Application for Financial Assistance - Loans and Bursaries

Application for Financial Assistance






Apply online ? there are so many advantages!

When you apply on our Web site instead of with paper forms, you will be able to upload any required documents right into your personal online file.

? Gouvernement du Qu?bec Minist?re de l'Enseignement sup?rieur

English version ISBN 978-2-550-86483-7 (PDF) ISBN 978-2-550-86484-4 (Imprim?)

Version fran?aise ISBN 978-2-550-86481-3 (PDF) ISBN 978-2-550-86482-0 (Imprim?)

Legal deposit -- Biblioth?que et Archives nationales du Qu?bec, 2020

Before you apply ?


You may qualify for the Loans and Bursaries Program even if you are a part-time student, if you meet certain conditions. See page 6 of the guide to learn if you are deemed a full-time student.

Eligibility criteria for the Loans and Bursaries Program

You are eligible for the Loans and Bursaries Program, if:

? You are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, refugee or protected person as set out in the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act

? You are residing in Qu?bec or are deemed to be residing in Qu?bec at the time of your application, in accordance with the situations in the Criteria for Qu?bec resident status section on page 5 of the guide

? You have been admitted to an educational institution that is recognized by the Minist?re de l'Enseignement sup?rieur for the purposes of awarding financial assistance and ? you are pursuing full-time studies in a recognized program. or ? You are deemed to be pursuing full-time studies in a recognized program.

? You have not exceeded the number of months of eligibility for which financial assistance may be awarded for your level of education, type of degree or program.

? You have not reached the debt limit established for your level of education, type of degree or program.

? You do not have sufficient financial resources to pursue your studies.

Please note that incarcerated persons are not eligible for the Loans and Bursaries Program.

Confidentiality of personal information

The Act respecting access to documents held by public bodies and the Protection of personal information obliges public bodies to only gather individually-identifiable information that is required to perform their duties or for program management.

This kind of information and supporting documents are indispensable when applying the Act Respecting Financial Assistance for Education Expenses and its related regulations. Information gathered is only used to award financial assistance or, as the case may be, recover assistance overpayments, or when a borrower does not abide by repayment terms and conditions for loans guaranteed by the government.

Want to learn more?

Additional information is available:

? On our Web site:

? In the Student Financial Assistance guide ? From staff of the financial assistance office

of your educational institution

Who can access your personal information?

Only authorized Aide financi?re aux ?tudes employees and staff in charge of financial assistance at educational institutions may have access to the information in such files.

Which organizations are called upon to verify personal information?

In its efforts to verify the accuracy of the information provided or to recover outstanding amounts, in accordance with the Act, Aide financi?re aux ?tudes may contact the following bodies:

? non-Qu?bec government ministries and other bodies: to verify whether you are a beneficiary of student financial assistance from them

? The Minist?re de l'Enseignement sup?rieur: to verify information concerning students' school records

? The Minist?re du Travail, de l'Emploi et de la Solidarit? sociale: to identify persons who benefit under the Social Assistance Program or the Social Solidarity Program and grant them extensions for the repayment of a bursary overpayment or a loan granted under the Loans and Bursaries Program

? Revenu Qu?bec: to verify information provided, such as a person's address, civil status, employers, incomes, or to recover from income tax refunds any amount owed by students who have not honoured their repayment agreement

? A credit-reporting agency: to trace the place of residence of certain persons who cannot be located and check certain items of information

? Educational institutions: in order to confirm educational information

? Financial institutions: to update the files of persons who have benefited under a program offered by Aide financi?re aux ?tudes and ensure a follow-up on their loan balance

? R?gie de l'assurance maladie: to determine the place of residence of persons who cannot be located

? Debt collection agencies outside Qu?bec: to obtain debt repayment from a debtor or conclude a debt repayment agreement

Table of Contents

Your Application for Financial Assistance

Declaration of Spouse

Step-by-step An example

Your Form


What You Need to Know Before You Begin



Who must fill out the Declaration of Spouse form?


What do you need to do before sending

your declaration?


