February 2015

David F. Ruccio

Professor of Economics tel: 574.631.6434

University of Notre Dame email: Ruccio.1@nd.edu

Notre Dame, IN 46556 USA web:


Ph.D., Economics, University of Massachusetts-Amherst (1984)

B.A., Political Economy, summa cum laude, Bowdoin College (1976)

Universidad Nacional del Centro, Huancayo, Peru (1975-76)


Marxian Economic Theory, Culture and Economics, Economic Methodology, International Political Economy, Latin America


Occasional Links & Commentary on Economics, Culture, and Society ()


Professor of Economics, University of Notre Dame (2010-present)

Professor, Economics & Policy Studies, University of Notre Dame (2005-2010)

Editor, Rethinking Marxism (1997-2009)

Associate Professor, Economics, University of Notre Dame (1990-2005)

Visiting Assistant Professor, Economics, University of Massachusetts-Amherst (1989)

Director of Latin American Area Studies, University of Notre Dame (1984-91)

Area Studies Coordinator, University of Notre Dame (1984-91)

Assistant Professor, Economics, University of Notre Dame (1984-90)

Instructor, Economics, University of Notre Dame (1982-84)

Instructor, Economics, University of New Hampshire (1981-82)

Visiting Lecturer, Foreign Service Institute (1977-78, 1988)


Member, Higgins Labor Studies Program (1999-present)

Faculty, Gender Studies Program (1999-present)

Faculty Fellow, Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies (2004-present)

Faculty Fellow, Nanovic Institute for European Studies (1993-94)

Faculty Fellow, Kellogg Institute for International Studies, (1982-99)


Rev. Edmund P. Joyce, C.S.C. Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching (2009)

Academic Freedom Award, Indiana Conference, AAUP (2003)

University of California Humanities Research Institute (2002)

Center for Ideas and Society, University of California-Riverside (2002)

Rockefeller Foundation, Bellagio Team Residency (2001)

Kaneb Teaching Award, University of Notre Dame (2000)



A Tale of Two Great Depressions, Commodities: The Making of Market Society, Principles of Microeconomics, Introduction to Economics, International Political Economy, Introduction to Political Economy, Topics in Political Economy, Economic Development, Postmodernism and Economics, Marxian Economic Theory, Beyond Economic Man, Keynes and the Bloomsbury Group, Special Studies, Senior Honors Essay


Political Economy of War and Peace, Mathematical Methods for Economists, Economics for Noneconomists, Political Economy, Economic Development, Seminar in Political Economy, Economics and Difference, Dissertation Workshop, Marxian Economic Theory, Optimal Planning Models, Teaching Practicum

Special Topics and Directed Readings

Alternative Economies and Peacebuilding, Rethinking the Economy, Agriculture and the Peasantry, Women and Development, Socialist Economics, Debt and Development, History of the World Economy, Political Economy and Christian Social Teaching, Labor and the Marxian Theory of Value, Reading Capital, Political Economy of the Metropolis, Commodity Chains and the Garment Industry, Popper and Modern Economic Methodology, The Evolution of Feminist Economics, Political Economy of New Orleans, Anthropological Economies and the Informal Sector, Rethinking Economy



Development and Globalization: A Marxian Class Analysis (New York: Routledge, 2010) | 405 pp.

Economic Representations: Both Academic and Everyday (New York: Routledge, 2008) | 326 pp.

Postmodern Moments in Modern Economics, with J. Amariglio (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2003) | 349 pp.

Postmodernism, Economics, and Knowledge, coedited with S. Cullenberg and J. Amariglio (New York: Routledge, 2001) | 495 pp.

Published, in translation, by Ochanomizu Shobo (Tokyo), 2007

“Rereading Althusser,” coedited with A. Callari—special issue of Rethinking Marxism 10 (Fall 1998) | 128 pp.

Postmodern Materialism and the Future of Marxist Theory: Essays in the Althusserian Tradition, coedited with A. Callari (Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 1996) | 372 pp.

Debt and Development in Latin America, coedited with K. S. Kim (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1985) | 226 pp.

Empresas Multinacionais e a Internacionalização do Capital, coeditor and translator (Lisbon: Iniciativas Editoriais, 1977) | 271 pp.

