Designing An Application - ASU

Chapter 3

Planning An Application

This chapter explains how to plan an application and looks at writing a functional specification.

Chapter Objectives

This chapter provides:

• Design Considerations

• Functional Specification Example

Chapter Contents

This chapter contains the following items:

Design Considerations 2

Writing a functional specification 4

Design Considerations

There are design considerations that should be addressed before approving and proceeding with the modification with the PeopleSoft application.

• Development Type

• Business Justification

• Benefits vs. Resources

• Functional Specification

• Security Requirements

• Test Conditions

Development Type

What is the type of development being requested?

• Interface

• Query

• Conversion

• Bolt-On

• SBU Bolt-On (Select, Batch Update)

• Modification to a PeopleSoft object

Depending on how you wish to access data and the purpose of the modification, will help determine the type of development.


If the data is being request to move from or to the PeopleSoft application, such as sending transcript information to another school. Generally, interfaces involve writing a batch job to create an external file that can be transmitted.


Request for a query is normally a need to have data that already resides in the database selected without much calculation done upon it to be used in a report. Consideration should be taken on the amount of data it is to go against as well as the complexity of the tables used in the query. Because queries will be done real-time, a long running query might be better served as a batch process.


Conversion modifications are most often utilized one-time in bringing the data from legacy systems into the PeopleSoft application.


Bolt-On refers to new functionality added to the PeopleSoft application as a stand-alone module. If the functionality can be accomplished by creating custom objects without altering PeopleSoft delivered functionality and/or objects, the modification is considered a bolt-on.

SBU Bolt-on

This is a specific type of bolt on which performs a Select against the data, then does a batch update to records within the PeopleSoft system.

Modification to a PeopleSoft Object

When the functionality of the modification coincides with PeopleSoft functionality and it makes sense to modify the delivered objects, this type of development might be needed. Because of upgrade implications, it might be best to copy or clone portions of the PeopleSoft objects rather than overwrite their delivered objects.

Business Justification

What is the business justification for requesting such a modification? This may have an impact on the urgency of the request. A Federal/State legal compliance modification will generally carry more weight than one that is for productivity enhancement.

Benefits Vs. Resources

• What are the benefits of making the modifications?

• Will these justify the resources it will take to accomplish?

Functional Specifications

A detailed functional specification should be essential to any development plan. You should be prepared with screen mock-ups, record and field definitions, as well as any alternative ways to accomplish the same task. This will greatly reduce the amount of time it will take implementing the development by facilitating a good communication between the functional and technical staff

Security Requirements

Be prepared to identify the groups that will be able to access the newly developed application. Does this modification have security concerns on the types of data being accessed? Does security align with any other components in the systemf?

Test Conditions

In order to determine the application is working according to your development plan, a detailed set of test conditions should be followed. A modification should never give an unexpected result.

Writing A Functional Specification

A functional specification is a much needed document to provide a developer with as much information about the modification to the application. It will greatly reduce miscommunication of the development process.

Functional Specification Example

Exercise 3-1: Write a Functional Specification

In this exercise, you will write a functional specification.


ASU Parking and Transit Service (PTS) department has a need to track license plates to a valid lot number. The lots are distinguished by the parking map colors (Red, Green, Blue, Purple, Orange) and a person can be authorized to park in more than one lot. Each lot has a different level of parking – standard, handicapped, and valet).

Write a functional specification to design this modification to the system.


✓ What is the development type?

✓ What information should be contained in the record?

✓ Will PeopleSoft objects need to be modified?

✓ What benefits will the PTS gain from this modification?

✓ What reports will be needed and run control parameters will be needed?

✓ What are the security requirements?








[pic]All conditions of your test plan should be utilized after each iteration of the development cycle. Sometimes even a simple fix can ‘break’ other conditions of the modification, causing them not to function properly.

[pic] Modification to PeopleSoft objects can have significant impact on the upgrade process and should be minimized.

[pic]Since the modification will not touch the PS objects or functionality this would be considered a Bolt-on.



[pic]A good business requirement should describe the deficiency of the application as well as the part of the business or department is effected. Determine what is the impact of a successful implementation of the modification as well as the consequences.

[pic]It is a good idea to have a detailed list of the objects that will be created along with any specific names that should be used. Also, if possible use a mock-up to better describe what is needed for the modification.

Understanding the key structure to the records being created is crucial. Indicate the key fields of records.

Giving information like using checkboxes and Y/N edits

Supply the valid values of a field.

If known, give field length.

Describe the page set and layout as thoroughly as possible. It is a good idea to provide a page mock-up.

For reports, describe page layout, run control record, who will access the report, how the information should be presented on the report.


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