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APUSH: Unit 3 Vocab (Pageant Ch. 11-15)50 BOLDED TERMSPut each of the BOLDED terms on a separate note card. On the back of the note card write down:significance of the term, person, or event, historical period in which it was important , relevance to the historical period, and cause & effect (if applicable). Unit 3.1: Jeffersonian Democracy (Historical Period 4: 1800-1848)“Revolution of 1800”12th Amendment (1804) John Marshall Marbury vs Madison, 1803 Louisiana Purchase Haitian RebellionTouissant L’OuvertureLewis & ClarkSacajaweaChesapeake-Leopard Affair (June 21, 1807) Embargo Act -- 1807 Non-Intercourse Act of 1809War Hawks Battle of Tippecanoe, 1811 Tecumseh and the Prophet Daniel WebsterBattle of New Orleans, Jan 1815Treaty of Ghent (1814)Hartford ConventionAmerican System McCulloch vs. MDDartmouth College v. WoodwardGibbons v. OgdenSecond Bank of the United States (BUS)Tariff of 1816 Internal Improvements Era of Good Feelings (1817-1825) Panic of 1819 Missouri Compromise of 1820 “Positive good theory” of slaveryTallmadge AmendmentRush-Bagot Treaty (1817)Treaty of 1818 (Convention of 1818)Seminole WarsFlorida Purchase Treaty (Adams-Onis Treaty)Monroe Doctrine (1823)?Walt Whitman (1819-1892) Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) Nathaniel Hawthorne Herman Melville (1819-1891)Hudson River School of Art Knickerbocker GroupWashington Irving (1783-1859) James Fenimore Cooper (1789-1851) John AudobonUnit 3.2: The Rise of Mass Democracy: 1820-1840 (Historical Period 4: 1800-1848)"New Democracy"Workingmen’s parties"The Corrupt Bargain" "Tariff of Abominations" (1828) The Southern Carolina ExpositionAndrew Jackson ("Old Hickory") Democratic PartySpoils System "Kitchen Cabinet" Tariff of 1832/Nullification controversyForce Bill Nicholas Biddle Jackson’s "Pet bank" scheme Specie CircularIndian Removal Act (1830) Bureau of Indian AffairsFive Civilized Nations: Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw, SeminoleCherokee Nation v. Georgia, 1831Worcester vs. G, 1832SequoyaTrail of Tears Black Hawk War (1832) Republic of TexasStephen F. AustinGeneral Santa AnnaThe AlamoWhigs President Martin van BurenPanic of 1837 Treasury Bill of 1840 ("Divorce Bill") Harrison’s "Log Cabin and Hard Cider" campaignLiberty PartyUnit 3.3: The Market Revolution: 1790-1860(Historical Period 4: 1800-1848)"Market Revolution"Irish immigrationTammany HallGerman immigrationIndustrial Revolution Samuel Slater Eli Whitney's cotton gin Interchangeable partsSamuel F. B. Morse - telegraphLowell System & Lowell GirlsJohn Deere & steel plowCyrus McCormick & mechanical reaperErie Canal and Canal boomRobert Fulton - steamboarRailroad building (1830s & 1840s)Unit 3.4: Reform & Culture in Antebellum America: 1790-1848 (Historical Period 4: 1800-1848)The Second Great Awakening Unitarianism Evangelical Christian churchesCamp meetingsCharles Grandison FinneyAdventistsMormons incl. Joseph Smith & Brigham Youngperfectionism temperance movementMaine Law of 1851, Neal DowLucretia Mott Elizabeth Cady Stanton Susan B. Anthony Grimke sisters Lucy StoneAmelia BloomerSeneca Falls Convention (1848) & Declaration of SentimentsHorace Mann Noah Webster Dorothea Dix Utopian communitiesBrook Farm New HarmonyOneida colonyShakers "Cult of domesticity" Transcendentalism Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) David WalkerWilliam Lloyd Garrison ................

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