Articles in Refereed Journals

“American Hustle,” Journal of Cultural Economy (in press)

“Contending Economic Theories: Which Side Are You On?” Rethinking Marxism (in press)

“Marxism, Materialism, and Subjectification: A Rejoinder” (with Antonio Callari), Rethinking Marxism (August 2013): 279-84

“Keywords: An Introduction” (with Maliha Safri), Rethinking Marxism (January 2013): 7-9

“An Irrationally Exuberant Decade of Postmodern Moments: Response to Bergeron, Kayatekin, McCloskey, and Watkins” (with Jack Amariglio), Rethinking Marxism (July 2012): 369-85

“Development, Institutions, and Class,” Journal of Institutional Economics 7 (December 2011): 571-76

“Marxism and the Envisioning of Real Utopias,” Historical Materialism 19 (2011): 219-27

“Cooperatives, Surplus, and the Social,” Rethinking Marxism 23 (July 2011): 334-40

“Under the Dome: The Ethics and Politics of Reading Capital,” Rethinking Marxism 23 (January 2011): 10-11

“Rethinking Socialism: Community, Democracy, and Social Agency” (with A. Callari), Rethinking Marxism 22 (2010): 403-19

“Economic Representations: What’s at Stake?” Cultural Studies 22 (November 2008): 892-912

“Beyond the Highs and Lows: Economics as a ‘Process Without a Subject” (with J. Amariglio), Review of Social Economy 65 (2007): 223-34

“Unfinished Business: Gramsci’s Prison Notebooks,” Rethinking Marxism 18 (January 2005): 1-7

Reprinted in Rethinking Gramsci, ed. M. Green (New York: Routledge, 2011)

“Rethinking Politics, Scholarship, and Economics: disClosure Interviews David F. Ruccio,” Disclosure, no. 13 (2004): 39-64

“Globalization and Imperialism,” Rethinking Marxism 15 (January 2003): 75-94

Reprinted in translation: Critica Marxista (Brazil), no. 20 (April 2005)

“Modern Economics: The Case of the Disappearing Body?” (with J. Amariglio), Cambridge Journal of Economics 26 (January 2002): 81-103

Reprinted as “The Body and Neoclassical Economics,” Margins (India) 2 (February 2002): 34-73

“Toward an Anthropology of Class Discourses,” Rethinking Marxism 11 (Summer 1999): 53-58

“Global Fragments: Subjectivity and Class Politics in Discourses of Globalization” (with S. Kayatekin), Economy and Society 27 (February 1998): 74-96

“Rereading Althusser” (with A. Callari), Rethinking Marxism 10 (Fall 1998): iii-ix

“Marx's Critical/Dialectical Procedure: A Review Essay," Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology 13 (1995): 311-17

“Postmodernism, Marxism, and the Critique of Modern Economic Thought” (with J. Amariglio), Rethinking Marxism 7 (Fall 1994): 7-35

Reprinted in Recent Developments in Economic Methodology, ed. J. B. Davis, 3 vols. (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2006)

Reprinted in Why Economists Disagree: An Introduction to Alternative Schools of Thought, ed. D. L. Prychitko. 237-73 (Albany: University of New York Press, 1998)

“The Hidden Successes of Failed Economic Policies,” NACLA’s Report on the Americas 26 (February 1993): 38-43, 45-46

“Failure of Socialism, Future of Socialists?” Rethinking Marxism 5 (Summer 1992): 7-22

“Postmodernism and Economics,” Journal of Post Keynesian Economics 13 (Summer 1991): 495-510

“When Failure Becomes Success: Class and the Debate over Stabilization and Adjustment,” World Development 19 (1991): 1315-34

“Class Beyond the Nation State” (with S. Resnick and R. Wolff), Review of Radical Political Economics 22 (Spring 1990): 14-27 and Capital and Class, no. 43 (Spring 1991)

“Fordism on a World Scale: International Dimensions of Regulation,” Review of Radical Political Economics 21 (Winter 1989): 33-53

“The Merchant of Venice, or Marxism in the Mathematical Mode,” Rethinking Marxism 1 (Winter 1988): 18-46

Reprinted in Social Scientist (India) 19 (January-February 1991): 18-46

“Nicaragua: The State, Class, and Transition,” Latin American Perspectives 15 (Spring 1988): 50-71

“The State, Planning and Transition in Nicaragua,” Development and Change 18 (January 1987): 5-27

“Essentialism and Socialist Economic Planning: A Methodological Critique of Optimal Planning Theory,” Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology 4 (1986): 85-108