Changes occurring during the year


Section 1: Student's Personal Information


Section 1: Spouse's Personal Information


Section 2: Residence in Qu?bec


Section 2: Student's Personal Information


Sections 3A and 3B: Educational Information


Section 3: Income


Section 4: Student's Situation


Section 4: Signature of Spouse


Section 5: Other Financial Support Programs


Section 6: Financial Resources

12 Fact Sheet


Section 7: Allowance for Training Support Materials


Section 8: Signature


Required Documents (Student)


Declaration of Parents

What You Need to Know Before You Begin


Who must fill out a declaration?


Which declaration must you fill out?


The sponsor


Before sending your declaration


Changes occurring during the year


What is your responsibility with regard to your child's

student loan debt?


Section 1: Father's, Mother's or Sponsor's

Personal Information


Section 2: Dependent Children


Section 3: Income


Section 4: Signature of Father, Mother or Sponsor


Step-by-step ?

The assessment simulator on our Web site estimates the amount of financial assistance that could be granted to you under the Loans and Bursaries Program for any given award year.

The results of the simulation should not be taken as official and can in no case be interpreted as a commitment by Aide financi?re aux ?tudes.

1. Ensure that you have a Permanent Code.

Your Permanent Code is assigned by the Minist?re de l'?ducation. It is shown on high school report cards and college transcripts.

2. Ensure that your educational institution and program are recognized.

See the Directory of educational institutions and programs on our website (more details on page 6). If the information you need is not there, contact your school's student aid office.

3. Fill out and submit your application for financial assistance form.

Apply online using the electronic form that is available under the Full-time Forms tab in your online file ( ? there are so many advantages!

? Forms are tailored to your situation

? Secure transmission of your personal information

? Upload any required documents right into your online file

Applying on our Web site instead of with paper forms lets you upload any required documents right into your personal online file.

In addition, if you are not applying for financial assistance for the first time, your Web form will be personalised. To facilitate the process, Aide financi?re aux ?tudes will have already filled in part of the form using information from your file.

Ensure that your application is complete and valid

Fill out all sections of the Application for financial assistance 2020-2021 and all parts of Schedule A, if applicable. Pages 4 to 14 of the guide can help you.

Please do not use a highlighter in your financial assistance application form.

Your application for financial assistance must be submitted no later than 30 days after the end of the last recognized month of your studies in the relevant award year.

4. Provide all documents needed to process your application.

The assessment of your financial assistance will not proceed until all supporting documents required to analyze your application are received. Please ensure that you submit all required documents in order to find out if you are entitled to financial assistance for education expenses and what amount could be granted to you.

Please pay careful attention to the boxed numbers on the forms. These numbers refer to specific documents that are listed on pages 15 to 21 of the guide. If you decide to apply with the Web form, a list of supporting documents required to analyze your application based on your situation, will be shown. The Web form also provides you with useful tips on how to acquire, fill out and upload these documents to your file.

Depending on your situation, your father, mother, sponsor and/ or spouse may need to fill out the appropriate declaration(s). Pages 22 and 23 of the guide are meant for your parents or sponsor. Pages 24 and 25 are intended for your spouse.


We must receive all documents required as part of an application for student financial assistance no later than December 29 that follows the end of the award year.


Step-by-step (cont.) ?

The earlier, the better!

In order to receive your financial assistance at the beginning of the academic year, apply online in May and submit all required documents as soon as possible, and upload them right into your file. This will speed up processing of your file. The assessment of your financial assistance cannot be finalized until we have received all your documents.

5. Check your assessment statement.

Once all required documents have been received and processed (usually within four to six weeks), Aide financi?re aux ?tudes will issue an assessment. This document will inform you of the amount of the loan and bursary (if any) granted. It will also specify the dates of payment of any assistance to which you are entitled. If you provided your email address, you will receive an email explaining how to find your assessment statement on our Web site. If not, you will receive the statement by mail.

6. Get your guarantee certificate and open a bank account at a participating financial institution in Qu?bec.

If this is your first application for financial assistance

Following your first application, if it is determined that you qualify for financial assistance, a guarantee certificate will be made available in your Internet student file several days prior to the start of your first session. You will need to print it and deliver it to your financial institution as soon as possible so that your banking information can be sent to Aide financi?re aux ?tudes and your financial assistance can be paid directly to your account.

If you are not a first-time applicant for financial assistance

Once you submit your application to Aide financi?re aux ?tudes, no further steps are needed for you to receive your financial assistance, if you qualify. Funds will be credited to your bank account on the dates shown on your assessment statement.

