H. Alan Shapiro

Department of Classics

The Johns Hopkins University 350 East 82nd Street

3400 North Charles St. Apt. 10E

Baltimore, MD 21218 New York, NY 10028

Tel. 410-516-8221 Tel. 212-960-8003

Fax 410-516-4848

e-mail ashapiro@jhu.edu born August 3, 1949

New York City


B.A. (Greek) Swarthmore College, 1971, with Distinction; Phi Beta Kappa

M.A. (Greek) University of California at Berkeley, 1972

PhD (Classical Archaeology) Princeton University, 1977

1974-75 John Williams White Fellow, American School of

Classical Studies at Athens


1976-77 Research Associate, Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae

Classicae, Rutgers University

1977-78 Assistant Professor of Art History and Archaeology,

Columbia University

1978-81 Andrew Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow (1978-80) and

Assistant Professor of Art and Classical Languages,

Tulane University

1981-92 Assistant Professor (1981-88) and Associate Professor

of Humanities, Stevens Institute of Technology

1994-96 Professor of Classics, University of Canterbury, NZ

1997 - Professor of Classics, The Johns Hopkins University

W. H. Collins Vickers Professor of Archaeology

Chair, Department of Classics, 1999-2004; 2007-2008

Visiting Professorships

1991 Princeton University, Dept. of Classics

1992 University of Cape Town, Dept. of Classics

1992-93 American School of Classical Studies, Elizabeth Whitehead Professor

1993-94; 1997 Universität München, Institut für KlassischeArchäologie

2003-04 Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar

2004 École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris

2006 Langford Eminent Scholar, Florida State University

2009 Department of History, Fudan University, Shanghai

2010 Eleni Hatzivassiliou International Chair, Université Libre de Bruxelles

2012-13 American School of Classical Studies, Elizabeth Whitehead Professor

Grants and Fellowships

1980 NEH Summer Stipend

1983 NEH Summer Institute, Hunter College: Women in Classical


1983-84 Alexander von Humboldt Fellow, Universität Würzburg

1986-87; 1990 Alexander von Humboldt Fellow, Universität München

1989 NEH Summer Seminar, CUNY: The Family in Classical and

Hellenistic Greece

1990 Parker Visiting Scholar, Center for Old World Archaeology

and Art, Brown University

1992 Visiting Scholar, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut,


1992-93 John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellow

1997 Resident, American Academy in Rome

2000 – Corresponding Member, German Archaeological Institute

2004 Viting Scholar, Corpus Christi College, Oxford

2004 Margo Tytus Visiting Fellow, Department of Classics,

University of Cincinnati

2007 Alexander von Humboldt Fellow, Universität Freiburg

2009-10 Fellow, Internationales Kolleg Morphomata, Universität zu Köln

2011 Alexander von Humboldt Fellow, Universität Freiburg


Art, Myth and Culture: Greek Vases from Southern Collections.

Exhibition Catalogue, New Orleans Museum of Art and Tulane

University, 1981.

Art and Cult under the Tyrants in Athens. Mainz: Philipp von

Zabern, 1989. Supplement published 1995.

Personifications in Greek Art: the Representation of Abstract

Concepts, 600-400 B.C. Kilchberg: Akanthus, 1993.

Myth into Art. Poet and Painter in Classical Greece. London:

Routledge, 1994.

Re-fashioning Anakreon in Classical Athens. Morphomata Lectures

Cologne 2. Munich: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2012.

Co-author (with Elaine Fantham, Helene P. Foley, Natalie B.

Kampen and Sarah B. Pomeroy), Women in the Classical World.

New York: Oxford, 1994.

Editor (with William D. E. Coulson, Frank J. Frost, Olga

Palagia, and T. L. Shear, Jr.), The Archaeology of Athens

and Attica under the Democracy. Oxford: Oxbow Books, 1994.

