
Questions 1 thru 10. True or False

Indicate whether the following are True or False by marking “A” if the answer is True and “B” if the answer is False.

1. The “Desktop” refers to the furniture where the computer screen is located.

2. When working with a word processing program, you should save the document only when you have completed the document.

3. In “Windows” you can “right click” the mouse on the desktop as a shortcut to make a new folder.

4. If you save a document in the most recent version of a word processing program, you can also open it with an older version.

5. If you forget to save a new file and close the file and program, you can retrieve it by going to the “Recycle Bin” or “Mac Trash.

6. It is best to save a file in a folder so that it can be found more easily.

7. To change a font size, you can highlight the text you want to change, enter a numerical value in the font size toolbar and press enter to make the change.

8. In a word processing document you can only cut and paste from within the document.

9. If you want to yellow highlight text, you would left click the mouse, hold and drag over the text copy, then us a highlighting tool.

10. When using a “Header or Footer” it should be on every page except the title page.

Questions 11 thru 15. Choose the correct answer(s) for the following questions.

11. To find a similar meaning of a word for a document you would use which of the following?

a. Office clipboard

b. Spell-check

c. Table AutoFormat

d. Thesaurus

12. If you delete a file

a. The file is non-retrievable.

b. The program will automatically save a copy.

c. It can be retrieved from the “Recycle Bin” or “Mac Trash.”

d. It can be retrieved from the “Clipboard.”

13. If you want to copy text within a windows document, which of the following will work?

a. a. Hold left click on mouse and highlight the text, right click mouse on highlight, left click on “Copy.”

b. Hold left click on mouse and highlight the text, then right click on the “Edit” button and right click mouse on copy.

c. Hold right click on mouse, highlight the text, right click mouse, left click copy.

d. Hold right click on mouse and highlight text, right click mouse, left click copy.

14. In a document, which of the following is not acceptable punctuation?

a. Two spaces after a comma, one space after a period, two spaces after a colon.

b. One space after a comma, one space after a period, one space after a colon.

c. One space after a comma, two spaces after a period, one space after a colon.

d. One space after a comma, two spaces after a period, two spaces after a colon.

15. Which of the following is not correct?

a. Two spaces after a semi-colon

b. One space after a period

c. one space after a comma

d. Two spaces after a question mark

Questions 15 – 25. Choose the letter of the incorrect spelled word.


a. Secretary

b. Horizontal

c. Negligence

d. Customery


a. Consaquential

b. Conquer

c. Consecrate

d. Conscious


a. Proportional

b. Deviation

c. Precipatation

d. Radically


a. Specialized

b. Specificaiton

c. Speculation

d. Spontaneous


a. Interceptor

b. Vagrant

c. Yeilding

d. Valiant


a. Vacinate

b. Versatile

c. Verification

d. Vermin


a. Famously

b. Cordually

c. Cosmetic

d. Corruption


a. Aardvark

b. Absollution

c. Advocacy

d. Boulevard


a. Derivetive

b. Descendent

c. Elasticity

d. Electorate


a. Outlandishly

b. Itinerary

c. Exemplary

d. Cemetary

Questions 26 – 30. Choose the appropriate multiple choice answer.

26. Windows and Mac are ___________________________.

a. Advanced computer programs

b. Operating systems

c. Anti-viral programs

d. Hard drives in the computer

27. In a business letter, which font, font style and size would be the most appropriate to use?

a. Wingdings, italic, 12 point

b. Times New Roman, regular, 12 point

c. Arial, regular, 4 point

d. Script MT Bold, regular, 16 point

28. If you were sending out duplicate letters to 25 people, but you wanted the salutation personalized you would ___________________.

a. Type each individual name

b. Cut and paste the names

c. Create a mail merge

d. Create a form letter

29. Which would be the correct margin choice for page setup on a report with 5 pages filled with information, not including the title sheet?

a. Top 1”, Left 2”, Right 2”, Bottom 2”

b. Top 1.1”, Left 1”, Right 1.25”, Bottom 1”

c. Top 1.5”, Left 1.5” Right 1.5”, Bottom 1.5”

d. Top 2”, Left 1”, Right 1”, Bottom 1”

