Attn: CEU Heads of Academic Units, Directors of Doctoral Programs, Doctoral Students, Faculty Members, PhD Working GroupDear colleagues,We are writing to inform you about a set of final measures for the current academic year, adopted in order to assist our doctoral students whose work has been affected by the Covid-19 crisis. These measures have been prepared following extensive consultations with the unit heads, directors of doctoral programs, the Senate and the PhD Working Group. Communications about previously adopted policies and measures are available here. They include, for the first time at CEU, paid leaves for student parents, which of course will be maintained beyond the end of the crisis.Interrupted field research; doctoral research grants (DRSG)Students whose field work was interrupted by the crisis can apply to get the full or partial field research grant again and go back to the field as soon as possible. Given the uncertainty regarding the end of the crisis, however, students in this situation can use the renewed grant to substitute the field work with archival or other type of remote research, purchase of data, etc. Students who were eligible for field work in 2019/2020 but could not apply due to the crisis can apply in 2020/2021 even if they are already in their fourth (but not later) year of study. Students who were on DRSG in the Winter semester and were not able to complete their research period can apply for a new grant to go back to complete it at the same place as soon as possible. Alternatively, students in this situation can apply to do the DRSG online. Students should submit the usual material as well as an explanation of why they need the additional/new grant. The application deadline during the current academic year is extended until July 3. Travel grants applications and deadlinesThe last deadline for applications for travel grants during the current academic year is extended until 15 July. Applications will be received and processed on a rolling basis until this deadline. Naturally, students may apply and get the grant but can only use it if health conditions allow safe travel.Teaching assistantshipThe administration intends to expand significantly TA’s opportunities for doctoral students in the coming academic year. A new and detailed policy on graduate teaching at CEU, including TA’s, was adopted recently by the Senate. It is envisaged that all doctoral students will be eligible for at least one paid TA before graduation, in a CEU bachelor’s or master’s program.Summer School grants for this academic yearStudents may apply for online summer school courses until July 3.Global Teaching Fellowships Program (GTFP).Students who can shift their Global Teaching Fellowship to online in 2020/2021 are encouraged to do so under the originally agreed upon financial conditions. Students who cannot go on GTF given the conditions in the host university/country can apply again for the following year.We recommend that departments give preference to hiring for TA-ships to those who could not complete their GTF in the fall. The TA’s will not replace the GTF or make students ineligible for GTFP. Diplomas issuingDoctoral students graduating in 2019/2020 will be able to receive their diplomas by the time of the graduating ceremony (which will take place online this year) or within two weeks after the ceremony at the latest.Emergency fundDoctoral students in particularly difficult situations due to the Covid crisis can apply to the emergency fund until 15 July. Applications will be received and processed on a rolling basis.Write-up, field work and DRSG extensionsThe deadline for doctoral students on write-up grants to submit their dissertations has been already extended until 31 December 2020 (semi-automatic, upon application). A corresponding extension of enrollment will be operated automatically. Students who need to repeat their field work or DRSG will receive automatically a corresponding extension of enrollment.In the transition to Vienna, CEU was able to mobilize sufficient financial resources to increase significantly the stipends for all doctoral students. With the measures adopted recently, including those outlined in the present memo, we are confident that our doctoral students will continue to benefit from a guaranteed length of funding of up to almost five years, including the initial three years of stipend, DRSG, write-up grant and GTFP. The new TA policy to be implemented from 1 September 2020 will add an additional funding stream. In the last few weeks we have conducted extensive consultations with the PhD Working Group, heads of units and directors of doctoral programs, and finally with the Senate, regarding the possibility of extending enrollment and stipends for all doctoral students even beyond the currently guaranteed length of time. Unfortunately, the same conclusion has been reached each time – our financial resources do not allow a blanket extension of enrollment, with stipend, for all doctoral students. In this situation of crisis, CEU remains committed to support all its doctoral students to finalize their degrees and start a successful career as soon as possible.Michael Ignatieff, President and RectorLiviu Matei, ProvostEva Fodor, Pro-Rector for Social Sciences and Humanities ................

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