
I will save you Matt De La Pena1What was everybody wearing on the beach when everybody was waiting for the grunion?Sweatshirts & Flip-flopsWhat happens during the grunion?The entire speak goes silver like a thousand tiny mirrors with female grunion fish going towards the shore & then the males wrap around the females and release their milt. Leaving the eggs buried in the sand to hatch during a post full moon high tide.Where did Kidd read about the grunion?Read it in the paper at the campsite coffee shop What did Lea give Kidd? What did Kidd do with it?Lea gave Kidd picture from last summer, where the whole beach was shimmering. Like a rich woman’s dress going down a red carpet. He stuck it inside the pages of his philosophy of life book.What was next to the picture of the shimmering beach in Kidd’s philosophy of life book?The good luck tiger whisker Kidd planned to give to Olivia.How long was the entire event of the grunion supposed to be? Supposed to last less than a minute 2When Kidd was waiting for the grunion, what did he see when he looked up at the cliff?Devon sitting with Olivia at the top of the stairs, talking close like flirting people talkWhen Kidd saw Olivia & Devon on the cliff what happened to his knees?His knees started to go wobblyWhy did Kidd around Mr. Red like everything was normal, while waiting for grunion?Because if Mr. Red thought something was happening he would call Kidd back, take off his old sombrero and fire off question after question.Why did Kidd run up the stairs towards the cliff two at a time?Because Kidd thought he had to get to Olivia before something happenedWhat was Devon doing to Olivia that made Kidd say, “You can’t do it?”Devon was slowly tracing the mark on Olivia’s cheek.3What was between Olivia’s thumb & forefinger & by Devon & Olivia’s feet?A tiger whisker between Olivia’s thumb & forefinger, and a shopping bag and card by their feet in the dirt 4Where did Kidd shove Devon before the grunion?Shoved him from the steps toward the part of the cliff where the fence was weakest.How did Kidd know about the weakest part of the fence on the cliff?Cause Kidd fixed the whole thing with Mr. Red in the summer and they ran out of material and had to leave the old part.What did Mr. Red tell Kidd as he was pointing at the weakest part of the fence?How the only thing between some person and falling forty feet down the ice plant face of the cliff to the beach and his most likely death was whether or not he was stupid enough to test it5When Kidd was looking at Olivia’s trembling lip before the grunion what did it make him think of?It made him think of his mother’s trembling lip, when she sat across from him at the kitchen table the day he turned ten. What did Kidd’s mother tell Kidd when he turned ten?“You are a man, and you deserve the truth about your genes and deserve to know what is going to happen between me & your father.” 6What kind of shirt was Kidd’s mother wearing when Kidd turned ten?Light blue shirt 7What is #5 in Kidd’s philosophy of life book?“A man’s gotta take care of his woman.”What does the flap on Olivia’s skip cap cover?Covers the mark on her cheek8Before all the silver had time to fade away back in the ocean, what did Kidd do?He closed his eyes to keep freedom pictured in his head and waited for the police to come take him away11Every time Kidd pictures the scene of pushing Devon off the cliff how does he feel?The worse feeling goes into his stomach, like his whole body is unbalanced, or when you drop straight down in your roller coaster.12When did Olivia tell Kidd she like him?At Torrey Pines Beach while they sat together on Olivia’s special rock and watched the sunset color spread over the oceanWhere did they put Kidd after his mom died & why?Put him in Horizons because they said he had post-traumatic stressIf Kidd had his philosophy of life book in solitary confinement what would he do?Write about what happened on the cliff, and how maybe he understands why some people have to be put in jail.*First thing Kidd looked for was his philosophy of life book while woke up in solitary confinement with arms strapped.*Police must’ve pounded Kidd with Billy clubs when they loaded Kidd into the back of their squad car*All Kidd’s mom ever said was to be a good person, be polite, and respect your elders16Where did Kidd end up after he escaped Horizons with Devon?Ended up at the street fair downtownDescribe Kidd’s escape from Horizons.Devon & Kidd slipped past the night watch and hopped a bus all the way to Gaslamp District and walked through the booths. Kidd drank a huge Coke and had to pee. The line for the portable bathrooms was too long so they went into a liquor store, went through the back door and peed in the little yard.18What did Mr. Red tell Kidd his first day working at the campsites?Mr. Red said told Kidd how most people are asleep, even when they’re awake.What did Mr. Red & Kidd clean on Kidd’s first day in the main campsite restroom?Mopping where a toilet overflowed all this nasty brown sewageDescribe Mr. Red.He is as old as most people’s dads, with floppy blond hair and tan skin, and always has a grin on his face like everything was funny.According to Maria, why did people always look twice at Mr. Red?Cause he was so handsome and he resembled a famous actor*According to Mr. Red, Monday through Friday people walk around half conscious because they flip to auto pilot. According to Red, why do people walk around half conscious?When people grow up and get a job, life gets kind of monotonous and ordinary. So people learn how to shut off their mind, sleeping though the weekdays.19Name of Mr. Red’s sponsor?Bill the DeaconWhere is Bill the Deacon from?Iowa, where he used to milk cows and rake hay and also drove a tractor What is Bill the Deacon’s present job?His present job includes, selling pharmaceuticals out of a white van in La Jolla.*According to Bill the Deacon, said drinking was just another form of sleepwalkingWhen Kidd pictured his mom drinking wine from a box, what else did she do?She nod of in her rocking chair, in front of the flickering TV, knitting needles loose in her fingers20What does Mr. Red tell himself when he has to deal with cleaning crap?“At least you’re awake enough these days to smell it”How did Mr. Red feel when Kidd called him sir?Makes him feel like a venture capitalistWhat drink does Mr. Red still dream about?Swallow of Jameson21What job would Kid rather do than be stuck where?Inside the faded pee-colored walls of his bedroom at HorizonAccording to Kidd, What do people do at Horizons?People constantly watch you and make you do therapy & take medicineWhat goes a long way in Mr. Red’s book?Listening After Kidd’s first day of work, what did he buy & where?He went to campsite coffee & bought a blank notebook & a special pen from LeaName of Olivia’s parents?Mary & Ron22How old is Olivia?SixteenDescribe the time when Kidd & Devon had to run for their lives out of a liquor store downtown.A huge pit bull chased them through the liquor store and they ducked behind a big black truck24Kidd - “Always have to remember how lucky you are to be away from Horizons and be free.”26What does Kidd remember about his mom?She never looked in your eyes when she talked, she stared at your forehead, hair, or something past youShe never picked up the phone, she always waited for voicemailMiniature golfLast letter she wrote, Kidd memorized every wordHow she fell asleep in front of the TV and Kidd would take empty wine glass from her and help her to her feet so she can walk to her roomKidd’s mom watching Kidd sleepDad staying over, and making breakfastKidd standing behind his mom when she got a restraining orderKidd’s moms praying in her roomEvery morning Kidd’s mom would say I love you but Kidd never said it back, acting like he was annoyed, but his favorite partWhat happened when Kidd & his mom played miniature golf?She hit a hole in one, the entire spotlights came on, and the workers announced through the loud speaker that won a bucket of free tokens. She aimed at the green wall (her secret) and called Kidd her good luck charm.From where did Kidd’s mom give Kidd’s father money?From her secret cookbook stash28What was Kidd’s secret favorite part about every day with his mom?Every morning before school as Kidd was walking out the door his mom would tell him she loves him. However, Kidd acting like he was annoyed because secretly it was his favorite part of every day.29What is Philosophy 2 about?About Saying the Truth to People 31Where did Kidd watch the five blond girls that were sitting in a circle of lawn chairs?From the railroad tie on the next campsite overWhy was Kidd standing outside Mr. Red’s tent, even on his fourth day?He was excited to have a real job; he could barely sleep because his last six months at Horizons all he did was sleep. And, he was thankful Mr. Red hired him in the first place and thought the best way to show him was to be there when Mr. Red came out his tent.On Kidd’s fourth day at work, what was Mr. Red wearing when he came out of his tent?A T-shirt that said Cardiff by the Sea, and black surf trunks that went down to his knees and no shoes 32Who came out of Mr. Red’s tent on Kidd’s fourth day at work?A black haired woman in a long white T-shirt, holding an open duffel bag with a black dress hanging out named Donna. 