

Common for

MBA (Financial Markets) -Five Year Integrated Course

MBA (Applied Management) -Five Year Integrated Course

Session 2020-2021 and 2021-2022

(Part-II) Semester 3rd and 4th

|SEMESTER 3 |  |  |  | |


|AM 301 |BUSINESS STATISTICS |50 |50 |4 |

|AM 302 |BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT |50 |50 |4 |

|AM 303 |FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT |50 |50 |4 |


| |(NCFM’ Insurance Module – To be conducted by NSE) | | | |

|AM 305 |COMPANY LAW |50 |50 |4 |


|AM 307 |VIVA VOCE |0 |50 |1 |

| * |Environmental and Road Safety Awareness |* |* |* |

| |TOTAL - SEMESTER 3 (600) |250 |350 |23 |

|SEMESTER 4 |  |  |  | |


|AM 401 |BUSINESS TAXATION – I |50 |50 |4 |

|AM 402 |MARKETING MANAGEMENT |50 |50 |4 |


|AM 404 |E-BUSINESS MANAGEMENT |50 |50 |4 |


| |(Mutual Fund: A Beginners’ Module - To be conducted by NSE) | | | |



|AM 408 |VIVA VOCE |0 |50 |1 |

|  |TOTAL – SEMESTER 4 (700) |300 |400 |27 |

* This paper is only qualifying. The marks of this paper will not be included in the aggregate. Syllabus and other details as per instructions of University.


The basic objective of this course to provide the basic knowledge of the statistical tools that are necessary for day to day business needs and to develop skills to apply statistical tools to examine business and economic data . Students will learn how to interpret data to provide meaningful information and to use in making various management decisions.

Unit I

Introduction to Statistics-Definition, Importance and Limitations. Functions and scope. Collection of Primary and Secondary Data, Classification and Tabulation , Frequency Distributions and their graphical representation. Measures of Central Tendency: Mean, Median, Mode. Measures of Dispersion : Range, Mean Deviation and Standard Deviation. Analysis of Time Series: Causes of variations in time series multiplicative models; Determination of trends, Moving averages method and method of least squares (including linear, second degree, parabolic and exponential trends); Computation of seasonal-indices by simple averages, ratio-trend, ratio-to-moving average and link relative methods.

Unit II

Correlation: Meaning, types and measurement of correlation (Karl Pearson's methods and Spearman's rank correlation). Regression: Meaning, Regression Equation of X on Y and Y on X and regression coefficient. Probability: Concepts, Addition Law, Multiplication Law, Conditional Probability and Bayes’ Theorem. Index Numbers: Concepts and Applications, Unweighted Index Numbers, Weighted Index Numbers, Consumer, Price Index Numbers.

Suggested Readings:

1. Gupta C. B., Gupta V. (2004). An Introduction to Statistical Methods, 23rd revised edition. Vikas Publishers.

2. Sharma J. K. (2014). Business statistics, 4th edition. Pearson education.

3. Levin R. and Rubin D. (2017). Statistics for Management, 8th edition. Pearson education.

4. Gupta S. C. and Gupta I. (2017). Business statistics, 2nd edition. Himalaya Publishing House Ltd.

5. Beri G. C. (2009). Business statistics, 3rd edition. Tata Mc Graw Hill education.


⦁ English will be the medium of instruction and examination.

⦁ Written Examinations will be conducted at the end of each Semester as per the Academic Calendar notified in advance

⦁ This course will carry 100 marks of which 50 marks shall be reserved for internal assessment and the remaining 50 marks for written examination to be held at the end of semester.

⦁ The duration of written examination shall be three hours.

⦁ The internal assessment marks shall be based on factors such as: (a) Mid-term test (20 marks), Written assignments (20marks), and Attendance/class Participation (10 marks).

⦁ The minimum marks for passing the examination shall be 40% to be obtained separately both in internal assessment and external written examination.


