Name:__________________________ Date:____

Pre-Ap World History Ms. Buffalino



In modern world history, we strive to understand why events have happened so that we can better understand our present and the future. Throughout history, belief in a certain religion has affected the political, social, economic, and intellectual life of the believers.

In order to make a better world for all of us to live in we need to:

• Appreciate the diversity that other religious groups contribute to society.

• Understand the similarities and differences between other religions and our own.

• Learn about the religious beliefs and practices of others.

• Recognize the various contributions made to society by different religious groups.

• Recognize each religion’s existence as part of the religious mosaic of the world.

• Allow people of all religions equal rights.

This study will focus on the following belief systems:

• Buddhism (focuses on more of a way of life)

• Hinduism (note: your faith is considered monistic)

• Sikhism

• Judaism

• Roman Catholicism (note: branch of Christianity for some questions you will have to answer based on all of Christianity)

• Protestantism but focus on Lutheranism (note: branch of Christianity for some questions you will have to answer based on all of Christianity) You can mention Calvinism and the Anglican Church but note these are two additional different branches.

• Islam (note: Sunnis and Shi’ites/Shia’s are the branches of Islam)

• Confucianism*

• Daoism (Taoism)

• Jainism

• Zoroastrianism

• Baha’i Faith

• Shintoism

• Legalism*

*not a religion, a belief system

*indicates you cannot answer the question in the research packet, leave blank

The Task

You will be researching a belief system:

1. Each person will research one major belief system that has been assigned to you; research questions follow after these directions.

2. You must use the library and the suggested internet sources in order to complete your research. If you do not use a suggested resource or library database link you must fill out a website evaluation sheet for each site that is not provided to you from a library database or Ms. Buffalino. Everyone should turn in at least one evaluation for their video quote.

3. You must have a completed Works Cited Page citing all of the resources that you used, including the ones that were suggested to you! Specific directions are on Ms. Buffalino’s Belief Systems Documentary Guide on her website.

4. You are to become an expert on your belief system. You will be the belief system expert during presentations.

5. Each person must create a video documentary using WeVideo (or another video program). You are educating your classmates about the belief system therefore; you should act as though the audience knows nothing about the belief system.

The video should minimally include (FOR MORE DETAILS, LOOK AT Ms. Buffalino’s Belief Systems Documentary Guide Links and click Video Information):

• name of the religion and author

• geographic origin

• approximately when did the religion start

• major beliefs

• sacred text (s)

• symbols

• place of worship

• pictures of important people that are associated with the belief system


• how your belief system promotes world peace

• Anything else that you feel is representative of your belief system!



• Narration on the slides (Make sure it is clear, slow and loud enough!)

• Background music that is representative of your religion (This can be found on WeVideo or bring in a song.)

• Show is a maximum of 1.30 minutes long. (The number of slides should be reasonable)

• You previewed the video.

• Sound is able to be heard.

• Credits: images, song artist and title.

• Use images that are large enough and not “pixelly.” You should preview the documentary in order to see if your picture is clear or not.

• Make sure the narration can be heard over the song chosen.

• Make sure the transitions are not too fast.

• Make sure that there are minimal words on the slides, the audience will read the words and not listen to your audio.

• Use contrasting colors for any captions on a background or picture.

Day before due date:

1) Your video must be shared on the Classroom.


3) Create a backup copy of your video on your flash drive!

Presentation day:

1) typed research packet

2) works cited page

3) website evaluation forms

4) Bring a backup copy of your video on your flash drive!


After presentations: You will be completing a reflection assignment and a graphic organizer on all of your peers’ presentations.

You will be tested on all of the information researched and presented.

Name: _________________ Date: ______

APWH Ms. Buffalino

RESEARCH: Use Ms. Buffalino’s Belief Systems Guide in order to fill this section out. Answer in complete sentences. This should be typed and turned in on presentation day. Please change the font (not just the color) for your typed answers.

BELIEF SYSTEM YOU ARE RESEARCHING: __________________________

1. Discuss (simplify) the major beliefs of this belief system (if applicable make sure to include: the sacred text, the name of the followers, whether they are monotheistic/polytheistic or monistic):

2. Explain who is the supreme being(s) (if there is one)*:

3. In approximately what year and place did this belief system originate?

4. Who is the founder and how did the belief system originate? If there is no founder how did the belief system come about? Explain.

5. Are there any religious leaders or leaders in general of the belief system? (Example priests, shamans) Explain their role whether it be from the past or present?

6. Can women and men hold the leadership/spiritual roles within the belief system? (Example: can women lead prayer or become a priest)* Explain.

7. Find a picture of the symbol(s) used to represent the belief system (copy/paste it). Make sure to include the name of the symbol. Explain why this symbol is used to represent the belief system.

8. Name 2 additional important historical figures (that you have not already discussed) that come out of this belief system and explain why they are important. If the religion is polytheistic, discuss 2 gods or goddesses.

9. What are 2-3 of the major holidays/festivals that are associated with the belief system? Briefly describe them and their significance in your own words. (Legalism can’t answer this question but Confucianism can)*

10. Describe the belief system’s views about death and the afterlife. If there are any important ceremonies that take place include them also.* Explain.

11. Where the belief system is mainly practiced today? Why? Explain. If it is not commonly practiced today explain why.

12. How many adherents (followers) does this belief system have? What percentage of the world population practices this belief system?

13. What are the main branches, divisions or sects of the belief system? Briefly explain them.

14. What are some of the holy/important/symbolic places that are associated with the belief system? Explain.

15. What does the place of worship look like? (If there is one) Insert a picture. What is the name of this structure?*

16. Is there a central administration for the belief system? If yes, how is it organized? (Example: Catholicism is organized by the Pope) Explain.

17. Does the belief system have a pilgrimage site? If no, explain why not. If yes, where is it? What the significance of the location? Explain.

18. Make a timeline of at least 3 important events for the belief system. Briefly explain the important event. Make sure to include when the belief system was founded or began.

19. Is the belief system religiously tolerant? How does the religion promote peace (NOTE: they all do)? Explain.

20. What important conflict/persecution/opposition has your belief system experienced either in present day or at some point in world history? Why did the conflict begin? Has the conflict been resolved? Explain. NOTE: all belief systems can answer this question. You will need to go beyond the research links provided to you.



“It is the duty of every cultured man or woman to read sympathetically the scriptures of the world. If we are to respect others religions as we would have respect our own. A friendly study of the world’s religions is a sacred duty.”

▪ Mohandas K. Gandhi


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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