Catalog Presentation SCRIPT

UPDATED August, 2016

PREP 1 – Bring a small amount of product. You want this business to look simple and you want it to BE simple. THIS IS THE KEY TO ATTRACTING BUSINESS BUILDERS!


- SETS or SAMPLES - RE9 set or samples, Nutritional products of your choice (I like to take a whole 30 Days to Healthy Living to display) – (optional sample: take a protein shake or homemade protein bar samples for guests) – Display products for the guests to see.

- CATALOGS – with your contact information

- FORMS: Independent Consultant application

Preferred Client Registration form

Independent Consultant Product Order forms

Client Product Order forms

- ASVP SHEETS: Nutritional and Anti-aging skin with both PC and Consultant pricing

- PROFILE SHEETS (pass out to collect guests’ contact information. Consider a drawing for a free mini hand cream or $1 shipping, etc.

- CALENDAR to book presentations and one-on-ones here!

- OPTIONAL: take some full size products to offer to those who agree to host for you within the next few weeks (whatever criteria works for you to make your goals).

Print and Take

Is Arbonne for You Document

Greet the guests as they arrive

Ask them questions about themselves. You can do Awaken Sea Salt Scrub hand treatments at the sink or serve Detox Tea (some like to add a slice of orange or lemon), Fizz Sticks or protein sample.


1. Start on time or people who have to leave early will not have time to place orders.

2. Host begins by thanking everyone for coming and he/she shares their favorite Arbonne product then introduces you.

3. You read out loud what is in Red and follow the notes in Black.

Tape to page 3


Please fill out the Guest Profile Sheet as we begin. Thanks so much for hosting this Arbonne Get Together, name of host. Isn’t it fun to have a night out with friends? Before we get started, let’s quickly go around the room and answer this question. If I could grant one wish for your health, wealth or overall appearance, what would it be?

Look around the room for hostess or person with the bubbly personality. SMILE. Will you go first _______? How about you guys? Go around the room and let them each answer. Smile and say “GREAT” between each one! As we start, I want you to take away two things from this presentation:

#1 - What you put on your body and in your body may affect how fast and how well you age. Arbonne products are truly different from anything else and they can make a huge difference to your health. And,

#2 –then how do these cutting edge products get to the marketplace? The business is built by Arbonne consultants having presentations using samples, catalogs and one message. Like tonight, I’m sitting here with you in a group, but sometimes I meet people one-on-one at a coffee shop, and I have occasional health and wellness talks: All in an hour or less, to present Arbonne products.

Now an extra $500 a month, $5000 per month may interest you, or earning a Mercedes Benz car allowance, the ability to earn cash bonuses and vacations for you and your family, or tax write offs. If any of these perks peak your interest - as you listen to this presentation tonight, think about how Arbonne might be a fit for just an extra 10-15 hours each week.

It’s very simple. In fact, tonight I’m reading a script. Anyone can pick it up and start by making 8 presentations a month!

I want to start by telling you why I started with Arbonne.

Your 2-minute story: Why you use the products AND are building a business (both are key to relate to both types of people in your audience, the thinkers and the feelers.) Your 60-second presentation and then a short elaboration.

Arbonne products are safer and offer a more effective alternative to what most people are already purchasing. Everyone here brushed their teeth today, used deodorant, washed their body or face and ate at least one meal - Arbonne offers a pure, safe and beneficial alternative to these consumable products we all use on a daily basis! Most people aren’t aware of the toxin levels in their everyday products, or they settle for just average skin care, nutritionals or make-up.

PASS OUT CATALOGS NOW Arbonne has over 350 products and I’m going to highlight just a few of them tonight, so follow along with me and I’ll be your Arbonne tour guide. These catalogs are a gift to you – so feel free to write in them or fold back a page or two! The models pictured in the catalog are Independent Consultants, like me - kind of fun! )

Notice on the Guest Profile Sheet I passed around there is room for your wish list. As we go through the presentation tonight, if money were no object, what would you want? Since I’m going to offer this group some discount price options write down everything you would like to have or to know more about! I’m going to collect each of these at the end and we’ll draw so someone will get a complimentary gift! (a hand cream, foot cream, free shipping - whatever you like!)