The question paper will be divided into three sections. Section – A and Section – B will be based on Unit – I and Unit- II of the syllabus respectively. Each of these sections will contain four questions of 7.5 marks each. The students will be required to attempt two questions from each of these sections. Section – C will be compulsory. It will be based on entire syllabus and will contain 12 short answer type questions of two marks each out of which the students will be required to attempt any 10.


The objective of this paper is to acquaint the students the broader context and framework within which a firm operates. This will equip the students for designing strategies in dynamic environment.

Unit I

The Concept, Nature and Significance of business environment. Economic environment, Political environment, Legal environment, Technological environment, Social environment and Cultural environment. The relationship of various environmental forces on business. The need for environmental analysis and diagnosis. Techniques for environmental analysis, SWOT analysis. The process of environmental scanning. The changing dimensions of various Industrial policies in India particularly after 1980. Industrial Relation in India-Types of Strikes, Industrial unrest, Methods of Conciliation.


Liberalization, Privatization, Public Private Partnership (PPP Model) Globalization: Rationale, Strategies for going global. Growth of infrastructure. The impact of electronic media on Indian culture and values. Corporate social responsibility, The ecological issues and Indian business. Public Sector undertakings: Evolution, Growth, Performance and Reforms. The role and importance of MNC’s in India. Foreign Direct Investment in India. Industrial sickness. Balanced regional development: Criteria ,Causes and Measures. MRTP and Competition act. Public distribution system: Rationale objectives and problems.

Suggested Readings

1.Mishra S.K. and Puri V.K., Economic Environment of Business, Himalaya Publishing, New Delhi.

2.Francis Chernulim, Business Environment- Text and Cases, Himalya Publications

t. of India, Economic Survey (latest year), Govt. of India, New Delhi

4.Sengupta N.K., Government and Business, Vikas Publication, New Delhi

5.K. Aswathappa, Essentials of Business Environment, Himalaya Publishing House, Delhi


⦁ English will be the medium of instruction and examination.

⦁ Written Examinations will be conducted at the end of each Semester as per the Academic Calendar notified in advance

⦁ This course will carry 100 marks of which 50 marks shall be reserved for internal assessment and the remaining 50 marks for written examination to be held at the end of semester.

⦁ The duration of written examination shall be three hours.

⦁ The internal assessment marks shall be based on factors such as: (a) Mid-term test (20 marks), Written assignments (20marks), and Attendance/class Participation (10 marks).

⦁ The minimum marks for passing the examination shall be 40% to be obtained separately both in internal assessment and external written examination.


The question paper will be divided into three sections. Section – A and Section – B will be based on Unit – I and Unit- II of the syllabus respectively. Each of these sections will contain four questions of 7.5 marks each. The students will be required to attempt two questions from each of these sections. Section – C will be compulsory. It will be based on entire syllabus and will contain 12 short answer type questions of two marks each out of which the students will be required to attempt any 10.


This is an introductory course in corporate finance that focuses on practical aspects of managing business funds. The Course is designed to impart the knowledge on how firms manage their business funds including raising the funds and investing the funds in business. The primary objective of this course is to create understanding among the students regarding how financial manager can maximise value of firm with effective financial decisions.


Introduction: Concept, objective, Nature, Significance and Functions of Financial Management, Profit Maximization v/s wealth, Maximization, Significance of Time Value of money in financial decisions. Risk-Return Analysis, Sources of Financing, Cost of Capital, Cost of Debt, Equity and Retained Earnings, Weighted Average Cost of Capital. Leverage : Operating and Financial, Capital Structure: Concept & Criteria’s for determining the pattern of Capital Structure, Factors influencing the pattern of capital structure, Capital Structure theories.


Principles of Capital Budgeting. Appraisal Criteria: payback period, NVP, IRR and Cost-Benefit Ratio, Working Capital Management; concept and classification, Factors influencing the level of working capital practical problems in working capital Management. Management of Cash, Inventories and Receivables. Dividend Policy: Different approaches regarding Dividend-Water Model, Gordon Model and Modigliani- Miller Model, Relevancy and Irrelevancy of Dividend Decisions.

