ENGLISH IV 2018-2019YEAR AT A GLANCEFall Semester 20181st NINE WEEKS 2nd NINE WEEKS The Hero’s JourneyUnit 1-Reflective Essay (approximately 3 weeks) Students will write college application essays? Evaluate personal goals, strengths and weaknesses, and individual motivations? Use elements of the writing process to compose engaging, organized essay with a clear, effective thesis which follows writing conventions Objectives for Unit: 13A-E, 15B, 17A-B, 18A, 19AWeek 18/15 – Wednesday Bell Ringer/Journal Entry Weekly Greek/Latin Root – (ab-,?a-,?abs-,?au) away from; ex. abnormal, abrasion, absent, abstain, abstraction, etc.-Icebreaker-English IV classroom expectations, rules, procedures, materials8/16 – ThursdayBell Ringer/Journal Entry -distribute the Bucket List pre-writing packet-examples of effective college application essays-present ApplyTexas topics:-Topic A: What was the environment in which you were raised? Describe your family, home, neighborhood, or community, and explain how it has shaped you as a person. -Topic B: Most students have and identity, interest, or a talent that describes them in an essential way. Tell us about yourself.-Topic C: You've got a ticket in your hand—where will you go? What will you do? What will happen when you get there?--show “Essay Hook - Parts of an Essay” for reinforcement will brainstorm and begin writing hooks in class8/17 – FridayBell Ringer/Journal Entry-students will continue drafting their college application essays -teacher will monitor and assist as necessary-teacher facilitates and monitors peer/group editingWeek 28/20 – MondayBell Ringer/Journal Entry: Write a brief outline of your life after high school.Weekly Greek/Latin Root – (ag-) lead; ex. agony, antagonist, antagonize, etc.-students will continue in-class drafting--teacher facilitates and monitors peer/group editing-teacher will monitor and assist as necessary8/21 – TuesdayBell Ringer/Journal Entry-students will continue in-class drafting--teacher facilitates and monitors peer/group editing-Rough draft due8/22 – WednesdayBell Ringer/Journal Entry: Where do you want to be in 10 years? What career are you pursuing? Where do you live?-Students will revise and peer edit rough drafts to generate final draft-teacher conferences with students over rough drafts-teacher facilitates and monitors peer/group editing8/23 – ThursdayBell Ringer/Journal Entry-Students will revise and peer edit rough drafts to generate final draft-teacher conferences with students over rough drafts-teacher facilitates and monitors peer/group editing8/24 – FridayBell Ringer/Journal Entry-students will continue in-class drafting-teacher facilitates and monitors peer/group editing-Journal CheckWeek 38/27 – MondayBell Ringer/Journal Entry: Write about a discovery or advancement in technology, medicine, etc., you want to see in your lifetime.Weekly Greek/Latin Root – (ann-, -enn-) year; ex. anniversary, annual, millennial, millennium, etc.-students will continue in-class drafting-teacher facilitates and monitors peer/group editing8/28 – TuesdayBell Ringer/Journal Entry: Write a brief outline of your life after high school.-students will continue in-class drafting-teacher facilitates and monitors peer/group editing-teacher will monitor and assist as necessary8/29 – WednesdayBell Ringer/Journal Entry: Write your personal definition of success.-students will continue in-class drafting-teacher facilitates and monitors peer/group editing8/30 – ThursdayBell Ringer/Journal Entry: Are you the hero of your own story?-Students will complete final drafts-Final drafts due8/31 – FridayBell Ringer/Journal Entry-Students will view The History of English Language pt. 1 video at 3:47 and end at 50:09-Journal CheckEND OF AUGUSTUnit 2-The Epic: Beowulf (approximately 2 weeks) Students will read and analyze Beowulf? Understand historical context of poem? Define epic and archetypal hero identify characteristics? Closely read Beowulf in class? Compare Beowulf with other text Objectives for Unit 2: 1A-B, D, 2A, C, 3A, 5A-D, 7AWeek 49/3 – MondayLabor Day – No School9/4 – TuesdayBell Ringer/Journal Entry: Write your own personal definition of hero.Weekly Greek/Latin Root – (an-, a-, am-, ar-) not, without; ex. atypical, etc.-Teacher will deliver power point presentation over the Anglo-Saxons and Beowulf -Begin in-class reading of Beowulf9/5 – WednesdayBell Ringer/Journal Entry-In-class reading of Beowulf9/6 – ThursdayBell Ringer/Journal Entry: Are you the hero of your own story?-In-class reading of Beowulf9/7 – FridayBell Ringer/Journal Entry-complete in-class reading of Beowulf-Beowulf reading quiz-Journal CheckWeek 59/10 – MondayBell Ringer/Journal Entry: What do you want future employers to know about you?Weekly Greek/Latin Root – (pasc-, past-) feed; ex. antipasto, pastor, pastorage, pastoral, pasture, repast, etc.-Beowulf Needs Work-Teacher will disseminate the Beowulf Needs Work group project to each student.-Teacher will guide students through the project objectives and rubric.