
The APUSH Long Essay Question (LEQ)448166224009Grade Conversion:6=100, 5=93, 4=85, 3=76, 2=67, 1=60, 0=5000Grade Conversion:6=100, 5=93, 4=85, 3=76, 2=67, 1=60, 0=50Basic Information:There are 2 LEQ on the APUSH ExamScoring is on a 6-point scale Designed around the Historical Thinking SkillsWill be graded using a College Board rubric, and thus more objective35 minutes time limit (5 min prewrite + 30 minute write time)Rubric Breakdown:Thesis [1 point]States a thesis that addresses ALL parts of the prompt. The thesis must do more than restate the question; it must have a complex analysis that addresses the demands of the prompt. USE THE THESIS FORMULA!An exemplary thesis will also address the skill. (CCOT, Comparison, Causation, or Periodization)Support for Argument [up to 2 points]1 point – Do you have a minimum of 2 specific/appropriate pieces of evidence per body paragraph?1 point – Do you explain how your evidence supports your thesis? Did you make connections?Application of targeted historical thinking skill [up to 2 points]Continuity and Change Over Time (CCOT): What is the same & different over time?Describe the historical continuity AND change over time, and explain specific examples that illustrate historical continuity AND change over time. What were the major patterns of continuity and change? Was there more continuity or change over the time period?1 point – Do you use specific evidence to support your descriptions of historical continuity and change over time?1 point – Do you explain how the evidence supports your thesis? Did you make connections?Comparison: What are the similarities & differences? Describe similarities AND differences among historical developments, providing specific examples AND explaining the reasons for their similarities AND/OR differences. What were the major similarities and differences between the two dates? Are there more similarities or differences and why?1 point – Do you use specific evidence when you describe the similarities and differences between historical events?1 point – Did you explain how the evidence supports your thesis? Did you make connections?Causation: How & why something happens?Describe causes AND/OR effects of a historical development and explain specific examples that illustrate causes AND/OR effects of a historical development. What were the major causes and consequence (effects) of an event? What were the most important causes and effects of an event?1 point – Do you use specific evidence to describe the causes and/or effects of historical development?1 point – Did you explain how the evidence supports your thesis? Did you make connections?Periodization: What time period does this fit into?Explain the extent to which the historical development specified in the prompt was different from AND similar to developments that preceded and/or followed, providing specific examples to illustrate this explanation. Note what it was like before and after that development.1 point – Do you use specific evidence when you describe the ways in which the historical development specified in the prompt was different from or similar to developments that preceded and/or followed?1 point - Did you explain how the evidence supports your thesis? Did you make connections?Synthesis [1 point] Did you accurately and explicitly connects the position taken in your thesis to the broader historical events and/or processes? 1 point – Did you connect the topic of the prompt to other historical periods, contexts, or circumstances within US History?The Bottom Line on this essay:You must prewrite to ensure that your essay is organized and intelligible!Keep an eye on the time, you must finish in 35 minutes!You must write legibly!You must answer all parts of the prompt!Your topic sentences must support your thesis!Your body paragraphs must support your topic sentences!Address the historical thinking skill in your intro paragraph! Make connections where you can in your body paragraphs.Your first paragraph should set the stage for the rest of the essay! A reader should be able to read the intro paragraph and be able to tell where you’re going with your essay.Get to the point and EXPLAIN!The rubric is VERY unforgiving! You either have something, or you don’t. ................

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