
Persuasive Essay ProposalProposal 1Title: The Class System Topic: Class Line of Argument: That Britain is becoming very unequal. That means that a lot of people cannot get the jobs and lives that they want. Counter Arguments & Replies: Britain is actually very equal. Anyone can work hard and get a job. To this I will reply that private schools give people and inbuilt advantage. Sources: Internet and Newspaper left30670500Feedback Proposal 2Title: Is charity necessarily generous? Topic: The rise of a voluntary sector in the UK. Line of Argument: Charity is always treated as an inherently good thing in the uk. Is it? I think we should be giving more money from the government to do this. Furthermore, activists should be asking why people are poor in the first place. Counter Arguments & Replies: Britain is actually very equal. center61023500Sources: Oxfam, Barnardos, BBC Website, Telegraph Website, School library research pack. FeedbackDiscursive Essay Proposal.Your proposal should contain:Your title – this MUST be in the form of a question or a controversial statement – Stem Cells: A blessing or curse? Should we ban music that is harmful to young children? OR Stop giving money to charity.What the topic of your essay is actually about.Whether this is a PERSUASIVE (putting one view across convincingly) or ARGUMENTATIVE (looking at both sides of the argument and coming to a conclusion) piece. (If in doubt, go persuasive).Brief outline of what you think the main arguments both for and against the question.The position you will be arguing from with reasons/evidence- I must be able to see that you have a convincing argument for me to approve your proposal. Brief list of evidence/sources and a summary of what they contain eg: Guardian Newspaper article, dated 23/2/2012, detailing progression of Arab Spring in Tunisia.A reminder – make sure that your proposal is detailed and thorough. For me to approve your essay title and ideas, I must have a strong idea about what the essay will contain. You will be asked to rewrite proposals that are not sufficiently detailed. However, this is NOT an essay plan – I don’t need to know how you will plan your paragraphs out at this stage. I simply need to know that you have sufficient grasp of the concept of the topic’s arguments and that you have done some preliminary research into getting evidence. Due Date: 2/11 ................

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