-Students will begin group project 9/11 – TuesdayBell Ringer/Journal Entry-students will continue group project Beowulf Needs Work-teacher will monitor and assist as necessary9/12 – WednesdayBell Ringer/Journal Entry: What is work?-students will continue group project Beowulf Needs Work-teacher will monitor and assist as necessary9/13 – ThursdayCOMMON ASSESSMENTBell Ringer/Journal Entry-students will use class period to take common assessment9/14 – FridayBell Ringer/Journal Entry-students will complete Beowulf Needs Work group project-Journal Check3-Research Project: Archetypes (approximately 2 weeks) Students will study literary archetypes? Define and view examples of character archetypes? Work with partners to research specific information about an assigned archetype? Create multi-media presentation about assigned archetype? Present completed project during class Objectives for Unit: 21A-B, 23D, 26A, 15DWeek Six9/17 – MondayBell Ringer/Journal Entry: What is your call to adventure?Greek/Latin Root – (academ-) Akademos; ex. academy, academic, academe, etc.-teacher will show “What is the Hero's Journey?: Pat Soloman at TEDxRockCreekPark” will disseminate archetype partners project guidelines and rubric-teacher will explain archetype project guidelines and rubric-students will be placed into groups of two (2). -students will begin to work on their projects with their partners-teacher will monitor and assist as necessary9/18 – TuesdayBell Ringer/Journal Entry-students will continue to work with their partners-teacher will monitor and assist as necessary-teacher facilitates and monitors peer/group editing9/19 – WednesdayBell Ringer/Journal Entry: Who is your personal hero?-students will continue to work with their partners-teacher will monitor and assist as necessary9/20 – ThursdayBell Ringer/Journal Entry-students will continue to work with their partners-teacher will monitor and assist as necessary9/21 – FridayBell Ringer/Journal Entry-students will continue to work with their partners-teacher will monitor and assist as necessary-Journal CheckWeek 79/24 – MondayBell Ringer/Journal Entry: Who do you consider a national hero?Weekly Greek/Latin Root – (ant-, anti-) against, opposed to, preventive; ex. antagonist, antagonize, antibiotic, antidote, etc.-students will continue to work with their partners-teacher will monitor and assist as necessary9/25 – TuesdayBell Ringer/Journal Entry-students will continue to work with their partners-teacher will monitor and assist as necessary9/26 – WednesdayBell Ringer/Journal Entry: Who do you consider a universal hero?-students will finalize projects with their partners-teacher will monitor and assist as necessary9/27 – ThursdayBell Ringer/Journal Entry-projects due-project presentations9/28 – FridayBell Ringer/Journal Entry-project presentations-Journal CheckEND OF SEPTEMBERUnit 4- Medieval Life: Canterbury Tales (approximately 2 weeks) Students will read and analyze Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales? Understand historical context as well as background of author? Closely read prologue and tales in class? Write poems based on particular characters Objectives for Unit: 1A-B, D, 2C, 3A, 5A-D, 14BWeek 810/1 – MondayBell Ringer/Journal Entry: What do you notice first about a person?Weekly Greek/Latin Root – (radi-) beam, spoke from; ex. radiance, radiation, etc.-teacher will present Geoffrey Chaucer Power Point to students-Supplement viewing: The History of English Language pt. 2 discussion10/2 – TuesdayBell Ringer/Journal Entrybegin in-class reading of “The Prologue” of The Canterbury Tales -Supplement viewing The History of English Language pt. 2-classdiscussion10/3 – WednesdayBell Ringer/Journal Entry: What is a pilgrimage you have taken?-continue in-class reading of “The Prologue”-begin reading “The Pardoner’s Tale”10/4 – ThursdayBell Ringer/Journal Entry: Are you the hero of your own story?-continue in-class reading of “The Pardoner’s Tale”-begin in-class reading of “The Wife of Bath’s Tale”10/5 – FridayBell Ringer/Journal Entry-complete in-class reading of “The Wife of Bath’s Tale”-The Canterbury Tales reading Quiz-Journal CheckWeek 910/8 – Monday FAIR DAY – NO SCHOOL10/9 – TuesdayBell Ringer/Journal Entry: Which tale did you enjoy the most, and why?Weekly Greek/Latin Root – (re-, red-) again, back; ex. Recede, redact, etc.-Teacher will review students for 9-week exam10/10 – WednesdayBell Ringer/Journal Entry-students will write Canterbury Tales limerick activity-Teacher will review students for 9-week exam10/11 ThursdayBell Ringer/Journal Entry: Would you classify Geoffrey Chaucer as middle class?-students will take 9-week exam10/12 FridayBell Ringer/Journal Entry-students will complete Canterbury Tales limerick activity-9-week exam make-up-Journal Check-Enter 1st 9-week gradesEND OF 1st 9 WeeksUnit 5-Frankenstein (approximately 2 ? weeks) Students will read and analyze Frankenstein? Understand historical context of the novel as well as background of author? Understand literary movement: Romanticism? Closely read Frankenstein in class? Assessment: Open-Ended Exam Objectives for Unit: 1A-B, 2C, 5A-D, 7AWeek 1010/15 – MondayBell Ringer/Journal Entry: What do you consider the most important scientific/technological discovery or advancement of the 21st century…so far?Weekly Greek/Latin Root – (ranc-) rancidness, grudge, bitterness; ex. rancid, rancor, etc.