Y11/Y13 Assessment Plans 2021 - Sheffield UTC Academy Trust

[Pages:38]Y11/Y13 Assessment Plans 2021

Assessment Process for CAGs

Assessment evidence

Teachers at UTC OLP can use a range of evidence to make a judgement of the grade students are performing at. Students will only be assessed on what they have been taught, ensuring sufficient coverage of the curriculum to enable progression. When determining the grade, teachers will reflect the standard at which the student is performing now, not their potential.

Teachers will use the time remaining to balance continued teaching with any assessments they want to undertake. Work done at home can be included as evidence to support a teacher's judgement if it cannot be produced in school.

Assessment Process for CAGs

Types of assessment evidence Teachers can use evidence to determine grades from across the duration of the student's course. The following are examples of evidence that can be used: ? student work produced in response to assessment materials provided by the exam board,

including groups of questions, past papers or similar materials such as practice or sample papers ? non-exam assessment (NEA) work (often referred to as coursework), even if this has not been

fully completed ? student work produced in centre-devised tasks that reflect the specification, that follow the

same format as exam board materials and have been marked in a way that reflects exam board mark schemes - this can include:

? substantial class or homework (including those that took place during remote learning) ? internal tests taken by pupils ? mock exams taken over the course of study ? records of each student's progress and performance over the course of study

Assessment Process for CAGs

Making a judgement Exam boards will publish guidance in March, so teachers have a clear understanding of how to make fair and consistent judgements, these will be shared with students. Exam boards will also provide all schools with support, guidance, and training on how to minimise the risk of bias. Assessment materials The exam boards have provided assessment materials. These include sets of questions organised to help teachers quickly find questions in the topics they have taught. These questions will be provided with mark schemes, exemplar responses and data on past performance where available, to assist teachers in making fair and consistent judgements of the standard of a student's performance. How will UTC OLP undertake quality assurance? Exam boards will review all schools' quality assurance processes before they submit grades. The principal will submit a declaration to the exam board confirming they have met the requirements for quality assurance before the deadline to submit grades to the exam boards on 18 June.

Assessment Process for CAGs

Results days Students will receive their results for A/AS levels on the 10 August and GCSEs on the 12 August. Results for relevant National and Technical qualifications, will also be issued to students on or before these dates but these are to be confirmed by the exam boards.


Teacher talks to me about the evidence they're planning to use

March-early April

Late March ? guidance to support assessments published

By Easter ? optional assessment materials provided to centres


I may know how I performed in some assessments, but I don't know my final grade.

I get my results. I may think my result is wrong and if so my school will assist me to appeal

May-early June

By end of term ? external QA complete

18 June ? deadline for grade submission



10 & 12 Aug ? results days


In lessons, we complete questions from the exam boards: I didn't know which I would complete when I first saw them. I continue to complete my coursework.

If I appealed, I should receive the appeal outcome ahead of my start date at university or college.

English & Communications (French and Geography)

English Y11 Curriculum Delivery Plan


Lesson Content

How it will be assessed

Further Information


AQA Lang Paper 2 - Aberfan

AQA exam Mark Schemes/40


29/03/2021 05/04/2021 12/04/2021

AQA Lang Paper 1 - Brighton Rock AQA Lit Paper 1: Macbeth

AQA exam Mark Schemes/40

AQA Lit exam Mark Schemes/34

Easter Holidays (Lit novel revision - A Christmas Carol/Jekyll and Hyde)

Exam papers and resources will be in the Teams folder ('Files' section) for each class - 11En1 English, 11EN2, Y11 CWR2 English

and 11CWR4 English

19/04/2021 26/04/2021

AQA Lit Paper 1: Novel AQA Lang Paper 2

AQA Lit exam Mark Schemes/30

AQA exam Mark Schemes/40

AQA English Language website:


AQA Lang Paper 1

AQA exam Mark Schemes/40

10/05/2021 17/05/2021

AQA Lit Paper 2: Modern Text AQA Lang Paper 2

AQA Lit exam Mark Schemes/34

AQA exam Mark Schemes/40

AQA English Literature website:


AQA Lang Paper 1

AQA exam Mark Schemes/40

May Holiday


Completion of missed work this week


Final week for English portfolio work

Further information:

Blood Brothers play - full text is in Teams folder.

Macbeth play

A Christmas Carol film:

Mr Bruff - general resources:

All assessments are classroom based ? excluding whole year mock exams

Texts and materials are available in the Y11 Teams folders - or from cwright@.uk or mkardel@.uk


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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