However, if you have interrupted your studies for more than six months since your last application for financial assistance, you will be deemed a first-time applicant and need to follow the applicable procedure.

7. Report your income In January, you will need to fill out the Confirmation of Financial Resources form to update or confirm the income you reported in your application for financial assistance. This form is available on our Web site in Online Services.

Please also note that you can notify us of changes in your income at any time by sending us a declaration of change.

Important! If you neglect this obligation, your financial assistance installments will be suspended.

Your responsibilities as a beneficiary

Changes during the year Any changes to information you provided in your application for financial assistance must be reported within 45 days. To report an address change, use the Your Information tab in your online file, which can be found on our Web site in Online Services. To report any other change, use the Declaration of Change form in the Full-time forms tab of your online file or pick up the form at your school's student aid office.

As soon as it receives any document from you, Aide financi?re aux ?tudes presumes that it has received everything it needs to proceed with the analysis of your file. Ensure that you have all the documents in hand that you need to submit, including: ? The signed forms ? Schedule A, if applicable ? The supporting documents.

(Your Permanent Code must be written on each one.) You have 45 days to send Aide financi?re aux ?tudes the required documents and forms. Important! No information or document will be accepted by fax or email.


An example ?

This year, Julie has to leave her parents' residence because she will be attending a university located in another region. She filled out her application for financial assistance and reported income of $4,000. Her parents' contribution has been established at $4,712.*

Step 1 ? Fill out and submit an application for financial assistance for education expenses, along with all required supporting documents

Julie fills out her application for financial assistance and sends it to Aide financi?re aux ?tudes.

2020-2021 Application for Financial Assistance

Important! This form cannot be uploaded to your online file using the Submit a document tab. You must mail it to us instead. IMPORTANT: # The boxed numbers indicate situations for

which supporting documents are required. (See Guide, pages 14 to 20.) 1001 (1 of 8)

Reserved for Aide financi?re aux ?tudes

Section 1 ? Student's Personal Information (See guide, page 4)

A. Identification

Last name

Permanent code assigned by the Minist?re

First name

Date of birth




Social Insurance Number




Language of correspondence



B. Citizenship

Canadian citizen by birth 1

Naturalized Canadian citizen 2 Permanent resident 3 Refugee or protected person 4

Step 2 Date on which you obtained


permanent resident status



Immigrant category code

Date on which you obtained





September permanent resident status

Date on which you obtained status




category code

as a refugee or protected person

C. Mailing address



Direction (North, South, East, West)

At the start of term, Julie prints her



garantee certificate, which is available

in her online file. Municipality (cont.) After she gives this Province

Postal code

Telephone number (home) Area code

documCoeuntnryt to her financial institution,

Other telephone number Area code

she receives her first installment by

electronic deposit to her bank E-mail address

If you provide your e-mail address, you will receive your correspondence by e-mail.

accoSuecntito.n 2 ? Residence in Qu?bec (See guide, page 5.)

Extension Extension

Installment: $2,130 The information provided in this section will enable us to determine if you are a Qu?bec resident. Answer YES to only one of the questions

below. If you answer NO to questions one, two and three, indicate the appropriate criteria, if applicable, in the space provided at number 4.

A. Qu?bec resident status

1. Were you born in Qu?bec?......................................


No 4. You may be able to claim Qu?bec resident status on the basis

If you answered YES, go directly to subsection B. 2. Does one of your parents (or your sponsor) reside

of other criteria. See page 5 of the Guide. Where applicable,

Step 3 choose one of the criteria and enter the corresponding

number in this space. ..5............................................................

in Qu?bec? .5............................................................. Yes No If you answered YES, go directly to subsection B.

December 3. Do you hold a Qu?bec selection certificate? .6......... Yes No If you answered YES, go directly to subsection B.

January If you entered criterion 10 in the space above, indicate the

criterion that applies to your spouse in this space. ................

Mandatory form

B. Studying outside Qu?bec If you are pursuing studies outside Qu?bec, see page 5 of the Guide and choose criterion 11, 12, 13 or 14. 7

Enter the number of the criterion in this space. .5.............................................................................................................................................