Please turn with me to page 8

Tape to page 9

First of all, it’s important for you to understand what sets Arbonne apart in the marketplace. Arbonne’s philosophy is Pure, Safe, and Beneficial. Arbonne products combine the best of nature and science, using the purest and finest ingredients that work to get results. Each formulation undergoes extensive testing in independent labs to ensure safety.

Arbonne products are made in the USA, but formulated in Switzerland and adhere to European standards, which are much higher than those in the Unites States for personal care products. In fact, Europe bans over 1200 ingredients in personal care products while in the US, we only ban 12 ingredients! It is important to use clean ingredients because our skin is the largest detoxifying organ of the body and it protects all the other organs. What most of us don’t realize is ingredients we put on our skin are absorbed into the blood stream.

If you have a laptop or Iphone, you might consider showing (sometimes just turn up phone, so guests can at least hear) 2 minute video with Diane Sawyer on ABC World News talking about chemicals in personal care products:

For starters, a common ingredient in most US skin care is MINERAL OIL, which is simply highly refined crude oil. It is cheap and forms the basis for most personal care products in the US, but it creates a barrier on your skin, is an endocrine disrupter that does NOT allow good ingredients that feed the skin to be absorbed. That barrier also does not allow toxins to be released from the skin either.

Secondly, mineral oil dehydrates skin by pulling water and moisture from the bottom layers where skin is regenerating. Signs at marathons warn runners against using products containing mineral oil before a race because of dehydration. Using mineral oil on the skin is similar to covering your skin in plastic wrap! So be sure mineral oil and petroleum –based products which have many names, like propylene glycol, etc., are never on your skin! Go home tonight and check your product labels in your bathroom and Google the first few ingredients. You will be amazed!

ARTIFICIAL COLORS AND FRAGRANCES have no purpose being on the skin either, so we don’t use them in Arbonne products. Many soaps, shampoos and body washes are drying to the skin and can leave scum on the surface layer just like on the bathtub. These products can strip the skin of its precious acid mantle and natural moisture.

(More info in case people have questions) The pH should match the acid mantle of the skin which functions best at a pH of 5.5 to 6.5. When the acid mantle is preserved it acts like a bug zapper to germs and bacteria. All of Arbonne’s products are formulated to match our skin’s acid mantle. We call that pH correct.

Last, but not least, let’s talk about ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS. Did you know the most prestigious cosmetic companies in this country purchase ingredients from Rendering Plants? Who knows what a rendering plant is? These are collection centers for animal scrap parts and old restaurant grease. Cosmetic companies use these rendered, greasy by-products for lipstick, eye make-up, foundation, facial creams and soaps – Mike Rowe of Dirty Jobs even did a show on this! Doesn’t that make you want to lick your lips?! UGH! You won’t find any of this in our products.

Arbonne nutritionals are also made to high pharmacological standards: Vegan certified and free of gluten, artificial flavors, colors or sweeteners, cholesterol and trans fat! Soy, Whey and Gluten are difficult for most to digest, so we have left all of that out of our nutritional products! Plus everything is GMO free!!

Please turn with me to page 20

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These little bottles are Arbonne’s best selling anti-aging product line. RE9 Advanced gives visible results in 24 hours. 90% of the skins aging can be prevented and a lot of damage can be repaired. Wouldn’t you like to stop 90% of your skin’s aging? Many high-end anti-aging lines use topical steroids to stop inflammation – the most powerful aging action, but steriods can also affect hormones. Arbonne uses antioxidants as its anti-inflammatory, vitamins that will not wreak havoc on hormone levels, but give immediate and cumulative results. In this line, Arbonne’s topical antioxidants contain a stable form of vitamin C and other antioxidants which perform together for excellent results! RE9 is very concentrated and a little goes a very long way! This product line lasts from 6-8 months and the price comparison with other companies carried in department stores and boutiques is amazing. Plus - at the end of this presentation, I will show you how you can purchase this whole anti-aging system at 40-50% off (on page 22).

