Your steps are tracked with your Fitbit, Garmin, or your phone's health app. The app determines what your step goals should be based on your previous activity, both your typical active days and Power Days that you meet a stretch goal. You must achieve four active days and two power days each week for the length of each game period (usually six weeks) to split the pot. If you don't make your goals for any week after the first week, you are out of the game and you lose your money. There is a set amount required for each game period, usually $40. Users report making a few dollars more than their bet if they are winners. This can be very motivating as you have real skin in the game. Thanks for your feedback! Looking to start walking off the weight? Our free guide offers tips, workouts, and a printable schedule to help you get on the right track. Free Virtual Walk App for Motivation. Pedometer Walking Programs to Challenge You.2. App Store Preview. The AppStore №1 and top-rated for your Apple Watch, Sweatcoin app converts your outdoor steps into gadgets, sports and fitness kit, services and experiences. 5 Stars ? “Such a great concept and executed excellently. Gets me walking and rewards me for it too!” by Woo123789. - Men’s Journal. - TheNextWeb. - Forbes. - Reuters. “The app that PAYS you to get fit: Sweatcoin rewards people for the number of steps they make every day”. - Daily Mail. “If ever you’ve needed an incentive to exercise, a new app could give you a much-needed boost to get active.”. - Telegraph. Sweatcoin converts your steps into currency units called, as you might have guessed it, sweatcoins. You can then spend them on goods, services and experiences on our market place with our partners or exchange them with your friends and family for whatever you fancy. The fitter and healthier you become the wealthier you get. Movement has value! And remember that continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life. Sweatcoin uses your HealthKit step history data to continuously improve our algorithms and provide you with better offers at the right time. Version 39.0. Our last update had the objective to improve some advertisement performance, unfortunately, something went wrong and we need to ask you to update the app again so solve the new issues. Thanks for understanding. Not truly counting steps... Pretty cool app, but asking access to my iPhone’s health app to verify steps and only compute half or 1/3 of the actual steps taken registered by my iPhone is pointless. Is this not to give user sweatcoins? Why not use your app to piggyback onto the health app and use the data recorded on both apps (yours and iPhone) to verify so there’s no cheating? I have a 10 acre homestead and walk A LOT all day. Outdoors. When it’s very hot I switch my sleeping schedule to do chores throughout the night and sleep when it’s the hottest part of the day. My iPhone counted 11k steps in one day, Sweatcpins registered 4K.... the idea of the app is awesome to inventive people to stay moving, but you (developers) should be a bit more in tune with whatever app you request access to on our phones. Oh, and because I know I take thousands of steps every day, I opted for a system that charges me 20 sweatcoins a month, but if you’re not counting truly all the steps I take, I may just delete your app, because it feels like the ones whos cheating here is you... will keep it a little longer and see what happens. Understand that allowing you to track my location and access to my health data is not something I want you to have for free, like everything in this world, data mining comes with a price, and if you’re not offering your users a decent payout and registering ALL the steps I take, you may not get to keep my data... and that’s not my isolated opinion... Developer Response ,. Thank you for your thoughtful review, CatLadyOnTheFarm. We hope you continue to use the app and were updating to the latest versions as they should have solved some of the issues you mention. We would love to hear how well the app is tracking your steps now. With regards to the data - we do not access your health data, just steps and the only purpose of tracking your location is to make sure we can verify the steps walked. You would be amazed how many people try to game our app and generate sweatcoins by shaking the phone. We know that this is not the case with you, but without this verification algorithm, sweatcoins will have very little value. We hope to hear an update, Your Sweatcoin team. Not the best. This app is great and all , but it cheats you . Like everyday I walk at least 3,000 steps and it gives me like 21 cents when I should be getting 3 dollars/sweatcoins. Also the prizes may be cheap but some items have shipping and that shipping is like 6-20 dollars which is not reasonable , in amazing I pay like 3.00 dollars shipping. I shouldn’t be paying over 4.00 dollars for shipping for something that cost 1 dollar/sweatcoin . If this app does it fix its issues I will delete the app . Also sometimes for the daily reward videos , the videos won’t always come , it will say “there are no more daily reward please come back later and try again” and I will go in the app 5-15 times a day and it’s will still stay the same exact things . So I will have to wait for the next day . 2 more things you have to make your prices for prizes cheaper , I really wanted a iPhone XR and I was walking for 6 months and only make 500 dollars and then the offer goes away , this is honestly a waste of time and storage. Last thing if anyone is cheating on the app it’s you , you guys own me over 50 dollars due to your dumb algorithm and setup to see that all of the steps were made in a fair way. Please fix these issues and I will gladly keep the app and use it and recommend to people , I am currently telling people to get it because of these reasons , if you don’t want to fix these issues , I will also gladly delete the entire app and never get it again??. Walking sweats = money... WORTH IT!!!! I read reviews of others and to be honest I kinda find some of their negative review very hard to believe. I find this app worth it! I am lazy person. I’m gonna be honest with that. And I’m not a big fan of exercise and always find a excuse to not exercise. Because I have no motivation at all. Until this app. When I see that It “just earning money by making sweat and walk outdoor.” All I see is Motivation so I tried it at 2019 August. I could clearly tell I’m seriously out of shape after first couple days with it. So I stick with it and sure enough I earn more that 100$ in less than 2 months. And not just I have good money. It also keep me in shape! I like to exercise and it been helping me to lose weight! And getting my body healthier! now thanks to this app. I haven’t make any purchases yet but I’ll purchase the gift cards or some product when I’m ready. but Where is the negativity of this app? Because I don’t see it! This app is worth it for lazy people like me who have no motivation and interest in exercise. This is big boast for us to get back on feet and being active again. I believe that this Sweetcoin will be huge business in future! And yes more bonus and more products in future. My Advice is just try this app! It worth it! It might not be perfect in your opinion but it is constantly upgrading so it might meet up your expectations one day! Just Try it! You’ll love it! Requires iOS 10.0 and watchOS 3.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone 5S, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6S, iPhone 6S Plus, iPhone SE, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone X, iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, iPhone XR, iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro, iPhone 11 Pro Max, iPad Air Wi?Fi + Cellular, iPad mini 2 Wi?Fi + Cellular, iPad Air 2 Wi?Fi + Cellular, iPad mini 3 Wi?Fi + Cellular, iPad mini 4 Wi?Fi + Cellular, iPad Pro (12.9?inch) Wi-Fi + Cellular, iPad Pro (9.7?inch) Wi?Fi + Cellular, iPad (5th generation) Wi?Fi + Cellular, iPad Pro (12.9?inch) (2nd generation) Wi?Fi + Cellular, iPad Pro (10.5?inch) Wi?Fi + Cellular, iPad Wi?Fi + Cellular (6th generation), iPad Pro (11?inch) Wi?Fi + Cellular, iPad Pro (12.9?inch) (3rd generation) Wi?Fi + Cellular, iPad mini (5th generation) Wi?Fi + Cellular, iPad Air (3rd generation) Wi?Fi + Cellular, and iPad (7th generation) Wi?Fi + Cellular. Health & Fitness.3. Guest Post Guidelines. Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links. If you click an affiliate link and make a purchase, I may earn a small commission (at no extra cost to you). To learn more see our full affiliate disclaimer . My girlfriend and I love going for walks around my neighborhood. It gives us time to get some fresh air, talk about each others days, and it just makes us feel good. But, it wasn't always this way. We rarely used to go for walks because we enjoyed staying inside and we had no idea how fun taking walks together could be. Things changed when I found out there were apps that pay you to walk. I never even thought it was possible to earn money walking because it's just a necessary part of life for me. Getting paid for it would be like getting paid to sleep . Anyway, I instantly told my girlfriend about these apps and we both signed up and have been using them ever since. We now try to go for a walk every day and we earn a bit of free money while we're at it. So, if you need some motivation to get moving, or you just want to make walking more fun, I definitely recommend trying some of these apps that pay you to walk. You're not going to earn a fortune but you'll make a bit of money, be healthier, and you'll feel good! This list started out a long time ago with just five apps, and now there are a TON of different apps coming out that promise cash for steps. A lot of them aren't good, some of them are great. . I tried to find the best ones, but there's a chance I missed some, so feel free to let me know. Also, these apps are being updated all the time, so things may be different when you're reading this. I'll try to keep this article as updated as possible. 1. SweatCoin. SweatCoin is unique because it only pays you to walk outside. This means treadmills and walking around your house don't count. Here's how it works:. When you take 1,000 outdoor steps, SweatCoin will reward you with 0.95 SweatCoins. These SweatCoins are similar to crypto-currencies such as Bitcoin, and you can use them to redeem rewards within the app. You can also send them to friends if you want. The rewards on SweatCoin change daily so I suggest you save your SweatCoins until you see something you really like. Carrot is an awesome Canadian app that makes walking and being healthy fun! The main feature of Carrot are the step challenges. When you first sign-up, Carrot will take about a week to analyze your steps and come up with a unique step goal. My step goal right now is 6,300 steps/day. Once Carrot determines your step goal, you'll be able to start earning points! You can earn points for hitting your daily step goal, completing step-up challenges (ie., meet your daily goal 5 times in 7 days), and completing step together challenges (challenge a friend to hit step goals together). . Aeroplan Miles. I like to earn Scene points because my girlfriend and I love seeing movies together. I've already earned over 1,000 scene points too, which is equal to one free movie ticket! 3. Runtopia. Runtopia focuses heavily on helping you improve your fitness while giving you rewards as a bonus. They allow you to set exercise goals for running, walking and cycling, and you can even have an audio coach play during your workouts. They also have training programs built into the app to help you get warmed up, stretch, lose weight, and more. Some of the features require a premium membership but most are completely free. . As you exercise with Runtopia, complete daily tasks within the app, and participate in the community, you’ll earn Sports Coins. Sports Coins can be redeemed for products, free memberships, coupons, and even PayPal cash! One important thing to note is that Sports Coins expire every year on March 1st. Make sure to use them up before then! There's a lot more to do in Runtopia that I haven't mentioned, so go here to learn more and sign up ! 4. LifeCoin. LifeCoin is almost the exact same as Sweatcoin but with a bit of a different look. It functions basically the same way as well. For example, you can only earn LifeCoins for outdoor steps and as a free user, you can only earn up to 5 Lifecoins a day. Here's where it gets a bit different from Sweatcoin:. If you want to upgrade and be able to earn up to 10 LifeCoins a day, you can pay $4.33/month. As part of the subscription, you’ll also gain access to Azumio premium which means you’ll have premium access to all of their other top apps as well. As for the rewards, LifeCoin lets you choose from an assortment of gift cards, or you can redeem your LifeCoins for physical products like Airpods, a quadcopter, or Beats headphones. Rewards change constantly though and they're first come first serve so don't expect the same things to be available all the time. . 5. Achievement. After you sign up ( sign up here for 100 free points ), you can start linking any health apps you use to achievement (29 apps to choose from). Once you link an app, you'll be able to start earning points for things you already do! There are a lot of fun ways to earn money with Achievement besides walking, so download the app and explore! 6. StepBet. StepBet is a lot different than the other apps on this list because it involves a small amount of risk. Instead of simply getting paid to walk, you must bet on yourself to hit your step goals and then compete against other players. Here's how it works:. When you sign up to StepBet and connect your fitness tracker, StepBet will calculate your step goals. These goals will challenge you to walk more than you usually do. After you get your goals you can join a game and make a bet (most bets are $40). You must hit your step goal 6 times a week for each week of the game, otherwise, you lose. 7. Charity Miles. Ok, so Charity Miles doesn't quite fall under apps that pay YOU to walk, instead, you'll be earning money for your favorite charities. It's a really nice idea so I had to include it on this list. Charity Miles members have already earned over 2.5 million dollars for various charities just by walking, running, biking and more! Here's how it works:. Select 1 of 42 charities you would like to earn money for, and start walking! Charity Miles will measure your distance and donate money based on how far you go. It's that simple. Where does the money come from? Charity Miles currently has 8 sponsors who are repurposing their advertising budget for good! This means instead of using the money for ads, they're putting it towards the charities you're walking for. 8. Lympo. Lympo is interesting because instead of just paying you for steps, they pay you to complete walking or running challenges. New challenges are constantly being added to the app, and after you complete one, you earn LYM tokens, which you can then redeem for rewards. . What’s nice about Lympo is that you can complete the challenges anywhere: inside, outside, on a treadmill, it doesn’t matter. They also allow you to connect a variety of different health trackers to the app for even easier tracking. As far as redeeming LYM token goes, right now it looks like you can only redeem them for products within the app. Since LYM tokens hold a real cash value , It would be cool to be able to actually withdraw the tokens to a wallet in the future, but I'm not sure when that will be possible. . It looks like Lympo is also starting to do giveaways for Amazon gift cards and other products which is an extra bonus. I'm still waiting for this app to come to Canada so I can try it. . Previously known as PK Coin, PK Rewards will pay you not only to walk but also just to workout and exercise in general. Basically, if you’re moving, you can earn with PK Rewards. How this works is before every workout (e.g. run, walk, hike, bike, etc.) you’ll have to open the PK Rewards app on your phone or Apple Watch (they also support these Bluetooth trackers ) and then hit “Start Earning”. It's a bit of a hassle but it ensures accuracy. Once you’re finished your workout, end it on the app by hitting the button again and they’ll calculate your time and effort into an “Effort Score” to reward you coins. The harder you work, the better your reward. Once you save up enough, you can redeem your coins for rewards from various brands like Nike, Amazon, and more. If you’re a frequent Wallgreens shopper you may already be a part of the Walgreens Balance Rewards program. What you may or may not know is that one of the ways to earn more Balance Rewards Points is by walking! For each mile you walk, you’ll earn 20 points. You can earn a max of 1000 points a month by walking. There are several other ways to earn Wallgreens Points by being healthy and active as well. Learn more about those here . FitPotato is sort of similar to StepBet. Instead of just allowing you to walk freely for cash, FitPotato requires you to bet on yourself in order to have a chance at a higher reward. Here’s how it works:. Each week, there’s a cash prize pool up for grabs (usually it’s $1,000). In order to get a shot at winning that money, you must bet $5 on yourself. Then, in order to actually WIN the money, you must successfully complete 3 walk/run/jog step sessions. The amount of steps required in each session is typically 6,000 steps, but that could change in the future. At the end of the week, make sure to open the app to sync your steps. If you successfully complete the 3 sessions, you win and you get a share of the money! I will say, the FitPotato app is a bit clunky at the moment. That's pretty much the only downside. Learn more about FitPotato here . EarthMiles is a simple to understand, well-designed app that pays you Earthmiles as you walk, run, or bike. What’s unique about this app is that the harder exercises actually pay more Earthmiles. Once you earn enough Earthmiles, you can spend them on healthy rewards. There are new rewards every week but right now a lot of the rewards are discounts on health products, services, supplements, and classes. See a full list of rewards here . Fit For Bucks is another paid to walk app that keeps it really simple. Whether you’re