Editor (with Beth Cohen), Mother City and Colony. Classical

Athenian and South Italian Vases in New Zealand and

Australia. Exhibition Catalogue, Robert MacDougall Art

Gallery, Christchurch, 1995.

Editor (with Carlos A. Picón and Gerry D. Scott, III), Greek

Vases in the San Antonio Museum of Art, 1996.

Editor, The Cambridge Companion to Archaic Greece

Cambridge University Press, 2007.

Editor (with Nikos Kaltsas), Worshiping Women: Ritual and

Reality in Classical Athens. Exh. Cat. Onassis Cultural

Center, New York, 2008. Greek edition published Athens


Series Editor, Cambridge Studies in Classical Art and

Iconography, 1992 – 2002.

Translator, The Power of Images in the Age of Augustus, by

Paul Zanker. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, 1988.

Translator, The Mask of Socrates, by Paul Zanker. Berkeley:

University of California, 1995.

Current Projects

Editor, The Gods of the Greeks, an English translation of

Erika Simon, Die Götter der Griechen (4th ed. 1998).

Co-Editor (with Mario Iozzo), New Perspectives on the François

Vase. Proceedings of a colloquium held in Florence, 2003.

Theseus: Hero Cult and Visual Image in Classical Athens.

Greek Self-Fashioning in the Classical Period: The Invention of Personal Style


"Odyssey 2.42-78: Telemachus as Rhetorician," Classical

Bulletin 1972, 58-59.

"A Note on Pericles' Last Speech," Phoenix 29 (1975) 84-86.

"Hippokrates Son of Anaxileos," Hesperia 49 (1980) 289-93.

"Jason's Cloak," Transactions of the American Philological

Association 110 (1980) 263-86.

"Courtship Scenes in Attic Vase-Painting," American Journal of

Archaeology 85 (1981) 133-43; reprinted in Homosexuality in

the Ancient World, ed. W. R. Dynes and S. Donaldson (New

York and London 1992) 401-416.

"Exekias, Ajax and Salamis: a Further Note," AJA 85 (1981)


"The Judgment of Arms on an Amphora in Kansas City," Bulletin

Antieke Beschaving 56 (1981) 149-50.

"Greek Vases from Southern Collections," Arts Quarterly 3

(1981) 1-5.

"Theseus, Athens and Troizen," Archäologischer Anzeiger 1982,


"Kallias Kratiou Alopekethen," Hesperia 51 (1982) 69-73.

"Heros Theos: the Death and Apotheosis of Herakles," Classical

World 77 (1983) 7-18.

"Epilykos Kalos," Hesperia 52 (1983) 305-311.

"Amazons, Thracians and Scythians," Greek Roman and Byzantine

Studies 24 (1983) 105-114.

"Painting, Politics and Genealogy: Peisistratos and the

Neleids," in Ancient Greek Art and Iconography, ed. W. G.

Moon (Madison 1983) 87-96.

"Aponia," in Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae

vol. II (1984) 465.

"Notes on Greek Dwarfs," AJA 88 (1984) 391-92.

"Ponos and Aponia," GRBS 25 (1984) 107-110.

"Herakles and Kyknos," AJA 88 (1984) 523-29.

"Attisch rot-figurige Kelchkrater," AA 1985, 260-64.

"Herakles, Kyknos and Delphi," in Ancient Greek and Related

Pottery, ed. H. A. G. Brijder (Amsterdam 1985) 271-74.

"Greek 'Bobbins': a New Interpretation," The Ancient World

11 (1985) 115-120.

"Dike," in LIMC vol. III (1986) 388-91.

"The Origins of Allegory in Greek Art," Boreas 9 (1986) 4-23;

reprinted, with expanded illustrations, as "Le origini dell'

allegoria nell' arte greca," in L'esperimento della perfez-

ione, ed. E. LaRocca (Milan 1988) 318-50.