Optional: Have a Sample RE9 kit available for people to see/sample at the end of the class. Also, we have the same anti-aging with shaving products for the men in our lives as well on page 34.

(optional-for younger guests) Please turn with me to page 38 to the FC5 Line- designed for those who want pure skin care, but aren’t concerned about anti-aging yet.

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We also have a line for skin that’s not quite ready for anti-aging or is sensitive. FC5 is half the steps at half the price for younger skin. It feeds your skin with key ingredients carrot, kiwi, mango and strawberries. FC5 is a wonderful product line for someone who is not concerned about anti-aging YET, but would like to slow the aging process. This is fantastic for teens and those in their 20s. It is designed for individuals with either oil/combination skin or those with normal/dry skin.

Please turn with me to page 46 to see the final part to this anti-aging line!

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I LOVE the Intelligence line and all of these products work beautifully in conjunction with all of our skin care lines! On page 46 is our Genius Ultra Skincare Device- it is Arbonne’s exclusive Ultrasound technology! There is nothing on the market like it to make a difference in fine lines, skin tone and texture visible with just a few uses! For maximum results, you simply use the Genius device in conjunction with Arbonne’s RE9 serum and eye care skin care products. The device’s warmth and gentle wave action, for just a minute twice a day, enhances the skin’s ability to absorb the anti-aging ingredients. Choose the level of warmth that feels most comfortable to you and move gently in overlapping circles around the eyes, lips and overall face and neck. This daily ultrasound treatment will blow your mind!

Add to the ultrasound, Arbonne’s Anti-aging Pads that work like an “eraser” for dark spots, skin pitting from blemishes, poor texture. The Intelligence Pads are on page 48. Do you have large pores, age spots, acne scars or skin that just looks dull or uneven? These nightly resurfacing pads work quickly and are effective in giving you smooth youthful skin. Use after you cleanse your skin and before your moisturizer. In independent studies, after only two weeks, 100% of those testing the product found that Arbonne’s Intelligence Pads improved the appearance of their skin moisture, firmness and elasticity.

Also, on page 48 are a few of my other favorites. I have used them all and can recommend them all! I will highlight one other tonight: do you ever feel like your skin just needs a drink?! The Intelligence Nourishing Facial Oil is the answer! It is full of omega fatty acids 3 and 6, provides deep hydration without feeling oily. Put it on at night after cleanser, toner and before your moisture. It will plump up fine lines and wrinkles and help with signs of aging or scarring immediately and cumulatively.

(Optional for younger guests or those who say they have “troubled” or “sensitive skin.”)

Please turn with me to page 52 to check out our Calm Skin Care Line

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The Calm line is made for those with even the most sensitive skin and again, for those who are not yet concerned about anti-aging – the key ingredients are aloe vera, cucumber, licorice, mallow, chamomile and sea mayweed. It provides deep hydration. Calm soothes the skin with natural and food derived ingredients- and it has no fragrance. This is one of my favorite basic skin care lines- it works very well and gives great results!

Please turn with me to page 56 for our acne treatment

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Arbonne has an incredible acne treatment line called Clear Future. It is made with salicylic acid (not hydrogen peroxide) and is not drying to the skin. Unlike many acne treatments on the market – it also won’t stain or bleach your towels or sheets and you don’t need a prescription for these results! One of my favorites of this line is the Intensive Acne Spot Treatment– a little bit does the trick! This line is gentle, but very affective and we have had amazing results from this line!!

Please turn to page 66 for our SeaSource Detox Spa Line:

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Detoxification and Relaxation actually rebuilds the immune system. The SeaSource Detox Spa gives you a spa experience at home and works clearing the body’s detoxing pathways for cleansing from the inside out. This product line is packed with minerals known to calm and soothe our system through the use of sea salts, algae and seaweed. Our family regularly uses the Renewing Body Gelee on sunburns, swollen feet and sore muscles. The Fortifying Hair Mask is great for pulling chlorine out of your hair or your young swimmers. I love all of these products and we use them daily!