walking, running, hiking, or doing something else that gets you moving, you’ll be earning. As you rack up more steps, you can redeem them for various rewards. Here are some examples of rewards you might see:. The rewards above are from L.A. merchants but Fit For Bucks is working to add other cities as we speak. Learn more about Fit For Bucks here . Vingo is quite a bit different than the other apps that pay you to walk on this list. Instead of earning a certain amount of money for each step, with Vingo, your daily steps become similar to a lottery ticket. Let me explain:. As you walk with Vingo, your step count will show up within the app. From 9:30 PM – 9:55 PM ET, you can make a bet with your steps, and once locked in, your steps become your ticket number. At 10 PM ET, the lucky number is announced. If your number matches it, you win the cash prize. If multiple users match the number, you split the prize with them. There's a different prize every night so go try your luck! HealthyWage. HealthyWage doesn't pay you to walk, but instead, it allows you to bet on yourself to hit a weight loss goal. If you successfully hit your goal you could win up to $10,000! What better motivator could there be to lose weight? If you want to learn more and see how much money you could potentially win, check out the HealthyWage Calculator . Or, if you would prefer to work with a team to lose weight together, check out the HealthyWage Team Challenges . Rover. If you love dogs and working outside, becoming a dog walker on Rover is a great way to make money walking. Plus, you can stack your earnings from Rover with the apps above. Set your own schedule and prices. 24/7 support, including vet assistance. You can also offer other services like dog sitting through Rover, but if you're focused on just getting paid to walk, that may not interest you. . If you live in an area where everything is pretty accessible by foot, try working as an on-foot delivery person. Here are two popular services that allow on-foot delivery:. Doordash . You could also deliver by bike if you want to be able to make deliveries more quickly. A lot of the apps above work with bikes too so you could still stack earnings quite nicely. . I hope you found this list of the best apps that pay you to walk helpful! This is a really easy way to make money doing something you already do. Now sure, you won't get rich, but for me, the best part about these apps is that they give you goals to accomplish, they get you outside and moving, and they make you feel good. The extra money is just an added incentive to get started. So, what are you waiting for? Download some of these apps, go tie your shoes, and get walking! While you're out there, don't forget to enjoy yourself and take in your surroundings. And, if you can, invite someone to j0in you on your walk. How to Make More Money Walking. Sign up for as many of these apps that pay you to walk as you can. That way you'll be multiplying your earnings, and earning more with each step you take. . Apps That Pay You to Work Out. Know of any other apps that pay you to walk? Let me know about them and I'll add them to the list! If you found this post helpful, I'd be super happy if you shared it! I'm trying to help as many people as possible with this blog but I need your help to help more people (lot's of helping). Thanks a lot - you're awesome! Join Swagbucks and start getting paid to search the web, answer polls, shop, and more! August 24, 2018 at 4:23 pm. I love this! Thank you for sharing. What a great way to motivate fitness! I especially like the charity app, what a great program. One question though, do you use a fitness tracker like fitbit etc or can you use that apps on your phone? August 24, 2018 at 5:55 pm. Hey Tiffany, I just use my phone and it works great. The Charity Miles app uses your phones GPS to track your distance, so it’s actually not even compatible with a fitness tracker! October 31, 2018 at 6:20 pm. November 4, 2018 at 4:39 am. December 4, 2018 at 10:38 am. December 16, 2018 at 3:37 pm. Hey Victor, that’s unfortunate that these aren’t available in your country. Not sure what you could do other than to wait and see if they expand. Sorry! January 7, 2019 at 3:52 pm. I’m a professional mover is there an app for that kind of walking up and down stairs all day and back and forth to truck and house. January 20, 2019 at 5:17 pm. Hey Steve, all of the apps on this list will count your indoor steps except for Sweatcoin! Sweatcoin requires outdoor steps so the staircase steps and any steps indoors wouldn’t count. January 13, 2019 at 9:02 pm. Great stuff Dylan. Save the best for last! Check out PK Coin. Currently available on iPhones in the US. Just released in November, coming to Android and other markets this Spring. January 20, 2019 at 5:22 pm. I’ll definitely check it out when I get a chance! Any plans to expand into Canada so I can really test it out? February 7, 2019 at 7:40 am. For sure! We’re getting great feedback on our early release and looking to expand to additional markets in addition to the US soon. CA will be one of the first. Stay tuned! May 30, 2019 at 10:31 am. I got an app similar to the above known as walk & earn,on my first day of using after making over 1500 steps,my points reduced to 300, this discouraged me since I didn’t understand.Could this be hack on my account? June 2, 2019 at 11:37 am. Hey James, that sounds pretty weird. I’ve never heard of Walk & Earn, maybe contact support to see what happened? June 24, 2019 at 5:45 pm. Ah, I’ve just noticed that as well trying to access the app, that’s too bad. Carrot was a great app while it lasted. Thanks for the heads up, Tina. July 17, 2019 at 12:51 am. Try FeetApart app. We too pay for walking in the form of products, vouchers, and gifts. Right now only for Indian users. It’s an easy way of getting freebies just by walking. So just walk to earn. July 20, 2019 at 7:48 pm. The concept is so fun. Your step count = your winning ticket like a lottery. Every night at 10pm, if your step matches the lucky number, you win the cash prize. Free to use. July 24, 2019 at 7:25 pm. August 19, 2019 at 10:15 am. You listed some I had not heard of yet like FitPotato and Vingo – going to look into these. I have profited quite a bit from StepBet, Walgreens BR and Acheivement. I don’t personally find the crypto apps to be worth it like Lympo, SweatCoin, etc – I’ve tried but they take so incredibly long to earn anything, it kills my motivation! August 20, 2019 at 4:10 pm. Hi Emily, that’s great you’ve seen success with those apps. I still have yet to enter a StepBet game myself because I’m nervous I’ll lose, lol. I should get on that soon. You’re totally right about the crypto apps being slow too – that’s definitely one of the big downsides. Hopefully as the apps grow the rewards get better and cheaper. September 16, 2019 at 9:37 pm. Paidtogo (only for IOS currently) pays you cash via Paypal if you earn enough points for walking and running. You compete against other users for funds available. It pays out 50% of what it brings in each month back to users. September 24, 2019 at 6:34 pm. I want to help you create financial freedom so that you can live life on your own terms. If that sounds good to you, stick around and learn how to make it a reality.4. By Sarah Sharkey. Some of the links included in this article are from our advertisers. Read about how we make money. Walking is something that you probably do every day. At different points in your life, you may have different reasons to walk. You might use your feet as transportation, exercise, or both. Now, you can start walking to earn extra income. Although these ways to earn money walking are great for some extra cash , you probably will not be able to quit your job. It can still be fun to earn extra cash doing something you already do. You can also use this extra money to help motivate you to walk more. Knowing you are going to get rewarded financially for getting out the door may be just the motivation you need! Achievement is an app that will pay you to complete a variety of exercises, including walking. If you prefer to get your exercise in by running, swimming, biking or playing a sport, then this app will also pay you to do that. Each day, you can log your activities through Achievement. The app will reward you with 6 points for logging your food intake, sleep schedule, weight gains or losses, and sharing your journey on social media. You can earn a maximum of 80 points per day just for logging your exercise. For every 10,000 points, you will be paid $10. You can either take the cash or donate it to a charity listed on the app. If you maximize your points every day, then it will take you four months to reach the $10 payout. That means that you can earn a maximum of $30 per year through the exercise rewards system. You will also have the ability to earn extra cash by taking surveys that relate to health and exercise on the app. The app is compatible with a variety of other apps like Fitbit, Garmin, MyFitnessPal and more. But you do not need any of these to use the app effectively because it can just use the data logged by your cell phone. It’s easy to set up the app and watch the points roll in. Make sure to redeem