
Home learning grid for school closure (Second level)Writing ReadingNumberIn P5 we have been learning to write personal accounts. This week, keep a daily journal/diary - try to write 1-3 paragraphs and remember to:*use 1st person point of view*include your thoughts and feelings*use your knowledge of VCOP to use interesting sentence openers, a wide range of connectives, punctuation for each sentence and ambitious vocabulary.Use your library book or a book of your own and try to read for 20 – 30 mins each day. Find 5 (mild,) 10 (spicy,) or 20 (hot) interesting or new adjectives, adverbs and nouns in your reading book. Can you find synonyms for these words in a thesaurus? (Try an online thesaurus if you can.) Can you then identify antonyms to match these?Can you use these new words in a meaningful sentence? Create a quiz for a chapter in your book using a variety of question types:What, When, Where, Who and Why?True/False statementsOpinion questionsHow would you change the plot/characters etc Practise multiplication facts playing Sumdog challenges or asking family and friends to test you. Or playing Hit the Button & ListeningMaths/NumeracyPractise spelling the following common words using look, say, cover, write and check: excited, interesting, because, necessary, particular, musician, hedge, circumference, voice, disconnected, powerful.Choose an active spelling task to do from the list on the website. Listen to a news story on Newsround and summarise the main points of the story to a friend or family member. You could take notes as you watch or video yourself giving your own report from what you’ve heard.Do you have someone at home who would enjoy listening to a story? Read them a story book or a chapter of a novel. Practise the Times Table that you are currently working on – including division facts. Continue the daily rigour grid for March.Then practise your numeracy skills on Sumdog. Something fun!Problem to solve!IDL Theme/ProjectPlay a board game you can play with others. Check out the most recent Daily STEM report and try out some of the problems/research this topic further. an important person or place from Mary Queen of Scots life time such as John Knox, Loch Leven Island etc. Remember to use bullet points to make your information easy to understand later. Religious & Moral EducationModern LanguagesArt/Music/Drama/PEGo to read about the Easter Story. Can you see a link between this and Easter Eggs, discuss with someone at home. Learn French vocabulary for different animals – the months of the year. creative – create a home cinema, write a play script and act it out or even create a puppet show! P.E. - try a Cosmic Kids Yoga video from Youtube – you pick the theme. & WellbeingSciences/TechnologiesResearch ways to be safer online: Challenge: Create your own leaflet/advert to share what advise you would give to someone who is being unsafe online.Improve your typing skills using Dance Mat: If you are free at 10am check out the Glasgow Science centre at home on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter with an adult. Can you join in?Remember you can do your AR test once you finish a book at If you can’t remember your username or password please ask a parent to contact the school via email. ................

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