Apply function for each Row in an R Data Frame - Tutorial Kart

Apply function for each Row in an R Data Frame

R Tutorial ? We shall learn how to apply a function for each Row in an R Data Frame with an example R Script using R apply function.

For each Row in an R Data Frame

To call a function for each row in an R data frame, we shall use R apply function.

a p p l y(d a t a _f ra m e ,1,f u n ct i o n ,a rg u m e n t s _t o _f u n ct i o n _i f _a n y)

The second argument 1 represents rows, if it is 2 then the function would apply on columns.

Following is an example R Script to demonstrate how to apply a function for each row in an R Data Frame.

r_df_for_each_row.R - R Script File

# Learn R program to

apply a function for

each row in r data


# Learn R program to apply a function for each row in r data frame # R Data Frame

celebrities =

d#atRa.Dfraatma eF(rnaammee = c("Andrew", "Mathew", "cDealneyb"r,iti"ePshi=lipd",at"Jao.fhrna"m, e(name = c("Andrew", "Mathew", "Dany", "Philip", "John", "Bing", "Monica"),

"Bing", age

"=Mocn(2ica8ag,"e)2,3=, c4(92,8,







29, 38, 23, 2i9n)c,ome = c(25.2, 10.5, 11, 21.9, 44, 11.5, 45))

income = c(25.2,

10.5, 11, 21.9, 44,


#f =R function(x, output) { f = #funxcitsiotnh(ex,roowutopfutt)ype Character { # x#isacthcesrsoweleomf etynpt ein first column Charac t er # ancacmeess=exle[m1]ent in first#caoclucmenss element in second column name = x[1] # aincccoemsse e=lexm[e3n] t in seco#nydoucrocluomdne to process x income = x[3] #yocuart(cnoadmeet,oinpcroomces, s"\n") x}cat(name, income, "\n") } #apply(X, MARGIN, FUN, ...)

#aapppplyly(c(Xe,leMbrAitRieGsI,N,1, f) FUN, ...) apply(celebrities, 1, f)


$ Rscript r_df_for_eac h_row.R Andrew 25.2 Mathew 10.5 Dany 11.0 Philip 21.9 John 44.0

$ Rscript r_df_for_each_row.R Andrew 25.2 Mathew 10.5 Dany 11.0 Philip 21.9 John 44.0 Bing 11.5 Monica 45.0 NULL

Conclusion :

In this R Tutorial, we have learnt to call a function for each of the rows in an R Data Frame.

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