33How did Kidd meet Mr. Red?Kidd & Mr. Red met at Horizons in Fallbrook when he used to visit Maria, the counselor. What two things happened last summer at Horizons?Maria got laid off because of the economy and they only had two counselors working at a timeMr. Red filled out some paperwork for Kidd to have a job with him for the summerWhat did Mr. Red say to convince the people at Horizons to allow Kidd to work for him? Mr. Red said he’d bring Kidd to his counseling as much as they wanted, but they rejected himWhat happened when Mr. Red appealed, after being rejected for Kidd to get a job?He appealed and had a meeting with the board of directors and explained how it’d be a great experience that Kidd could take into the workforce, however the directors turned him down saying it was too far from their headquarters and how Kidd was an “at risk” case and needed close supervisionWhy did Horizons lay off Maria?Because of the economy and they only had two counselors working at a time*Kidd at the start of the summer packed a bag without even asking, snuck out at four in the morning and hitchhiked all the way down to the beach34Where is the story’s setting?Cardiff by the SeaWho guided Kidd to Mr. Red? What was Mr. Red doing when Kidd found him?Christian, the lifeguard too Kidd to Red and he was eating breakfast on the campus picnic table with a pretty black womanWhat excuse did Kidd give to Mr. Red for not wanting to live at Horizons anymore?He wanted to work, he almost finished the program, he was almost eighteen and on the Internet It say kids are allowed to work as soon as they become sixteen and can be emancipated.*San Elijo Maintenance What kind of car does Donna have?A shiny black Jetta35What was the only thing Kidd liked about Horizons?MariaAfter Donna left where did Mr. Red take Kidd to? Why?Led him towards the campsite work shed, where they got their tool belts and Mr. Red put on his work boots with no socksOn Kidd’s first day working for Mr. Red what did he tell him about Lea?She was just a year out of business school at Stanford, and she and two other girls had bought the campsite store and turned an ugly, boring store into one of the hippest coffee spots along the 101.Why was Lea mad at Mr. Red?They were supposed to go on a trip to LEGOLAND. 36How many times has Mr. Red been divorced? How old was he when he got divorced for the first time?Three times; 27 years oldHow old is Mr. Red?36 years oldWhat four questions did Mr. Red ask Kidd after Red explained he doesn’t like to explain his position on every woman he meets?You’re not some kind of moralist?Are you affiliated with a fundamentalist church?Do you sympathize with the banning of books?Have you ever donated money to the NRA? (answer, I never had money)*communication is the key38What was Kidd’s excuse for not really thinking about girls?At Horizons he never had enough time by himself to actually to anyoneWhen Mr. Red & Kidd were talking about girls what did he pull out of his tent?Two ripe bananasWhere did Mr. Red decided to take Kidd before his lunchtime surf session?He would give Kidd a tour of the campsitesWhen Red gave Kidd a tour of the campsite what did he tell him along the way?Walking through the campsite plot he told Kidd the best and worst things about each of them, how much they cost per day, how they held a drawing to determine who got which pot. And explained that most people stay a week or two and the blond girls keep a campsite all summer.39Where is Mr. Red favorite place to check out waves?A hidden patch of fence behind two thick bushes, you wouldn’t even know unless you thought to duck under the overgrown bush. He kept it wild so it would stay his secret spot and stashed a couple of beach chair so he could sneak back at night to watch the sunset. (Mr. Red checks out waves there)40What did Kidd’s father accuse his mother of, before he punched her in the face?He said that he saw her in La Jolla walking with some guy in a fancy suit who got into a BMW41*Kidd was so scared after seeing his father punch his mom in the face that pee went down his pajama legs42When Kidd’s dad left the apartment after punching his mom what did he concentrate on?Concentrated on how the back of head looked walking away cause you knew you’d never see him again and you never did.43When Kidd hears something from his philosophy of life what does he pretend?He pretends it’s Olivia’s voice and that they’re lying on the beach in the middle of the night45How many times did Devon get sent to juvenile hall?TwiceWhat did Devon do when he turned fifteen?He swallowed a whole bottle of sleeping pills, and in his group home bathroom he passed out in the tub. His counselor called 911, and the ambulance rushed him to the hospital where they charcoaled his stomach and saved his life.What happened to Devon one time in an arcade in Fallbrook?A Big Samoan shoved Devon away from the game and Devon smacked him on the top of his head. The Samoan constantly hit Devon but Devon got up and charged the Samoan again. He didn’t stop until the cops came running into the arcade.46What careers did Devon mention that he wanted to do?Firefighter, private detective, NFL announcer, or a movie directorWhy does Devon hate rich people?Because they hoar their money and possessions and use them to feel better than people like himWhy did Kidd wish constantly that Devon wasn’t his friend?Because all the bad stuff Kidd ends up doing when he’s around. But he likes how good it is to be with another person so you don’t feel so lonely.47When did Kidd meet Olivia for the first time?On a SaturdayThe day Kidd met Olivia for the first time, who came out of Mr. Red’s tent?Michele*Kidd has the weekends offWhat did Mr. Red suggest Kidd to do on Saturday when Kidd was ready to work?To go get some ice cream across the street, or rent a kayak, or buy himself some jeans at one of the surf shop along the 10150When Michele was present what did Mr. Red tell Kidd that they would do next Sunday?He would rent him a foam board, and take him surfing51What did Cardiff people wear?Flip-flops and shorts*they were riding beach cruisers with surf racks or jogging or walking their dogs or sitting barefoot in beach chairs on the sand, sipping coffee and looking at the paperOn Saturday when Kidd met Olivia, what did he do on the beach?Collect broken seashells and tiny polished rocks and pieces of ocean worn glass and left them all in a pile by an abandoned sand castleWhen Kidd walked past the swings in the park what did he picture?When his mom pushed him when he was littleWhat did Kidd’s therapist say about Devon?Said she was a bad influence and she made him talk to Devon to him they couldn’t hang out anymoreWhat was Olivia doing when Kidd first saw her?She was sitting on a swing, reading a bookWhat feeling did Kidd get when he saw Olivia for the first time?Like when you look into the eyes of a little baby and the baby looks up and you feel how pure and innocent it is, so it makes your stomach feel empty, cause you realize you used to pure like that and then you’re not.53What was Olivia wearing, the first time Kidd saw her?She had on a ski cap, a short flowing green dress on over jeans with a faded surfer sweater and tons of rubber bracelets on her one wrist.54Where did Olivia put the book when she finished reading it when she first saw Kidd?In her peace sign book bagWhere did Kidd follow Olivia & where was she actually?He followed her into the campsite entrance; and she jumped out from behind the big tree55What was Mr. Red’s explanation on the weekends being the best part of the week?Cause when you get a break from working you can explore new places and walk along the train tracks and almost meet a girlWhen Kidd thought about the next time he would see Olivia what did he say he had to do?He said he had to sound smart, and normal, and make her think he was a regular kid56What is the worst possible thing about being in prison to Kidd?That he can’t protect Olivia 57When Olivia first started playing the piano when she was five or six what did she use? What did her father get her?Her dad’s old Casio Keyboard; he bought her a baby grand 59When did Hans come to teach Olivia on the piano?Twice a week on Wednesdays & SaturdaysWhen it came to piano what would Olivia’s parents ask her to do?They would ask her to play whichever piece she just learned, they would clap when she was finished, and she would bow.When it came to the piano, what did Olivia dream about when she laid in bed?She would dream of performing onstage in New York. Her parents sitting center orchestra, the standing ovation she would receive. And as people filed out of the amphitheater people would tell her dad you must be proud.What happened after Olivia’s first year of playing the piano?Olivia stopped improving so quickly. Even though she was practicing just as hard and practicing as much hours Hans didn’t praise her as much. Seven years old and she was washed up, because