
EAHSC Rules The Elran Cup for Arabian Horses is governed by the Rules for Conduct of Shows ( 2008 version) established by the European Arab Horse Show Commission (See enclosed Annex)

Conditions for Entry Open to horses registered in any WAHO accepted studbook by the closing date of entries 24 th July 2008. No qualification requirements.

In-hand classes 1. Fillies born in 2008 *)

2. Colts born in 2008 *)

3. Yearling Fillies ( * 2007)

4. Yearling Colts ( * 2007)

5. Fillies 2 years old ( * 2006 )

6. Colts 2 years old ( *2006)

7. Fillies 3 years old ( *2005)

8. Colts 3 years old (* 2005)

9. Mares 4-5-6 years old ( * 2004-2002 )

10. Mares 7-8-9 years old ( * 2001 –1999 )

11. Mares 10 years and older ( * 1998 –…. )

12. Stallions 4-5-6 years old ( * 2004 – 2002 )

13. Stallions 7-8-9 years old ( * 2001 – 1999)

14. Stallions 10 years and older ( * 1998 – … )

15. Liberty class

Under EAHSC Rules, classes with fewer than 16 entries may not be split. Classes with fewer than 5 horses will be merged. The age groups of classes 9 tot 16 may be re-aranged to overcome any undue imballance in the size of classes. In mare classes foals will be allowed to accompany their mothers into the ring if suitable halted end led.

*) The foal classes are not recognized by the ECAHO and foals may not compete in any championship.

Conditions of Entry Liberty classes are open for mares and stallions born in 2007 and before.

Liberty Classes Horses that take part in liberty classes can NOT take part in the in-hand classes.

The horses are presented in the ring by the handler and one assistant, shown firstly to the judges and then in liberty for ninety seconds to the music of the owners choice. When the music stops, the horse must be caught within sixty seconds.

Judges for in-hand classes Mr Ismer M

Mrs Schibler R

Mr Machmoum M

Mrs Gagliani T

Mr Dahmen D

Disciplinary Committee Mrs. Barbara Pfistner ( CH)

Mr. Guy Swiggers (B)

Dr Aspeslagh O ( B)

The elran Arabian cup is the taking part on the Dubai Gold Cup 2008-2009.

Method of Judging 20 points system with half-points

Type, head and neck, body and topline, legs, and movement will

(in-hand classes) each be awarded points from 1-20 by each of five judges. The total of

points will be divided by the number of judges to give a score out of 100

for the horse. In the event of a tie for 1st to 10th place, the higher place will be given to the horse with the most points for type. If there is still a tie the higher place will be given to the horse with the most points for movement. Failing a decision on either of these, one judge chosen by ballot will name his preference. 1st and 2nd places horses of each class qualify for their respective championships.

(Liberty classes) Points will be given from 1-20 for type, conformation and movement.

There will be no championship for Liberty Classes and 1st and 2nd place does NOT qualify for championship of in-hand classes.

In-hand Championship Horses placed first and second in each class qualify for the appropriate

championship. A junior champion and reserve junior champion, both male and female will be chosen from classes 4,6,8 and respectively 3,5,7

A senior champion and reserve senior champion, male and female, will be chosen from classes 9 to 11 and 12 to 14.

The championships will be conducted according to ECAHO Rules for Championships :

"Top Five System"

a) The better 50 % of each class minus one, but not more than 5 horses, qualify

example: 5-6 starters places 1 - 2 qualify

7-8 starters places 1 - 3 qualify

9-10 starters places 1 - 4 qualify

11 and more starters places 1 - 5 qualify

b) All qualified horses of each category (Junior Males, Junior Females, Senior Males, Senior Females) come into the ring. All first placed horses are standing in the front row, all second placed horses in the second row, all other horses (places 3-5) in the third row.

c) The judges select their Champion and Reserve Champion according to the rules for Championships D1. They then select another three horses from all the remaining horses to form the Top Five together with the Champion and Reserve.