“Planning and Class in Transitional Societies,” Research in Political Economy 9 (1986): 235-52

“A Methodological Analysis of Dependency Theory: Explanation in André Gunder Frank” (with L. H. Simon), World Development 14 (February 1986): 195-209

“Methodological Aspects of Marxian Approaches to Development: An Analysis of the Modes of Production School” (with L. H. Simon), World Development 14 (February 1986): 211-22

“Bolivia,” Latin American Yearly Review 2 (1974): 58-61

Chapters in Books

“Capitalism,” Keywords for American Cultural Studies, 2nd ed., ed. B. Burgett and G. Hendler (New York: New York University Press, 2014)

“Marxist Economics,” Encyclopedia of Philosophy and the Social Sciences (London: SAGE Publications, 2013)

“Postmodernism,” Handbook of Economics and Ethics, ed. Jane Peil and Irene van Staverern (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2009)

“Rethinking Gramsci: Class, Globalization, and Historical Bloc,” in Perspectives on Gramsci: Politics, Culture and Social Theory, ed. J. Francese, 145-62 (New York: Routledge, 2009)

“(Un)real Criticism,” in Ontology and Economics: Tony Lawson and His Critics, ed. E. Fullbrook, 263-74 (New York: Routledge, 2008)

“Everday Economics and the Community Farm Alliance in Kentucky: An Interview with Deborah Webb” (with D. Billings), in Economic Representations: Academic and Everyday, ed. D. F. Ruccio (New York: Routledge, 2008)

“Socialism, Community, and Democracy: A Postmodern Marxian Perspective” (with A. Callari), for Future Directions for Heterodox Economics, ed. J. T. Harvey and R. F. Garnett, Jr., 262-80 (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2008)

“Capitalism,” in Keywords for American Cultural Studies, ed. B. Burgett and G. Hendler, 32-36 (New York: New York University Press, 2007)

“Marxian Economics,” in Social Science Encyclopedia, 3d ed., ed. A. Kuper and J. Kuper, vol. 2, 613-16 (New York: Routledge, 2004)

“Introduction: Postmodernism, Economics, and Knowledge” (with S. Cullenberg and J. Amariglio), in Postmodernism, Economics, and Knowledge, coedited with S. Cullenberg and J. Amariglio, 3-57 (New York: Routledge, 2001)

“‘After’ Development: Reimagining Economy and Class” (with J.-K. Gibson-Graham), in Re/presenting Class: Essays in Postmodern Political Economy, ed. J.-K. Gibson-Graham et al., 158-81 (Durham: Duke University Press, 2001)

Reprinted in Margins (India) 1 (August 2001): 155-80

“From Unity to Dispersion: The Body in Modern Economic Discourse” (with J. Amariglio), in Postmodernism, Economics, and Knowledge, ed. S. Cullenberg et al., 143-65 (New York: Routledge, 2001)

“Capitalism and Industrialization in the Third World: Recognizing the Costs and Imagining Alternatives,” in Political Economy and Contemporary Capitalism: Radical Perspectives on Economic Theory and Policy, ed. R. Baiman et al., 203-09 (M. E. Sharpe, 2000)

“The Transgressive Knowledge of ‘Ersatz Economics’” (with J. Amariglio), in What Do Economists Know? New Economics of Knowledge, ed. R. Garnett, 19-36 (New York: Routledge, 1999)

“Literary/Cultural ‘Economies,’ Economic Discourse, and the Question of Marxism” (with J. Amariglio), in The New Economic Criticism, ed. M. Woodmansee and M. Osteen, 381-400 (New York: Routledge, 1999)

“Deconstruction,” in The Handbook of Economic Methodology, ed. J. Davis et al., 89-93 (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 1998)

“The (Dis)orderly Process of Capitalist Competition” (with J. Amariglio), in Marxian Economics: A Centenary Appraisal, vol. 1, ed. R. Bellofiore, 94-108 (London: MacMillan, 1998)

“The Good, the Bad, and the Different: Reflections on Economic and Aesthetic Value” (with J. Amariglio and J. Graham), in The Value of Culture, ed. A. Klamer, 56-73 (Lansing: University of Michigan Press, 1997)

“Introduction: Postmodern Materialism and the Future of Marxist Theory” (with A. Callari), in Postmodern Materialism and the Future of Marxist Theory: Essays in the Althusserian Tradition, coedited with A. Callari, 1-48 (Middletown: Wesleyan University Press, 1996)

