| | |

|COURSE: |Master of Architecture (MArch) |

| | |


| | |

|Name: |Naveem Mowlah |

|Address: |35 Plymouth Street Apt 2 |

| |Cambridge, MA 02141 |

|Phone number: |617.852.7637 |

|Email address: | |

|Location of studio or |Studio 5 |

|workspace: | |

| | |

|What other courses are you |Studio Level III (4.155), Thinking about Architecture (4.607), |

|enrolled in this semester? | |

|(please list) | |

| |Professional Practice (4.222), Thesis Preparation (4.189), and this ( |

| | |

| | |

|Do you have access to the |Yes |

|internet for class | |

|notifications, etc? | |

|Are you able to print out |Not too easily, but yes |

|assignments and other material | |

|that I might ask you to | |

|download from the internet? | |

|Are you able to open Microsoft |Yes |

|word documents? | |

| | |

|Do you have access to the |Yes |

|internet for class | |

|notifications, etc? | |

| | |

|Do you have a laptop you can |Yes |

|bring to class? | |

| | |

|NAME |Naveem Mowlah |


| | |

|Where are you from originally? |Bangladesh. Grew up in Japan (until I was about 8) then Bangladesh until college |

|Where did you grow up? | |

| | |

|Where else have you studied |In highschool, but mostly drawing/painting. No theory at all until MIT. |

|art? | |

| | |

|Do you have a degree in art? |No |

| | |

|What professors have had a |My studio professor from junior year, Meejin. She pushed me harder than anyone else. She inspired |

|strong influence on you? How? |me with how much she has accomplished. Intimidating but great mentor. |

| | |

|What other disciplines have you|Architecture all the way, though I have a pretty strong base in science. |

|studied? | |

| | |

|Do you have a degree in another|Architecture |

|discipline? | |

| | |

|Why are you studying art? |I consider myself visual and a designer. Art and architecture, I feel, interweave constantly. |

| | |

|Why at MIT? |I was here as an undergrad and loved it ( |

| | |

|Why this particular class? |It seems like an interesting combination of making and thinking about making. The idea of thinking |

| |about everyday objects as art, and observing their ability to enhance our lives without even us |

| |noticing, is very interesting and to me, worth discussion. |

| | |

|What do you expect from this |Have a good time (. Learn to be critical of objects and understand their relationship to our lives;|

|class? |study how similar objects can have different relationships to individuals.. am I getting too |

| |specific? |

| | |

|Do you have any suggestions for|Not quite yet |

|topics we might discuss as a | |

|group? | |

| | |

|How do you intend to use your |Be an Architect |

|degree? | |

| | |

|How do you see yourself |In school, traveling, working in a small design firm |

|spending the next few years? | |

| | |

|How do you see yourself |Practicing as an architect |

|spending the next TEN years? | |

| | |

|Are you expecting to pursue art|I am not sure what that means |

|as a part of another kind of | |

|career? (describe) | |

| | |

|Are you expecting to pursue a |In a way. Though I guess in architecture, the closest analogy would be a commissioned artist? |

|career as a fine artist, ie, to| |

|make a living selling your | |

|work? (explain) | |

| | |

|Are you expecting to teach art?|No |

|(explain) | |

| | |

|Are you expecting to work with |As of now, no. Unless I deisgn any, which would be wonderful! |

|commercial art galleries? | |

|(explain) | |

| | |

|Are you expecting to pursue |Yes. As an architect. |

|public art? To what degree? | |

|(explain) | |

| | |

|Are you expecting to pursue art|Maybe, if I actually have free weekends. |

|mainly as a hobby? (explain) | |

| | |

|Are you expecting to pursue art|More possibly. |

|mainly as one who 'appreciates'| |

|it? (explain) | |

| | |

|Are you expecting to pursue a |Sure, depending on the scope of my design work. Every large commission building has a quota for |

|career in which you have to |public art. I am also interested in gallery/museum design, so I see some involvement with artists. |