Suggested Readings:

1. Chandra Prasanna, Financial Management Theory and Practice, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2017 Edition

2. Van Horne J.C., Financial Management and Policy, Pearson Education, 15th Edition, 2009. 

3. Pandey, I .M., Financial management, Vikas publishing House, 12th edition , 2010


⦁ English will be the medium of instruction and examination.

⦁ Written Examinations will be conducted at the end of each Semester as per the Academic Calendar notified in advance

⦁ This course will carry 100 marks of which 50 marks shall be reserved for internal assessment and the remaining 50 marks for written examination to be held at the end of semester.

⦁ The duration of written examination shall be three hours.

⦁ The internal assessment marks shall be based on factors such as: (a) Mid-term test (20 marks), Written assignments (20marks), and Attendance/class Participation (10 marks).

⦁ The minimum marks for passing the examination shall be 40% to be obtained separately both in internal assessment and external written examination.


The question paper will be divided into three sections. Section – A and Section – B will be based on Unit – I and Unit- II of the syllabus respectively. Each of these sections will contain four questions of 7.5 marks each. The students will be required to attempt two questions from each of these sections. Section – C will be compulsory. It will be based on entire syllabus and will contain 12 short answer type questions of two marks each out of which the students will be required to attempt any 10.



Max. Marks 100

External Evaluation 100

Introduction to Insurance

1. Definition of Insurance

2. Concept of Insurance / How insurance works

3. Insurance Act, 1 938

4. Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA)

5. Insurance Advertisements and Disclosure Regulations, 2000

6. Protection of Policy Holders Interest Regulations, 2002

7. Third Party Administrators (TPA)

Fundamentals of Risk Management

1. Definition of Risk

2. Classification of Risks

3. Definition of Risk Management

4. Stages of Risk Management

Insurance Contract, Terminology, Elements and Principles

1. Contract Terminology

2. Elements of a Valid Contract – Offer and Acceptance, Consideration, Capacity, Legal Purpose

3. Distinguishing Characteristics of Insurance Contracts

4. Common clauses and sections in an insurance contract

General Insurance

1. Classification – Life Insurance & Non-Life Insurance

2. Types of Property Insurance – Fire Insurance, Marine Insurance, various types of Engineering Insurance

3. Contractor's All Risks (CAR) Insurance

4. Marine cargo insurance

5. Features of motor insurance e

6. Burglary insurance

7. Money insurance

Personal and Liability Insurance

1. Personal Insurance

2. Mediclaim Policies

3. Group Mediclaim policy

4. Personal Accident Insurance (PA)

5. Liability Insurance

6. Employers Liability Insurance

7. Public Liability Insurance

8. Professional Indemnity Insurance

9. Product Liability Insurance

Financial Planning and Life Insurance

1. Financial Planning

2. Ratios as a tool for financial analysis

3. Definition of Life Insurance

4. Law of large numbers

5. Principles of Insurance and Life Insurance

Types of Life Insurance Policies

1. Term Insurance

2. Types of Term Life Insurance

3. Whole Life Insurance

4. Endowment policy

5. Children’s policies

6. Annuities

7. Group Insurance

8. Industrial Life Assurance

9. Life insurance premium and tax benefits

Insurance Intermediaries

1. Introduction

2. Individual agent

3. Corporate agent

4. Code of Conduct

5. Broking regulations

6. Indian Insurance Market

Text Book:

1. Insurance Sector Module, Workbook from NSE


Company law has been a very important legislation that affects the business environment in every economy. Corporate law deals with the rights, relations, conduct of persons, companies, organizations and business. The aim of the subject is to create an awareness about the regulations through which corporations, investors, shareholders, directors, employees, creditors and other stakeholders like consumers, the community and the environment interact with one another.