Documents A photocopy of the vaccination certificate and the presently

valid registration document ( passport) and pedigree showing name of horse, sex and date of birth should accompany the entry for each exhibit so that errors in the catalogue and allocation of horses to classes are avoided. Where the year only is given for date of birth, horses will be deemed to have been born on 1st January. Passports for horses registered in Europe ( or registration Certificate for horses from outside Europe ) with graphic description to be presented at the show.

Conditions of Payment Entry and stabling fees (if not sent with entry forms) should be payed by

Bank-to-Bank draft payable to Q trade B bvba Elderenstraat 57 3700 Tongeren B.

KBC Molenweideplein B3620 Lanaken

IBAN :BE57 7350 1772 6635 BIC : KREDBEBB

For foreigners, please add 12,50 € to the total amount payable.

The entry, stabling, publicity fees and sponsoring should be payed before 24 July 2008.

Entry Fees Entry fee per in-hand exhibit 95 €

(inclusive of VAT) Permanent box 130 €

The above stabling charges cover up to 4 nights as detailed below.

Entry forms should be posted to the Secretary :

Mr. & Mrs. Everars – van den Broek

Elderenstraat 57

B 3700 Tongeren Belgium.

There will be no refund of entry fees, except when an entry has to be refused because the show is being over-subscribed.

Stabling Stabling available 4 nights (10.00 hrs 14th aug.-10.00 hrs 18th aug.)

Straw will be supplied.

Hay and extra straw will be available for free.

Horses must be put into the boxes allocated to them.


Starting Order The show organisers will decide the classes. The starting order will be

decided by lot (and NOT in the order in which entries are received).

Exhibit number sheets for the in-hand classes and liberty which are to be returned, will be obtained at the secretary at the showground on payment of 12,50 € deposit.


Handlers in in-hand classes are requested to wear predominantly white clothing. In-hand horses must be shown in normally accepted show bridles or headcollars which are of sufficient strength to ensure the exhibits do not get loose in the ring. Colts and stallions ages 3 years and over must be bitted. The penalty for owners of horses which get loose in the ring will be an immidiate fine of 75 € for each offence and the horse will be shown last in his class.

Protests Protests will be handled in accordance with ECAHO Rules except that no

deposit need be lodged in the event of an alleged incorrect calculation of results.

Vaccination against All horses have tho have their vaccination certificates endored by a

influenza veterinary officer. Horses need 2 or 3 primary vaccinations againts

influenza not less than 21 days and no more than 92 days apart.

Vaccination regulations will follow those of the FEI.(6months interval)



Showers Showers for grooms will be available on the showgrounds.

Doctor, vet and blacksmith A doctor, a vet and a farrier will be available throughout the show.

Costs are to be covered by the exhibitor.

Costs The organisers, accept no liability for exhibitors’ costs.

Liability disclaimer The organisers shall not be liable for death, injury, disease or damage to

any person, horse or property howsoever caused.

It is, furthermore, an express condition of entry that each entrant shall indemnify the organisers against all actions, costs, claims, demands or liability whatsever arising out of any action in which he or she may be concerned.

Charges for admission Spectators 5 €

Children – 12 years free

Car park 2 €

Caravan space 25 € (make reservation on entry form)

Catalogues 10 €

Changes The organisers have the right to cancel all arrangements at their discretion in the event of an Act of God.

NAME SPONSOR : …………………………………………………………...






Q trade B bvba

Bank ref. : KBC Molenweideplein 62 3620 Lanaken

IBAN BE57 7350 1772 6635 BIC : KREDBEBB

| | |

|Advertising in the offical catalogue | |

| | |

|size DIN A4 | |

|additional charge for the litho, if no litho is available |sponsor Gold 1.950 € |

| |sponsoring of 2 classes, delivery of the trophy and continual publicity trough |

|1/1 page inside cover (4 colours) 620 € |the loudspeaker system during the show-event |

|1/1 page (4 colours) 495 € |1 page publicity in full colour in the catalogue |

|½ page (4 colours) 295 € |1 exclusive VIP-table (6 persons) on the long side of the showring |