she played for praise and because she didn’t get much of it she stopped dedicating herself to practice.60What happened to Hans after he stopped teaching Olivia?He moved back to long island to care for his sick motherWhat happened when Olivia didn’t have a lesson hanging over her head for the piano?Olivia found herself drawn to the piano again, when her parents would to a friends for dinner, she would sneak over to the baby grand and run her fingers along the keys & play. She would pull her old lesson books and work through them one page at a time. She played for herself.62Where did Kidd see Olivia for the second time?On the campsite stepsWhere did Kidd think about Olivia, ever since she tried to scare him?During work and when he fell asleep at night in his tent and first thing in the morning when he brushed his teeth in the drinking fountain outside the bathroom, while he read magazines in Campsite Coffee, and on the railroad tie next to Peanut.Why did Kidd keep ripping out the pages he wrote in his philosophy of life book?Because every single thing he put wasn’t what he meantWhat page was Kidd about to rip about before he saw Olivia?The fifth straight page The second time Kidd saw Olivia what was she taking pictures of?The sunset 63What was Olivia wearing the second time Kidd saw her?She was wearing ripped jeans, the same sweatshirt and red ski cap with the earflapsThe two girls Olivia was with the second time Kidd saw her, where did he recognize them from?They ate cereal in the campsite near Mr. Red’sWhat song played when Mr. Red caught Kidd stocking the girls & he introduced Olivia to Kidd for the first time verbally?A Bob Marley songWho did Kidd think about when he thought about hiding after escaping Horizons?Jonathan because they didn’t find him for over a year and until he got real sick and went to the emergency room that’s when his name came up about being from HorizonsWho was calling Mr. Red when his Bob Marley ringtone was playing?Jackey Newman was calling; he met her at a bar in Cabo/Mexico.69When was the last time Kidd has seen Devon before he showed up at Cardiff?Almost two years ago, since the day Kidd told Devon exactly what the therapist at Horizons told Kidd to tell him. How they couldn’t be friends anymore, and that it wasn’t personal. It was just a part of them getting older & growing in different directions and becoming their own people.What did Devon know that Kidd hated talking about?He hated anybody talking about his mom(He talked about the day he couldn’t read a letter from his mom)71What reaction did Devon give Kidd when Kidd told him they couldn’t be friends anymore? What reaction did Kidd expect?He smiled and told him he was making a huge mistake and how as soon as he walked away he would be totally alone; he figured he would yell, and call him a traitor and maybe even try to hit him.What other incident happened with Devon, aside from the pills?When the Horizons people found him on top of a building across the street and he threatened to jump. Or when he kept hitting his head over and over until the entire tub was bloody and the counselors had to hold him down on the tile.73How did Devon get Kidd’s nickname? What is his nickname? Special; from the cereal Special K, it was apparently invented for Kidd because ever since what happened with his mom he was mostly in remedial class at school which was only one step away from Special Ed. And if he took the first half of Special Ed and added his first initial, it would say Special K like the cereal.74What pose did Devon do for Olivia, for her to take a picture of him?Jumped on the waist high fence and balanced himself in a squatting position and spread both his arms out wide & smiled.75According to Devon, why do rich girls like a challenge?Because they have been handed everything their entire lives.Where did Devon say he would meet Kidd the next day after popping up at Cardiff out of nowhere?Out front of the coffee shop, so he could swipe some new clothes from a few of the surf shops.How long did Kidd wait for Devon in front of the coffee shop?Three hours after work76What is the difference between a good citizen & a criminal?Who a person chooses to surround themselves withHow long did Kidd not see Devon, after he said they would meet up his second day at Cardiff?Two weeks, when he unzipped his tent door one nightWhat stuff did Kidd decide not to tell Devon about after not seeing him for two weeks?How he started sleepwalking again, how he would wake up in the middle of the night on the beach, or the campus bathroom, or cement floor or near the railroad tracks, or the park.Where did Kidd wake up the morning of when Devon showed up at Kidd tent after two weeks?On the roof of Campsite Coffee, feet dangling off the side and a banana peel in his hand78Why didn’t Kidd tell Devon about his sleepwalking?Because he knew he would remember how he used to do it at Horizons. And he would say how the therapists didn’t do a good job of fixing him after all.Why did Devon rush Kidd before they went clothes shopping?Because they had a bunch of stores to hit before they closed at sevenWhat did Mr. Red say about people’s faces?How people’s faces tell more about what they’re thinking than their wordsWhat did Devon take before Kidd & him went clothes shopping? He picked up his duffel bag, unzipped it and dumped everything out79*Instead of buying clothes, Devon was stealing clothes right across the street from Cardiff Reef BeachWhat did Kidd do while Devon stole clothes?He watched the door to make sure nobody came in, like a cop or security guard and if they did Kidd was supposed to start whistling “Mary Had a Little Lamb.”Since nobody actually came in the store while Devon stole clothes, what did Kidd do?He looked between the highway and the parking lot and Devon in store as he sifted through the different racks of clothesWhat was Devon’s shoplifting theory?As long as you act like you know what you’re doing people will leave you alone.What is Devon’s secret weapon with shoplifting?Smiling; he would sing whatever song the store was playing, talk to the workers about how their summers were going, or laugh with them about tourists.80What did Devon tell the workers that he stole from, after he finished shoplifting?How there was nothing worse than leaving a store empty handed.How was Devon able to get the duffel bag past the sensors?He would at the person with the duffel bag, which would raise the bag just over the sensorsWhere did Devon stash all the stuff he stole?In the lagoon, a small bush that had purple flowers*He would admire them for a minute than add to his stackWhen did Devon get caught shoplifting? What was different about this store compared to the others?The fifth store; the worker wasn’t some young beach girl like all the rest of the stores; she was a tall parent aged lady who had slumped shoulders and a permanent scowl on her face. The second Devon, stepped into the store she never her eyes off him.81What was Devon’s psychological disorder according to Kidd’s Horizons therapist?Devon had a strong death drive which him do risky, self-destructive things because he thought ending his life was the only way to restore order in his idea of the world. According to Devon, what was his first childhood memory?His first childhood memory was when he was in a group home with a counselor standing over, him explaining how to mop the bathroom tile. Why did Devon not consider himself a real person?He doesn’t consider himself a real person because if he disappeared one day, nobody would call an AMBER alert or even wonder where he was.82According to Devon, what is the definition of being a real person?Is if somebody would notice when you’re goneWhy did Kidd’s therapist say Kidd was drawn to Devon?Since Kidd’s dad has a death drive and he was drawn to Devon because his behavior felt familiar.When Kidd tried to explain to Devin about being drawn to his behavior, how did Devon react?He acted like he was singing “The Star-Spangled Banner.”83What could Kidd tell about Devon’s face when he was in the fifth store shoplifting?He was actually happy the store woman was following him around the aisles.How many items did the lady in the fifth store say he was allowed to try on? How many items did Devon originally have?He could only try on five at a time, and he had eight. There was also a five minute time limit in the room and he had to leave his duffel bag outside.84What did the lady, in the fifth store that Devon was shoplifting, do when Devon was in the fitting room?She checked her watch every ten secondsDescribe the lady that walked into the fifth store, when Devon was in the fitting room?A woman in a fancy tracksuit who had two little boys with her, and the store woman told her son to please not to put his face against the glass. Then she tried on a pair of sunglasses.Where did Kidd & Devon duck when they ran away from the fifth store that Devon got caught stealing from?They ducked behind a restaurant called Kai’s86What did Devon do with clothes he stole?He divided the clothes between him & Devon, they took turns picking. (Devon had 15 things)87What did Devon