Joint Stock Company : Meaning and Salient Features. (Saloman V. Saloman and Co. Ltd.), Advantages of Incorporation, Company as a citizen, Lifting of corporate veil, Types of companies, Difference between a public and private company. Formation of company, Promotion and Registration, Legal Position of a promoter, Pre-incorporation contracts. Memorandum of Association: Clauses of MOA, Alteration of Memorandum, Doctrine of Ultra Virus, Articles of Association : Contents of AOA, Difference between MOA and AOA, Alteration of AOA, Doctrine of Constructive notice, Doctrine of Indoor Management. Prospectus: Contents of Prospectus, Shelf Prospectus, Red Hearing Prospectus, Liability for Mis-Statement in prospectus, Civil and Criminal Liabilities.


Shares and Share Capital : Definition of Share, Types of Shares, Application and Allotment of Shares, Calls on Shares, Share Certificate, Share Warrant, Surrender and Forfeiture of Shares, Transfer and Transmission of Shares, Buyback of Shares, Types of Share Capital.

Company Management (Directors): Who is a Director, Appointment of a Director, Types of Directors, Director Identification Number (DIN), Position of Director, Powers of Directors, Liabilities of Directors, Duties of Director, Qualification Shares, Disqualification of Directors, Removal of Directors, Membership in a Company: Difference between member and shareholder, who can become a member? Procedure to become a member, Rights and Liabilities of members.

Company Meetings: Kinds of Meetings, Requisites of a valid meeting, Day, Time & Place of meeting, Proper authority, Notice, Resolutions, Quorum, Class meetings, Proxy, Voting, Minutes and Adjournment of Meeting. Winding up : Modes of Winding up, Compulsory Winding by NCLT, Voluntary winding up, Grounds for Compulsory winding up, Petition for winding up, Appointment of official liquidator, Report of the liquidator.

Suggested Readings

1. Singh Avtar L, The Principles of mercantile law Eastern Book Company, Lucknow

2. Kuchal M.C. Company Law, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi

3. Kapoor N.D, Company Law, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.


⦁ English will be the medium of instruction and examination.

⦁ Written Examinations will be conducted at the end of each Semester as per the Academic Calendar notified in advance

⦁ This course will carry 100 marks of which 50 marks shall be reserved for internal assessment and the remaining 50 marks for written examination to be held at the end of semester.

⦁ The duration of written examination shall be three hours.

⦁ The internal assessment marks shall be based on factors such as: (a) Mid-term test (20 marks), Written assignments (20marks), and Attendance/class Participation (10 marks).

⦁ The minimum marks for passing the examination shall be 40% to be obtained separately both in internal assessment and external written examination.


The question paper will be divided into three sections. Section – A and Section – B will be based on Unit – I and Unit- II of the syllabus respectively. Each of these sections will contain four questions of 7.5 marks each. The students will be required to attempt two questions from each of these sections. Section – C will be compulsory. It will be based on entire syllabus and will contain 12 short answer type questions of two marks each out of which the students will be required to attempt any 10.


AM 307 VIVA VOCE (External Evaluation 50)



Objective: The purpose of this paper is to help the students to acquire the knowledge of Direct tax laws prevailing in India.

Unit I

Indian Tax System, direct and indirect taxes. . The structure and scope of Indian Income Tax Act, concepts and definitions under the Act, Agricultural Income, Assesee, Assessment year, Income, previous year, person, residential status, Tax liability, scope and total income. Heads of Income: Salaries, Income from House property.

Unit II

Profit and Gains from Business and Profession, Capital gains and Income from other sources. Computation of total income & Tax liability of an individual, Deduction from gross total income. Assessment of firm. Filing of Return: procedure, PAN, TAN. Tax deducted at source. Advance payment of tax.