“Nondeterminist Marxism: The Birth of a Postmodern Tradition in Economics” (with J. Amariglio, A. Callari, S. Resnick, and R. Wolff), in Beyond Neoclassical Economics: Heterodox Approaches to Economic Theory, ed. F. E. Foldvary, 134-47 (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 1996)

“Postmodernism, Marxism, and the Critique of Modern Economic Thought” (with J. Amariglio), in Marxism in the Postmodern Age: Confronting the New World Order, ed. A. Callari et al. 13-23 (New York: Guilford, 1995)

“Keynes, Postmodernism, Uncertainty” (with J. Amariglio), in Keynes, Knowledge, and Uncertainty, ed. S. Dow and J. Hillard, 334-356 (Aldershot: Edward Elgar, 1994)

“Perspectives on Underdevelopment: Frank, the Modes of Production School, and Amin” (with L. H. Simon), in The Political Economy of Development and Underdevelopment, 5th ed., ed. K. P. Jameson and C. K. Wilber, 119-50 (New York: Random House, 1992)

“Power and Class: The Contribution of Radical Approaches to Debt and Development,” in Radical Economics, ed. B. B. Roberts and S. F. Feiner, 199-227 (Boston: Kluwer-Nijhoff, 1992)

“The Costs of Austerity in Nicaragua: The Worker-Peasant Alliance, 1979-1987,” in Paying the Costs of Austerity in Latin America, ed. H. Handelman and W. Baer, 224-50 (Boulder: Westview Press, 1989)

“Radical Theories of Development: Frank, the Modes of Production School, and Amin” (with L. H. Simon), in The Political Economy of Development and Underdevelopment, 4th ed., ed. C. K. Wilber, 121-73 (New York: Random House, 1987)

“The State and Planning in Nicaragua,” in The Political Economy of Revolutionary Nicaragua, ed. R. J. Spalding, 61-82 (Boston: Allen & Unwin, 1986)

Reprinted, in translation: “El estado y la planeación en Nicaragua,” in La economía política de la Nicaragua revolucionaria, ed. R. J. Spalding (Mexico City: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1989)

Other Publications

“Money Talks: David Ruccio,” Occupied Times ()

Review of At the Edge of Camelot: Debating Economics in Turbulent Times, ()

“Blogging the Crisis,” Scholastic (29 March)

“David Ruccio on the Crisis, Globalisation and the Way Forward,” Ceasefire (27 February 2011)

“A Rigged Test: A Critical Look at Buturovic and Klein’s Conception of ‘Economic Enlightenment’,” Econ Journal Watch 7 (September 2010): 347-51

“(Un)real Criticism,” Post-Austistic Economics Review, no. 35 (5 December 2005): 40-49

“‘All that is holy is profaned’: The Market and the University” (with J. Buttigieg), Cultural Logic 7 (2004) []

“Rethinking Marxism: Ten Years On” (with S. Cullenberg, under pen name of “The Editors”), Rethinking Marxism (Spring 1998): 1-4

“Capitalism and Industrialization in the Third World,” Common Sense (October 1996): 10

“Capitalismo e industrializzazione del Terzo Mondo,” A Sinistra (Rome) (1993): 42-43

“Foreword” (with editors of Rethinking Marxism), in This Is My Body: This Is My Blood, 1-3 (Amherst: University of Massachusetts, 1992)

In Preparation

“Utopia and Critique” (book manuscript)

“Mind the Gap” (book manuscript)

“What’s Wrong with Exploitation” (book manuscript)

Journals and Reviewing

Editorial Board, Future Perfect: Images of the Time to Come in Philosophy, Politics, and Cultural Studies (book series with Rowman & Littlefield)

Associate Editor, Economics of Peace and Security Journal

Editorial Board, Cognitariat

Editorial Board, Forum for Social Economics

Editorial Board, Real World Economics Review

Editorial Board, International Gramsci Journal

Advisory Board, Rethinking Marxism: A Journal of Economics, Culture, and Society

Book Referee: MIT Press, Lexington Books, Oxford University Press, Stanford University Press, University of Michigan Press, Princeton University Press, Blackwell Publishers, Routledge, Guilford Publications, University of Minnesota Press, University of Chicago Press, State University of New York Press, Palgrave Macmillan, Anthem Press, Zed Press, Wiley-Blackwell