Please turn to page 73 for our Baby Care Products

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Our Arbonne baby care is gentle! It does not contain ingredients that numb the baby’s eyes to make it “tear free,” but instead uses safe ingredients so it doesn’t burn little eyes. The diaper rash cream works beautifully and quickly and can double as Neosporin without the mineral oil base - in fact I’ve never had a mother order just one bottle from me!

Many have also had great results by using this entire line on eczema- the zinc in the diaper rash cream is particularly soothing and calming - it is all free of any chemical fragrances and hydrates deeply. Very gentle and it works!!

Arbonne’s baby sunscreen is great for so many reasons, but one that really stands out is that we use essential oils to deflect the sun in our Water Resistant Sunscreen. One thing I have learned is to never use Water Proof Sunscreen – water “proof” has chemicals that can actually burn the skin, while “protecting” it from sunburn. Water Resistant is always the healthier option, especially for babies’ sensitive skin. Adults can use the baby sunscreen, but we also have some for adults and tinted sunless tanner as well on page 78.

Turn with me to Page 85

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One of my most favorite lines is our all Vegan, GMO and gluten free Daily Essentials Nutrition. This line gives me more energy and is easy on my stomach! Did you know, our genetics account for only 10% of body appearance and overall health, training and exercise? But, nutrition accounts for 80% of our health position! Whether you want to get healthy or stay healthy, these products are life changing as many have testified.

On page 85- Arbonne’s protein powders are made with yellow pea protein, the cutting edge of protein powders today. Cranberry and rice protein make Arbonne’s powder a complete amino acid with 20 grams of protein per 2-scoop serving and contains more than 20 vitamins and minerals per serving. It can be used for weight loss or good pure protein for those meals for which you don’t feel like cleaning a pan! It comes in chocolate and vanilla and is sweetened with cane sugar and stevia (the sugar content per serving is about the equivalent of an apple). I have a bunch of recipes for shakes, brownies and protein bars- I even sprinkle vanilla in our pancakes to hold us longer! My whole family and especially the children love the Protein powder.

(optional)Know anyone who struggles with Urinary Tract Infections??

Cranberries have long been known for their benefit to the kidneys, and the prevention of urinary tract infection by balancing the pH and preventing E. coli overgrowth, which causes 95% of UTI's. Cranberry protein is extracted using a cold-pressed technology that preserves the natural occurring fatty acids, and increases the absorption of nutrients. Cranberry protein is a great choice to keep the system at optimal health, while giving the body all of the essential amino acids.

On page 86 I’m going to tell you about some of our nutritional products individually, but Arbonne also has some of these items packaged together (I’ll tell you about the 40-50% off package a little later) to give you what you need for two meals a day including vitamin energy drinks, probiotics, a 7-day cleanse detox and tea that supports your liver and kidneys in one neat package- to help people transition from the Standard American Diet and highly allergic foods (alcohol, gluten, dairy, soy, alcohol) to a clean real foods diet.

Our team has a Facebook support group that starts the first and third Monday of every month to give people recipes for their one clean and green meal per day they make in the kitchen (easy and delicious and many say their kiddos LOVE these recipes too!), grocery lists, support and more information from two doctors on why clean eating is so worth it- in many ways! People ask questions, get answers as well as encouragement from the group. Many tell us of their great results like weight loss, lessening or eliminating acid reflux symptoms, clearer skin, increased energy, better sleep, improved cholesterol and much more! Many decide to continue the program for several months, but some just want a detox “reboot!” This is one of my most favorite parts of Arbonne!! If you have a personal testimonial- share it!

Daily Protein Boost Is Arbonne’s most recent entry into the super fitness arena or if you want to take your protein to the next level - add another 10 grams of protein of NO FLAVOR, NO SUGAR or SWEETENER of Arbonne’s three ingredient protein boost powder. It can be easily added to salad dressings, sauces, soups, the sky is the limit! I love substituting wheat with Protein and/or Protein Boost for brownies, pancakes, waffles, or making my own protein to make sure the whole family is getting an adequate amount of protein in their diet. Love this stuff!