your points on a regular basis, as they will expire one year after you earn them. It might help motivate you to work out if you check the app each day. Walgreens will reward you with Balance Rewards points when you walk. The points can be used towards Redemption Dollars that are redeemable at Walgreens. If you shop at Walgreens, then this is a worthwhile way to get paid for walking. In order to get started, sign up for a Walgreens Balance Reward account on their website. Once you have an account, you can sign into the app . The app will ask you to link a fitness tracker. You can choose to link many types of fitness trackers, or the sensor on your phone. For each mile you walk, you will receive 20 Balance Rewards points. The limit of Balance Rewards points per month is 1,000. In addition to earning points for walking, you can earn points for logging your weight and blood measurements. If you believe in yourself and your fitness goals, then StepBet may be the perfect app for you. In the app, you will set fitness goals and bet on yourself. You can either meet your goals and win some money, or not reach the goals and lose your money. You have to meet your goals each week for the entire six-week game period or you will lose your money. StepBet links to many other fitness trackers easily. Typically, you will be asked to bet around $40 on you and your goals. The thought of losing money could be the perfect way to motivate yourself. Plus, when you meet your goals you will earn some extra money. Instead of cash, Sweatcoin will pay you for steps in cryptocurrency. Every 2,000 steps is converted into their own type of cryptocurrency, called “sweatcoins.” With the free membership, you will be able to earn 5 sweatcoins per day for 5,000 steps. With the upgraded membership, you can earn 10 sweatcoins per day for 10,000 total steps. The currency can eventually be exchanged for rewards or cash. The gift card options are limited, but you can get paid $1,000 via PayPal for 20,000 Sweatcoins. Although it could take at least 18 months to reach that goal, $1,000 is a prize worth walking for. You should note that you can only redeem this $1,000 one time. Sweatcoin is a great way to earn some extra cash for walking, but you will have to use the GPS on your phone and take your walks outside. It will not count any indoor walking and it does not connect to any fitness trackers. Higi is more than just an app that rewards your walking. The company has health tracking stations at pharmacies across the country. The stations measure a variety of health parameters including body fat, weight, blood pressure, pulse and more. Higi will reward you for a combination of completing these health station check-ins and exercise, including walking. Higi will connect to a variety of fitness trackers and other apps within your phone to reward you for your activities, which makes it easy to get started. The app has challenges that you can complete on a monthly or weekly basis. Each day you will be able to earn points for up to a mile of walking. You can redeem your points for rewards, but not cash. The rewards often include deals on gear, but most of the deals will require you to purchase something. Keep that in mind before signing up for Higi. If you already have a need for one of their rewards, then it is a good way to save some money on that purchase. It is not a worthwhile app if you do not need a discount on any of the deals they offer. The points can also be donated to charity. If that is something that you are interested in doing, then it may be worth using the app. Read on for another option. If you want to donate money you earn from the miles you walk to charity, then Charity Miles is one of the best ways to do it. Although you will not earn cash from the app, you will be supporting a worthy cause in a financial way. It may be a great way to donate money without breaking your budget. It is similar to the concept of a Walk-A-Thon, but you do not have to go around awkwardly asking for cash from everyone you know. Charity Miles uses the GPS and motion sensors on your phone to track your activities daily. You will be rewarded for walking, running, and cycling. You can also log indoor workouts that happen on a treadmill. Just remember to actually log your activity. In order to get rewarded for your activities, you have to physically open the app. Unlike most other apps that just run in the background, you will have to remember to open the app each time you want to track a workout . Charity Miles will let you donate to over 40 worthy causes. Some of the charities include the World Wildlife Fund, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Feeding America, the Wounded Warrior Project, Habitat for Humanity, the National Park Foundation, and more. You will probably be able to find a cause that you want to walk for through this app. Each time you work out, you will be helping to support your favorite charity. MapMyFitness has a variety of related apps, including MapMyWalk and MapMyRun , that will reward you for your effort. The apps offer a variety of challenges that you can complete and many contests that have fun prizes. The rewards will not translate directly into cash, but there will be many opportunities to get prizes related to exercise. Most of the prizes are related to Under Armour products. The apps will connect to your phone sensors or Fitbit easily. Plus you can use the GPS feature on your phone to track a specific workout. Although you will not earn cash through MapMyFitness apps, it is still a good way to get motivated and earn some fun prizes. Other Ways to Get Paid to Walk. Rover is a company that can help you find a dog walking job. You can sign up to be a walker through the website or the app. This could be the perfect way to earn extra money if you like walking and love dogs. Instead of earning a small amount of money for each day of walking, through one of the apps listed above, you can earn around $20 for a short walk with a furry friend in tow. Having a dog around can even make your walk more interesting. Many people will hire you to walk their dog, but Rover makes it easier to find people in need of a dog walker. You can also post fliers or hand out business cards in order to find dog walking customers. Once you have the job, you just have to take the dog for an enjoyable jaunt around the neighborhood. 9. Become a Human Billboard. Have you ever seen someone walking around with a giant sign about a store in the area? Those people are getting paid to walk around and carry that sign. Typically they are making minimum wage, but that extra cash can go a long way. Advice to Maximize Your Walking Rewards. Try signing up with a friend to help motivate you to use the app every day. Some of these apps will allow you to set up competitions among your friends and family. One way to maximize your earning for walking is to sign up for multiple apps. If you take the time to keep up with each app, then you could potentially earn more money for the same amount of walking. You could also combine dog walking or working as a human billboard with any of the apps that will reward you for walking. Using these apps is a fun way to maximize your reward for walking. Even if walking is not your favorite activity, you might be surprised that you choose to walk more often when you know there is a reward involved. Sarah Sharkey. With an MS in Management from the University of Florida Hough School of Business, she is able to write practical advice for anyone attempting to successfully navigate their finances. Her work has been featured by Student Loan Hero, MagnifyMoney, and Centsai. Sarah writes about the ups and downs of navigating adulthood at Adventurous Adulting. This is awesome! I love the one where you bet on yourself. It makes me exercise and takes care of my gambling addiction all in one! Yes, and it saves you time as well as helping you put a little cash in your pocket! There’s nothing wrong with a little extra money, right? A lot of these apps and services definitely take a while to build up a decent sum of cash but they can definitely be worth it over a long period of time just to help with bills or to have a little extra spending money!5. This page may include affiliate links. Please see the disclosure page for more information. Share. See our Free Money page for the best ways to get free money now (sign up bonuses, missing money, and more). Walking is a part of everyday life, so wouldn’t it be great if you could get paid for doing it? You may be surprised by the number of apps that pay you to walk. In this article we’ll take a look at ten of the best options. If you get a lot of exercise already, some of these apps will allow you to easily earn rewards for that exercise. Other apps will give you motivation to start getting more exercise. The outside motivation can be really helpful! The first seven apps that are covered in this article are great, but to be honest, you’re not going to get rich from them. They will, however, allow you to make a little extra money for something you’re already doing, or give you some motivation to get more exercise. The last three apps that are featured will give you far more earning potential. If you’re looking to make more than a small amount of something extra, be sure to consider the apps listed at numbers 8-10. 