|¼ page (4 colours) 199 € |6 free entries (for 2 days) |

| |1 bottle of champagne |

| |advertisement board on the show ground |

|VIP-table |VIP parking space |

| | |

|1 table + 6 chairs around the main ring | |

|free entrance for 6 persons |sponsor Diamond 3.950 € |

|1bottle of champagne 695 € |sponsoring of 1 championship/ 2 classes, delivery of the trophy and continual |

| |publicity trough the loudspeaker during the show-event |

| |1 page publicity in full colour in the catalogue |

| |1 exclusive VIP-table (6 persons)in the middle of the showring |

| |6 free entries (for 2 days) |

|Sponsorships |1 bottle of champagne |

| |6 persons VIP-menus (for 2 days) + 1 room in hotel (friday + Saturday) |

| |advertisement board on the show ground with |

|sponsor Silver 950 € |VIP-parking space |

|1 Vip table on short side of the showring |* sponsor Best in show Briljant 4950 € |

|Vip parking space |- sponsor elran + advertising on all publicity |

|sponsoring of 1 class, delivery of the trophy and continual publicity trough the | |

|loudspeaker system during the show-event |Breeders evening |

|1 page full colour of publicity in the catalogue | |

|6 free entries (for 2 days) |Breeders evening 65 € x.……..=…………….€ |

| | |

| |- box : 130 €.x...................=..................................€ |

| |horses: 95 € x......................=..................................€ |

| |entrie people 5 € x ..............=...................................€ |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |TOTAL : ………………………………….€ |

| | |

| | |

| |Signature : ……………………………………… |

| | |

| |All prices vat excl. |


• Please effect all your payments before the 24th July 2008

• Please note that no entry form is valid without signature

• Photocopies of the presently valid registration documents should be inclosed

• Inscriptions, boxes, Gala Dinner, sponsoring, exc. should be ordered by using the entry form .

• Closing date of entries 24.07.2008

We wish you a lot of fun during this unforgettable show

and to all participants


Hotels close to the

showground “Abdij van Herckenrode”

5 min 5 min 5min

Radisson Sas Holiday Inn Hotel De pits

Torenplein 8 Kattegatstraat 1 Sterrenwacht 143

3500 Hasselt 3500 Hasselt 3550 Heusden Zolder

tel 0032 11770079 tel 0032 11242200 tel 0032 11 85 82 82


5 Countries presented

On Saturday 16th August a breeders evening with dance music will take place at the showground.

Fun guaranteed !!

Price : 65 € Dinner, wines and coffee included.

If you want to participate, you have to sign up in advance.

Rules for Conduct of Shows

1. By participating at a show, show organisers, judges and exhibitors and handlers agree that they will unconditionally submit themselves and the persons accompanying them to the "Rules for Conduct of Show " and, as regards veterinary matters and drug misuse, to the relevant FEI Veterinary Regulations. The accompanying persons include e.g. persons representing the show organizer, trainers, handlers as well as assistants of any of those persons. They will accept the jurisdiction of the Disciplinary Committee (DC), the Standing Disciplinary Committee (SDC) and the ECAHO Appeals Committee (EAC). Show organisers are not permitted to introduce rules which are in conflict with the EAHSC "Rules for Conduct of Shows". These Rules will be interpreted when necessary under the provisions of the laws of Switzerland.

1. Horses must be accompanied at the show by a photocopy of the registration document, including a graphic description, or a horse passport to facilitate verifying the identity of the horse.

The show organizer

2. The show organiser reserves the right to refuse an entry, but must give the reason for refusal in writing.

3. The show organizer will issue a printed show catalogue. The name of every horse has to be printed in the show catalogue, as well as the names of sire, dam, (and maternal grandsire if possible) date of birth, and the names of the breeder, owner and handler. Should a horse’s name not be mentioned in the catalogue, its participation at the show will be allowed only if the exhibitor cannot not be blamed for the omission; it will be for the DC to decide.

The show catalogue shall furthermore contain:

• The Rules for Conduct of Shows,

• The judging system used, the rules for ties and the rules for championships

• For Shows outside Europe (as defined by the Constitution of ECAHO, Art.3.2 ): total amount of prize money and split-up.