This is not just another diet - this is an important detox cleanse. When we eat foods that are not organic, Genetically modified, sprayed or have been injected with hormones- when we consume it, we ingest these questionable ingredients as well! Most weight-loss programs do not recognize the importance of detoxing our bodies and recommend foods from the toxic SAD. The 30 Days to Healthy Living is simple to follow and gentle on your system. (they will not have to chain themselves to the bathroom- gentle detox). Only one meal made in the kitchen per day... easy!

I want to be sure to highlight some of my favorites from our nutritonal line:

One of my two favorite supplements is Digestion Plus on page 87. It is a pre-biotic, the pro-biotic

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lactobacillus, a vital and expensive probiotic plus massive amounts of digestive enzymes. Digestion Plus is primarily enzymes to make digestion easier and more complete.  You can have a less-than-optimal gut flora if the food is broken down.  Digestion Plus enzymes convert protein to amino acids, and work in concert with probiotics.  It helps you digest your food and gives you a healthy colon. I have seen friends with significant heartburn issues resolved or improved by these digestive enzymes and pro-biotics – and Digestion Plus works very well. Digestion Plus does not need to be refrigerated because it is freeze dried and is activated when it is added to liquid.

(Dr. Michael McCann, MD, Physician and researcher, puts it, “Pro-biotics will be to medicine in the twenty-first century as antibiotics and microbiology were in the twentieth century.” A powerful statement!)

Another favorite of mine is our Omega 3-Plus supplement. This is wonderful for those who want lower cholesterol, joint pain, and improve heart health and mental acuity and so much more. This is probably the most vital supplement in any health regime. According to Dr. Hyman, of Cleveland Clinic’s Prevention Program, 99 percent of us just don’t get enough OMEGA 3s.

In many cultures tea is not a beverage, but a medicine. Arbonne’s Herbal Detox Tea not only could pass as a beverage, it is a great tool to detox the liver and the kidneys - it contains herbs including the very expensive Milk Thistle. I love it hot or cold- it tastes wonderful!

Arbonne’s newest addition is Greens Balance. Mom always said “eat your vegetables.” And Greens Balance makes her direction easy to do. Arbonne’s Greens deliver daily antioxidants, phytonutrients and fiber for those who want or need a more balanced, healthier diet.

Fizz Sticks, on page 88, may be my most favorite product – a healthy affordable energy drink! They help eliminate water retention. They give you calm energy and curb appetite. They have as much anti-oxidant as 3-4 cups of green tea. Fizz Sticks are just 10 calories each, and like all Arbonne nutritionals have no artificial sweeteners (sweetened with Stevia, that is from a plant,) flavors or colors. Fizz Sticks replace electrolytes (so, if you need a little more energy when your day is busy,) and make your system more alkaline (disease resistant). They are truly delicious and come in two flavors, pomegranate and citrus.

I also appreciate our 7-day body cleanse! This does just that, it cleanses every detoxifying organ in your body in a gentle way and that’s why I appreciate it. If you would like to kick start to detoxing, this is a great way. It is also a good way to maintain an overall healthy system given the toxic load many of us carry today no matter how careful we are. In fact, many of our customers find it works well when they use it for 7 days every month; because it helps with inflammation, weight loss, joint pain, while improving our energy level and so much more! BTW- this does not leave anyone chained to the bathroom… had to mention that, as you might be wondering. It is a gentle, but very effective cleanse.

Do you ever have trouble sleeping?? Your spouse, your menopausal mother? On page 90 is our Sleep Well Spray. This is a easy to use sleep spray, tastes like lemon and delivers a dose of melatonin, chamomile, valerian and other effective ingredients. No more counting sheep for you!!

