30 Days to Fit Getting Started

By Dr. Linda Jeffrey


• 1 cup frozen fruit

• 2 scoops protein powder

• 1 scoop fiber

• 1 cup of water in a blender

We bought a little one cup blender, because you get out the door in the morning in under a minute when the cup is the blender and there's nothing to wash. We have used the Bella from Target, and the GE from Walmart, and the Magic Bullet. The GE mini-blender is our favorite.


Two bars and a cup of fresh berries or a granny smith apple makes up lunch. Drink plenty of water.

Protein bars recipes are available at annajoysjourney..


4 oz lean meat, and plenty of salad and green vegetables.

Twice a week, we added an extra carb at dinner—1/2 cup brown rice or quinoa, which will help manage starch cravings. The goal is not to be hungry. You can eat a protein bar at bedtime if hungry.

The only two oils we use are coconut oil and avocados. They add calories, but are very good for you in moderation. Don't cook vegetables in butter—they are great steamed with a dash of salt and garlic powder.


Try adding the following to your salads so they have plenty of substance:

• black beans

• sliced boiled eggs

• garbanzo beans

• avocado slices

• Pace salsa

The goal is to hit around 1,000 calories for the day, and since your breakfast and lunch together are only about 400, you can enjoy a significant dinner and feel full. 4 oz of meat is around 200 calories and vegetables are about 50 calories a cup for broccoli and green beans, cauliflower. You will have to add calorie-dense ingredients to your salad to get to 1000 calories.

Salad Dressings

Because you are eliminating wheat, dairy, refined sugar, and oils from your diet, you will need to make your own salad dressings. Recipes are available on the same blog as above. Try this recipe, it is our favorite!

• 2 TB dijon mustard

• 1/2 cup orange juice

• 1/2 tsp ginger

• Pinch of stevia

• IMPORTANT - Do not use any artificial sweeteners

Hormone Balance

About the progesterone cream. It is based on the research of Dr. John Lee who explains that balanced hormones, detoxing your body and eating whole healthy foods, all go together to accomplish health.

How to Use

Men: 5mg daily

Women: If you still have a menstrual cycle, use one pump a day, on your stomach and inside of your arms, from day 12 to day 28 of your cycle.

I am past menopause, and so I skip the first five days of the calendar month, and use one pump at night for the rest of the month. Do not use any lotion on the skin where you are applying the progesterone cream. Most lotions contain mineral oils, parabens, sulfates, and phthalates, which are hormone disrupters and can block the absorption of progesterone. Progesterone is the precurser hormone--your body uses it to make estrogen, estrodiol, testosterone, thyroid hormone, etc. Arbonne's product is identical to the progesterone your body makes naturally, and is an amazing aid in combating hot flashes, postpartum depression, and other hormone imbalance symptoms. In America, we are exposed to so much that disrupts our hormone balance. Even if you don’t have hormone imbalance symptoms, you can use the progesterone cream for maintenance. When your hormones are balanced you will sleep better, notice clearer thinking and a positive life outlook.

Arbonne's motto is pure, safe, and beneficial. I have been so impressed with the quality of their product. As a single mom on a tight budget, it took some convincing. Now I understand so much more about how to take care of my health, and help my children achieve a healthily lifestyle by avoiding the foods and chemicals that their generation is saturated with.

30 Days to Fit Shopping List

Bulk food list for Sam’s Club/Costco

o Frozen mixed berries

o Frozen strawberries

o Frozen green beans

o Broccoli

o Red peppers

o Fresh spinach

o Frozen California blend vegetables

o Cauliflower

o Shredded salad greens

o Granny Smith Apples

o Avocados

o Quinoa

o Almond Butter

Grocery store list

o Coconut milk in the can (look in Asian cooking section)

o Blue Diamond unsweetened almond milk

o Sweet potatoes

o Dijon mustard

o Pace brand salsa (has no sugar)

o Stevia packets (natural sugar substitute)

Healthy Snacks Ideas: protein bar, granny smith apple sliced and sprinkled with stevia and cinnamon, a cup of steamed green beans or broccoli, raw vegetables.

Protein Bar Recipe

• 2 cups vanilla protein powder

• 2 cups chocolate protein powder

• 1 can coconut milk

• ¼ cup almond butter

Mix in large food processor or hand mix. Press into 9 X 13 pan. Cut into 20 squares. 75 calories each. Two bars and a granny smith apple can be used as a meal.

30 Days to Fit Nutrition Tips

Your two shakes or one shake/one protein bar meal, will provide about 400 calories. You need 600-800 more calories through the day. You should never be hungry. Hungry will make you grumpy, tired, and less productive in your work and we can’t have that! For snacks in between meals, make sure you stay under the additional 600-800 calories AND avoid wheat, refined sugar, dairy and bad oil. Remember, only protein kills your hunger, so a low fat protein snack is best. Here are some suggestions to make your eating more fun.

On your salad at dinner try adding a sliced, hard-boiled egg and ½ cup black beans. For a sweeter salad, throw on a few almonds with a half cup of sliced strawberries on top. I like adding a ½ avocado because it feels more like creamy dressing without the bad fat. If you get hungrier in the morning, snack extra then; if at night, then save 150 calories for a bedtime snack.

To find out how many calories are in specific food, search online. After about a week, you will have learned many of the calories amounts and won’t have to do much research. Here are some foods I regularly eat, with their calorie values:


Anna Joy: Before & After

For added flavor sprinkle foods with stevia, cinnamon, nutmeg or pumpkin pie spice.

Add cumin and coriander to soups.

4 oz. chicken breast 140 cal.

4 oz. tilapia 100 cal.

1 cup broccoli 54 cal.

1 cup green beans 34 cal.

1 cup cauliflower 14 cal.

1 cup asparagus 40 cal.

1 cup sugar snap peas 70 cal.

1 cup raw tomato 27 cal.

1 cup raw spinach 7 cal.

1 cup romaine lettuce 8 cal.

Hard boiled egg 211 cal.

1 cup zucchini 29 cal.

½ onion 35 cal.

½ cup red pepper 20 cal.

1 cup sweet potato 114 cal.

½ cup black beans 115 cal.

½ cup pinto beans 118 cal.

½ cup white beans 150 cal.

1 granny smith apple 80 cal.

1 cup strawberries 48 cal.

1 cup blueberries 83 cal.

1 cup raspberries 64 cal.

For making soup and casseroles:

1 cup Pace salsa 80 cal.

1 cup cabbage 40 cal.

1 cup carrots 52 cal.

1 cup unsweet almond milk 40 cal

1 cup coconut milk 550 cal.

1 tsp. coconut oil 40 cal.


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