5. No class may be split unless there are more than 16 horses entered. Combination of a class with the next age group of the same sex is permitted only if the number of entries for the class is below three.

6. a) Judges will not consult the show catalogue before or during the show at which they are judging. No announcement indicating the identity, breeding or past performance of exhibits, or the identity of their owners will be made during juding. It is, however, permissible for this information to be given out after the scores have been announced for each exhibit.

b) Show organisers will not release details of competitors or their exhibits to the press (except as detailed below) at any time prior to the catalogue being put on sale at the showground. Catalogues will not be offered for sale more than one day before the commencement of the show. Show organisers who wish to make use of the press (e.g. a magazine or other publication) to print the catalogue may do so, provided that they have a written contract with the publisher which confirms that the part of the magazine containing details of competitors or their exhibits will not be put on sale or posted to magazine subscribers more than one day before the commencement of the show

1. No member of the show organising team may judge.

4. The show organiser will provide for the judges, DC members, ring masters and any other ECAHO show official, appropriate transport, accommodation and meals during the show. If a judge, DC member or ring master cancels the invitation after the travel arrangements have been made, he will pay all the arising costs out of this booking.

5. No gifts in the form of fees or money are allowed to be paid/given by the organiser, nor accepted by the judges, DC members and ring masters. Material gifts are allowed.


6. EAHSC listed judges and judges invited to judge at ECAHO affiliated shows agree to judge with integrity and honesty and to carry out their judging duties solely with the objects of ECAHO in mind.

b) Any complaint about a judge will be made in writing and signed by two individuals within 3 days of the event in accordance with the Rules for Disciplinary Committees, Rule 49 The complaint has to be supported by a fee of €200,00 or equivalent in local currency. The procedure will be conducted in accordance with the Rules for Disciplinary Committees,

7. a) Judges appointed at a show will not knowingly judge horses concerning which there may be an actual or apparent conflict of interest. No judge appointed at the show may exhibit, ride, drive or handle an entered horse.

b) Exhibitors will declare on the entry form any actual or apparent conflict or interest with any of the judges invited for the show.

c) Organisers will not accept any entries for which any actual or apparent conflict of interest with one of the appointed judges has been indicated, unless a reserve judge is available.

d) The show organiser will ensure a proper rotation of judges.

1. An actual or apparent conflict of interest may occur if a horse is judged that:

• has been bought or sold by the judge either as owner or agent,

• is owned in whole or part by the judge or by a member of the judge's family, or business partner in an Arab horse business venture,

• has been leased by the judge, at any time

• has been bred by the judge or is the property of a breeding organization in which the judge is or was an employee,

• has been regularly trained, examined or treated by the judge in a professional capacity,

• is the subject of an on-going negotiation to buy or lease, or a provisional purchase condition to which the judge is a party.

In case of doubt, the DC’s decision will prevail.

8. In the show ring, all communication between judges and exhibitors prior to the presentation of prizes will be through the ring master.

9. Appointed judges may withhold any award if in their opinion the exhibit does not merit such an award.

10. Spare

Conduct of Halter Classes

11. Handlers will be neatly dressed. They may wear any costume normally worn in their country of origin.

12. Handlers will not wear clothes carrying any form of advertising which discloses the connection of the horse they are handling.

13. Unruly horses may be ordered to withdraw at the discretion of the judge(s) via the ring master.

14. spare

15. Judges may order, via the ring master, handlers to open horses' mouths or pick up feet for inspection.

16. Exhibits are to be judged standing, walking and trotting. Handlers that do not comply with the ring master's instructions regarding the above may be given a Yellow/Red card by the panel of judges or the ring master.

17. a) Horses will appear in the collecting ring no less than 10 minutes before the start of the class.

b) Exhibits that appear late (missing the walk around the ring) will be excluded from the class.

18. Stallions and colts aged three years and over must be shown wearing bridles and bits that are both secure and comfortable for the horse. All bridles without bits are equally to be both secure and comfortable for the horse.

19. a) Any horse becoming loose in the collecting ring is subject to a penalty at the discretion of the DC.

b) Any horse becoming loose in the show ring will immediately continue to be shown. Should the horse become loose a second time it will be disqualified.