think he could do, since rich kids in Cardiff got stuff from their parents?Since he didn’t have parents he had to take stuff for himselfWhat is Philosophy 3?About How a Bad Thing Can Turn GoodWhen Kidd finally got to see his mom in the hospital how did she look?Her face was black and blue and swollen, her head was all bandaged on one side, and a cast on her left arm, and her smile was crookedIn the beginning of Philosophy 3, describe the book that Kidd talked about that he heard about from Olivia?A book by this guy who had a stroke and was paralyzed and wrote his whole book by blinking with his only eye that worked.89What choices did Kidd’s mom say she had to choose between since she was in the hospital?She either had to lock herself in a room when gets home sand say, poor me or she can look herself in the mirror and accept what happened and come up with a plan that will prevent something bad ever happening again.When the doctor for Kidd’s mom came, what did Kidd do when he tried to say his name?He told him it’s not his name anymore before he could even say it, so he couldn’t say the name his dad gave him.91When Kidd was stacking the new clothes he got and Mr. Red came by his tent, what was Mr. Red wearing? Who was he with?He was wearing long pants and shoes that weren’t flip flop and he wasn’t wearing his beat up sombrero and he even combed his hair. He was with Claudia, a tall blond wearing a short black dress and high heels and a thin silver necklace with a cross at the end.92Where did Mr. Red take Claudia for dinner?The Chart House (Four star rating in Zagat’s)Why did Mr. Red go by Kidd’s tent when he was with Claudia?To tell him about a bonfire a group of guests were having on the beach.What did Mr. Red think was on Kidd’s neck when he was with Claudia?A hickey (a dark, circular rash looking thing, probably from when he was sleepwalking or a poisonous bush)93What directions did Mr. Red give to Kidd in order to get to the bonfire?He told him to follow the large orange flame94What kind of car does Mr. Red own?An old Bronco 95Every time Kidd saw Mr. Red with another woman what did he feel bad about?He felt bad about MariaDescribe the scene when Kidd approached the Bonfire? The bonfire coming out of a homemade pit, two older guys sitting on stools playing acoustic guitars and everybody else in little groups eating off paper plates and drinking from red cups96What did Kidd think about as he watched the bonfire?Thinking how it would be if he you could turn into the person your clothes make you seem like.What did Kidd mention about his mom when he was at the bonfire?He remembered how his mom sometimes did a barbecue in the alley behind their apartment complex and some of the neighbors would come with plates with meats and coolers of beer and lawn chairs. And his mom would cook all their food on the grill wearing her favorite checkered apron.At the bonfire, what was Jasmine & Blue wearing?Jasmine was wearing jeans and a sweatshirt (sweatshirt girl). Blue was wearing a flowing brown dress (dress girl)98When Blue & Jasmine approached Kidd she gave Kidd a cup, what was in it?Fresh lemonade made by Blue’s mom, plus a little bit of vodka Blue mixed inWhat did Blue like calling Kidd since she didn’t know his name?OCM (Operation Campsite Maintenance), since Kidd is like the mystery boy of the summer99When did Kidd change his name? Two days after his mom died, it was the first thing that came to his head when Devon asked what his name was.At the bonfire, what did Jasmine invite Kidd to do with them?To go on a spooky midnight walk, a ritual they have every time after the bonfire. No parents allowed, no flashlights, they just follow the North Star like in biblical times.100How did Jasmine & Blue introduce Kidd to everybody in the bonfire?To friends he was “Kidd,” to parents he was “the guy who works for red.”What did one of the ladies at the bonfire give to Kidd that proved that they were all super nice?One lady handed him a plate of barbecue chicken and a corn on the cob and told Kidd he was too skinny and needed to eat.At the bonfire what did Kidd listen to the guys talk about?The guys talked about surfing and surfboards and which campsite girls were the hottest during the summer101What did the guys at the bonfire say about Mr. Red?They talked about how great he was, and how he used to be an amazing surfer, maybe one of the best to come out of North County.Who were the guys at the bonfire that had posters of Mr. Red when he was a pro on their walls?Rob & JeffWho mentioned Red’s son at the bonfire? How did everybody react to the guy that mentioned it?Frankie; everybody told him to shut up about it and how rude it was to bring up somebody else’s personal life*the guys at the bonfire paddled out to the kelp bed for the first time last summer102When did Kidd get to see Olivia when he first got introduced to Blue & Jasmine? What was she wearing?During the fifth annual post spooky midnight walk; she had on her ski cap and her favorite sweatshirts and jeansHow did Jasmine start of the spooky midnight walk?She started off by saluting the veterans, those that walked the previous four, and welcome the virginsWhen Jasmine told Blue, “Will you do the honors?” during the spooky midnight walk what did she do?She pulled a kid-size gun, pointed it in the air and pulled the trigger. The gun made a dull popping sound and a tiny puff of smoke limited in the air.103How did Kidd feel about being in the middle during the spooky midnight walk?He felt like the middle was where he belongedWhat did Kidd do when a plane passed by during the spooky midnight walk?He waved at it (people in plane seeing surfer guys, Blue & Jasmine, and Mary & Dorna.104Name of the book Olivia talked about during the spooky midnight walk? Describe the author?“The Diving Bell & the Butterfly,” written by some guy who was paralyzed except his left eye, he had a stroke but then came up with some code where he blinked for whatever letter he wanted to say. And this woman wrote everything down, one word at a time, and eventually he wrote and entire book; it’s tragic and beautiful. Guy died like five days later after the book came out.What question did Olivia ask after talking about the book, “The Diving Bell & the Butterfly,” during the spooky midnight walk?“Do you believe the worst things that happen to people can end up being the best?”105What are Olivia’s favorite things about beaches?Abandoned Lifeguard towers106What book was Olivia reading that day in the park that Kidd was watching her?“The Diving Bell & the Butterfly” (That day she was really depressed and reading that book only made it worst)When people starting breaking off from the group after the spooky midnight walk, who went with whom? Blue went with Jackson, Mary went with Frankie, and Dorna went with Jeff, Olivia went Jasmine & Rob107*Kidd’s mom was thankful for what happened to her; it led to her having a moment of clarity. When she woke up in the hospital room she realized what she had to do.108What was around the hospital room that Kidd identified?The glass jars of medicine, health posters, bars and levers of her bed, muted TV up the ceiling, and magazines spread out on the table, and the black and white tile.According to Kidd, what happens when bad things happen to people?They have a moment of clarity where they realize what they have to doHow did Maria tell Kidd to think when his mother died?“Think that nobody can hurt your mom ever again and how there was a piece of her inside you, everywhere you went, and that she went to a better place.”*Next time Olivia asks the question Kidd will tell her, sometimes a good thing can come out of a bad thing and how you should know.What does Kidd miss about being free?Peanut waiting for Kidd to wake up every morning, and waiting for home to get home from work so he could put food in his bowl, water, and pet while he said what he was thinking.Olivia telling him about the books she read, Kidd listening but really just watching herWhat the train sounds like when you see it coming from far awayMr. Red teaching him everything he knows about plumbing and landscaping and life.The sounds of waves breaking when you fall asleep in the tentThe hole at the top of Kidd’s tent in the morning, and how at a certain time of the day the sun went right inside it, making the whole tent light up and it felt somebody was giving him special powersOlivia smiling at Kidd when he would pass the campsite, and it felt like they had a secretGoing in the ocean every Sunday morning by himself, down from the campsites so nobody knows him.Olivia touching her ski cap and how his stomach feels like its floating112Why didn’t Kidd eat breakfast the entire day; where was he?Devon made him stay on the beach the entire day so they could see every single girl that came and went to make it a complete study. (Devon didn’t leave early since they might miss the finest one of the day).When Kidd was with Devon on the beach watching girls, what did they do when it got too hot?Whenever it got to hot they would run down into the water and splash through the whitewash and duck under the swells.113113What race did some people think Kidd was?Part Mexican, or Puerto Rican or SpanishWhy does Devon say he can’t hang out with the campsite kids?Because he believed deep down the campsite kids thought they were better than himWhat is Devon’s one rule with the ladies?They have to be dark hair, have olive skin, a little bit of booty, and he mostly digs black girls & Mexicans116What was Devon’s advice to Kidd if he ever hooked up with a Filipino girl?He told him to make sure you feel her legsAccording to Kidd, Devon one of the smartest people when it came to?When it came to reading people’s mindsWhat did Devon describe Peanut as?He said Peanut looked like an overgrown sewer rat120When Kidd woke up in the middle of the night & he thought he heard knocking what was it actually?It was rain hitting his tent root at two in the morningWhat would Mr. Red be teaching Kidd in five hours after Kidd woke up to rain hitting his tent?How to operate the entire campsite sprinkler systemWhat did drawing did Olivia leave on Kidd’s tent door?Of an abandoned lifeguard tower and her signature121What did Kidd like about Peanut?He was loyal to people like Kidd & Mr. Red, he hardly ever barked, and he seemed like his friend.