Roosevelt High School

TCLP Teacher’s name: Hend Elhendy Arabic: 1 Grades : 9 -12

Language Level: Beginners Lesson Title: I like / don’t like

| Desired Results |

|Lesson goals: |

|Students should know the names of some hobbies and sports in Arabic to talk about what they like and don’ like . |

|Essential Questions: |

|Do you like soccer...etc? |

|Do you like painting...etc? |

|What sport do you like? |

|What about you? |

|And you? |

|What is this? |

|Is it soccer or Basketball? |

|What’s your favorite hobby? |

| |

|Lesson Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: |

|1- Recognize the names of some sports and hobbies in Arabic. |

|2- Ask and answer questions about their favorite sports or hobbies. |

|3- Say what they like and do not like . |

|Assessment Evidence |

|Interpretive: |

|Ss will listen to sentences about hobbies and sports and draw as they listen. Students will act out the sport they hear. |

|Interpersonal: |

|Students will work in pairs to ask and answer about the hobbies / sports they like. |

| Learning Plan |

|Materials needed: |

|Power point presentation real objects :balls |

|Handouts videos |

|Learning activities: |

|New Vocabulary: |

|الهوايات – القراءة – الكتابة – الرسم – الموسيقى –كرة القدم / السله / اليد / الطائره – الجري – مشاهدة التلفاز – ألعاب الكمبيوتر- السباحة– |

|الرياضة |

|Warm up: |

|What’s your favorite hobby? |

|Do you like soccer / football / painting / music ? |

|Introduction to Lesson: |

|Using power point presentation, I present the names of some hobies and sports in Arabic: |

|Practice I throw the balls to the students saying the name of the sport and the student throw it back to the teacher repeating the name I |

|do the same with all the students ,changing the action and the names of sports : |

|T. كرة السله |

|Students. كرة السله |

|Activity (1) : Listen and say : |

|The teacher will say the names of the hobbies and asks Ss : What about you ? |

|T. وماذا عنك ؟ أنا أحب السباحة . |

|S : انا احب كرة القدم |

|Activity (2): Listen and do : |

|- I get students to pretend playing the sport I say : |

|I say Basketball , Students pretend playing basketball …..etc |

|Activity 3 : Ask and answer: |

|In pairs, Students will ask and answer questions about their favorite hobbies: |

|S1. – ما هي هوايتك المفضلة ؟ |

|S2. – هوايتي المفضلة هى الموسيقى. و أنت ؟ |

|S1. – أنا أحب المشي. |

|Reflection |

| |


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