Suggested Readings:

1 V.K. Singhania , Direct Tax Law and Practice , Taxmann Publications , New Delhi

2 H.C. Mehrotra, Income Tax, Sahitya Bhawan Publications

3 Girish Ahuja, Income Tax law and Practice , Bharat Publications.


⦁ English will be the medium of instruction and examination.

⦁ Written Examinations will be conducted at the end of each Semester as per the Academic Calendar notified in advance

⦁ This course will carry 100 marks of which 50 marks shall be reserved for internal assessment and the remaining 50 marks for written examination to be held at the end of semester.

⦁ The duration of written examination shall be three hours.

⦁ The internal assessment marks shall be based on factors such as: (a) Mid-term test (20 marks), Written assignments (20marks), and Attendance/class Participation (10 marks).

⦁ The minimum marks for passing the examination shall be 40% to be obtained separately both in internal assessment and external written examination.


The question paper will be divided into three sections. Section – A and Section – B will be based on Unit – I and Unit- II of the syllabus respectively. Each of these sections will contain four questions of 7.5 marks each. The students will be required to attempt two questions from each of these sections. Section – C will be compulsory. It will be based on entire syllabus and will contain 12 short answer type questions of two marks each out of which the students will be required to attempt any 10.


The Core theme is to make understandable the basic concepts of marketing followed by the fundamentals of each of the most important marketing tasks. To have clear understanding of the marketing mix and functions.


Nature, Scope and concept of marketing, Various Approaches to Marketing, Functions of a marketing manager. Marketing Information System, Importance of marketing with special reference to India. Marketing Mix and Market Segmentation. Marketing Research: Meaning, features and scope of marketing research. Consumer Behaviour: Meaning and Importance, Buying process, factors influencing consumer behavior.


Meaning and concepts of product, Distinguishing aspects of products & services; Product Management Decisions: Branding and packaging, Different stages in new product development, Product life cycle. Pricing Decisions: Meaning of product pricing, policies, methods of pricing. Channel of distribution: Types of marketing channels, factors influencing channel choice. Promotion: Various promotional tools, advertising decisions, multilevel marketing, sales promotion.

Suggested Readings:

1. Kotler Philip, Marketing Management, PHI

2. Ramaswami & Namakumari, Marketing Management, Mc Millan

3. Stanton William J., Fundamentals of Marketing, S.Chand & Co.

4. Kotler & Armstrong, Principles of Marketing, TMH

5. Neelmegham, Marketing in India- Cases & Reading, Vikas


⦁ English will be the medium of instruction and examination.

⦁ Written Examinations will be conducted at the end of each Semester as per the Academic Calendar notified in advance

⦁ This course will carry 100 marks of which 50 marks shall be reserved for internal assessment and the remaining 50 marks for written examination to be held at the end of semester.

⦁ The duration of written examination shall be three hours.

⦁ The internal assessment marks shall be based on factors such as: (a) Mid-term test (20 marks), Written assignments (20marks), and Attendance/class Participation (10 marks).

⦁ The minimum marks for passing the examination shall be 40% to be obtained separately both in internal assessment and external written examination.


The question paper will be divided into three sections. Section – A and Section – B will be based on Unit – I and Unit- II of the syllabus respectively. Each of these sections will contain four questions of 7.5 marks each. The students will be required to attempt two questions from each of these sections. Section – C will be compulsory. It will be based on entire syllabus and will contain 12 short answer type questions of two marks each out of which the students will be required to attempt any 10.

AM – 403 Human Resources Management

The objective of this course is to have a good understanding of principles and practices concerning people management within organisations.This course will acquaint students about HRM functions and how it relates to other organizational functions. The main objective of this course is to make students aware that how HR functions such as procurement, development, compensation, maintenance, integration and separation can be utilized in accomplishing organizational goals. At the end of the course, the students should be able to - (1) develop the skills to identify what is considered to be within the scope of a “Human Resource Management” approach; (2) Critically analyze these practices in contemporary organizations, and; (3) Develop the necessary understanding to make a strategic contribution within the HR function of an organization.