1. Sweatcoin. Sweatcoin is a popular app that converts your outdoor steps to cryptocurrency (Sweatcoins). The app uses your phone’s accelerometers and GPS location to track and count your steps, and then it converts the steps into Sweatcoings. For every verified 1,000 steps, you’ll get 0.95 Sweatcoins. One of the most important things to understand about Sweatcoin is that only outdoor steps will earn anything. Indoor steps will be counted, but they won’t earn you any Sweatcoins. You can use the Sweatcoins that you’ve earned by redeeming them for prizes. The prizes change frequently. It’s hard to say how much a Sweatcoin is worth in terms of dollars because each prize is a little different, but you can redeem 20,000 Sweatcoins for $1,000 in cash. With the base account you can earn up to 5 Sweatcoins per day, which means it will take a crazy long time to earn 20,000 Sweatcoins. If you want to earn Sweatcoin faster, you have the option of upgrade to a plan that allows you to earn up to 10 Sweatcoins per day. The current cost of that plan is 4.75 Sweatcoins per month. Want to Make $1,000 Per Month Online? Let me show you (for free) the process I've used to build multiple six-figure blogs and grow my net worth by more than $1 million. Get My Blog Launch Blueprint for Free! 2. Lympo. Lympo is somewhat similar to Sweatcoin in that you’ll be able to earn cryptocurrency, in this case LYM. But there are also some very significant differences between Lympo and Sweatcoin. Most significantly, all steps are equal on Lympo (not just outdoor steps). You can walk or run outdoors or indoors, even on a treadmill. You can link Lympo to Google Fit to track your steps. The way to earn through Lympo is by completing challenges. Each day you’ll find a new challenge, and you’ll be rewarded with LYM if you complete the challenge. After you’ve earned some LYM, you can redeem them for your choice of prizes. You can also earn LYM by referring friends. → Sign up for Lympo here . Swagbucks ($5 sign up bonus) – Get paid to take surveys, watch videos, download apps, search, and more. 3. Achievement. Achievement will allow you to earn points for healthy activities. In addition to walking, you can earn points for things like tracking the foods you eat, tracking your sleep, and other types or exercise aside from just walking. You can connect Achievement to Fitbit, Garmin, MyFitnessPal, Google Fit, or many other apps that you use to monitor your health. Once you’ve earned 10,000 points, you can redeem them for $10. If you earn the maximum of 80 points per day, you can make about $30 over the course of a year from Achievement. 4. Stepbet. Sometimes a little pressure or outside motivation can be just what you need to get in better shape. Stepbet is different than the other apps we’ve already featured because it involves placing a bet or wager that you will either win or lose. Stepbet links to several different fitness trackers, like Fitbit. Based on your current fitness level, Stepbet will set daily goals for you in terms of how many steps you need to take. If you’re confident and you want some motivation, you can place a bet and join one of the games within the app. Games last for six weeks and in order to win the bet, you’ll need to meet or exceed your step goals at least six days each week during the game. If you hit the goals, you’ll win the bet and some money (the money is split between the winners). If you don’t, you’ll lose your money. Most bets are around $40. 5. Walgreens Balance Rewards. Walgreens Balance Rewards doesn’t pay you in cash, but you can earn points that are redeemable for purchases at Walgreens. You can earn points for a variety of healthy tasks like walking, linking a health app or device, logging your sleep, testing your blood pressure, monitoring glucose, exercising, and weighing in. You can even earn points if you quit smoking. Since it connects to a Fitbit or other device, most of it is done for you, so it doesn’t take much effort to earn some points. You can earn up to 1,000 points per month (2o points per mile walked, 20 points for exercising, 20 points for weighing in, etc.). To get started, you’ll need to sign up for Walgreens Balance Rewards on their website and link an app or device. Once you start accumulating some points, you’ll be able to see your balance on the website. 6. Carrot (Canada). Carrot is a great option for Canadians. It connects to a Fitbit or your smartphone (Android or iOS). Carrot will track your steps and you’ll receive personalized step goals. When you hit your goal you’ll earn points. You can also connect with your friends, create challenges, and earn more points for winning the challenges. The third way that you can earn points is to complete short quizzes where you’ll learn about important wellness topics. 7. Charity Miles. Charity Miles with not pay you for walking, but it will donate money to a charity of your choice as a result of your steps. The app uses your smartphone’s GPS and you can earn by walking, running, riding a bike, and even dancing. One of the differences between Charity Miles and the other apps here is that you’ll have to open the app and actually initiate the tracking before you walk/run/jog/ride. It’s a little bit inconvenient and you’ll need to remember to open the app, but it’s for a good cause. There are more than 40 popular non-profit organizations that you can choose to support, and you can even get friends and family to sponsor you if you want to. → Sign up for Charity Miles here . The apps listed above are fun and will allow you to make a little extra money from walking, but you’re not going to make a huge amount of money with any of them. If you want to make more money while you walk, you can turn that walking into a service. There are a few options, and here we’ll take a look at the best ones. 8. Rover. Rover is a website/app that connects pet owners with dog walkers and pet sitters. You can create a free profile at Rover and list your services as a dog walker. Pet owners in your local area can then find you through Rover and hire you. Obviously, this involves a little more effort as compared to an app that automatically credits you with some points for your steps, but you have the potential to make so much more as a dog walker. There are many pet owners who are in need of someone to walk their dog, either because they’re not home or because they’re not physically able to do it themselves. The services are in demand, it pays pretty well, and Rover makes it easy to find work since they have a huge user base. Dog walking presents, in my opinion, the best earning potential if you’re looking to make money from walking. As a bonus, you can also use the apps listed above to earn more money while you are walking dogs. 9. Postmates. Postmates is an app that allows customers to get food from restaurants delivered to them. Anyone can sign up to deliver for Postmates, and you can make deliveries by car, bike, or even on foot. If you’re in an urban area, it’s possible to make extra money by walking and delivering food through Postmates. Like dog walking with Rover, this opportunity won’t pay you directly for walking, but it will allow you to earn a much higher amount of money while still walking and getting exercise. Of course, in order for this to be a viable option, you’ll need to live or work in the right area. A rural location is not going to work if you’re walking. Keep in mind that the schedule is totally flexible, so if you work in the city you could make some money on your lunch break , or even stay in the area for a short time after work and take advantage of the busy dinner hour. 10. HealthyWage. Like Stepbet, HealthyWage is another one that comes with a bit of risk, but can serve as a great motivator. You won’t directly earn money for walking, but you can earn money based on losing weight, and walking can obviously help you to lose weight. With HealthyWage you will make a weight loss bet. If you hit the target weight by the end date of the bet, you can win up to $10,000. The amount you can win will depend on factors like your current weight, how much you want to lose, how fast you want to lose it (wagers are at least 6 months long), your sex, your height, your waist measurement, and how much you are willing to bet per month. They have a calculator on their site. You can enter your details and see how much you could win. In addition to doing a wager on your own, you can also start a challenge with friends and family, or compete in a corporate wellness program. Making a wager is a great way to give yourself some motivation to hit your weight loss goals, but keep in mind that you’ll lose the money if you don’t hit your weight loss goal. There are plenty of apps that make it possible for you to earn some extra money for the walking that you already do. They can even give you some extra motivation to stay active and live a healthy lifestyle. There are also a few apps that make it possible to earn a significant amount of money by offering a service while you’re walking. Try a few of these apps that seem like they could be a good fit for you. Try Lympo