|work with artists? (explain) | |

| | |

|Have you ever participated in |No |

|an art exhibition that you | |

|consider to be | |

|important?(describe) | |

| | |

|Have you ever put together a |No |

|solo exhibition of your own | |

|work? (describe) | |

| | |

|Have you ever collaborated with|No |

|a fellow artist? (describe) | |

| | |

|Have you ever collaborated with|No |

|an institution? (describe) | |

| | |

|Have you ever collaborated with|Yes, in short term architectural installation projects. |

|anyone? (describe) | |

| | |

|Have you participated in any |Yes. I was involved in designing residences in Bangladesh and Japan. |

|international projects? | |

|(describe) | |

| | |

|What alternatine venues are you| |

|attracted to? | |

| | |

|What venues are you NOT | |

|attracted to? | |

| | |

|What media are you familiar |Charcoal, acrylic, oils, some watercolors, minimal clay |

|with? | |

| | |

|What media are you using |Computer (. Chip/matboard, pencil/vellum, plaster |

|presently? | |

| | |

|Do you use computers in your |Autodesk and photoshop |

|work? (describe) | |

| | |

|Do you make objects? (describe)|Architectural models |

| | |

|Are you against the idea of |No |

|making objects? (explain) | |

| | |

|Are you against the idea of any|Not that I can think of |

|particular media? (explain) | |

| | |

|Do you read writings by art |A little |

|crtitics and theorists? | |

|(describe) | |

| | |

|Do you read writings by |Ashamed to say, no |

|artists? (describe) | |

| | |

|Who are the writers you find |Virginia Woolf, Sylvia Plath, Haruki Murakami, Maya Lin, Junichiro Tanizaki, Alvaro Siza |

|inspiring? | |

| | |

|Many artists learn about other |Literature, but I am not sure that I became engaged through architecture. Natural Sciences |

|fields in the process of doing | |

|their work, we seldom hear | |

|about "art for art's sake" | |

|anymore -- are there other | |

|disciplines that attract you, | |

|other disciplines you engage in| |

|your work? | |

| | |

|Have you ever actually |No |

|collaborated with folks from | |

|other disciplines in your work?| |

| | |

|Do you keep abreast of |Not really |

|exhibitions and other events in| |

|the art world? | |

| | |

|What is your chief source of |Internet |

|information? | |

| | |

|What do you find troubling |Some art seems to go for shock effect over thought process |

|about some of the art you see | |

|today? | |

| | |

|Is there some kind of art that |I am not sure I have had enough experience in visual art to answer that |

|you really dislike, that you | |

|are challenging or rebelling | |

|against with your work? | |

| | |

|What do you find inspiring |Simple gestures that speak eloquently |

|about some of the art you see | |

|today? | |

| | |

|What artists do you find most |Donald Judd, Mark Rothko |

|exciting right now? | |

| | |

|What artists have influenced |Maya Lin, Donald Judd |

|you? | |

| | |

|Who else has had a strong |Carlo Scarpa |

|influence on you, artist or | |

|not? | |

| | |

|How would you describe your |I could speak as an architect, not an artist. I want to make simple and responsible architecture |

|philosophy as an artist? |that creates, or at least acts as a catalyst for creating, space that enhances the experiences of |

|(write as much as you like!) |people in contact with it. |

| | |

|How would you describe your |Should this be any different from above? |

|beliefs as an artist? | |

|(write as much as you like!) | |

| | |

|How would you describe your | |

|goals as an artist? | |

|(write as much as you like!) | |

| | |

|What concerns are you exploring|Notions of culture and history and constant change as they relate to city life and architecture. |

|at this moment in time? | |

|(write as much as you like!) | |

| | |

|What concerns have you explored| |

|in your work in the past? | |

|(write as much as you like!) | |

| | |

|What dilemmas do you feel you | |

|are facing in your work? | |

|(write as much as you like!) | |

| | |

|What do you see as your own |Impatience, eagerness to solve problems but not necessarily see it worked through |

|particular problem areas? | |

|(write as much as you like!) | |

| | |

|Where do you see your work |Hm. A cohesive thesis? |

|headed? | |

|(write as much as you like!) | |

| | |

|Do you have what you consider |Not at all. |

|to be "long term" plans for | |

|your work? | |

|(write as much as you like!) | |

| | |


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