-Students will watch In Search of History – Frankenstein TuesdayBell Ringer/Journal Entry: Write a brief outline of your life after high school.-Students will read excerpts of the novel Frankenstein10/17 – WedenesayBell Ringer/Journal Entry: Write about a time when humanity misused technological/scientific advancements.--Students will read excerpts of the novel Frankenstein10/18 – ThursdayBell Ringer/Journal Entry--Students will read excerpts of the novel Frankenstein10/19 – FridayBell Ringer/Journal Entry-Students will complete reading excerpts of the novel Frankenstein-Frankenstein reading quiz-Journal CheckWeek 1110/22 – MondayBell Ringer/Journal Entry: Brainstorming Weekly Greek/Latin Root – (sci-) know; ex. conscience, conscious, science, etc.-Teacher will discuss essential questions with students. These questions are suggestions. The teacher may use all, some, or none of these essential questions, but questions may be helpful in generating possible research topics:Global warmingSocial justice movementsGMO crops and livestockCivil rights in the US and across the worldNature vs. NurtureRationality vs. InstinctReligion vs. AtheismStrucuralimFeminism-students will begin drafting a reflective essay based upon one of these essential questions, or one generated by the teacher-reflective essays will be written in-class; students may write in manuscript or use a laptop/Chromebook, but all drafts must be submitted by Friday 10/23 – TuesdayBell Ringer/Journal Entry-students will continue in-class drafting and brainstorming for potential research topics10/24 – Woden’s DayBell Ringer/Journal Entry – Brainstorming-students will continue in-class drafting and brainstorming for potential research topics10/25 – Thor’s DayBell Ringer/Journal Entry – Brainstorming-students will continue in-class drafting and brainstorming for potential research topics10/26 – Frigg’s DayBell Ringer/Journal Entry – Brainstorming-students will continue in-class drafting and brainstorming for potential research topicsWeek 12 10/29 – Moon’s DayWeekly Greek/Latin Root – (scrib-, script-) write; ex. describe, inscribe, manuscript, prescribe, scribble, scribe, script, scripture, subscribe, etc.-students will complete reflective essay10/30 – Tiw’s DayBell Ringer/Journal Entry-students will complete reflective essay-reflective essay due10/31 – Woden’s Day SamhainHappy HalloweenBell Ringer/Journal Entry-Students will take common assessmentEND OF OCTOBERUnit 6-Research (approximately 4 weeks) Students will write informational research paper? Formulate topic list based on issues found in Frankenstein? Use research methods and guidelines to research assigned topic? Use elements of the writing process to compose engaging, organized research paper with a clear, effective thesis which follows writing conventions Objectives for Unit: 8A, 9A-D, 13A-E, 15A i-vii, 17A-B, 18A, 19A, 20A-B, 21A-C, 22A-C, 23A-EWeek 12 (cont.)11/1 – Thursday-Teacher will demonstrate research/thesis writing-Disseminate Research Paper Packet and rubric-Students will refine topics11/2 – FridayBell Ringer/Journal EntryGreek/Latin Root – (ant-, anti-) against, opposed to, preventive; ex. antagonist, antagonize, antibiotic, antidote, etc.-students will select research topicWeek 1311/5 – Moon’s DayRESEARCH WRITING11/6 – Tiw’s DayRESEARCH WRITING11/7 – Woden’s DayRESEARCH WRITING11/8 – Thor’s DayRESEARCH WRITING11/9 – Frigg’s DayStaff DevelopmentWeek 1411/12 – Moon’s Day-research drafting11/13 – Tiw’s Day-research draftingCOMMON ASSESSMENT11/14 – Woden’s Day-research drafting11/15 – Thor’s Day-research drafting11/16 – Frigg’s Day-research draftingROUGH DRAFT DUEWeek 1511/19 – 11/23THANKSGIVING BREAKWeek 1611/26Research 11/27Research11/28Research11/29Research11/30ResearchEND OF NOVEMBERWeek 1712/3Complete research12/4Complete research12/5Complete research12/6Complete research12/7Complete researchWeek 1812/10PEER EDITING12/11PEER EDITING12/12FINAL Research Paper DUE12/13 Semester exam prep12/14 Semester ExamsWeek 1912/17 Make up work/exams12/18 Make up work/examsEARLY RELEASE DAY12/19WORK DAY12/20STAFF DEVELOPMENT/COMP DAYWeek 2012/24 – 12/28Winter BreakWeek 2112/31 – 1/4Winter Break3rd NINE WEEKS 4th NINE WEEKS Unit 7- Shakespeare (approximately 4 weeks) Students will read the play Macbeth? Understand historical context of play as well as background of author? Create and present skits based on themes of play? Closely read Macbeth in class? Compare play with modern version? Participate in a student-led discussion over play? Assessment: Open-Ended Exam Objectives for Unit: 1A-B, 2B-C, 4A, 5A-D, 7A, 14C, 24A ................

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