if you’re looking to earn some rewards for your walking. Try dog walking with Rover if you want to make serious money. Marc. I've been working in internet marketing full-time since 2008. I started to share from my experience and to help others who want to improve their own financial situation. Since starting Vital Dollar, I've been featured at sites like Forbes and Business Insider. You can read my full bio here . Disclosure: Information presented on Vital Dollar and through related email marketing is intended for informational purposes only and is not meant to be taken as financial advice. Please see our Disclosure for further information. Responses and comments below are not provided or commissioned by the bank advertiser. They have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by the bank advertiser. It is not the bank advertiser's responsibility to ensure all posts and/or questions are answered. Vital Dollar has partnered with CardRatings for our coverage of credit card products. Vital Dollar and CardRatings may receive a commission from card issuers. Jim on April 27, 2019 at 4:04 am. What are the first 2 apps getting out of me if I signed up for them? I understand a company tracking your movements for rewards in order to sell advertising / data to other providers. But what are these guys getting from it? Sweatcoin has some ways that you can earn extra Sweatcoin, like viewing an ad, so they are making some ad revenue. They also have some premium upgrades that people pay for. There may be other ways they are benefitting, but those are the most obvious. I just started using Lympo, so I can’t really say. Privacy Policy. Vital Dollar (MNCS, LLC) is an affiliate of some of the companies mentioned on this website. Vital Dollar may be compensated for sales or actions initiated through the links on this site. Vital Dollar may be compensated for paid links and advertisements on this website. Visitors have the right to choose whether they want to click on advertisements or purchase products and services from these other companies. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to .6. Install. Sweatcoin is a new breed of step counter and activity tracker app that pays you digital currency - sweat coin – for your steps to spend on gadgets, sports kit, fitness training, healthy nutrition and much much more …. Sweatcoin converts your steps into new digital currency called "sweatcoins". Spend sweatcoins earned on goods, services and experiences with our vendor partners or other users, donate to charity or exchange them with your friends and family for whatever you fancy. We update the Sweatcoin app regularly to make earning more effective and fun for you. Please get the latest version for our new features, performance improvements and bug fixes aimed to help you be more physically active. TOMTOP Inc. Limited. Get paid to take surveys on your mobile phone or tablet. ?2020 Google Site Terms of Service Privacy Developers Artists About Google |Location: RussiaLanguage: English (Australia)All prices include VAT. By purchasing this item, you are transacting with Google Payments and agreeing to the Google Payments Terms of Service and Privacy Notice .7. Disclosure: This page may contain affiliate links. This means The Frugal Fellow earns a small commission (at no additional cost to you!) if you purchase a product through a link. To learn more, read The Frugal Fellow’s full disclosure policy . There are all kinds of cool apps out there nowadays. It’s not too surprising since we’ve all heard the phrase “there’s an app for that.” In fact, there are even apps that pay you to walk! But how can that be, you say? Well, in some cases, you might have to do more than just walk. With some of these apps, though, you seriously don’t have to do anything else. Yes, it’s that easy. If you’re looking for an easy side hustle that actually pays you for exercise activities, you’ve come to the right place. I have personally been using Rover for a few months now and I love it! Rover is a dog walking app where pet owners can find people to walk, sit, and board their dogs and/or cats. This is definitely one of the best apps that pay you to walk. I am personally a dog walker and it’s been absolutely great. I’m a huge dog lover so obviously that helps a whole lot, but Rover is such a great service. I usually use the app, but there is a desktop website as well. I have only cared for dogs, but I’m not sure if that’s because there aren’t many cats. I would be open to cats but haven’t been contacted by anyone who has them. The way it usually works is pet owners go on Rover and look for someone to take care of their dog or cat. If you are trying to be a dog/cat caretaker, you want to make your profile as complete as possible. Focus on your skill for taking care of dogs/cats and how much you love them. You don’t necessarily want to go over the top but you do want to assure owners that you will love their pet(s) as though they were your own. By default, the app searches for sitters near you, but you can also input an address:. Pro tip: when pet owners search for a sitter, they’ll see a “calendar recently updated” for the sitters who have recently done so. This also bumps you up in the search results and only takes a few seconds to do, so be sure you keep it up to date! I’ve done walks, sitting, and drop-ins. I’m not allowed to board dogs at my current place, but I probably would if I could – you usually earn a higher rate for doing so. You are paid directly through Rover – I usually cash out via PayPal and then transfer it to my bank. All in all, I can usually get paid three or four business days after finishing up with the dog(s). It’s a great way to make extra money. As I said, I’ve had a great experience on Rover. Sure, a few of the dogs have been a handful, but all of the owners have been impossibly nice. There’s really nothing bad I can say about it. Interested in becoming a sitter? Use my link to sign up. I’m loving Rover and I’m sure you will, too! SweatCoin is another of these new apps that pay you to walk. And as much as I love Rover, it does require you to do more than just walk. Not only that, but you have a valuable life in your hands! Okay, perhaps that’s being a bit dramatic, but still. With SweatCoin, you really don’t have to do anything other than just walk. Seriously – I tried it. I downloaded the app, and I didn’t even have to create an account. As soon as you fire this app up, it pays you. Or, well, you start earning SweatCoin (SWC), at least. SweatCoin works more like a rewards app, where you can redeem your coins once you have enough of them. However, those rewards can include PayPal gift cards . So you can quite literally turn your steps into cash. This app will help you with losing weight while you earn cash. Pretty great deal, if you ask me. Grab the app and start walking! Achievement is great because it offers a wide variety to earn. It also allows you to link lots of other popular fitness apps to it:. It makes sense, too. Nowadays, there are a ton of fitness apps out there. And if you’re into fitness (not “fitness pizza in my mouth”), you’ve probably tried several of them. Having one app that allows you to pull all of these various accounts in is very useful. Lost most apps nowadays, Achievement is free to use. The main caveat is that you must be 18 years of age or older. Something that is also unusual about Achievement is that although it is mainly a fitness app, you can also earn money for online surveys . You can earn up to 80 points per day, or $2.50 per month. If you’re in the US like I am, you may not have heard of Earthmiles. They are based in the UK, although the app works in the US as well. This app pays you to walk by rewarding earthmiles which can be exchanged for various products. A lot of the products are also health an fitness related, so you basically earn points to get healthier. I think that’s a great idea. Get paid to walk and get healthier while doing so! What I like about Earthmiles is that it focuses on physical activity in your everyday life. You don’t have to be training for a marathon to be healthy or physically active. The Mayo Clinic recommends 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week. That sounds like a lot until you realize that if you do a little bit each day, it works out to 21 minutes a day. I like to think that is doable for most of – even if we’re busy. Charity Miles technically doesn’t exactly pay you, but it’s a great concept. As you can probably guess from the name, this app donates earnings to the charity of your choice. And it’s just about as simple as the others. The only extra step is choosing a charity. You’ll earn 10 cents per mile for bike riding and 25 cents per mile for walking/running. Not too shabby, especially if you’re someone who is already active. There are quite a few charities to choose from so chances are, whatever cause is important to you will be represented. One potential drawback of the app is that you must manually start and stop each trip. If you often forget things (like I do), it’s possibly you could out on credit for some of your activity. 