Greek vase entries for Herakles: Passages of a Hero through

1000 Years of Classical Art, ed. J. P. Uhlenbrock. Exh. cat.

Bard College (Annandale 1986) 101-107.

"Kalos-Inscriptions with Patronymic," Zeitschrift für Papyrol-

logie und Epigraphik 68 (1987) 107-118.

"Artemis oder Omphale?," AA 1987, 623-28.

"Local Personifications in Greek Painting," Procedings, XII

International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Athens

1983, vol. II (1988) 205-208.

"The Marathonian Bull on the Athenian Akropolis," AJA 92

(1988) 373-82.

"Eudaimonia," "Eutychia," "Geras," in LIMC vol. IV (1988)

46-47; 126; 180-82.

"Two Black-Figure Neck-Amphorae in the J. Paul Getty Museum:

Problems of Workshop and Iconography," in Greek Vases in the

J. Paul Getty Museum 4 (1989) 11-32.

"Poseidon and the Tuna," L'Antiquité Classique 58 (1989) 32-


"Oracle-Mongers in Peisistratid Athens," Kernos 3 (1990) 335-


"Old and New Heroes: Narrative, Composition and Subject in

Attic Black-Figure," Classical Antiquity 9 (1990) 114-48.

"The Iconography of Erysichthon: Kallimachos and his Sources,"

in Procedings of the XIII International Congress of Clas-

sical Archaeology, Berlin 1988 (1990) 529-30.

"Homonoia," in LIMC vol. V (1990) 476-79.

"The Eye of the Beholder: Würzburg 309 Again," Antike Kunst

33 (1990) 83-92.

"Comings and Goings: the Iconography of Departure and Arrival

on Athenian Vases," Métis 5 (1990) 113-23.

"Theseus: Aspects of the Hero in Archaic Greece," in New

Perspectives in Early Greek Art, ed. D. Buitron-Oliver

(Washington 1991) 123-39.

"The Iconography of Mourning in Athenian Art," AJA 95 (1991)


"Eros in Love," in Pornography and Representation in Greece

and Rome, ed. A. Richlin (New York 1992) 53-72.

"Narrative Strategies in Euphronios," in Acta, Euphronios

Colloquium, Arezzo 1990 (1992) 37-43.

"Theseus in Kimonian Athens: the Iconography of Empire,"

Mediterranean Historical Review 7 (1992) 29-49.

"Mousikoi Agones: Music and Poetry at the Panathenaia," in

J. Neils, Goddess and Polis. The Panatheniac Festival in

Ancient Athens (Princeton 1992) 53-75.

"The Marriage of Theseus and Helen," in Kotinos. Festschrift

für Erika Simon (Mainz 1992) 232-36.

"From Athena's Owl to the Owl of Athens," in Nomodeiktes:

Greek Studies in Honor of Martin Ostwald (Ann Arbor 1993)


"Hipparchos and the Rhapsodes," in Cultural Poetics in Archaic

Greece, ed. C. Dougherty and L. Kurke (Cambridge 1993) 92-


"Pottery, Private Life and Politics in Democratic Athens,"

in The Birth of Democracy, ed. C. Hedrick and J. Ober (Washington 1993) 21-27.

"Réponse à B. Mezzadri," Métis 8 (1993) 295-96.

"Religion and Politics in Democratic Athens," in The

Archaeology of Athens and Attica under the Democracy, ed. W.D.E. Coulson et al. (Oxford 1994) 123-29.

"Iliad 24 and the Greek Art of Narrative," Numismatica e

Antichità Classica 23 (1994) 23-48.

"Ploutodotas," LIMC vol. VII (1994) 415.

"Coming of Age in Phaeacia: the Meeting of Odysseus and

Nausikaa," in The Distaff Side. Representing the Female in

Homer's Odyssey, ed. B. Cohen (Oxford 1995) 155-64.