Article Referee: History of Political Economy, Philosophy and Rhetoric, Critical Sociology, World Development, Research in Political Economy, Academy of Management Review, Review of Social Economy, Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, Cambridge Journal of Economics, Comparative Economic Studies, Revista de Ciencias Sociales, Intervention: European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies, Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Review of Political Economy, Political Research Quarterly, Public Culture, Journal of Economic Methodology

Associate Editor, Latin American Yearly Review 3 (1975)

Working Papers

“Introduction: Postmodernism, Economics, and Knowledge” (with S. Cullenberg and J. Amariglio), Department of Economics, University of California-Riverside, 00-06 (2000)

“Global Fragments: Subjectivity and Politics in Discourses of Globalization” (with S. Kayatekin), School of Business and Economic Studies, University of Leeds, E96/13 (1996)

"When Failure Becomes Success: Class and the Debate over Stabilization and Adjustment," Kellogg Institute Working Paper No. 154 (1991)

“Making Latin America More Like the United States, and Vice Versa: North-South Economic Convergence,” Working Papers in Economics and Political Economy No. 88-1, Department of Economics, Roosevelt University (1988)

“Class and Debt: A Marxian Analysis,” Association for Economic and Social Analysis Discussion Paper 27, University of Massachusetts-Amherst (1985)

“The State and Planning in Nicaragua,” Kellogg Institute Working Paper No. 53 (1985)

“Social Theory and Socialist Economic Planning,” Association for Economic and Social Analysis Discussion Paper 13 (1983)

“Essentialism and Socialist Economic Planning,” University of Notre Dame Department of Economics Workshop in Economic Development Working Paper (1983)

“The Cuban Economy Today: An Appraisal of Its Planning and Management System” (with R. H. Girling), Occasional Paper 1, Institute for the Study of a Democratically Managed Society, Sonoma State University (November 1980)


Book reviews published in History of Political Economy (1984, 1987), American Journal of Sociology (1987), and Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology (1995), Feminist Economics (2008), (2012)



“Utopia and the Marxian Critique of Political Economy,” Conference on Capitalism & Socialism: Utopia, Globalization, and Revolution, New Harmony, Indiana (2014)

“Rethinking Planning, Development, and Globalization from a Marxian Perspective,” Department of Economics, Roosevelt University (2014)

“Culture Beyond Capitalism,” Eighteenth International Conference on Cultural Economics, Montreal (2014)

“Postmodern Marxism and Class Analysis,” Sociology Department, University of Kentucky (2014)

“Trash the System or Crash the Planet,” Appalachian Studies Center, University of Kentucky (2104)

“American Hustle,” at the Cushwa Center’s Seminar On American Religion, University of Notre Dame (2014)

“Trash the System or Crash the Planet,” University of Louisville (2012)

“Strangers in a Strange Land: A Marxian Critique of Economics,” at the Stranger Economies conference, University of Washington (2012)

“Radical Interpretations of the Present Crisis,” University of Chicago (2012)

“Blogging the Crisis,” Higgins Labor Studies Program, University of Notre Dame (2012)

“Mind the Gap: Economics, Inequality, and the Second Great Depression,” Volcano: A Symposium to Discuss and Respond to the Global Crisis, Oxford University (2012)

“Is Marx Still Relevant?” Roosevelt University (2011)

“The Methodologies of Marxian Economics,” New School University (2011)

“The Marxian Critique of Political Economy: Commodities and Commodity Fetishism,” University of Michigan (2011)

“The Marxian Critique of Political Economy: Exploitation and Surplus-Value,” University of Michigan (2011)

“The Marxian Critique of Political Economy: The Accumulation of Capital and Transition,” University of Michigan (2011)

“The New Reading of Marx’s Capital,” Lattelecom 6th International Conference, “New Strategies in the New World (Riga, 2011)

“Refusing Nostalgia for Industry in the Hinterlands,” American Anthropological Association annual meetings (2011)

“Blogging the Crisis,” International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics conference (2011)

“Rethinking Planning, Development, and Globalization: A Marxian Class Analysis,” University of Wollongong (2010)

“Publish or Perish? An Argument for ‘Slow Publishing’,” University of Wollongong (2010)

“Rethinking Planning, Development, and Globalization: A Marxian Class Analysis,” University of Nottingham (2010)

“(Un)real Criticism,” RM2009: New Marxian Times conference, University of Massachusetts Amherst (2009)

