


| |Day of the Week |DAILY FOCUS |Follow up Activity ON DAILY FOCUS |Skill Building Activity |Play focus |

| | |(Focuses on the unit’s | |(Small group centers: |[Planting seeds for play activities|

| | |student outcomes- lesson) | |Math, Literacy, cutting/ |(aka learning centers)] |

|What are some different kinds of plants? | | | |handwriting, Library) | |

|Why are plants so important? | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|ACTIVITIES | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Monday | | |MATH- Making patterns. You can color| |

| |Date: 4/27 |Why are plants so important? |You can talk to your child about they |the next pattern for each row. |-You can provide your child with |

| | | |can put in the park to attract animals. |Second page |advertisement flyers from local |

| |The Carrot Seed by |How do animals get their |Ex: birds in a birdbath, at a bird |on:, glue sticks, scissors|

| |Ruth Krauss |foods from plants? Ex: warms.|feeder, and in a bird house, reinforcing|com/2020/03/math-concept-patterns.pd|and construction paper. The |

| |[pic] | |the idea that animals are are attracted |f |children cut out and glue their |

| | | |to spots that offer food, water, and |LITERACY- You can have your child |favorites on the construction |

| | | |shelter. |write the word apple and circle the |paper. |

| | | |Your child can draw what they would add.|letter Aa using a different color. |- You can have your child open up |

| | | | |HANDWRITING- Have your child write |vegetables and count seeds. |

| | | |[pic] |the letters Aa/Xx. | |




| |Tuesday | | |MATH- You can have you child compare| |

| |Date: 4/28 | |You can also ask your child questions |fruit and vegetable seeds by shape|-You can encourage your child to |

| | |Why are plants so important? |like: How are an apple and a carrot the |and size. |act out the growing cycles of |

| |Growing Vegetable Soup by Lois | |same? How are they different? |LITERACY- Find the Letter Xx. Write |different types of produce...from |

| |Ehlert. | |You can have them write their responses |the letter Xx on small pieces of |seed, to leaf, to flower to a small|

| | |-The difference between |on their art work or you can write it |paper. Then tape it around the house|pumpkin to a big huge pumpkin |

| | |fruits and vegetables. |for them to share with the class. |and go on a Letter Xx hunt with your|rolling down the hill. |

| |[pic] | |There are other things that we use |child. |-Or, from a seed, to a sprout, to a|

| | |-The spices that come from |plants for ex: Spices. |HANDWRITING-. Have your child |tree to small apples growing to us |

| | |plants. |How do we get spices from? like: |color/circle and make a book of the |jumping up to pick apple. |

| | | |cinnamon/paprika/cumin |letter Gg as a review from last | |

| | | | |week. Pages 42-46 on at | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |/2020/03/literacy.pdf | |




| |Wednesday | | |MATH- You can set out a variety of |-You can have your child divide a |

| |Date: 4/29 | |How do we get paper? What can we do with|fruits and vegetables for your child|paper in half and designate one |

| | |Why are plants so important? |paper? |to touch, smell, taste and sort. Let|side for veggies and one side for |

| | | |Paper comes from trees. The raw wood |him sort them any way he/she wants, |fruits. You can sort the two |

| |Eating the Alphabet by Lois Ehlert | |must first turn into pulp, then a watery|perhaps by size or color. |varieties by either using actual |

| | |Focus: Paper |soup, then there is a process used to |LITERACY- You can have your child |fruits or veggies if available or |

| |[pic] | |turn it into paper. |write their first name and circle |you can encourage your child to |

| | | | |then identify the first letter of |draw and label their sorted fruits |

| | | |Fruits grow above the ground, some |their name. |and veggies. |

| |Tops and Bottoms," by Janet Stevens.| |vegetables grow underground; fruits are |HANDWRITING: You can have your child|-You can make a banana boat—you can|

| |[pic] | |usually sweet, vegetables are not |create a collage using different |provide your child with sliced |

| | | |always. |types plants to create the letters |bananas in half and add their |

| | | | |Xx, Ii. |favorite fruits or snacks inside. |

| | | |[pic] |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- READ A BOOK FOR 20 |Talk to your child about the |

| | | | |MINUTES A DAY- VISIT A RECOMMENDED |importance of fruits. |

| | | | |INTERACTIVE WEBSITE |[pic] |

| | | | |MATH: You can practice positional | -You can provide your child with a|

| |Thursday | |You can invite child to talk about |concepts with your child by playing |variety of fruits and/or a variety |