"Les rhapsodes aux Panathénées et la céramique à Athènes à

l'époque archaique," in Culture et cité. L'avènement

d'Athènes à l'époque archaique, ed. A. Verbanck-Piérard and

D. Viviers (Brussels 1995) 127-37.

"The Cult of Heroines: Kekrops' Daughters," in Pandora, ed.

E. Reeder (Baltimore 1995) 39-48.

"Attic Comedy and the 'Comic Angels' Krater in New York,"

Journal of Hellenic Studies 115 (1995) 173-75.

"Literacy and Social Status of Archaic Attic Vase-Painters,"

Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia 5 (1995) 211-


"Athena, Apollo, and the Religious Propaganda of the Athenian

Empire," in Religion and Power in the Ancient Greek World,

ed. P. Hellstrom and B. Alroth (Uppsala 1996) 101-113.

"Tradizione regionali, botteghe e stili d'arte," in I Greci

vol. II.1, ed. S. Settis (Turin 1996) 1181-1207.

"The Greek Archaic Period," in The Oxford Companion to

Archaeology, ed. B. Fagan (Oxford 1996) 256-58.

Democracy and Empire: The Panathenaia in Periklean Athens,"

in Worshipping Athena, ed. J. Neils (Madison 1996) 215-25.

"Correlating Shape and Subject: the Case of the Archaic

Pelike," in Athenian Potters and Painters, ed.

J. H. Oakley, W. D. E. Coulson, and O. Palagia (Oxford 1997) 63-70.

"The Dioskouroi Between Athens and Sparta," in Greek Hero

Cults, ed. R. Hägg (Göteborg 1999) 99-107.

"Autochthony and the Visual Arts in Classical Athens," in

Democracy, Imperialism and the Arts in Fifth-Century

Athens, ed. D. Boedeker and K. Raaflaub (Cambridge, MA

1999) 127-151.

"Helen our of Doors," in Periplous. Papers on Classical Art

and Archaeology Presented to Sir John Boardman, ed. G. R. Tsetskhladze, A. J. N. W. Prag, and A. M. Snodgrass (London 2000) 271-75.

"Modest Athletes and Liberated Women: Etruscans on Attic

Black-figure Vases," in Not the Classical Ideal. Athens and the Construction of the Other in Greek Art, ed. B. Cohen (Leiden 2000) 315-337.

"Leagros and Euphronios: Painting Pederasty in Athens," in

Greek Love Reconsidered, ed. T. K. Hubbard (New York 2000) 12-32.

"Red-figure Panathenaic Amphoras: Some Iconographical

Problems," in Panathenaika, ed. M. Bentz and N. Eschbach (Mainz 2000) 119-24.

"Personifikation III: Bildende Kunst," in Der Neue Pauly , ed. H. Cancik and

H. Schneider 9 (Stuttgart 2000) 643-47.

"Zum Wandel der attischen Gesellschaft nach den Perserkriegen

im Spiegel der Akropolis-Weihungen," in Gab es das griechische Wunder?, ed. D. Papenfuss and V. M. Strocka (Mainz 2001) 91-100.

“Atene prima e dopo le Guerre Persiane: le sculture

le sculture dell’ Acropoli e il loro contesto sociale,”

Archeologia Classica 52 (2001) 1-14.

"The Use and Abuse of Athenian Vases," (with B. Cohen), in

Essays in Honor of Dietrich von Bothmer, ed. A. J. Clark and J. Gaunt (Amsterdam 2002) 83-90.

"Demeter and Persephone in Western Greece: Migrations of Myth

and Cult," in Magna Graecia: Greek Art from South Italy and Sicily, ed. M. Bennett and A. Paul (exh. cat. Cleveland/ Tampa 2002, 82-97.

“Fathers and Sons, Men and Boys,” in Coming of Age in Ancient

Greece, ed. J. Neils and J. H. Oakley (exh. Cat. Dartmouth

College, 2003) 85-111.

“Brief Encounters: Women and Men at the Fountain House,” in

Griechische Keramik im kulturellen Kontext, ed. B. Schmaltz

And M. Söldner (Kiel 2003) 96-98.