Conceptual Framework, Nature, Scope, Significance and functions of Human Resource Management; Personnel Management and HRM, Issues and Challenges for Human Resource (HR) in the knowledge economy, strategic Framework of HRM. Meaning, Importance, Benefits and Process of Human Resource Planning (HRP), Requisites for successful HRP, Barriers to HRP, Job Design, Job Analysis , Job Description, Job Specification. Concepts related to Recruitment Selection, Placement, Induction; Sources and Methods of Recruitment,


Modern perspective in training the HR; Training: Need and significance, Training Methods, Management Development, Methods of Management Development, Role of Mentors in managing HR. Issues in managing career. Career design, Role of Counselors, Management of performance, Job evaluation. Performance Appraisal - Meaning, Benefits and Techniques, Management organizational Exit. Compensations Management: An overview. Legal dimensions in HRM. Managing workforce diversity in a globally competitive environment.

Suggested Readings:

1. Aswathapa, Human Resource and Personnel Management, TMH.

2. Rao V.A.P., Human Resource Management, Excel Books.

3. Rao P.G. , Human Resource Management, Excel Books.

4. Cascio, Managing Human Resources, TMH.

5. Bhattacharya , Human Resource Management, Excel Books.

6. Gomez, Balkin, Cardy, Managing Human Resources, Pearsons Edu.


⦁ English will be the medium of instruction and examination.

⦁ Written Examinations will be conducted at the end of each Semester as per the Academic Calendar notified in advance

⦁ This course will carry 100 marks of which 50 marks shall be reserved for internal assessment and the remaining 50 marks for written examination to be held at the end of semester.

⦁ The duration of written examination shall be three hours.

⦁ The internal assessment marks shall be based on factors such as: (a) Mid-term test (20 marks), Written assignments (20marks), and Attendance/class Participation (10 marks).

⦁ The minimum marks for passing the examination shall be 40% to be obtained separately both in internal assessment and external written examination.


The question paper will be divided into three sections. Section – A and Section – B will be based on Unit – I and Unit- II of the syllabus respectively. Each of these sections will contain four questions of 7.5 marks each. The students will be required to attempt two questions from each of these sections. Section – C will be compulsory. It will be based on entire syllabus and will contain 12 short answer type questions of two marks each out of which the students will be required to attempt any 10.


The objective of the course is to introduce the concept of electronic commerce and to understand how electronic commerce is affected business enterprises, governments, consumers and people in general. This course is designed to familiarize the students with current and emerging electronic commerce technologies using the internet.


Introduction: Meaning, nature, concepts, advantages and reasons for transacting online, categories of E-Commerce. Planning Online Business: Nature and dynamics of the internet, pure online vas brick and click business; assessing requirement for an online business. Technology for Online Business: Internet, IT Infrastructure, Middleware, contents: Text and Integrating E-business applications. Mechanism of making payment through internet: Online payment mechanism; Electronic Payment systems; payment Gateways; Visitors to website; tools for promoting websites; Plastic Money: Debit Card, Credit Card. Applications in E-Commerce: E-commerce applications in manufacturing, wholesale, retail and service sector.


Virtual existence: Concepts, working, advantages and pitfalls of Virtual organization, workforce, work zone and workspace and staff less organization. Designing an E-Commerce Model for a middle level organization: The conceptual design, giving description of its transaction handling, infrastructure and resources required and system flow chart. Security in E-Commerce: Digital Signatures, Network security, Data encryption with secret keys, data Encryption public keys. Laws Relating to online transactions: Salient Features.

Internal Assessment will involve practical for designing web page using a tool notified by the Department

Suggested Readings:

1. David Whiteley, E-Commerce: Strategy, Technologies and Applications,(2001) TMH.

2. Joseph, P.T., E-Commerce A Indian Perspective,(2015) PHI.

3. Elias M. Awad, Electronic Commerce: from vision to fulfillment,(2006) PHI.

4. Kalakota, Whinston, Frontiers of E Commerce, Pearson's Education(2008)


⦁ English will be the medium of instruction and examination.