6. JayWalk. JalkWalk is another app that pays you to walk, but there are a few things that sets it apart from similar apps. For one, you get credit for every bit of walking – even while indoors. They mention walking on a treadmill. Not all apps credit indoor steps, so that’s a nice feature. Another nice thing about Sweatcoin is that it focuses on local merchants. It uses your location to find merchants nearby where you can spend your points. Whether or not supporting local businesses is important to you, it’s a nice touch and something not all apps that pay you to walk will emphasize. To earn extra money walking with LifeCoin, just download the app, fire it up, and start walking. There are no indoor steps for walking with LifeCoin. So, you can earn LifeCoins for walking, biking, running, etc. while outdoors. You’ll earn one LifeCoin for ever 1,000 steps walked. This caps at 5 LifeCoins per day – you can pay $39.99 per year to be able to earn 10 LifeCoins per day (or 10,000 points), which isn’t a great deal in reality. A $50 gift card costs 2,500 LifeCoins, meaning you’ll have to walk for 250 days to earn one. If you have the free version, it’s 500 days. Honestly, the earnings on this app aren’t very good and I’m not sure I would recommend it, but I thought I would mention it anyway. I’ll let you be the judge. Lympo is an interesting app. It has a sleek interface and works differently that most of the typical apps that pay you to walk. For one, it can work in tandem with Google Fit or Samsung Health to more accurately track your activity. In addition, you use your recorded steps to complete challenges, making the app a bit more engaging and interactive. I think this is a nice feature that makes the app more interesting. Once you earn enough tokens, you can exchange them for lots of different prizes, such as free Amazon gift cards, electronics, clothes, shoes, and more. You can even get a Samsung Galaxy S10+ – but you’ll need a whopping 114,900 points! That could take a while. winwalk is an app that pays you to walk for fewer steps! Unlike some apps that pay you for every 1,000 steps, you only have to walk 100 steps to get paid by winwalk. As their website says, “winwalk rewards you for every 100 steps you walk! Earn coins and exchange them for e-gift cards from famous brands.” It also tracks your calories, distance, and active time, and sends you reminds to keep going. If you’re like me (ahem), sometimes you need a little extra motivation. This app does that for you, which is nice. When you have enough points, you can exchange them for free gift cards for stores like Amazon, eBay, Nike, Starbucks, and more. Not bad for a day’s work (of walking). Yodo is not only an app that pays you to walk; it’s an app that places emphasis on the importance and health benefits of staying active. Because, after all – who doesn’t want to get paid to get healthy? You don’t even need a phone number to sign up for Yodo – you can use your Facebook or Google account to join. In addition to getting paid to walk with Yodo, you earn points for sports goals, sharing your sports records, and referring friends. And one of the best things about Yodo is that unlike other apps, your rewards aren’t capped. Many apps cap how much you can earn on a given day. With Yodo, the only limit is how active you are! Pretty good incentive to be more active when you think about it. This app is a great way to get paid to walk and worth considering even amidst a crowded and competitive field. Runtopia is an awesome app and it has a lot of features that make it stand out from the pack. The basics are similar to most other apps: earn points that you can redeem for free PayPal money, electronics, and other cool stuff. However, this app has several features you won’t find anywhere else. For instance, they’ll give you audio motivation (think coaching) if you’re the kind who responds well to that. There are also personalized training plans and a running community, because we all inevitably have questions. There are also all kinds of challenges, which both make the app more engaging and also encourage the communal side of it. StepBet is another one of the many apps that pay you to walk – with a unique twist. As its name implies, you actually place bets that could end up paying off. So, how does it work? Once you grab the app, you find a game and place a bet that’ll get added to the pot. If you meet your fitness goals for the whole game, you’ll get your money back plus additional cash! That makes this app unique in a couple of ways: no redeeming points for gift cards; get real money instead. Plus, of course, betting on yourself is pretty darn unique. I think it’s a great concept because it really forces you to hit your goals if you don’t want to lost money. And if you do hit your goals, you actually make money. Note: this app is currently only available in the LA area and only on the iPhone. If you don’t fit that description, you can skip this one. Fit for Bucks add to the list of apps that pay you to walk – or for any activity at all. With this app, both outdoor steps and indoor activity are included, so you’ll still get credit even if you aren’t able to get outside any given day. The app also works with Apple Health or a Fitbit if you don’t want to carry your phone while exercising. Redeem your points for rewards – this is another app that rewards you with fitness-related products such as fitness classes and personal training. With its nice interface and Apple Health/FitBit integration, it’s worth a look if you’re in the LA area. If you’re looking for easy ways to get paid for your daily steps, check out Fit for Bucks. Have you ever heard of the “carrot and stick?” I’m not sure if that’s what this app is referencing or if it’s the idea of a carrot growing. Hopefully it’s the latter. In any case, this app manages to bring something new to the table (and it’s not the carrot and stick). For example, it will give you personalized goals that update daily. Another cool feature of the app is that you’ll earn bonus points for visiting CARROT businesses. This is a cool feature that can give businesses a reason for you to visit, and it’s Pokémon Go-like AR where the virtual and real life collide. The app also communicates with those businesses via Bluetooth rather than GPS, thus using less battery. Many fitness apps tend to constantly run on GPS, which severely drains battery. This app has some unique features and is worth a look. For the most part, SiWalks is a standard money making app that pays you to walk. Walk 1,000, earn points; redeem those points for rewards. Points are calculated once per hour. However, this app has at least one feature that I can see being useful and that I haven’t seen mentioned elsewhere. So, what is it? Well, the app can function for up to two weeks without an internet connection. Given that hiking is one of the activities you might be doing to rack up some steps, this can be very useful. If you’re hiking out in the mountains or the woods, it’s possible you could be without data service (gasp!). Luckily, SiWalk can still function just fine as long as you make it back to civilization within two weeks. Fitfetti is another app that is a little different from the other ones on this list but nevertheless has some nice things to offer. As you might have guessed from its name, this app is focused more on overall fitness rather than walking. Its mission is to basically help you get in shape and get healthier. Yes, it’s a fitness tracker, but you’ll also get “sponsored” – as they say, like a pro athlete does. Sponsors basically act as motivational coaches who inspire you to keep moving forward toward your goals. Rounding out this list is CircleCare – another health app. Although the app is focused on a healthy lifestyle in general, one of the first things you’ll see when you open it is a step counter. In addition to tracking your steps, the app will give you reminders for things like taking your medication, celebrate healthy lifestyle achievements, and just be active in general. You’ll also learn health “hacks” for how to lead a healthier lifestyle. And there are lots of other cool little features, too, like diabetes and hypertension management, corporate wellness programs – the list goes on. Once you have enough points, you can redeem them from lots of different items from local merchants. Lose weight, earn extra cash, and lower your blood pressure in the process. Sounds like a great deal. Get the app on iOS and Android . If you thought there were only one or two apps that pay you to walk, you couldn’t be more wrong! There are actually dozens of these apps (but we only looked at some of the best ones here). And if you’ve only been looking for legitimate work from home jobs , these are a great alternative. Even you just want to make money online, why not get some exercise at the same time! How great is it to get paid just for staying in shape and getting healthy? I think that’s a pretty sweet deal. Legal | Privacy | Press & Media | Work at Ladders.8. This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure for more info. While you may have added “a more active lifestyle” to your resolutions for the New Year, the fact is that the majority of people are not exercising enough . This lack of exercise and physical activity is partly to blame