Language Arts


The Accelerated Reader program is an individualized reading program designed to encourage students to read while fostering the skills of a lifelong reader.

STAR Reading - At the beginning of each quarter, students take a STAR diagnostic test to determine their reading range. The reading range is noted at the top of the AR reading log.

LIBRARY VISITS – Students will visit the library as a class one class period each week. Sixth grade visits on Tuesday; seventh grade visits on Wednesday; eighth grade visits on Thursday. During this time, students may browse the book selections within their reading range. Absentees may visit the library during the day they return to school during 9th period provided they have a pass from their Reading teacher. Students can also come to the library to select a book after school Monday, Wednesday, or Friday from 2:30 – 3:00 PM.

SELF-SELECTION – Books are selected based on the students’ interests and their individual reading levels. Books must be within level until the student has earned passing points. Please refer to the point charts for the current semester. Once passing points are earned, books below level must be pre-approved. The reading teacher must initial the log upon checkout. Students are never allowed to test on books above their level.

READING – It is expected that students make time in school and at home to read. A comfortable, quiet place free of distractions is best. Students are expected to read AR in study halls (pds.1-8) until passing. It is recommended that students read at least 30 minutes each night. Students should complete a book in a reasonable amount of time and test on the book shortly after completion. It is recommended that students spend at least one night with shorter books before testing.

READING LOG – Students should be completing his/her log daily. Teachers will sign for the time a student reads in school while parents/guardians will sign for the time students spend reading after school. Students are given an initial warning and issued a new log if the first one is lost. After the first occurrence, a point will be deducted from the student’s AR grade for each additional log that is needed. Students who choose to read books from home, books from other libraries, or e books can check the AR level on AR book finder.

TESTING – In order to quiz, students must have the completed log with signatures and the book. Students should not test on a book checked out in the same day. Students may quiz when the class visits the library. . Other opportunities can be provided by the LA, Reading, or Computer teacher. If students pass the AR test, they should also take the vocabulary test that follows if one is available. The total number of points earned in a quarter becomes a Reading grade. Vocabulary quizzes can provide an opportunity to earn extra credit points each quarter. Parents can view their son/daughter’s progress by visiting the library’s webpage to access Renaissance Home Connect.

TRANSITIONS – The last day students will be able to take an AR quiz in each quarter is announced and posted as the quarter begins. If a student is at least halfway through a book as a new quarter begins, they will be able to quiz during the next quarter provided the book is not above level. The student should have his/her reading teacher initial the log to indicate approval.

SUMMER READING – Books read over the summer may be quizzed on early in Q1 IF the book(s) is within level. A date will be announced as to when testing closes for summer reading.

BEWARE! – Book fines, overdue books, damaged/lost books and inappropriate behavior can jeopardize library privileges.

QUESTIONS?? – Grade level Reading teachers can answer any questions you may have.


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