| |Date: 4/30 | |apples. Establish that an apple is a |the game “Simon Says”. Ex: Simon |of vegetables and let them create a|

| | |Why are plants so important? |fruit. You can ask: |says –put the ball on top of the |design with them before eating |

| |The Apple Pie Tree by Zoe Hall | | |table. Positional words are: above, |their snack. |

| |[pic] |How do we get our food? |-What color is this apple? |below, beside, in front of and | |

| |(fruits/veggies, grains) |-What shape is it? |behind. |- You can cut the fruits open to |

| |T3okYls |How do animals eat? |-How do apples taste? |HANDWRITING- You can have your child|find the seeds. Cut the veggies |

| | |(food and shelter for |-Where do they grow? |practice writing his or her name |open to see the absence of seeds. |

| | |animals). |-Have you ever picked an apple? |using different colored |Talk about the differences: fruits |

| | | |-Where do you usually get the apples you|pencils/markers/ or crayons. |have seeds, vegetables do not. |

| | | |eat? |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- READ A BOOK FOR 20 | |

| | | |-What are some things you can make with |MINUTES A DAY- VISIT A RECOMMENDED |-You can have your child draw their|

| | | |apples? |INTERACTIVE WEBSITE |favorite animal and where they |

| | | | | |live. How do they build their |

| | | |You can have your child draw an apple | |homes? Ex: bird in a nest- bi |

| | | |tree life cycle and label it. You can | | |

| | | |have your child answer the question: | | |

| | | |Why do you think apples/ apple trees are| | |

| | | |important? Ex: apple trees give us | | |

| | | |nutrients and oxygen so we can breathe. | | |

| | | |[pic] | | |

| |Friday | |The caterpillar in this story eats a lot|MATH- As you read the book “The Very|- You can have your child taste |

| |Date: 5/1 |Why are plants so important? |of food. Some of it is very nutritious |Hungry Caterpillar,” you can have |test various fruits, vegetables and|

| | | |(like the fruits and the leaf) and some |your child count how the amount of |grains and compare those foods by |

| |The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric |How can plants help keep us |is “junk food.” |food the caterpillar ate then have |sight and feel. You can encourage |

| |Carle |healthy? |You can talk to your child about what |your child write those number down. |your child to draw or record those |

| | |Why are plants (trees, |foods are good for you. |LITERACY- You can have your child |findings. |

| |[pic] |flowers, bushes, and grass) | |open your favorite book and look for| |

| | |help our earth stay healthy? |-What happens when you eat too much? |the letters Ii and Xx |-You can talk with your child about|

| | | |-How/ where can we find healthy food? |HANDWRITING- you can have your |the days of the week discussed in |

| | | |-What are some healthy foods see in the |child practice writing planting |the book “The Very Hungry |

| | | |book? |vocabulary words- Ex: |Caterpillar”. Have your child |

| | | |-How can we plant apples, pears, plums, |-Seed, seedling, sprout, bud, |illustrate the day of rest (eating |

| | | |strawberries and oranges? |blossom, flower, stem, leaf, roots, |the leaf) on Sunday. Talk about the|

| | | | |weeds, water, plant, soil, sunlight |days of the week with your child – |

| | | |It is also a good time to talk about |as a review from last week. |what’s different about weekdays vs.|

| | | |your child’s favorite foods. |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- READ A BOOK FOR 20 |the weekend, what day of the week |

| | | | |MINUTES A DAY- VISIT A RECOMMENDED |is their favorite, etc. |

| | | |Your child can draw their favorite fruit|INTERACTIVE WEBSITE | |

| | | |from the book and how he/she can plant | |-Caterpillar Salad |

| | | |it. | |1 apple |

| | | | | |2 pears |

| | | | | |3 plums |

| | | | | |4 strawberries |

| | | | | |5 oranges (Clementines would work |

| | | | | |best for this). |

Common Core Goals:

D1.2 Actively engages in problem solving.

D3.6 Understands and follows rules and routines.

D4.1 Approaches to Communication- Demonstrates that they are motivated to communicate.

D5.3 Foundations of Technology- Expresses an understanding of how technology affects them in daily life

Social/ Emotional- This week we are reviewing week 2.

Week 2: Listening

Play Time

Say: We’re going to take a listening walk to practice using the Listening Rules.

Review the Listening Rules with your child.

We will walk around. When I say “Listen,” we will stop and use the Listening Rules. Then we will take turns telling each other

about what we heard.

* Please refer to for the complete social emotional parent newsletter.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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