“Theseus and Ariadne on Crete: the Dinos Painter’s Krater from

Gela,” in Ta Attika. Veder Greco a Gela. Ceramiche attiche

figurate dall’ antica colonia, ed. R. Panvini and F.

Giudice(Rome 2004) 229-38.

"Constructing Gender Ideology in Athens: the Visual Evidence,"

in Feminism and Classics. Framing the Research Agenda, ed.

J. Hallett and J. Martin, in press.

“Erigone,” in Festschrift in Honour of J. Richard Green, ed.

L. Beaumont et al. Mediterranean Archaeology 17 (2004)


“Dance,” in Thesaurus Cultus et Rituum Antiquorum I (Los

Angeles 2004) 299-343.

“The Judgment of Helen in Athenian Art,” in Periklean Athens

and its Legacy, ed. J. M. Barringer and J. M. Hurwit

(Austin 2005) 47-62.

“The Wrath of Creon: Withholding Burial in Homer and

Sophocles,” Antigone’s Answer: Essays on Death and

Burial,Family and State in Classical Athens, ed. C. B.

Patterson, Helios 33S (2006 Supplement) 119-34.

“The Invention of Persia in Classical Athens,” in The

Origins of Racism in the West, ed. M. Eliav-Feldon, B.

Isaac, and J. Ziegler (Cambridge 2009) 57-87.

“Alcibiades: the Politics of Personal Style,” in Art in

Athens during the Peloponnesian War, ed. O. Palagia

(Cambridge 2009) 236-63.

“Topographies of Cult and Athenian Civic Identity on Two

Masterpieces of Attic Red-Figure,” in Athenian Potters and

Painters II, ed. J. H. Oakley and O. Palagia (Oxford 2009)


“Looking at Vases and Sculpture Together: the Banqueting

Hero,” in Bildkonzepte in der Hermeneutik griechischer

Vasenmalerei, ed. S. Schmidt and J. H. Oakley (Munich 2009)


“Apollo and Ion on Classical Athenian Vases,” in Apolline

Politics and Poetics, ed. L. Athanassaki, R. Martin, and J.

Miller (Delphi 2009) 264-84.

“Geras lygron? Die Darstellung alter Männer in der

griechischen Vasenmalerei,” in Alter in der Antike, ed. H.

Hoyer von Prittwitz, exh. Cat. Landesmuseum Bonn (2009) 91-


“Homer in the City of Erasmus”: review article on the exhibition and catalogue Homer: Der

Mythos von Troja in Dichtung und Kunst, in American Journal of Archaeology on-line

113 (2009) 1-8.

“Helen: Heroine of Cult, Heroine in Art,” in S. Albersmeier,

Heroes. Exh. cat. Walters Art Museum (Baltimore 2009) 49-


“A Black-Figure Pelike in Tasmania,” in Shapes and images : studies on Attic black

figure and related topics in honour of Herman A. G. Brijder

ed. E. M. Moormann and V. V. Stissi (Leuven 2009) 173-77.

“Aponia,” in LIMC Supplementum I (2009) 83; “Ion,” ibid. 295-96.

“Orestes in Athens,” in Koine. Mediterranean Studies in Honor of R. Ross Holloway,

ed. D. Counts and A. Tuck (Oxford 2009) 23-29.

“Mother and Son: Theseus’s Farewell to Aithra,” in Folia in

memoriam Ruth Lindner collecta, ed. C. Weiss and E. Simon

(Dettelbach 2010) 89-94.

“Middle Comedy Figurines of Actors,” in The Art of Ancient Greek Theater, ed. M. L.

Hart (J. Paul Getty Museum 2010) 122-23.

“Narrative, Artistic,” in The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome, ed. M.

Gagarin (Oxford 2010) vol. 5, 51-53.