*Kidd lets Peanut sleep with him, when it rains.125Where were Olivia & Kidd the first time Kidd protected her?At Moonlight, on the abandoned lifeguard tower (College guys came up to them)What did Devon say to do if you liked a girl?Pretend you like someone else, or act like you don’t care (Kidd didn’t believe that, cause tomorrow you might get separated from everybody and then you’d never have told the girl what you really meant)126What did the director tell Olivia, Horizons was?It’s a special program where they rehabilitate kid who experienced trauma.127What was one of the reasons Olivia liked hanging out with Kidd?Because he was always so happy128What happened at the abandoned lifeguard tower?These college guys were shattering glass, and they threw a beer bottle. They started acting stupid, and Kidd stood and walked toward them. Olivia grabbed for Kidd’s arm, he told her, “I Will Save You” The guys and Kidd started fighting, and then Kidd & Olivia ran all the way back to the campsites.What happened after Kidd & Olivia ran away from the abandoned lifeguard tower?Kidd kept saying how sorry he was, over & over. Then, he hugged her and walked away, while Olivia stood there thinking.(Just like when Jasmine got into a car accident his sophomore year and then she kept apologizing to her parents.)129When Kidd felt on his forehead & noticed there was blood, what did he do to fix it?He put the duct tape on his foreheadWhat did Devon do after Kidd & Olivia’s situation at the abandoned lifeguard tower?He took a fake gun to hunt those college guys Kidd dealt with, to teach them a lesson/respect give them a scare132According to Devon, what are the two kinds of people in the world?People of privilege and everybody else133What can of vibe does Devon say he gets from rich people?An entitlement vibe, they think they rule the world(He hates that their lives mean more than theirs just because they have a higher number on their bank statements.*Devon said the difference between him & Kidd, and the college guys was they actually believed their lives are meaningful.139What did Devon do to himself that made the college guys more scared?He ripped open his shirt sleeve with his knife, and then stabbed himself in the shoulder140When Kidd tried knocking the knife Devon had in his hand what did Devon do?Devon slashed him in the shoulder with his knife141What Devon pulled the trigger of the gun what did Kidd realize?It was a fake; a puff of dark smoke came out the gunWhere did Devon get the fake gun?He stole it from the prop shop on 101142Where did Kidd put the fake gun?He threw it in the oceanHow many days were Mr. Red & Kidd given to fix the fence? How many days did they take?Three days; two daysWhy did it take Mr. Red & Kid only two days to fix the fence?Mr. Red wasn’t supplied with enough material, and Mr. Red told Kidd if they finished a day early he had a surprise trip they could doWhat did Kidd & Mr. Red do to fix the fence?They first knocked out most of the old fence; they dug new ditches, sunk wood posts, and sealed everything with cement that was mixed by Mr. Red with his rusted wheelbarrow.What did Kidd do to the cut that Devon gave him on his shoulder?He duct-taped itWhat did Mr. Red tell Kidd that happened the night before, they started fixing the fence?Police came through the campsites the night before, asking questions about somebody pulling a gun on some college kids.What did Mr. Red do that showed he was working hard during the second day of fixing the fence?He took off his sombrero and hung it on the tree branchHow did Kidd describe Mr. Red’s sombrero?There were two hole in the front of the sombrero and the rim was partly rubbed off you could tell it started out way lighter.144How many more feet did Mr. Red & Kidd need to fix if they could fix the whole thing?Only twenty more feetWhy couldn’t Mr. Red get more materials for the fence?Management’s cheap like that. They said the job was to replace the faulty parts and the leave the rest as it. They didn’t believe Mr. Red when he said the whole thing was faulty.145What was Mr. Red’s surprise?He took Kidd to the World Famous San Diego ZooWhat was Mr. Red explaining to Kidd as they drove to the zoo?He was explaining to Kidd how many hours people work during their lifetimeWhy is it important to like what you do when it comes to your career?Because you’re going to spend a ton of hours doing it While Kidd & Mr. Red were driving to the zoo, what did Kidd find himself wondering about for the first time?For the first time he found himself wondering what would happen with him in the future146*Mr. Red doesn’t necessarily like his job, he likes where his job is, because he can breathe in the Pacific Ocean all day. People should work to live, not live to work.Why did Mr. Red bring Kidd to the zoo?Because Mr. Red believes Kidd is going to do much better than a maintenance job at the campsites*Mr. Red’s hair was shaggy & blond; and Kidd’s was short & brown147What did Kidd decide to explore first while in the zoo?The monkeysWhat were the monkeys doing while in the zoo?They were whacking each other on the back of the headWhat animals did Kidd go see in the zoo?Monkeys, elephants, hippos, giraffes, zebras, polar bears, alligators, giant turtles, coiled snakes, colorful lizardsWhat food did Kidd & Mr. Red eat at the zoo & where did they eat?They bought sandwiches and Cokes and ate on a beach near the koalasWhat ride did Mr. Red & Kidd go on at the zoo?They went on the Skyfari, a ride the zoo has that takes people over the whole place148When at the zoo, what was a kid doing toward the baboon enclosure?Throwing a stick into the baboon enclosure*mom holding her little baby up to a flamingoWhere in the zoo did Kidd go see animals by himself?When he we into the petting zoo where baby sheets and goats ate food pellets right off people's handsWhere did Mr. Red & Kidd have to go through in order to meet Jess?Through the Tiger River Trail; down this narrow cement walkway where fog came up from the grounds, and the walls were made to look muddy and ended up at a big wooden fence that said Employees Only.149What was Mr. Red's reason for why he couldn't be with Maria?Because she was best the woman he knew, out of all of them, she deserved better than Mr. Red.When Mr. Red & Kidd met up with Jess where did she take them?Jess took them behind the scenes to see two huge tigers in separate cages. She gave them a tour of the zookeeper’s offices and met two other keepers that talked about the history of Tiger River and how it was the first to become its own section & took them down a long hallway to see two little tiger cubs that came out from behind a giant stuffed bear.What did Jess do the tigers that made them roar loud?She pulled out some keys and jingled them150What did Al give Kidd?Gave Kidd a tiger whisker, and said it was good luck.What game did the two little tiger cubs at the zoo love to play?Tug-o'-war151For how long did the Kidd play tug-o'-war with the tiger cubs?For over a half hourAfter playing tug-o'-war what did Jessica give Kidd?Jessica gave Kidd a glove for his right hand to let the baby tiger bit into it*went back to the office and got waterWhat does Jessica like about her job?That she gets to wear shorts to work and spend most of the day outside, and she loves the animals.What does Jessica not like about her job?The crowd gets on her nerves and she thinks its really wrong to keep animals in a zoo, because they're better off in the wild.What job did Jessica offer Kidd for next summer?a zoo's summer intern program (should would write a letter of rec.)153When Mr. Red told Kidd that he can do anything he puts his mind to why did heavy sadness fall over Kidd?Because he realized it was really bad to have Mr. Red say he could do anything. Because he thought he was wrong, and eventually he would find out, and he'd be let down154After leaving Jess, what did Mr. Red & Kidd go buy?Burritos155What