30. The standard size paper for a business letter is

a. 8 ½ x 11 inches

b. 8 ½ x 14 inches

c. Either is acceptable

d. Neither is acceptable

Questions 31 – 40. Select the sentence(s) that is the best choice.


a. I am applying for the job that you is advertising in the paper’s today.

b. I am applying for the position which is advertised in today’s paper.

c. I am applying for the position advertised in todays’ paper.

d. I am applying for a job advertising in the paper today.


a. I am interested in possibly attending your camp this summer. Please send me a brochure.

b. I am interested in possibly attending you’re camp this summer. Please send me a brochure.

c. I am interested in possible attending your camp this summer please send me a brochure.

d. I am interested in possible attending your camp this summer. Please, send me a brochure.


a. Did you send a thank you card to you’re uncle for the gift you received?

b. Did you send a thank you card to your uncle for the gift you received.

c. Did you send a thank you card to your uncle for the gift you received?

d. Did you send a thank you card to your uncle for the gift you recieved?


a. We will be arriving American Airlines, Flight 5 noon saturday.

b. We will be arriving Saturday, at noon, on American Airlines, Flight 5.

c. We will be arriving noon on Saturday on American Airlines, Flight 5.

d. We will be arriving saturday on Flight 5 American Airlines at noon.


a. Stop. Are you aware that smoking is dangerous.

b. Stop! Are you aware that smoking is dangerous?

c. Stop are you aware that smoking is dangerous.

d. Stop are you aware that smoking is dangerous?


a. I am very good at typing and have been typing for over three years.

b. I am a very good typist and have been typing for three years.

c. I am very good on the keyboard and have three years on it.

d. I am a proficient typist with three years experience.


a. The tenants, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, live on the third floor.

b. The tenants Mr. and Mrs. Smith, live on the third floor.

c. The tenants Mr and Mrs Smith live on the third floor.

d. The tenant, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, lives on the third floor.


a. The Miracle Company is located at 1234 Broadway Yonkers, NY 10701.

b. The Miracle Company, is located at 1234 Broadway, Yonkers NY 10701.

c. The Miracle company is located at 1234 Broadway, Yonkers, NY 10701.

d. The Miracle Company is located at 1234 Broadway, Yonkers, NY 10701.


a. Wow. Your new laptop computer is awesome!

b. Wow! Your new laptop computer is awesome!

c. Wow! You’re new laptop computer is awesome!

d. Wow, your’re new laptop computer is awesome?


a. At what time will your train be arriving? What track? What station?

b. At what time will your train be arriving. What track. What station.

c. At what time will your train be arriving. What track? What station?

d. At what time will you’re train be arriving.? What track? What station?

Questions 41 –45. Choose the appropriate answer for the following

41. Which of the following is not a storage device?

a. Diskette

b. CD

c. Modem

d. Hard drive

42. The keyboard is a(n) _____________ .

a. Output device

b. Input device

c. Storage device

d. None of the above

43. A laser printer is a(n) _____________ .

a. Output device

b. Input device

c. Storage device

d. None of the above

44. A digital camera connected to a computer is a(n) ____________.

a. Output device

b. Input device

c. Browser

d. None of the above.

45. A monitor is a(n) _____________.

a. Output device

b. Input device

c. Browser

d. None of the above.

Questions 46 – 60. Choose the correct answer.

46. A business letter spacing should be

a. Single space between paragraphs, double spaces between sentences.

b. Single space between sentences, double spaces between paragraphs.

c. Single space between sentences and single space between paragraphs.

d. Double space between sentences and double space between paragraphs.

47. When citing works of different authors, you credit them by listing their name, publication, title of article, website, etc. in a(n) ______________.

a. Index

b. Footnote

c. Bibliography

d. Appendix

48. Which of the following is the correct format for a personal business letter?

a. Sender’s address, Recipient’s address, Date, Body of Letter, Enclosure, Signature

b. Recipient’s address, Sender’s address, Date, Body of Letter, Signature, Enclosure

c. Sender’s address, Date, Recipient’s address, Body of Letter, Enclosure, Signature

d. Sender’s address, Date, Recipient’s address, Body of Letter, Signature, Enclosure