“A Non-Greek 
Rider on the Athenian Acropolis and Repre-

sentations of Scythians in Attic Vase-
Painting,” in

An Archaeology of Representations: 
Ancient Greek Vase-

Paintings and Contemporary Methodologies, ed.D.

Yatromanolakis (Athens 2010) 325-40.

“Eniautos. Time, Seasons, and the Cycle of Life in the Ancient Greek World,” in

Morphomata. Kulturelle Figurationen: Genese, Dynamik und Medialität, ed. G.

Blamberger and D. Boschung (Munich 2011) 199-222.

“No Longer Banned in Boston.” Museum review of “Aphrodite and the Gods of Love,”

AJA 116 (2012) 369-75.

“Attic Heroes and the Construction of the Athenian Past in the Fifth Century,” in Greek

Notions of the Past in the Archaic and Classical Eras, ed. J. Marincola, L. Llewellyn-

Jones, and C. Maciver (Edinburgh 2012) 160-82.

“Anonymous Heroes: Reinterpreting a Group of Late Classical

Attic Votive Reliefs,” in Kunst vun Unten? Stil und Gesellschaft in der antiken Welt

von der ‘Arte Plebea’ bis Heute, ed. F. de Angelis et al. (Rome 2012) 111-120.

“Olympian Gods at Home and Abroad,” in A Companion to Greek Art, ed. T. J. Smith

and D. Plantzos (Chichester 2012) 399-413.


E. C. Keuls, The Reign of the Phallus, in AJA 90 (1986)


J. Burow, Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Tübingen 5, in Gnomon

60 (1988) 182-84.

A. Lioutas, Attisch schwarzfigurige Lekanai und Lekanides,

in Gnomon 61 (1989) 374-76.

K. W. Arafat, Classical Zeus, in AJA 95 (1991) 747-48.

M. W. Taylor, The Tyrant Slayers: the Heroic Image in Fifth

Century B.C. Athenian Art and Politics, in JHS 113 (1993)


H. Knell, Mythos und Polis. Bildprogramme griechischer Bau-

skulptur, in Gnomon 65 (1993) 644-46.

K. Schefold, Gods and Heroes in Late Archaic Greek Art, trans.

A. Griffiths, in Bryn Mawr Classical Review 4 (1993) 390-91.

R. Hägg, ed. The Iconography of Greek Cult in the Archaic and

Classical Periods, in Opuscula Atheniensia 20 (1994) 271-72.

M. Robertson, The Art of Vase-Painting in Classical Athens,

in Art Bulletin 76 (1994) 163-65.

T. Hayashi, Bedeutung und Wandel des Triptolemosbildes vom

6.-4. JH. v. Chr., in Gnomon 67 (1995) 88-89.

C. Aellen, A la recherche de l'ordre cosmique. Forme et Fonc-

tion des personnifications dans la céramique italiote, in

AJA 100 (1996) 626-27.

S. Angiolillo, Arte e cultura nell’ Atene di Pisistrato e dei

Pisistratidi, in Gnomon 72 (2000) 466-67.

D. Tsiafakis, He Thrake sten attike eikonographia tou 5. aiona

p. X., in AJA 104 (2000) 138.

E. Stafford, Worshipping Virtues: Personification and the

Divine in Ancient Greece, in Prudentia 34.2 (2002) 276-78.

G. Ferrari, Figures of Speech. Men and Maidens in Ancient

Greece, in New England Classical Journal (2004).

S. Schmidt, Rhetorische Bilder auf attischen Vasen, in Bonner

Jahrbücher 2007 410-413.

C. Marconi, Temple Decoration and Cultural Identity in the

Archaic Greek World, in Ancient History Bulletin 22.3-4

(2008) 117-119.

S. Schmidt and A. Stähli, eds. Vasenbilder im Kulturtransfer: Zirkulation und

Rezeption griechischer Keramik im Mittelmeerraum, in AJA 117.2 (2013)

online review.


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