20. spare


21. Exhibits that appear to be lame may be assessed and placed by the judges. Judges may exclude any horse so lame that assessment will inflict pain.

22. Spare

Disguising of Exhibits

23. No alteration of the basic colour of the skin, coat or hooves is permitted. Hoof paints, colourless varnishes, coat dyes, glitter spray and cosmetic operations including skin grafts are forbidden.

Colourless hoof oils, vaseline or oil and white chalk used on white legs may be accepted.

24. Artificial methods of dilating the eyes or affecting the natural action of the horse or otherwise influencing its action or behaviour by oxygenating the bloodstream or by the use of weights or artificially weighted shoes, or by electrical or chemical treatment of any kind at any time before or during exhibition are forbidden.

Burns, cuts or other marks on the body of any exhibit in such places or positions as to indicate that prohibited methods have been used, will be regarded as full and adequate grounds for exclusion of any exhibit from competition, at the discretion of the DC with veterinary advice.

25. a) In halter classes horses may be fully or partly body-clipped, subject to eyelashes being left uncut, hair inside the ears left unshaved and tactile hair left intact around the nose, muzzle and the eyes.

b) No equipment intended to alter the natural appearance of the horse is permitted in the stables, including necksweats, neck collars, tailracks, hobbles or weights. Exhibitors using such equipment on the showground may be suspended by the DC for the period of the show.

26. spare


Excessive whipping or shanking, excessive stimulation by noise or intimidation, use of electric shock devices or infliction of pain by any means is forbidden in all parts of the showground or stable areas, at all times.Whipping and shanking a horse, while it is standing still, anywhere on the showground will be penalized. Horses showing effects of ill treatment will have their handlers penalized. These effects are defined as when the horse is stood up to pose anywhere on the showground. For example:- it crouches down (squats)- it runs back three or more paces- it strikes out with its ears back at the handler - it mouths at its handler

27. The above offences are punishable by issue of a Yellow/Red card

28. Disobedience on the part of a handler of any DC member, judge, ring master or other officials’ instructions may be punished immediately with a Yellow or Red card.Issue of Warnings - Yellow/Red cards

29. Verbal warnings: DC members, ringmasters steward or show officials may issue verbal warnings. These are not recorded in the DC report. If such warnings are ignored, further action may be taken against handlers of horses only, as follows:

30. Yellow and red cards may be issued by DCs and all ring stewards in the collecting ring. They are to be a visible and public warning of an offence having been committed and will be issued to horse handlers only. The date and offence will be recorded by the DC and will be made public by announcement at the show and on the ECAHO website.

31. A Yellow Card may be issued if there is a further offence after a verbal warning or it may be issued without such warning.

32. A Red Card may be issued if the handler commits a further handling offense during the show. The offender will then be banned from handling any horses for the rest of the show. In the event of a serious offence involving mistreatment or dangerous behaviour, DCs or ring stewards may issue a red card without prior warning. The horse may be shown by another handler at the end of the class.Misuse of Drugs

33. The administration of any substance not a normal nutrient (including ginger and similar irritants), whether intentionally or unintentionally which may affect the performance, temperament or soundness of an exhibit is forbidden. Such forbidden substances are listed by the presently applicable FEI Veterinary Regulations, an up-to-date copy of which will be maintained by the EAHSC. Unless otherwise stated in the Rules for Conduct of Shows and Rules for Disciplinary Committees, any procedures related with Drug Misuse follow the FEI Veterinary Regulations.

34. DC's may order chemical tests on any exhibit.

a) Any exhibit for which the veterinarian, duly appointed to collect such specimens of blood, urine or other substances, certifies that in his opinion such collection may endanger the exhibit concerned or the persons handling such exhibit will inform the DC’s who will disqualify the horse and forward the case to the SDC. Any horse so disqualified will not receive any prize or title and will not compete further at the show concerned. b) Horses withdrawn from such test by their owner or person responsible (i.e. who signed the entry form) will not receive any prize or title and will not compete further at the show concerned; the DC to forward the case to the SDC.