49. In a business letter, which of the following would not be an appropriate salutation?

a. Dear Sir

b. Gentlemen

c. Dear Mrs. Smith

d. Dear Lucy

50. If you are requested to type a business letter with justification, this means

a. to be sure that you are writing it correctly

b. that alignment of text between the left and right margin is equal

c. that all text is centered on the page

d. to be sure that you have included the proper salutation and closing

51. Which of the closings would not be appropriate at the end of a business letter?

a. Very truly yours

b. Sincerely

c. Yours truly

d. Warmest regards

52. When presenting a professional report, in what order would you arrange the following components?

a. Title page, Table of Contents, Typed Report, Appendix, Bibliography

b. Table of Contents, Title Page, Typed Report, Appendix, Bibliography

c. Title Page, Table of Contents, Typed Report, Bibliography, Appendix

d. Title Page, Table of Contents, Appendix, Typed Report, Bibliography

53. When inserting pictures or graphics in a report

a. it may be necessary to adjust size and placement of the picture box so that text is easy to read

b. placement is not important, as the computer will automatically adjust the text around it

c. you have to create a text box to put the graphic in

d. graphics and pictures should never be used in reports

54. A business letter should contain a minimum _____ paragraphs?

a. One

b. Two

c. Three

d. Four

55. When preparing a report for printed presentation, it is important to not have

a. Misspelled words

b. Widows or orphans

c. Incorrect punctuation

d. All of the above

56. In a document you

a. should rely solely on spell check to find and correct errors.

b. should use the thesaurus to check for errors.

c. do not have to make corrections as long as you have spell check on while you are typing.

d. should use spell check as a tool as you type, then read and edit, then re-read and edit the report until it is a high caliber professional document.

57. The standard size envelope for a business letter is

a. No. 6

b. No. 10

c. Either is acceptable

d. Neither is acceptable

58. What does the following proofreading symbol “….” when it is underneath a word?

a. insert

b. change word

c. don’t delete

d. bold

59. In a one page academic report what is the correct spacing?

a. Single space entire report

b. Double space entire report

c. Single space sentences, double space paragraphs

d. Double space sentences, triple space paragraphs

60. In a one page academic report what is the correct indentation for each paragraph?

a. None

b. 0.5 inch

c. 1 inch

d. 1.5 inches

Questions 61 thru 79. Choose the appropriate words for each sentence.

a. principal b. principle

61. The _____________________ upon which this

62. _____________________ was hired is clear.

63. Does the _____________________ know what

64. _____________________ affected the choice?

a. It’s b. Its

65. __________ good to see that the firm is improving

66. __________ poor image.

67. ________ quiet movement is a sign that

68. ________ operating very well.

a. accept b. except c. access d. excess

69. _________________ for the last item we spoke about,

70. I _________________ all the terms of our agreement.

71. Mr. Jones will not be available to _________________ the delivery Monday as

72. he does not have _________________ to the storage area.

73. We are unable to verify if we shipped _________________ merchandise in your order

74. as we are not able to _________________ our computer records at this time

a. then b. than

75. Rather _________________ go to the mall on Saturday we could go for pizza and

76. _________________ go to the movies

a. cite b. sight c. site

77. We visited the Grand Canyon and it was a wonderful _________________ to see, and also

78. found a perfect _________________ for a picnic.

79. I was able to_________________ a reputable authority as I had searched the internet for reliable

80. information and located a credible _________________.

Questions 80 -- Choose the correct verb.

81. John’s past sales experiences _________________ aided his growth.

a. has

b. have

82. Dan’s method _________________ not good for organizing supplies.

a. was

b. were

83. The volunteers’ hard work _________________ appreciated by all.

a. is

b. are

84. A number of students in the class _________________ working on a project.

a. is

b. are

85. The number of men attending the convention _________________ greater than expected.

a. was

b. were

86. The number of cars to be parked _________________ the number of spaces available/

a. exceeds

b. exceed

87. A number of workers _________________ waiting for word about that.

a. was

b. were

Questions 88 – 100. Choose the correct answer.