On page 93 we have our PhytoSport Nutrition- this is excellent for those who want to maximize their workout or support athletic performance at every level. Many Ironmen, athletes, and gym regulars appreciate the well thought out sports technology in the:

• Prepare & Endure-which helps prevent the “crash” when pushing yourself physically and helps the body to have optimal performance.

• Complete Hydration keeps you hydrated and replenishes electrolytes lost during activity.

• After Workout provides a blend of antioxidant botanicals to help alleviate soreness, combat free radicals and help provide energy recovery. This is fuel for any athlete who wants to maximize results!

Now back to page 84 (Pass out Nutrition ASVP SHEET)

Tape to page 84 (only at the top so page can be flipped up to see product)

I highly encourage you to consider our 30 Days to Healthy Living program. Hundreds of lives have been changed with the program and the FB support groups, and we are just getting started!! Even churches are getting on board. It’s not just me saying so. A study conducted at the Mayo Clinic with Arbonne’s nutrition products showed improvement in both mental and physical measurements - and a study at IRSI of Arbonne’s weight management products also showed improvement in both mental and physical measurements. Could you use an improvement in both mental and physical measurements?

Please turn with me to page 96 to learn about our Full Control and ThermoBooster if you want even more support on your 30 Days to Health Living!

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The Full Control is tasty and key ingredient glucomannan expands to make you feel full. It also is excellent for blood sugar support. Drink 30 minutes before your meal to keep you from overeating.

The ThermoBooster is designed to increase energy, support and boost the metabolism. It contains green tea extract and green coffee bean extract (less caffeine than a small coffee). Remember, Thermobooster will increase your energy so you should only use in the morning. If not, it will keep you up at night-so much energy! These two products used with our Nutrition set have brought some GREAT results.

Please turn with me to page 103 for our makeup

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Beauty depends on more than cosmetics and concealment and Arbonne’s nutritionals and antioxidant rich anti-aging skincare do make for a beautiful canvas for your face, neck and chest area. Yes, Arbonne is a health and wellness company that understands that everything you put in your body can make an impact on your overall health. And Arbonne’s cosmetics are no exception, but are made to the same high European standards!

Experts have told us for years we are absorbing toxins through our skin care- and according to a February 13, 2014 article in the UK’s Daily Mail, the average woman absorbs up to 5 pounds of toxins per year through her skin care because of cosmetics. The Daily Mail reported that beauty products applied to the skin, go straight to the bloodstream and that offers no filter for unwanted toxins. Traces of these chemicals, parabens for one, have been found in breast tumors. Parabens are in most personal care products but not Arbonne’s.

I am thankful that Arbonne’s cosmetics also must be pure, safe and beneficial made from plants and botanicals. Plus - our colors are lovely and the makeup artists tell us really long lasting even after a day of shooting under hot lights!

Regularly Arbonne receives awards and is written up in fashion magazines and in beauty blogs. Some of my personal favorites are the make-up primer (have you all ever tried a primer??), “It’s a Long Story” mascara- wow! I’ve tried every mascara under the sun and this one makes my lashes look so long, it feels great, doesn’t flake and it’s water-resistant!

Article: beauty-products.html#ixzz2tEf1IZ3B

Optional to say: An Arbonne consultant on my team has a son on the Autism spectrum. The bodies of children with Autism don’t detox efficiently, so their systems get taxed and overloaded very easily. Despite detoxing and chelating under a doctor’s care, her son began showing signs of a heavy metal toxic overload and was acting out. After thorough investigation, a specialist determined that the heavy metal was in the department store cosmetic foundation she was using!! Put her cheek to her son’s cheek exposed him to a toxic metal. As we talked about before, our skin absorbs what we put into it (think about Birth control and Nicotine patches.)

I often take the Primer, CC Cream and Mascara available for people to see at the end of the class.

Please turn with me to page 123 for my favorite hair care!