signs were posted all over the beach after Kidd & Mr. Red went to the zoo?There were riptide warning posted all over the beach. Only strong swimmers were allowed to go in the water158What did Devon do to Kidd, when there were riptide warnings all over the beach?He kept shoving Kidd's head under the water. To kill the part of him that was bad, and then left him to drown.160Who lifted Kidd out of the riptide when he was drowning?Christian, the lifeguard161What is Philosophy 4?About how some things are meant to beWhere did Kidd's mom leave the letter she wrote for him?Under his pillowWhen did Kidd find the letter his mom wrote for him?When he came home from school early with the police and social worker, because he had to pack a bag and saw the letter peeking out from under the pillow162*social worker kept telling Kidd how it was OK to be upset, and how it wasn't his fault and it's ok to cry and even the strongest people get emotionalWhen Kidd told the social worker he had to go to the bathroom when he found the letter what did he do inside the bathroom?He went to the side of the tub and pulled out his Mom's letter and looked at the writing on the front: To My SonIn what places did Kidd take out his Mom's letter to him?in the bathroom at his house, in the backseat of the van driving to the country intake home, in the waiting room outside the woman's office, when social worker was driving him to Horizons, and in his new room163What talk to Maria give to Kidd after he arrived to Horizons in his new room?Maria gave him the talk about how nobody could hurt his mom anymore, and she showed him where everything went.Why did Kidd take so long to read the letter from his mom?Because once he read the words, there would be nothing left from herWhat happened before Kidd's first day of fourth grade?His mom took him to get new sneakers at the mall, to pick out the whitest pair, and he took them home and set them on the bed and stared at them.Why did Kidd wear the new shoes he got for the fourth grade?He liked them so much he didn't want to mess them up. Every day he came out of school, and pulled them out of the box and set them on the bed and looked at them. The second he walked outside with them, they wouldn't be new anymore*or try them on in the mirrorIn Horizons, who was Kidd rooming with?Jimmy*(masturbates like 16 times a day according to Devon)165How many days did Kidd stay in the then after Devon physically tried to hurt him?Two days, trying to figure out what really happened after Devon let him go in the currentWhat did Kidd do as he was depressed in the tent?He lay on his back and stared up at the hole in the tent roof, thinking about how he could have diedWhy did Kidd leave the last few paragraphs he wrote in his philosophy book when he was depressed in his tent?Because he was too depressed to rip out any more pages then he already hadWhen Kidd went back to work on Monday after almost drowning in the ocean what work did he do?They were digging a big hole, to put in new pipes because one of them had a leak, and all the water in the campsites was shut off. They had to do the job as fast as possible so they wouldn't inconvenience people166After work on Monday, after almost drowning what did Kidd do in his tent?He stared at the dust particles spinning in the tiny line of light coming through the hole in his tent roofWhat day of the week did Kidd let Peanut in after almost drowning?Friday (realized how petting an animal can make you think less about being depressed, which is probably why they have pets at old people's homes.*Saturday Devon knocked for the third time since the drowning168On Sunday, when Olivia wanted to take Kidd somewhere after the drowning where did she take him? What was she wearing?a nice sunset walk to the (the deal) to take him to the most secret place she knows that she hasn't taken anywhere since she was ten years old; her ski cap, a white collared shirt, and short brown corduroy skirtWhen Kidd looks at Olivia, what happens?His stomach aches169What was Olivia's theory on what's wrong with people?That there's something wrong with each and every one of us, because we’re all just human beings and human beings are flawed (The only time were flawless is when were born)170*The worst scars aren't even physical, they're emotional or psychological, and some people don't think of their scars as flaws, they think of them as characterThe day Olivia invited Kidd to take him to her secret place, what pact did they make?Neither one them was allowed to ask about each other’s scars, that day171When Olivia & Kidd walked into Encinitas what book of short stories did she tell Kidd about?The Elephant VanishesWhat book did Olivia say she was obsessed with, when she & Kidd were walking to her secret place?“On Seeing the 100% Percent Girl One Beautiful April Morning”According to Mr. Red, what do people do in the self-realization place with big white walls?People go there to do regular work like planting trees and mowing lawns and it's supposed to make them feel better about their lives172What is the book, “On seeing the 100% Percent Girl One Beautiful April Morning” about?About two people who meet and fall in love, they're each other’s one-hundred-percent perfect match. Then, one day a small hint of doubt enters the boy's mind questioning how do they really know if they're meant to be? So they agree to test it, to really know if they're each other’s one-hundred-percent perfect match. So they decide to split up, and go separate ways. So if their paths cross in the future than they'll know it was meant to be. However, a few months later both of them came down with a case of influenza/flu that was so bad they almost died. They recovered but both ended up losing most of their memories. They end up started their lives over and relearn things like math and history. But, neither of them remember the pact they made one-hundred-percent perfect other. Years later, when they are much older they pass each other on a street in Japan and they get this weird feeling in their stomach. They turn around and stare at each, they get a twinkle of something familiar, but not sure what it is. Not wanting to seem rude they both turn back around and kept going, and never cross paths again.173What secret place did Olivia take Kidd to?To Moonlight Music174After first reading, “On seeing the 100% Percent Girl One Beautiful April Morning,” what did Olivia do?She was so mad she threw the book against the wall and swore she would never read anything by the author again. But then later that night she kept thinking about it and then picked it up and looked at it again. Then she reread the entire story and saw it a different way. (Japanese couple)Why is Romeo & Juliet such a famous love story?Because their relationship was cut off at its most intense moment, there love would’ve eventually faded like all love fades and they’d have had kids and jobs and errands.175What idea did Olivia come up with after discussing, “100% Perfect Girl?”She had the idea of giving Kidd the book, so he could read the story for himself, and when he finishes it they can discuss it, like their own book club.After entering Moonlight Music, what happened when Kidd & Olivia entered the store?She waved at the old man behind the counter and he slid a key across the counter. And asked if Bobby is doing lessons today?176Where was Bobby?Fishing in Mexico with his kidWhat was significant about the Moonlight Music to Olivia?It was where her dad bought her piano and where she comes to practice when her folks are home.Why did Olivia take Kidd to Moonlight Music?So she could play the song she wrote about him, because she promised herself she would play it for him someday177What deal did Olivia make with Kidd, if she was going to play the song she wrote for Kidd?He would have to face the other way the whole time, no peeking, and when she finished he couldn’t say anything about what she played, acting like it never even happened.Describe the song that Olivia played for Kidd?It was a happy sounding piano, and she told the story of Kidd & Mr. Red fixing everything around the campsites and how before they met she considered breaking things on purpose close to her tent so they would have to work next to her, but she didn’t want to make them do more than they had to. She sang how she followed Kidd into the park the day he saw her on the swing. 