Minist?re de l"?ducation et de l'Enseignement sup?rieur Aide financi?re aux ?tudes

Julie fills out the Confirmation of

1035, rue De La Chevroti?re,

Qu?bec (Qu?bec) G1FR 5iAn5 ancial Resources form to update 22-1299-19A (rev. 19-03)

or confirm the income she previously

reported and avoids the possibility

of receiving an overpayment.

Check the assessment statement

Aide financi?re aux ?tudes sends Julie an assessment statement that tells her the amount of financial assistance she will receive during the year.

Example Loan: $2,528 Bursary: $3,377 Total: $5,905

The statement also provides a breakdown of monthly or periodic assistance installment payments.



Installment: $273 February

Installment: $273 March

Installment: $273

Installment: 2,137

Installment: $273

Installment: $273


Converting a portion of her loan to a bursary

Installment: $273

After verifying the accuracy of income reported by Julie with Revenu Qu?bec, Aide financi?re aux ?tudes pays Julie's financial institution the amount that corresponds to the bursary to which she is entitled, in this case $3,377. Her student loan is thus reduced.

Example Loan: $2,528 Bursary: $3,377 Total: $5,905

Julie receives a notice from Aide financi?re aux ?tudes informing her of the amount that was converted into a bursary.

* The calculation parameters for award year 2019-2020 were used for the calculations shown on this page.


Your Form ?

Section 1: Student's Personal Information

A and B. Identification and citizenship

Last name and first name at birth as given on your birth certificate

If this is your first application for financial assistance and you are a Canadian citizen by birth If you were born in Qu?bec and you have a permanent code, you are not required to provide your birth certificate.

If you were born in Qu?bec or another Canadian province but do not have a permanent code, you must provide an original birth certificate (or a copy that is certified true by an authorized person from your educational institution). It must give the last and first names of both parents. An original copy of an act of birth issued by the Directeur de l'?tat civil is preferable, since it contains all the required information.

Certificates issued before January 1, 1994, by an authority other than Directeur de l'?tat civil have legal standing and will also be accepted.

If you are not Canadian by birth If you are a naturalized Canadian citizen, you must provide the documents listed in item 2 of the table on page 15.

If you are a permanent resident, you must provide the documents listed in item 3 of the table on page 16.

If you are a refugee or a protected person, you must provide the documents listed in item 4 of the table on page 16. If you do not have a permanent code, copies of those documents must be certified true by an authorized person from your educational institution.

Permanent code assigned by the Minist?re de l'?ducation

Example of a permanent code: TREP11596701

(The permanent code has four letters, followed by eight numbers).

Your permanent code appears on your secondary school or college transcript and on all correspondence sent by Aide financi?re aux ?tudes. You must write it on all documents that you send to Aide financi?re aux ?tudes. If you fail to do so or if you provide an incorrect code, your file will not be complete.



Some educational institutions assign each student a number they call a permanent code or student number. This code or number should not be confused with the permanent code assigned by the Minist?re de l'?ducation.

If you don't have a permanent code If you were born in Canada, Aide financi?re aux ?tudes will have a permanent code assigned to you if you send an original birth certificate (or a copy that is certified true by an authorized person from your educational institution) that indicates the last and first names of both parents, as specified in the left-hand column of this page.

If you were not born in Canada, Aide financi?re aux ?tudes can have a permanent code assigned to you if you send, in addition to the documents specified in the left-hand column of this page, a legible document, such as your birth certificate, indicating your place of birth (city and country) and the last and first names of both your parents, even if they are decea sed. Only original documents or copies certified as true by an authorized person from your educational institution will be accepted.

Social Insurance Number

If you don't have a Social Insurance Number Go to the Service Canada Centre in your area to apply for a Social Insurance Number (SIN). You will receive your number the same day and your card in the days that follow.

To find out which documents are required to apply for an SIN, see the related section on Service Canada`s Web site ( or dial 1-800-808-6352 and select option 3.

If you apply by mail, you will receive your SIN within 3 to 4 weeks. In that case, don't wait to receive your SIN before applying. You can inform us of your SIN as soon as you receive it.

C. Mailing address

Full address and telephone number

Remember to enter your postal code and telephone number.

If you change your mailing address during the year, you must quickly notify Aide financi?re aux ?tudes. You can change your mailing address in the Your information section of your online student file, which is located in Online Services on our Web site.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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