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The Pure Vibrance Hair Care is shampoo, conditioner, a revitalizing masque and mousse that work beautifully to hydrate the hair, make it shiny and truly protect color treated hair. In fact, studies show that 93% of hair color treatment was retained in 20 washes - this is truly significant. I have friends who used to say they would wash their hair daily, but now their hair lasts an extra day or two between shampoos - maybe even three between washes! The ColorLast Hair Spray is non-flaky and alcohol -free- which is beautifully non-drying!! One of my favorites- the new ColorLast Hair Serum… if you want to control frizz or protect from styling damage - this is the product for you! If you aren’t concerned about maintaining color and want basic hair care, we have that too on page 42!

The Arbonne Opportunity Please turn with me to page 126

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As I wrap up, I want to tell you about my favorite part of Arbonne. I have saved the best for last. The business – Network Marketing, because many people today are looking for additional income and flexibility. No less than 1 of every 2 Americans, 50 percent of Americans would like to have a business of their own. That’s possible with Arbonne. It is possible to earn money right away - a little extra money or replacement income!

Again, I don’t know if $500, $1500, $5000/ month or potentially much more is interesting to you, or earning a monthly Mercedes Benz cash allowance of $800 to $1000, earning family vacations for simply working your business or tax write offs to put you in a better tax position - but, if any of this peaks your interest at all – consider trying this business on for size!

It may or may not be a fit for you, but a great way to learn more is to have a simple get together in the next week. Have 2 or 10 – or just you! Invite anyone that you think would make a great partner with, if you did decide to grow an Arbonne business - also, invite anyone you think is well connected or usually likes to host. You don’t have to do anything further. I’ll come do your presentation, I’ll bring everything and present, just like tonight. All you do is invite! If you decide after that presentation you want to build a business, from that same get together you will earn host rewards, earn any commissions made at your presentation, and anyone who decides to join with you in the business - they would be part of your budding team. All presentations booked from that get together - would also help to grow your business! I would partner with you and teach and train you how to work the business – I become your training wheels until you are ready to go on without me! It doesn’t take long – especially if you can read. Hold up the catalog and smile.

If it isn’t your time, no pressure! What you’ll receive from the get together is host rewards and we’ll have a great event!! Everyone will be glad they came to learn more about pure, safe and beneficial products. SMILE!! ( Be sincere.

IF people have questions, or you think some potential BB’s are in the room, read this paragraph:

Here are our averages: At the first level of management (District Manager) you make anywhere between $240 - $1500, the next level (Area Manager), you can will your business and you make between $1200 to $3000, the third level (Regional Vice President), you will get an $800 car allowance for a Mercedes and make between $5000 and $8000 and at the top of our company (National Vice President), the pay is an average of $21,500 per month!

(Share your level and what it’s done for you or what your goal is with Arbonne.)

You can build your business in groups like this, or through coffee appointments, but the end goal is an online shopping network where you teach people how to redirect money they are already spending to shop and reorder online. Then partnering with others - we teach to do the same – is how you build an Arbonne business! Arbonne has more people at the top levels than any other Network Marketing company. After being in business for over 36 years, Arbonne is well established and proven to work if you work 10 to 15 hours a week. I will link arms with your team and it helps me if I help you to be successful!!

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I want to close with 3 ways you can get involved with Arbonne. You can get everything on your wish list at 20%, 35%, 50% or even 80% off!

1. Shop our catalog at Retail prices. As a retail client you can get pure, safe products that work. I will give you great boutique service.

2. Shop for at least 20% off year round as an Arbonne Preferred Client. This is a good option, if you see more than a couple of things that look interesting, you’ll actually save money getting your membership because you receive a free $50 product with a $150 order, your 20 percent discount on that order and there are often product promotions online. Take advantage of 40% off on our Re9 anti-aging or 30 Days to Healthy Living sets.

3. Sign up for even deeper discount or Build a business. This is the best option to save you the most! For only $79 you will save 35% on your orders. You’ll get catalogs, samples an even deeper discounts on online promotions, and, if you like, you even can start building a team for that. I will be your coach and show you how to be successful! Another great thing about Arbonne is – we do not stock inventory. That is why it costs so little to start an Arbonne business, no inventory investment. Some people choose this option simply to get a deeper discount. Take advantage of the many Special Value Packs and Success Packs Arbonne offers new Consultants to double your savings with at least 50%!

