APUSH – Unit 6 Name:

Key Terms & Questions Date:


Directions: While reading the subsequent chapter in Out of Many, ID each Key Term.

Next, answer the Review Questions. Answers may be handwritten or typed.

Chapter 16:

Homestead Act

Morrill Land Grand Act

Emancipation Proclamation

Thirteenth Amendment


Legal Tender Act

National Bank Act

Morrill Tariff Act

Peninsular campaign

Review Questions:

1. What advantages did the North possess at the outset of the Civil War?

2. How did the power of the federal government expand as the war progressed?

3. What successes did the South enjoy in the early years of the war and how were they achieved?

4. What prompted Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation?

5. What sparked the New York City draft riots of 1863?

6. How did Grand and Sherman turn the tide of the war?

Chapter 17:

Field Order 15

Radical Republicans

Freedman’s Bureau

Black codes

Congressional Reconstruction

Fifteenth Amendment

Ku Klux Klan


Union League



Compromise of 1877

Civil Rights Act

Reconstruction Act

Review Questions:

1. What was Lincoln’s vision of reconstruction in the South?

2. What were the most important changes in the lives of African Americans in the years immediately following the war?

3. What major groups made up the southern Republicans?

4. What perpetuated the electoral crisis of 1876?

Chapter 18:

Treaty of Fort Laramie


Dawes Severalty Act

Caminetti Act

Edmunds Act

Edmunds-Tucker Act

Homestead Act of 1862

National Reclamation Act

Omaha Act of 1882

Review Questions:

1. How did the slaughter of the buffalo affect the Plains Indians?

2. How did the mining industry develop in the United States?

3. What was life like for a cowboy in the late nineteenth century?

4. Who took advantage of the Homestead Act?

5. How did agribusiness differ from more traditional forms of farming?

6. What place did the West hold in the national imagination?

7. What kind of Indian society did reformers envision?


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