1. I'm going on holiday [pic]July.

2. The banks close [pic]5pm.

3. Mary doesn't work [pic]Sundays.

4. Did you go out [pic]Friday evening?

5. Mary's birthday is [pic]March.

6. I'm moving to a new flat [pic]7 August.

7. Mary isn't available [pic]the moment.

8. I'm going to a party [pic]New Year's Eve.

9. The leaves [pic]the trees turn brown [pic]Autumn.

10. I'll give you the money I owe you [pic]the end of the month.

11. Please visit me [pic]Sunday.

12. The meeting started [pic]11am.

13. We're moving house [pic]two months.

14. Susanne had a headache [pic]New Year's Day.

15. I always feel positive [pic]the start of the week.

16. Peter's birthday is [pic]September 24.

17. I often visit my parents [pic]Christmas.

18. Trade usually works better [pic]the morning.

19. I got up [pic]6am this morning.

20. I went to a party [pic]New Year's Eve.

21. The meeting is [pic]Monday.

22. The banks open [pic] 9am.

23. I had a party [pic] birthday.

24. My garden looks lovely [pic]spring.

25. I am going [pic]holiday August.

26. I moved to London [pic]1997.

27. I was born [pic]1960.

28. I will call you [pic]half past ten.

29. The concert is [pic]12th December.

30. Did you go out [pic]Monday evening?

31. Peter and Mary first met [pic]1992.

32. Do you work [pic]Saturdays?

33. Let's meet [pic]8.30 tomorrow evening.

34. I am starting my new job [pic]7th June.

35. I got up [pic]8 o'clock this morning.

36. My brother got married [pic]December.

37. George is not here [pic]the moment.

38. I often go skiing [pic]winter.

39. Julia's birthday is [pic]November


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