“Subjects of Exploitation” (with Kenan Erçel), RM2009: New Marxian Times conference, University of Massachusetts Amherst (2009)

“The Revival of Marxism in Rethinking Marxism,” RM2009: New Marxian Times conference, University of Massachusetts Amherst (2009)

“Economic Representations: What’s at Stake?” Workshop on Socioeconomics, Markets and Space: Performing Markets, Department of Human Geography, Universität Frankfurt am Main (2008)

“Postmodern Moments in Modern Economics,” Moscow University of the Humanities (2008)

“Rethinking Marxism: 20 Years On,” Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences (2008)

“Planning, Development, and Globalization: Rethinking Marxian Class Analysis,” Workshop on Money and Markets, University of Chicago (2008)

"Rethinking Gramsci: Class, Globalization, and Historical Bloc," keynote address, workshop on Globalization and the Historical Bloc, University of Wollongong (2007)

“Planning, Development, and Globalization: 20 Years of Marxian Class Analysis,” Department of Geography, Australian National University (2007)

“Economic Communications,” Economics Roundtable, National Communications Association (2007)

“Gramsci in Latin America: Hegemony and Counter-Hegemony,” conference on Gramsci Now: Cultural and Political Theory, Michigan State University (2007)

“Gramsci and Latin America,” International Gramsci Society conference, Sardinia (2007)

“Planning, Development, and Globalization: 20 Years of Marxian Class Analysis,” Department of Economics, University of Missouri-Kansas City (2007)

“Three Lectures on Postmodern Marxian Economics,” Department of Economics, University of São Paulo-Araraquara (2006)

“Reading the Marxian Critique of Political Economy,” Harvard Law School (2006)

“Burczak: Socialism after Hayek,” Rethinking Marxism 2006 conference, University of Massachusetts-Amherst (2006)

“Reading Harold: Class Analysis, Capital Accumulation, and the Role of the Intellectual,” Engaging Silences and Unresolved Issues in the Political Economy of South Africa colloquium, Harold Wolpe Memorial Trust, Cape Town, South Africa (2006)

“Economic Representations: Academic and Everyday,” Union of Radical Political Economics, University of Massachusetts-Amherst (2006)

“Planning, Development, and Globalization: 20 Years of Marxian Class Analysis,” Department of Economics, University of Massachusetts-Amherst (2006)

“Mathematical Representations: Marxian Economics,” University Program in Cultural Studies, University of North Carolina (2005)

“Economic Representations: Academic and Everyday,” Department of Economics, Roosevelt University (2005)

“Mathematical Representations: Neoclassical Economics,” University Program in Cultural Studies, University of North Carolina (2005)

“Postmodernism and Democracy: Marxism and the Rethinking of Socialism,” 2005 Left Forum, Graduate Center of the City University of New York (2005)

“Economics and Empire,” Fourth International Marx Congress, Université de Paris X-Nanterre (2004)

“Economic Representations: An Interdisciplinary Project,” University Program in Cultural Studies, University of North Carolina (2004)

“Postmodernism and Economics: A Reply,” International Network for Economic Method Annual Meetings, Faculty of Economics and Econometrics, University of Amsterdam (2004)

“An Economists’ Introduction to Postmodernism,” Department of Economics & Policy Studies, University of Notre Dame (2004)

“Economic Representations: Academic and Everyday,” conference on Economic Representations: Both Academic and Everyday, University of California-Riverside (2004)

“Globalization and Imperialism,” Distinguished Lecture in Social Theory, University of Kentucky (2003)

“‘All this is holy is profaned’: The Market and the University” (with J. Buttigieg), conference on Marxism and the World Stage, University of Massachusetts-Amherst (2003)

“Unfinished Business: Gramsci’s Prison Notebooks,” conference on Marxism and the World Stage, University of Massachusetts-Amherst (2003)

“Heterodox Economics in the Academy,” Conference on the Future of Heterodox Economics, University of Missouri-Kansas City (2003)

“Economic Representations and the Future of Heterodox Economics,” Conference on the Future of Heterodox Economics, University of Missouri-Kansas City (2003)

“Socialism, Community, and Democracy: A Postmodern Marxian Vision of (Post-) Capitalism,” plenary session, Conference on the Future of Heterodox Economics, University of Missouri-Kansas City (2003)

“Subjects of Everyday Economics,” conference on Subjects of Economy, University of Massachusetts-Amherst (2002)