Thank you for hosting tonight __name___- I am going to make sure you get GREAT host rewards (my average hostess gets over 50% off products of their choice!!) Check out the host reward sheet! It’s a win- win!

Have host reward option sheet available ( password arbonne)

So, Arbonne has several wonderful products and I want to be sure you have all of your questions answered and are able to order things you will find best for your specific needs and for the best price (as we have some great discount programs!!) - My goal is to give you “boutique service!”

I’m going to come around the room and meet with each of you individually- if one of you has to leave right away- please give me a little wave or let me know and I’ll meet with you first! Otherwise- I’ll just come to each of you as you are ready!

Anyone want to go first?! SMILE – Sit down and ask questions about what areas they are most interested? (don’t ask yes and no questions- you want to get the conversation going)

The goal is to build relationships and see who might be a great addition to your business or would be a great host. Tell them- I don’t know if you were thinking about this or not- but, I think you’d be excellent at this business... would you be up for coffee sometime and I’ll tell you more- if it’s a fit, GREAT!! If not, that’s great too! (SMILE and WAIT for them to answer).

If they say no, you say- no problem!! SMILE!! Would you ever consider having a few friends together for a get-together?! “You are just fun/ sharp/ obviously great with people- whatever it is- and I bet we’d have a GREAT time and I’ll make sure you get incredible host rewards!!” ϑ SMILE AND WAIT- let them respond.

Preferred Client Membership cost $20. Place a start month order of at least $150 retail (before their 20% discount) and choose a product valued up to $50, for FREE, as a “thank you” for signing up. They will also have the option to take advantage of the many Arbonne Success Value Packs offered.

Consultant membership costs $79. Place a start month order of at least $250 retail (before their 35% discount) and choose a product valued up to $100, for FREE, as a “thank you” for signing up. They will also have the option to take advantage of the many Arbonne Special Value Packs and Success Packs offered.

Tape to page inside back cover

Invite to SHOP - Invite to BOOK - Invite to JOIN YOUR TEAM!

Stay in the SAME ROOM with them! ~REMEMBER, if people are afraid to switch their skin care that night, then let them try the skin care in their homes within the next few days.

IMPORTANT!!! Give each guest appropriate take home info:

CLIENT – They just paid full, thank them with a makeup primer or hair mask sample pack, or a mini hand or foot crè’ve just made 35% off of their, show your appreciation!!! Be sure to ask them for REFERRALS if they are not wanting to HOST...tell them you build your business from referrals and they will get FREE GIFTS when their referrals make a purchase!

NEW PC – Same as Client...their purchases over a lifetime will put more than $1000 a year in your pocket if you stay in touch with them! Thank them with a makeup primer or hair mask sample pack, or a mini hand or foot crème to show your appreciation. Be sure to ask them for REFERRALS if they are not wanting to HOST...tell them you build your business from referrals and they will get FREE GIFTS when their referrals make a purchase!

HOST – same as above Plus, HAND WRITE the date of her event ON THE FRONT COVER of her Host Planner or Catalogue. You will call her tomorrow to confirm date, go over any questions she may have and remind her to have at least 3-4 other friends attend, so she can get her $175 in products for $25 (or FREE if you decide to pay it for her)!!!

POTENTIAL BB – Curiosity/Prospect Folder and all things given to Host if they book a Get Together or follow NEW PC if they do not book. SET A DATE & TIME (call or coffee appointment) to do a business opportunity presentation and answer questions, etc.

Be sure to CALL EVERYONE back within 3 days of placing their orders to ensure they got their order ok.

Be sure to CALL EVERYONE back within 3 weeks to see how they are liking their products (remind them about 45 day money back guarantee), see if they want anything else, maybe to host a party, ask for referrals, maybe to look further at becoming a consultant, to invite to a meeting or event you might be having, etc.

Be sure to CALL EVERYONE back within 3 months as a regular Customer Service call...ask questions and do the same thing you did at 3 weeks.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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