88. The initials of the typist are called

a. typist’s initials

b. reference initials

c. employee initials

d. significant initials

89. When addressing an envelope, the recipient’s name and address should begin

a. At least 1 inch from the top edge and 3 inches from the left edge

b. At least 2 inches from the top edge and 3 inches from the left edge

c. at least 2 inches from the top edge and 4 inches from the left edge

d. at least 3 inches from the top edge and 3 inches from the left edge

90. Which sentence is properly punctuated?

a. Our account therefore is current.

b. Our account therefore, is current.

c. Our account, therefore, is current.

d. Our account, therefore, is current.

91. Which sentence is properly punctuated?

a. I walked the beach, read novels, and ate well while at the conference.

b. I walked the beach, read novels and ate well while at the conference.

c. I walked the beach read novels, and ate well while at the conference.

d. I walked the beach read novels and ate well while at the conference.

92. Which answer is not correct for the formatting of a multi page report?

a. Use default side margins for all pages of the report

b. Leave a 1 inch top margin.

c. Turn on widow/orphan protection.

d. Do not number the first page.

93. Which of the following is not correct format for a business letter?

a. The writer’s company name appears in the letterhead

b. The writer’s business title is typed below the name.

c. The writer’s address is typed in the closing.

d. The initials of the typist are typed a double space below the writers identification.

94. If an item is enclosed with a letter, the proper format is to:

a. Type the word “Enclosure” at the left margin 1” from bottom edge.

b. Type the word “Enclosure” at the left margin 2” from the bottom edge.

c. Type the word “Enclosure” at the left margin on the line below the reference initials.

d. Type the word “Enclosure” at the left margin after the last paragraph.

95. If an item is stapled or clipped to the letter, which is the proper notation on the letter to indicate such?

a. Enclosure

b. Attachment

c. Inclusion

d. None of the above because it is already stapled or clipped

96. You are preparing a resume for a job, which of the following headings should be included?

a. Objective

b. Education

c. Experience

d. All of the above

97. Paragraph one of an application letter should not contain which of the following?

a. The purpose of the letter

b. The job for which you are applying

c. How you learned of the opening

d. A request for an interview

98. Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

a. We ordered peanuts, popcorn, and candy; but only peanuts and candy were sent.

b. We saw Jake, Pat, and Leo: but Jim, John and Ray were gone.

c. I took math; English; and science, but music and art were my electives.

d. She got cards, gifts and a cake from Sue, but flowers from Dan.

99. Which statement is not accurate regarding “Parts of a Table?”

a. Tables consist of vertical columns and horizontal rows.

b. Where a column and row meet is called a cell.

c. Tables may be formatted with lines or without lines.

d. Align text columns at the right; align number columns to the left.

100. A quotation is used in a report. It consists of more than 4 lines. Which choice below would not be appropriate format?

a. Leave a blank line before and after the quote.

b. Use quotation marks.

c. Indent the quote 1 inch from the left margin.

d. Type the parenthetical reference 1 space after the ending punctuation mark.


|1. |B |26. |B |51. |D |76. |A |

|2. |B |27. |B |52. |C |77. |B |

|3. |A |28. |B |53. |A |78. |C |

|4. |B |29. |D |54. |C |79. |A |

|5. |B |30. |A |55. |D |80. |C |

|6. |A |31. |B |56. |D |81. |B |

|7. |A |32. |A |57. |B |82. |A |

|8. |B |33. |C |58. |C |83. |A |

|9. |A |34. |B |59. |B |84. |B |

|10. |A |35. |B |60. |B |85. |B |

|11. |D |36. |D |61. |B |86. |B |

|12. |C |37. |A |62. |A |87. |B |

|13. |A |38. |D |63. |A |88. |B |

|14. |A |39. |B |64. |B |89. |C |

|15. |A |40. |A |65. |B |90. |C |

|16. |D |41. |C |66. |A |91. |A |

|17. |A |42. |B |67. |B |92. |B |

|18. |C |43. |A |68. |A |93. |C |

|19. |B |44. |B |69. |B |94. |C |

|20. |C |45. |B |70. |A |95. |B |

|21. |A |46. |B |71. |A |96. |D |

|22. |B |47. |C |72. |C |97. |D |

|23. |B |48. |D |73. |D |98. |A |

|24. |A |49. |D |74. |A |99. |D |

|25. |D |50. |B |75. |B |100. |B |


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