“Postmodernism and Economics,” Department of Economics, City College, City University of New York (2002)


“Inequality and the Political Economy of Chile,” Center for Social Concern’s Poverty and Development in Chile seminar (2014)

“Neoliberalism and Globalization,” Introduction to Peace Studies (2012)

“Globalization,” seminar on Child Poverty and Development, University of Notre Dame (2011)

“Beyond Economic Man,” panel on Feminism in the World Today, University of Notre Dame (2010)

“A Tale of Two Depressions,” course on Culture and Society in the Great Depression, University of Notre Dame (2010)

“A Marxian Analysis of the Firm,” course on Alternative Approaches to the Firm, University of Notre Dame (2009)

“The Political Economy of Health Care,” seminar on Changing the Face of the American Healthcare System, Center for Social Concerns, University of Notre Dame (2009)

“Tale of Two Countries,” NDVotes ’08, Pizza, Pop, Politics: The Economy, University of Notre Dame (2008)

“Globalization and Global Myths,” Center for Social Concerns, University of Notre Dame (2007)

“What is Globalization?” Center for Social Concerns, University of Notre Dame (2007)

“Globalization and Imperialism,” South African Catholic Bishops Conference, Cape Town (2006)

“Outsourcing and Other International Economic Issues,” Elections Perspectives on Foreign Affairs: A Faculty Panel, University of Notre Dame (2004)

“U.S. Foreign Policy and the Election,” Conscience in the Crossfire: Elections 2004, University of Notre Dame (2004)

“Roger and Me—15 Years Later,” Economics Club, University of Notre Dame (2004)

“Globalization, Capitalism, and Human Dignity,” International Summer Internships, University of Notre Dame (2004)

“Global Justice, the FTAA, and the Road to Miami,” March to Miami teach-in, University of Notre Dame (2003)

“Tarnishing the Golden Dome: The Decision to Split the Economics Department at the University of Notre Dame,” Indiana Conference, American Association of University Professors (2003)

“Capitalism and Industrialization in the Global Economy: Recognizing the Costs and Imagining Alternatives,” World Social Forum, Porto Alegre, Brazil (2003)

“Key Concepts in Marxian Theory,” Core Course (M. Brownstein and W. Arons), University of Notre Dame (2002)

“Teaching at the Margins,” Last Lecture Series, University of Notre Dame (2002)


Frequent contributor, Real World Economics Review blog

BBC World Service, “fiscal cliff” (2012)

Against the Grain, KPFA, “Second Great Depression” (2012)

Mike Alberti, “For U.S. Universities, a Failing Grade in Economics,” Remapping Debate (8 February 2012)

Mike Alberti, “Behind Scientific Façade, Economics Depts Serve Heavy Dose of Laissez Faire,” Remapping Debate (8 February 2012)

Background Briefing with Ian Masters, KPFA (2011)

BBC Radio World Service, Business Daily, “Is Capitalism in Crisis?” (2011)

Radio Popolare (Milan, Italy), “Debt, Elections, and the Economy” (2011)

Pia de Quatrebarbes, “Les vrais responsables de la dette americaine,” L’Humanité Dimanche (21-27 July)

BBC Radio World Service, World Business News Daily (2009)

Radio Popolare (Milan, Italy), “The Election of Obama” (2008)

BBC Radio World Service, World Business Report (2008)

Radio Popolare (Milan, Italy), “The Economy and the Presidential Primaries” (2008)

Against the Grain, KPFA, live interview (2005)

Radio Popolare (Milan, Italy), “The Economy and the Mid-Term Elections” (2004)

Against the Grain, KPFA, interview (2004)

Living Room Radio, KPFA, interview (2003)

Extension 720, WGN-Radio, two-hour live program on “The Contemporary Relevance of Marxism” (2000)



Snehishish Bhattacharya, “Non/Capital, Class, and Development: The Case of Informal Manufacturing in India” (2010)

Faruk Eray Düzenli, “Re/presenting Labor: Economic Discourse, Value, and Ethics” (2006)

David Brennan, “Social Structure of Investment: Three Essays on the New Finance Literature” (2000)

Tyrone Ferdnance, “The Process of Agricultural Modernization in Northern Nigeria: An Overdetermined Analysis” (1999)

Suzanne Bergeron, “Fragments of Development: Three Essays on Development, Structural Adjustment, and Economic Knowledge” (1998)