⦁ Written Examinations will be conducted at the end of each Semester as per the Academic Calendar notified in advance

⦁ This course will carry 100 marks of which 50 marks shall be reserved for internal assessment and the remaining 50 marks for written examination to be held at the end of semester.

⦁ The duration of written examination shall be three hours.

⦁ The internal assessment marks shall be based on factors such as: (a) Mid-term test (20 marks), Written assignments (20marks), and Attendance/class Participation (10 marks).

⦁ The minimum marks for passing the examination shall be 40% to be obtained separately both in internal assessment and external written examination.


The question paper will be divided into three sections. Section – A and Section – B will be based on Unit – I and Unit- II of the syllabus respectively. Each of these sections will contain four questions of 7.5 marks each. The students will be required to attempt two questions from each of these sections. Section – C will be compulsory. It will be based on entire syllabus and will contain 12 short answer type questions of two marks each out of which the students will be required to attempt any 10.



(Mutual Fund: A Beginners’ Module, TO BE CONDUCTED BY NSE)

Max Marks: 100

External Evaluation: 100

Objectives: This course is designed to give the students a basic understanding of mutual fund, different products and their advantages.

Course Contents:

Mutual Funds Concept and structure of mutual funds in India; Role of custodian; Registrar and transfer agent; AMC; New fund offer's & procedure for investing in NFO; Investors rights and obligations.

Mutual Fund Products and Features Concept of open ended and close ended fund; Types of funds - equity, index, diversified large cap funds, midcap fund, sec or fund and other equity schemes; Concept of entry and exit load; Expense ratio; Portfolio turnover; AUM; Analysis of cash level in portfolio.

Gold ETFs Introduction to exchange traded funds; Market making by authorized participants; creation units; Portfolio deposit and cash component

Debt Funds Salient features of debt and Concept of interest rate and credit risk; Pricing of debt instrument

Liquid Funds Salient features of liquid funds; Floating rate scheme and portfolio churning in liquid funds

Taxation Taxation of capital gains; Indexation benefit and FMP

Regulations Role and objectives of AMFI; Different types of plans; Systematic Investment Plan (SIP); Systematic Transfer Plan (STP) and Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP); Dividend payout.

Text Book:

1. Mutual Fund: A Beginners’ Module, Workbook from NSE

Reference Books:

1. Sundar Sankaran. Indian Mutual Funds Handbook – A Guide For, VISION BOOKS PVT LTD.

2. Amitabh Gupta, Mutual Funds in India, 1st Edition , 2002, Anmol Publications

3. P Mohana Rao, Working of Mutual Fund Organisations in India,1998, Kanishka Publications

4. Paul B. Farrell, The Winning Portfolio: How to choose the best Mutual Funds, 2008, Vision Books

AM 406 Business Data Processing

The objective of the course is to provide the knowledge and skills related to the processing, administration and management of computer system databases. An introduction to the design, evaluation and implementation of different database management systems is also covered. Students will learn about the structure and programs needed to organize, retrieve and store information by using basic database commands. Students will also learn to create backup and database recovery strategies using administrative Structured Query Language (SQL) and other tools.


Introduction to Database Systems: File System versus a DBMS, Advantages of a DBMS, Describing and storing data in a DBMS, Queries in a DBMS, Structure of a DBMS, People who deal with database, Introduction to Data Models, Architecture of DBMS. Relational model: Introduction to Relational model, database keys, foreign key constraints, enforcing integrity constraints, Relational Algebra. Database Security, Database Recovery. Schema Refinement & Normal Forms: Introduction to schema refinement, functional dependencies, normal forms, decompositions, normalization (Up to 3rd Normal Form)


SQL Queries: The form of a basic SQL query, Union, intersect, and expect, introduction to nested queries, aggregate operators, Null values. DBMS Software: Introduction to MS-Access, working with database and tables, queries, applying integrity constraints, introduction to forms, sorting and filtering, controls, creating reports, using macros. Business Application: Design, analysis and development of business applications using MS-Access.