178As Olivia sang to Kidd what was he thinking about?He thought about the summer so far, even before the summer at Horizons, in his therapist’s office, and then pictured him & Olivia getting married.179What is one of the reasons Olivia likes hanging out with Kidd?Olivia is secretly hoping Kidd will rub off on himWhy did Devon tell Kidd not to be shy?If he acts shy, no foster parent would ever pick him180Why does Devon call Horizons a freak show?Because they get the most messed up kids in San Diego who don’t have parents*Devon pulled out Kidd’s letter from his bag181What did Kidd hear in the letter that his Mom wrote?She had been dealing with abuse from his father for as long as she could remember. Something had happened to him when he was young, his own father, a construction worker and a drunk, had almost beaten him to death, when he was twelve. He had left his bike in the front yard overnight and it was stolen and he put his own son in the hospital. Even though his father recovered physically, something in his heart died. When his mom first heard the story, she wanted to fix, teach him about love, and show him another way to live. For a while everything was fine, but he panicked about the responsibility of having a family so she kicked him out of the apartment. It led to him breaking in, in the middle of the night, so she had to put bars all over the windows. Later leading to restraining order, moving to an unlisted address, but he always came back. When was the last time, Kidd’s father beat his mother?In the living room, when he knocked her unconscious, broke her arm and her orbital bone and detached her left retina.183What did Kidd’s mother want Kidd to promise her in the letter?The Ellison abuse stops with your father184After Devon read Kidd’s mother letter and he left, what did Kidd do?He looked at the letter and read it, over & over. He spent the rest of the night reading it, the week, the month, and year. He read it so many times the paper turned soft and brown in his hand, and it ripped at the creases. He read it until every word was memorized.185Why did Kidd have to remember that night when Devon came in?Because fate brought him when he couldn’t read the letter for himself, and maybe he would’ve never known what his mom did for him, or about the evil in his genes, or the new person he had become.186What did Kidd’s father play with the guys from his construction crew?Played on a work softball team*When Kidd was little, Kidd’s father made the winning hit and everybody jumped on him at home plate and patted him on the back. And when he came off the field his whole face was smiling and he picked Kidd up and spun him around.What did Kidd’s dad always wear?Wore Dickies pants and a white wife beaterDescribe the biggest tattoo that Kidd’s father had? Why did he get that tattoo?Of an old man in a rocking chair holding up a beer; he dreamed of that man one night and as soon as he woke up he went to the tattoo parlor and had it done so he’d never forgetWhat did Kidd’s father always have on his ear?Always had a cigarette behind his right earHow did Kidd’s father react when Kidd came home wearing the Superman cape? Why did he react like that?A man in a suit bought it because he saw him looking at it in the store window. He pulled his switchblade and stabbed through the cape, ripping through the costume right through the middle and throwing it in the trash. And told him he better not take something from a rich person ever again, because they didn’t need any charity.187How would Kidd get to school when he missed the bus?His father would ride him on his motorcycle to school.Describe the night when Kidd’s father went to Kidd’s room?Kidd’s father went to Kidd’s room with his CD player and made him listen to this old song over and over. He told him to pay attention to the lyrics. It was Nick Drake, singing that he loves the person but at the same time he doesn’t care. And the last line: “Know that I see you/ know I’m not there.Who did the song by Nick Drake remind Kidd’s father of?He said the song made him think of his old man, and how is old man died. (Told him that animals are better than people because they’re the only thing you can trust) 191When Kidd followed Devon for the first time, when a train was coming what did he do?He stood right in the middle of the tracks and closed his eyes, and held out his hand as the train came closer and closer waiting to crush him, and before he got hit he moved. (For the first time he saw Devon as truly crazy)192Name of the street that Devon walked up in order to go the gas station at the top of the hill?BirminghamWhat did Devon buy from the gas station at the top of the hill? Where did he eat it?A bag of chips; he stopped at the on-ramp and watched cars merge onto the freeway193When Kidd followed Devon to the on-ramp, what did he find under the bridge?There were three mattresses and five sleeping bags and two grocery carts full of cans and bottles and layers of cardboard*the other woman opened up a big green trash bag by her feet and pulled out some clippers and started doing her fingernails. She was skinny and white and her face seemed leathery. She told Devon he was the biggest enigma. Devon told her his dad was an electrician.195What did the woman under the bridge say she used to do as a career?She used to promote comedians in L.A.*Devon believes it’s already determined what we’re going to do. No matter what choices we make, it still leads back to how it’s supposed to happen.198When Kidd followed Devon into a grocery store, what was Devon doing?He watched him go up and down every aisle with his empty cart, picking things up and reading the labels, and putting them back down.202Where is the scariest place Kidd followed Devon?To Olivia’s campsite, to find Devon just constantly staring at Olivia.203What promise did Kidd make to himself after following Devon to Olivia’s campsite?That next time when Devon came knocking on his tent he was going to answer205What rules did Mr. Red give Kidd?When he stayed with him he couldn’t eat sugar cereal or drink sodaWho did Kidd remind Mr. Red of?His son, Ben, because how quiet he is.206What does Kidd decide is the worst part of being in prison?He decides is the first few seconds after you wake up from your dream. When you still think you’re on the beach, with Olivia.What color eyes did Ben have?Blue eyesWhat would Mr. Red sometimes do with his son?Ride along the beach in his old beach cruiser, when Ben was ten years old.What did Kidd’s therapist always say about dreams?Said dreams have symbols, objects that really mean something elseWhat advice did Mr. Red give Olivia?“Don’t expect to feel like an adult when you become an adult.”208At first, why was Olivia curious about Kidd?He was always so alone, and she kind of felt sorry for him, because she has always been drawn to people with fewer opportunities. She just wanted to him in her pocket, to make sure nobody else hurt him.Who got Mr. Red his old sombrero?Ben got it for him on his birthday when he was six.How did Mr. Red receive his sombrero?Ben put his present on Mr. Red’s spot on the couch.When did Mr. Red finally wear the sombrero Ben gave him?The day after Ben passed he found it buried in the black of his closet. And wore it for the first time at his funeral, and wore it every single day after until Kidd got him one.*when the guys went paddling to the kelp beds, Olivia gave Kidd her father’s surfboard213Does Olivia’s dad use his surfboard?He brings it every summer but he never goes outWhat small talk did the surfer guys discuss while in the wet sand, before paddling to the kelp beds?Small talk about how the summer had flown by and what their senior year would be like and who was entering the surf contests in the winter.214Name of the group that goes swimming in the snow?The Polar Bear Club215What did Mr. Red teach Kidd when it came to surfing?Taught him to push the nose of your board down and purposely go under and let the wave break over you221What book did Kidd buy from the bookstore?“The Diving Bell & the Butterfly”What was Devon doing the first time Kidd noticed that Olivia noticed Devon?The weekend day when he was out in the ocean on his trash Dumpster surfboard with a bunch of other kids Mr. Red was teaching to surf.222What was carved on the scuffed trained floor?OTNC POR VIDA and under it someone had written GO BACK TO TJ, ESE!224How long was Olivia away at SAT camp?Three daysAfter coming back from SAT camp, what did Olivia tell Kidd she had an epiphany during?While doing an eight page worksheet of sentence completion problemsWhere is Olivia’s favorite cliff spot?Torrey Pines*kissed at Torrey PinesWhat was the train’s first stop while going to Torrey Pines (State Beach)?Solana Beach StationWhat didn’t Olivia like about her SAT camp?She had to spend eight hours a day doing reading comprehension questions and essay building strategies or studying five hundred new words a night, only to be tested on them the next morning.What does clairvoyant mean?Able to see the future226When did Kidd read, “The Diving Bell & the Butterfly?”While Olivia was at SAT camp227Who does Olivia share a tent with?Jasmine & Blue228Describe Olivia’s favorite cliff spot.A small grass clearing where below them is the giant blue ocean, with two flat rocks near the edge of the cliff229What story did Olivia tell Kidd about some kids next to the cliff at Torrey Pines?Two kids from La Jolla High jumped, they made a suicide pact and they died instantly.What did Olivia show Kidd at her favorite cliff spot?The rare skin disorder she has called Sturge-Weber syndromeExplain Olivia’s skin disorder?It’s congenital and neurological, meaning it’s with you from the start. It’s manifested on her face and scalp as port-wine stains.What did Olivia’s doctor show her when she was eight?Showed her a magazine picture of some Russian guy named Mikhail