Laura Fitzpatrick, “Food Security and Theories of Development” (1997)

Murray Leibbrandt, “Rabula Revisited: The South African Land Issue in the Light of a Village-Level Study” (1994)

Committee Member

Saibal Basu, “Transition and Development: A Case Study of West Bengal” (2010)

Lavaughn Pritchard, “Trinidad and Tobago: The Caribbean’s Asian Tiger?” (2010)

Daniel J. Kim, “The Political Economy of Corporate Governance and Reform: Industrial Policy, Financial Crises, and the Path of Corporate Governance Restructuring Policy” (2010)

James Edward Ford III (Department of English), “Thinking Through Crisis: 1930s African American Literature and Politics” (2009)

Carla Ingrando (Department of Theology), “The Moral Problem oif Economic Inequality: An Analysis of the Roman Catholic and the Quaker Traditions” (2006)

Thomas Scheiding, “The Economics of Electronic Scholarly Communication” (2006)

Edward Nik-Khah, “Designs on the Mechanism: Economics and the FCC Spectrum Auctions” (2006)

Jacinda Swanson (Department of Political Science), “Politicizing the Economic: Capitalist Hegemony, Procedural Liberalism, and Popular Discourse” (2002)

Deborah Spencer, “History and Discourse in Law and Economics, 1920-1985” (1998)

Ellen O'Brien, “Contested Accounts: The Evolution of the Meaning and Measurement of National Income” (1998)

Willy Walter Cortez, “The Political Economy of Industrial Stagnation: Peru's Manufactures, 1970-1992” (1998)

Shabnam Shallwani, “Development Strategies for Rural Women of Pakistan” (1996)

Enrique Dussel Peters “From Export-Oriented to Import-Oriented Industrialization: Structural Change in Mexico's Manufacturing Sector, 1988-1994” (1996)

Ranjini Lungoomiah Thaver, “The Role of the Informal Sector in Restructuring the South African Economy” (1995)

Sean Timothy Flynn, “The Evolution of Finance, Bank Interdependence, and the Danger of Bank Failures in the Modern United States Economy” (1993)

Mohlabane Dunstan Morudu, “The Role of Financial Institutions in South Africa: 1946 to Post-Apartheid” (1993)

Margarita Maria Rose, “Transportation and Dependency: The Case of Southern Africa” (1989)


Kanchana N. Ruwanpura, “Gender, Knowledge, and Development: The Contributions of Post-Modernization and Feminist Standpoint Theories” (1996)


Departmental committees: Graduate Admissions and Financial Aid, Graduate Program, Graduate Curriculum Review, External Departmental Review, Curriculum, Appointments and Promotions, Library Acquisitions, Principles Teaching, Affirmative Action, Honesty, Strategic Plan, Web, Electronic Working-Papers Project, Budget and Salary

Helen Kellogg Institute for International Studies: Academic Director, International Conference on Economic Development and Democracy; Research Grants Committee; Fellowships Committee; Reviewer, Working Papers Series

University of Notre Dame: Kaneb Teaching Awards, College Council, Faculty Senate, Campus Compact/Peace Corps Overseas Undergraduate Internship Program, Grace Hall Debates, Overseas Development Network, Organization of American States Model General Assembly

Scholarly conferences: RM 2009: New Marxian Times (2009), Rethinking Marxism 2006 (2006), Economic Representations: Both Academic and Everyday (2004), Team residency, Bellagio Study and Conference Center (Rockefeller Foundation) (2002), Marxism 2000 (2000), Languages and Politics of Contemporary Marxism (1996), Postmodernism, Economics, and Knowledge (1995), Marxism in the New World Order: Crises and Possibilities (1992), Marxism Now: Traditions and Difference (1989), International Conference on Economic Development and Democracy in Honor of Albert Hirschman (1984)

Outside referee, tenure and promotions: John Jay College of Criminal Justice, Hampshire College, University of Missouri-Kansas City, New School for Social Research, City College-City University of New York, City University of New York, Hofstra University, Franklin and Marshall College, Simmons College, University of Rhode Island, Merrimack College, University of Southern Maine, College of William and Mary, Mount Holyoke College, University of Denver, University of California-Riverside, University of Hawaii, Towson University

Miscellaneous: referee, British Academy Research Grants; external review committee, Department of Political Economy, University of Sydney; advisor, Fed Challenge Team (St. Joseph High School)


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