
OFFERMADE IN CONNECTION WITH DECLARED BY MICHA??W STATE STUD LTD. OFFER TENDER FOR PUREBRED ARABIAN HORSESBidders Name and Surname/ Company Name: ..…………………………………………………………………….Residential Address/ Company Address: ..…………………………………………………………………………….Personal ID Number/ PESEL: ..…………………………………………………………………………………………Tax Number/ NIP: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………National Business Registry Number/ REGON: ………………………………………………………………………..Phone Number/ Fax Number: …………………………………………………………………………………………I, the undersigned in reply to announcement about offer tender from 8th October, 2020 of Purebred Arabian Horses for sale, offered by Micha?ów State Stud Ltd., 28-411 Micha?ów, and with parameters listed on the stud’s web site, I submit a tender for following horse:………………………………………………………………………………………………. (Name of the horse and list number)For:Net Price: ……………………………………………………… EURO(in words: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….)I declare that:Familiarize myself with conditions of entering the tender, I do not file any objections and I acquired all necessary information for preparing the offer;Bear responsibility for effects coming from not carrying an examination of horses presented on 8th October, 2020, (concerns bidders, that did not examine the horses);I am bound by the offer for period of 14 days, counting from the day of opening the offer.In case of selecting my offer, I commit myself to enter a sale agreement in location and date stated by board of Micha?ów State Stud Ltd., 28-411 Micha?ów, no later than in day of horse’s pick-up or 14 days after ending of the tender;I commit myself to pay in offered price for horse on bank account designated by Board of Micha?ów State Stud Ltd., in term up to 14 days from entering a sale agreement. Date of payment is considered as date of crediting seller’s account.Risks associated with bought horse and descendants born after the tender passes through on the Buyer along with selecting the offer.After the tender, sold horse will be maintained at the Buyer’s risk and on expense of the Stud until 14 days after the tender; after this period, the Buyer covers horse’s maintenance costs (30z? net per day);I declare my awareness, that the commission will refuse my offer if:the offer will be extended after named date or in wrong place.the offered price will be lower, than reserve price. ……………………………………………………………………(date and location)…………………………………………………………………………..(Bidder’s signature)Informational provision for clients and associates concerning GDPRAccording to art. 13 act. 1 I 2 of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free transfer of such data and repealing the Directive 95/46/WE (General Data Protection Regulation), further GDPR, the Organizer informs that: Administrator, decisive subject about purposes and means of processing Your personal data is Stadnina Koni Micha?ów Sp.z o.o. (further as SK Micha?ów) with headquarters in Micha?ów, 28-411 Micha?ów;Your personal data will be processed in connection to possible closing of a purchased and sale agreement, as well as, administrating offers for you within the framework of cooperation and possible vindication of claims consistent with civil law and protection against claim vindication, if such will appear; Legal framework for processing your data are:Art. 6 act. 1 b of GDPR — processing is necessary for realization of connecting us agreement Art. 6 act. 1 c of GDPR — processing is necessary for realization of obligations incumbent on us on us, such as financial settlement, including taxes.Art. 6 act. 1 f of GDPR — processing is necessary for realization of purposes coming from ours legally justified businesses, such as administrating to you offers within direct marketing and possible necessity of disproving or vindicating civil law claims;You have right to demand from Administrator access to your personal data and to sort them, right to removing your personal data (art. 17 GDPR) or right to limit they processing (art. 18 GDPR), right to rise an objection against the data processing (art. 21 GDPR), right to relocate the data (art. 20 GDPR) or in case of obtaining approval for processing personal data, right to withhold permission at any moment (art. 7 GDPR);You have right to press charges to supervisor organ: Director of Office of Personal Data Protection;Your personal data will be stored through period necessary for specific data process. Data will be processed through period of standing connecting us agreement, as well as, through period of requirements concerning possible vindication of claims, so at least for 10 years from terminating the agreement- according to general limitation period included in art. 118 act from 23rd April, 1964 of the Civil Code (Dz.U.2017.459 from 2017.03.01)Receiver of you personal data will be our employees, that are directly responsible for processing your data. Your data might be accessed by our subcontractors, as law and informatics firms.Your personal data will be partly processed automatically, because, to some extent we work on computers;Handing your personal data is necessary for entering the agreement;Your data will not be transmit receivers from third countries of international organizations Micha?ów, day………………………….. ………………………………………….. ( Administrator signature )……………………………………………………(Bidder’s signature) ................

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