GorbachevWhat did Olivia’s mother do when her port wine stain was lighter & smaller?She would cover it up with makeup every morning before she went to school231What did Olivia do every Sunday night when she was younger?She would measure her port wine stain with a ruler; she took pictures, and kept a journal of how it was changing.How many inches was Olivia port wine stain when she got to high school?Eight inches*that’s why Olivia wears the hat now, since the makeup doesn’t even make a differenceWhat was the solution to Olivia’s port wine stain?There’s a doctor in New York who has come up with an experimental laser treatment. (Olivia’s dad said he would take her the summer before she goes off to college)232What did Olivia use to wipe the makeup off her face at the cliff?Rubbing alcohol239When Kidd and Mr. Red went to Mr. Red’s favorite place to check out waves what did Mr. Red bring to eat?Two bagel and two cups of coffeeWhen is Mr. Red’s favorite time to check out waves?Real early in the morning, before anybody’s awake. Before the wind picks up, this is called morning glass.240What was the importance of the day about the dinner at Las Olas?It was Ben’s eighteen birthday.What is Mr. Red’s favorite spot?Las OlasWhat did Mr. Red keep in his work shed?All his surfboards242According to Jasmine, why did Mr. Red quit after turning pro?Jasmine’s mom said it had something to do with his wife, and how she put so much pressure on him, they even got a divorce.243While at Las Olas, what was the first thing the waitress did?The waitress came over and said the fish of the day and asked her their drink ordersWhat did Mr. Red, Olivia, and Kidd order for drinks at Las Olas? Maria?Cokes; Margarita with rocks, no saltWhat was different about Maria to Kidd when he saw her at Las Olas?Her hair was much longer, and she had on a dress which Kidd has never seen her wear before.244What bad things did Maria make Kidd remember when he saw her at Las Olas?Times he was depressed he refused to get out of bed or even turn away from the wall.When he wouldn’t answer, as she sat at edge of his mattress trying to talk to him.When he didn’t eat for a whole week because he thought all the food was poisonedWhen Maria had to turn Kidd’s journal over to his therapist cause it listed all the ways he could hurt himselfOr reading the letter from his mom over and over until it fell apart in his hands and became dust on his rug by his bedHow Kidd started wailing on Marcus because he was vacuuming his bedroom as part of his chores, and the police came.What was Maria’s last day at Horizons?January fifteenth What was the worst part about getting laid off to Maria?Losing touch with those at HorizonsWhen was the first time Olivia didn’t wear the ski cap in public?At Las Olas245What was Maria’s job at Horizons?She was Counselor II, which meant she stayed on three and half days a week246Where did Mr. Red assume Ben’s friends would take him for his eighteenth birthday?Probably would’ve taken him to a donkey show in TJWhat did Olivia wear to Las Olas?A green sundressWhat was Olivia’s reason to Kidd for why she wasn’t wearing her ski cap to Las Olas?Because they were going to dinner247What promise did Kidd make himself when he was at Las Olas?No matter what happened, he would always protect Olivia, he would never let somebody hurt her.What did Maria order at Las Olas, on her first date with Mr. Red?She ordered the carne asada fajitas, they came out sizzling and steaming and everybody watched the waitress set them down at their table.248What did Olivia mention about her sister at the dinner at Las Olas?Her sister is choosing to spend the summer across the country at a college called Brown doing an internshipWhat was Maria new job?She is a high school counselor in National CityWhat did Mr. Red do when he took Maria’s half-finished margarita?He put the glass under his nose*Red used to be an alcoholic249When the waitress came by with the check at Las Olas, what did Mr. Red do?He put down his credit card without even looking to see how much the bill was*Maria found Kidd one morning naked, after he threw all his clothes and furniture out the window asleep in a neighbor’s backyard.251What things did Maria do after losing her job at Horizons?She cried the whole drive home, and didn’t answer her phone for four daysWhat key word did Maria tell Kidd remember after eating dinner at Las Olas?Eventually253Why would Maria be a little late to the grunion?Because it was also her sister’s birthday256What was Mr. Red drinking when Kidd found him his favorite place?Whiskey that he bought for fifteen bucks257How did Ben die?He was doing a couple of tricks on his skateboard at the mall, and he tried to do some Ollie down some stairs and ended up slipping and bumped his head on the cement. When Ben got home he had a little bump on his head, but Mr. Red just tossed him a bottle of aspirin, ordered pizza and watched a baseball game on TV, and then went to sleep. The next morning when Mr. Red went to wake him up, he didn’t.What artist sings Mr. Red’s ringtone?Bob MarleyWhat crazy thing about life did Mr. Red mention to Kidd when he was drunk?How one minute you be there and one minute you could be gone.265What question did Red ask Kidd when he was drunk, that he has wanted to ask for a while?“Why’d you swallow all those pills?”267How many campsites away did Olivia usually stop before saying goodbye to Kidd?Three268What did Olivia overhear her mother talking about in the morning, that she wasn’t supposed to hear?Her grandpa and dad might take her on a surprise trip to NYAfter Mr. Red’s drunken situation, where did Olivia tell Kidd she would be?She would be at a college fair, and then her parents would take her grandpa out to dinner for his birthday273According to Devon, how many times did Kidd’s mother shoot his father in the face?Three times*Found out that Devon stole the “100% Perfect Girl” story right out of his tent.278When Kidd tried to do his regular jobs, what one sentence that Devon said made it impossible for him to do the jobs?How he said his mom did it to get away from himWhat picture did Lea cut out for Kidd that she found in an article in the paper about the grunion?The silver fish completely covering the sand*Only reason he could fall asleep fine, was because he knew Olivia wasn’t staying the night at the campsites280What did Mr. Red get Kidd for as a gift?An IPod from RadioShack, with already downloaded songs from the store281What did Bill the Deacon make Mr. Red do after he was found drunk in his favorite spot?He had Mr. Red in meetings all day What day date did Mr. Red & Maria have before the grunion?They were going to have a long walk in OB*Mr. Red told Kidd that a man should take care of his woman not push her away283How many stores did Kidd go to in order to get a gift for Mr. Red?Five surf shops and Hanson’s which was in Encinitas next to the train station where Kidd & Olivia caught the train to Torrey Pines Beach; skipping the store Devon stole from.How did Kidd choose Mr. Red’s gift?Right when he walked up to the rack of hats this one sombrero fell to the ground in front of himWhat happened when Kidd left Hanson’s?He saw a Coaster coming, so he ran up to the platform and caught itWhat did Kidd do after getting on the Coaster?He rode it all the way to Olivia’s stop, hiked the same footpaths, sat on the same rock, and looked over the same section of oceans, he put on his new IPod and let the music go all over his thoughts. And he took out, “The 100% Perfect Girl,” two more times. 287Why was Olivia’s father taking Olivia to New York?They set up a consultation with the doctor, the one who does laser surgery. (The doctor has this computer program that shows you what you’ll look like after the treatment).288What similarities did Olivia mention that Kidd & she have?They both have scars they let keep them on the outside289At the grunion, what did Olivia give Kidd?She gave him a card and a picture. The card thanked him for making her feel pretty, since she hadn’t felt that way since she was little. And how she didn’t know how to categorize them, but she knew meeting him was the best thing that happened in a long time.What places did Kidd & Olivia kiss?Torrey Pines, and at the grunion294What is Philosophy 5?About how a man should take care of his womanHow was Kidd able to finally write about Olivia in his book?He decided to write a letter to herRead 295…297299When turned to look at the stranded ship, what did Kidd see?A framed picture of himself squatting on the campsite fence300What happens when Kidd rips out the tube inside his mouth?An alarm goes off301What was the doctor saying when he was shining a beam of light into Kidd’s eyes?“Push a baseline of morphine sulfate, one milligram per hour.”How many days was Kidd out for after falling from the fence?Three days, it was Wednesday304What did Olivia promise Kidd after he woke up from his little coma?He told her to wait for himWhat point did Kidd think the author from the “100% Perfect Girl” was trying to say?Real life isn’t always your daydream ................

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