for the increased incidence of heart disease and generally poor health. Need an incentive to get more exercise and improve your health? Check out the best apps that pay you to walk. I have listed 10 of the best smartphone apps and programs that reward you for staying fit and most of them are available for download on iOS and Android. Walking apps will not make you rich, however, if you get paid a little extra bit of cash while you are improving your health, it’s a WIN-WIN! If you are looking for side hustle gigs that can replace your full-time job, be sure to check out my other posts below:. Sweatcoin is the #1 fitness app in many countries based on its ranking on the App Store and Google Play. The app allows users to earn sweatcoin when they walk or run outside. As of December 2019, you now convert your indoor steps into sweatcoin. . You get 0.95 sweatcoin for every 1,000 steps you take and can redeem them for cash (via PayPal) or rewards (gift cards, fitness products, Apple watches, FitBit, etc.). They also pay you 5 sweatcoin for every friend you refer to the app. Starting with the base plan, you can earn up to 5 sweatcoin per day and 150 sweatcoin a month. To earn sweatcoin faster, you can upgrade your membership. A Shaker plan allows you to earn up to 10 sweatcoin per day and costs 4.75 sweatcoin per month. Power walkers can also opt for Quaker or Breaker plans that offer up to 15 sweatcoin or 20 sweatcoin per day respectively. If you are very active with using the app while outdoors and indoors, you can easily rack up enough coins…like 20,000 sweatcoins in exchange for $1,000. The Rover app is a side hustle app you can use to monetize your walking. Rover offers dog walking and pet sitting gigs in your area and pays you $20 to walk a dog for 30 minutes. If you choose to board animals in your home, you can earn much more. In addition, Rover offers other benefits to help you run your dog walking business:. 24/7 support that includes veterinary assistance. This health fitness app pays you for participating in a bunch of activities like walking, biking, meditating, swimming, logging your meals, and more. You can earn up to 80 points per day for each type of activity and sync over 20 different apps to track different activities. Redeem your points for a gift card or cash via PayPal when you have earned 10,000 points ($10). Users also earn when they refer friends (100 points per referral and on up to 20 referrals) and participate in health studies ($100-$200 per study). StepBet is more like a game and puts the onus on you to be more active and earn cash prizes. After joining and connecting your fitness trackers, you can join one of the games and place a bet…usually $40. Most games last for 6 weeks and if you hit all your weekly goals, you get to share the money in the pot with the other winners. Basically, you set a weight loss goal and bet on your self to reach that goal. Using their HealthyWage Prize Calculator , you can easily see how much you stand to win based on your bet. . As long as you meet your weight loss goal, you win money! The top prize is $10,000 and you can participate in up to 10 challenges at the same time. Postmates is a service that offers customers quick delivery of their food, drink and grocery orders. Using the Postmates app for iOS or Android, you can set your own schedule to deliver restaurant orders to customers within your city using your legs, bike or car. Earnings are paid out weekly and you get to keep 100% of the tips. Lympo is a fitness app similar to Sweatcoin in that you earn LYM Tokens (cryptocurrency) that you can redeem for various kinds of rewards (gift cards, technology gadgets and fitness gear). As of this writing, Lympo users have earned $401,635.62. The Lympo app allows you to sync with other apps like Google Fit and iHealth, and you can record all your physical activity both indoors and outdoors. If you shop at Walgreens, then this program is one way to earn free rewards. The New Balance Rewards offers a 4-week health challenge that begins every Monday and lasts for 7 days. To get started, create an account and connect your fitness device. . Sign up for a health challenge and earn 100 points per week. If you complete all four challenge weeks, you become eligible for a chance to win a bonus 2,000 points. You can easily redeem your points in-store or online at with 1,000 points equivalent to $1. The fitness apps and devices you can link to your account include Google Fit, MyFitnessPal, RunKeeper, iHealth, FitBit and Charity Miles. Want to make extra cash while walking during your free time? Try Gigwalk. The Gigwalk app offers tasks you can complete in as little as 5 minutes to several hours depending on how much you are looking to earn. For example, a “Gig” in your area may include taking photos of products on the shelf in a retail store or submitting a picture of a restaurant’s menu. The brands that list work on the app use it to ensure that their employees in the stores are doing their jobs right. Earnings are paid out using PayPal. The Charity Miles app can help you donate money to your favourite charity when you walk. Charity Miles tracks your movements – running, walking, biking, etc., and sends money to your charity based on your mileage. They say that “health is wealth,” so it makes sense that you stay active and exercise frequently in order to keep fit. The apps that pay you to walk are simply an additional incentive to keep an active lifestyle. How much can you make? Perhaps not a lot if you stick to the fitness apps. When you add in the gig-economy ones, your monthly earnings significantly increase. Enoch Omololu. Enoch Omololu is a personal finance enthusiast and a veterinarian. He has a master's degree in Finance and Investment Management from the University of Aberdeen Business School and has a passion for helping others win with their finances. His writing has been featured or quoted in The Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, MSN Money, Financial Post, The Motley Fool and many other personal finance publications. Read more.. . Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. You can also subscribe without commenting. Brands: Savvy New Canadians and Dollar Financials. Subscribe. Sign up now to join over 200,000 monthly visitors who read our latest personal finance tips and get to download our FREE eBooks.9. Dream Team. Sweatcoin is an app that PAYS you to walk, and it’s completely free to download. The iPhone and Android app tracks your steps each day, and rewards you with a virtual currency that can be used to redeem real-world rewards. Updated: 11 Feb 2018, 13:49. IT'S hard to find the get up and go for exercise, but a new app that pays you to walk could be the perfect incentive. 3. The app uses your phone's GPS chip and accelerometer to verify how many outdoor steps you're taking each dayCredit: Getty - Contributor. The app's creators explain: "Spend sweatcoins earned on goods, services and experiences with our vendor partners or other users, donate to charity, or exchange them with your friends and family for whatever you fancy.". One app user told The Sun that she had earned two ?50 Amazon vouchers and a magazine subscription using the app. It's been downloaded more than a million times on both Apple's App Store and Google's Play Store for Android. The app simply counts up your steps, converts them into sweatcoin, and lets you spend them on whatever vendor offers are available at the time. 3. 3. Sweatcoins can be redeemed for rewards in the official Sweatcoin storeCredit: Sweatcoin. It all sounds a little too good to be true, but an unofficial guide site for the app explains how Sweatcoin manages to make money. "Sweatcoin is providing a healthy venue for product manufacturers to promote their product in a fun give-away environment," Sweatcoin guide explains. Get Sweatcoin for Android here. "This is a form of advertising that spreads brand awareness. Companies are more than willing to give away several big-ticket electronics if it meant thousands, or tens of thousands of people would be exposed to the brand.". For every 1,000 steps you walk outdoors, you'll earn 0.95 sweatcoins. You can use a smartphone app to see how many coins you're generating in real time. Some of the goods and services on offer via Sweatcoin include anti-gravity yoga, high-tech shoes, and even premium gadgets like iPhones and Apple Watches. Britney Spears looks abs-olutely sensational as she works out in spotty shorts and a bra top to get bikini-ready for summer. We pay for your stories! Do you have a story for The Sun Online news team? Email us at tips@the-sun.co.uk or call 0207 782 4368 . We pay for videos too. Click here to upload yours. Apps. HOLD ON. CIARA'S CHAOS. STEPH'S PAIN. I STAND BY MY PHIL. GOING GREY. BACK TO EARTH. Contact Preferences. ?News Group Newspapers Limited in England No. 679215 Registered office: 1 London Bridge Street, London, SE1 9GF. "The Sun", "Sun", "Sun Online" are registered trademarks or trade names of News Group Newspapers Limited. This service is provided on News Group Newspapers' Limited's Standard Terms and Conditions in accordance with our Privacy & Cookie Policy . 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