35. DC's may order tests of exhibit's eyes for mydriatic drugs.

36. Judges may request DC's to test any horse.Drug misuse procedures

37. Procedures for investigation are laid down in "Rules for Disciplinary Committees". (RDC-24).

38. Where the authorised laboratory finds a positive reaction it will inform the show organiser and the EAHSC, which will take action in accordance with the "Rules for Disciplinary Committees".

39. All drug-related offences will be dealt with by the Standing Disciplinary Committee (SDC) as defined under the "Rules for Disciplinary Committees".

40. a) In the event that an exhibit is tested positive as a result of a chemical test instituted under the present rules, the exhibitor (person who signed the entry form) will be held fully responsible for the horse unless such person can provide full and proper evidence implicating some other person.

b) A positive test shall be considered full and proper evidence of an offence having been committed under Rule 34 above. The responsible person or persons may be suspended.

Veterinary Matters

41. Horses with apparent clinical signs of a disease may not participate in the show at the discretion of the DC Veterinarian. If the DC Veterinarian diagnoses apparent clinical signs of a contagious disease, the horse must be immediately put into quarantine and may not participate in the show.

42. Vaccination regulations for shows will require 12 months intervals normally, or shorter where local/national authorities mandate it. Such shorter intervals to be shown on the entry form.

43. An exhibitor or his representative may ask the show veterinarian to treat a participating horse, subject to following the procedure detailed in the EAHSC Authorization of „Emergency Treatment“ form, signed by the veterinarian and by the exhibitor. Complaints

44. A show organiser, appointed judge, ring master, exhibitor or owner of a horse entered at the show may lodge a complaint alleging infringement of these rules. Such complaint is to be made in writing before the end of the show. A deposit of € 200,- or equivalent in local currency will be lodged with the DC and may be retained if the complaint is considered frivolous at the DC's discretion. Such forfeiture belongs to ECAHO.

45. spare

Rules for Ties in Qualifying Places

46. In the event of a tie in the qualifying places of a class there are two methods of resolution:

a) The horses with equal scores are to be lined up and the judges will each record their preference without discussing the horses. The higher place will be given to the horse with the most first preferences. If there is an even number of judges and there is still a tie, the tie will be resolved by method “b”. b) The higher place will be given to the horse with the most points for type. If there is still a tie, the higher place will be given to the horse with the most points for movement. Failing a decision on either of these, one judge chosen by ballot will name his preference.Method b) may also be used to resolve ties below the qualifying places, if desired. It will be for the show organiser to select either method a) or b) for resolving ties, but the show schedule must contain a clear indication of the method to be used.Rules for Championships

With the exception of shows judged under the single judge system, Championships will be judged as follows:a) The horses placed first in their class line up ordered according to age. The horses placed second in their class line up behind them in the same order.b) The first placed horses will be judged individually, standing and trotting. c) The judges will not discuss the horses.d) The Champion is selected from amongst the horses placed first in their class by individual written votes from each judge. The best placed horse will be champion In the event of a tie, the horse that received the highest number of points in its class will be declared Champion. In the event of a further tie, the "Rules for Ties in Qualifying Places" will apply.

The reserve Champion may be chosen according to one of two systems. The organiser may choose between the two following methods, but it must be clearly stated in the schedule which method will be used:1) The Reserve Champion will be selected in the same way as the champion, from all the other horses that have qualified for the championships.2) The Reserve Champion will be selected in the same way as the Champion, from the other first placed horses, plus the horse placed second to the Champion.The votes of the judges in the Championships will be announced and will be published at the show office immediately after the judging has finished.

47. After the Champion and Reserve Champion have been chosen, a third horse will be selected. This third horse will become Reserve Champion in the event of a disqualification of the Champion or Reserve Champion. If the third placed exhibit is not apparent from the voting papers, the judges will be asked to nominate one. In the event that both the Champion and the Reserve Champions are disqualified, no further substitution will be made, apart from the third placed exhibit moving up to be Champion. This third horse will not be announced.

48. If a horse placed first in its class is not able to take part in the Championship, the horse placed second in the class will move forward and be judged with the other horses placed first. Should a horse placed first be sent out of the ring by the judges for any reason, it will be deemed to have taken part in the championship and, therefore, the second placed horse will not be judged with the other first placed horses. Substitutions for absent first-placed or second-placed horses by third-placed or lower-ranked horses will not be permitted.

49. All horses that qualify for their respective Championships must take part in the Championship. Wilful failure to compete will disqualify the horse from the show, with its record of score and class placing being deleted and the horse being disqualified from showing for the period of one year as from the date of the show. In the event of a disqualification, horses placed behind the disqualified horse will move up a place in the class but not be entitled to enter the Championship.

Requirements after the Show

• The show organizer will communicate the results of the show immediately after the show to the EAHSC (p/o ECAHO Executive Secretary) in one of the following ways:using the ECAHO Show Software (available for download from , “Online Office”), by sending the file called “horses.mdb” by e-mail to the Executive Secretary.using their own software by sending the results as Word.doc or Excel.xls file by e-mail to Executive Secretary.

• using any other system, the results should be sent by fax to the Executive Secretary.

In any case, a printout of the show results as well as the show catalogue and show the schedule have to be sent to the Executive Secretary by normal mail within one month after show.

50. Failure to comply with Rule 56 above may lead to a penalty for the amount of the affiliation fee of the show concerned.

51. The DC will write a report on the show. It will be sent to the EAHSC (p/o ECAHO Executive Secretary) as soon as possible, but not later than one week after the show. It should contain a general description of events of the show, as well as detailed reports on any complaints having been made. It may also contain criticism on any element regarding the show as well as suggestions for improvement.


16-17 AUGUST


144-08-6051 /BE

This show is affiliated


(only one horse per form / nur ein Pferd pro Nenn-Formular / un cheval seulement par feuille) European Arab Horse

Show Commission

Owner / Besitzer / propriétaire:______________________________Country/Land/pays: _____________________________________

Address / Adresse / adresse:______________________________________________________________________________________

Country / Land / pays:_____________________________________Tel./tel./ph.: ___________________________________________

Breeder / Züchter / naisseur:________________________________Country/Land/pays: _____________________________________

By the closing date of entries the horse is registered in the studbook of:

Bei Nennschluß ist das Pferd eingetragen im Stutbuch von:

À la date limite des inscriptions le cheval est enregistré dans le studbook de:

I, the undersigned exhibitor, engage that I and my servants and assistants

hold entire responsibility for the horse entered and I accept without

restriction the statutes, regulations and jurisdiction of ECAHO. Furthermore, concerning my entry, I agree to declare any possible conflict of interest with the judges.

Mit seiner Unterschrift verpflichtet sich der Aussteller für sich und seine Begleitpersonen die volle Verantwortung für das angemeldete Pferd zu tragen und die Statuten, Reglemente und insbesondere die Strafbefugnis der ECAHO vorbehaltlos anzuerkennen und allfällige Interessenskonflikte mit den Richtern, die das angemeldete Pferd betreffen, bekannt zu geben.

Par sa signature, l'exposant s'engage personellement et pour ses accompagnants à porter l'entière responsabilité pour le cheval engagé et à accepter sans réserve les statuts, règlements et notamment la compétence disciplinaire de l'ECAHO et de déclarer tout conflit d'intérêts concernant le cheval engagé et les juges.

Photocopies of the presently valid registration documents are enclosed. __________________________________

Fotokopien der derzeitig gültigen Eintragungsunterlagen liegen bei. Date/Datum/date Signature of exhibitor/Unterschrift des

Copies du certificat d'origine ou passeport actuellement valide sont joints. Ausstellers/signature de l'exposant

Not valid without signature / Ohne Unterschrift nicht gültig / Pas valable sans signature



Colour / Farbe / robe




Sire / Vater / père:




Name of horse / Name des Pferdes /

nom du cheval:

Date of birth/Geburtsdatum/date de naissance:




Dam / Mutter / mère:







Country: Studbook/Association: Reg. No.

Land: Stutbuch/Verband: Reg. Nr.

pays: studbook/organisation: Reg. No


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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