Text Book:

1. Elmasri, R. and S B Navathe; Fundamentals of Database Systems, Addison Wesley.

Reference Books:

1. Henry F. Korth, “Database System Concepts”, McGraw Hill. Inc.

2. Naveen Prakash, “Introduction to Database Management”, TMH.

3. Date, C. J.; An Introduction to Database System, Vol. I & Vol. II, Addison Wesley Publishing Company.

4. B.P. Desai, “Database management system” BPB publications, New Delhi.

5. Mastering MS Office 2000, Professional Edition by Courter, BPB Publication.

6. Complete Reference Office 2007.


⦁ English will be the medium of instruction and examination.

⦁ Written Examinations will be conducted at the end of each Semester as per the Academic Calendar notified in advance

⦁ This course will carry 100 marks of which 50 marks shall be reserved for internal assessment and the remaining 50 marks for written examination to be held at the end of semester.

⦁ The duration of written examination shall be three hours.

⦁ The internal assessment marks shall be based on factors such as: (a) Mid-term test (20 marks), Written assignments (20marks), and Attendance/class Participation (10 marks).

⦁ The minimum marks for passing the examination shall be 40% to be obtained separately both in internal assessment and external written examination.


The question paper will be divided into three sections. Section – A and Section – B will be based on Unit – I and Unit- II of the syllabus respectively. Each of these sections will contain four questions of 7.5 marks each. The students will be required to attempt two questions from each of these sections. Section – C will be compulsory. It will be based on entire syllabus and will contain 12 short answer type questions of two marks each out of which the students will be required to attempt any 10.


Max Marks: 50

Internal Evaluation: 50

Objectives: To provide students written and oral communication skills that enable them to get them placed in good corporate positions. No Theory examination is to be conducted for this paper. Internal evaluation will be based on class performance and attendance. Internal Evaluation will be done after the completion of each Module. Pre and Post Test for each Module, Classroom tasks, Activities, Quiz, Case Studies will used for evaluation.

Course Contents:

Module I: Writing and Speaking English, Parts of Speech, Resume Writing, Business Letters. Vowels, Diphthongs, Consonants, Consonant Clusters, Stress, Syllable, Syllabic Division, Connected Speech, Making Presentations

Module II: The Art of Communication ;Verbal Communication: Effective Communication, Effective/Active listening paraphrasing, Feedback Non Verbal Communication: Personality Enhancement, Body Language

Module III: The Hidden Data of Communication ; The importance of feelings in communication, dealing with feelings, The importance of developing assertive skills, developing self-confidence, developing Emotional Intelligence, Dealing with People,

Module IV: Group Activities and World of Teams ; Importance of Team work, working with Groups, Group Discussions, Group Decision-making

Module V: Getting Ready for Interviews, Corporate Dressing, Business Etiquettes, Media Etiquettes, Table Etiquettes.

Module VI: Ethical Orientation

Ethical Dilemmas and Choices

Note: (The workshop paper will be evaluated by the teacher concerned internally based on various performance evaluation indicators out of 50 marks)

Recommended Books:

1. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen R. Covey.

2. Who Moved My Cheese - Dr. Spenser Johnson.

3. Seven Spiritual Laws of Success - Deepak Chopra.

4. I’m OK are OK – Erric Seghal

5. Emotional Intelligence - David Goleman

6. Working with Emotional Intelligence - David Goleman.

7. Good To Great - Jim Collins

8. Goal - Eliyahu Goldratt.

9. Only the Paranoid Survive - Andrew Grove

10. All the books in the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” series.

11. “Effective Group Discussion: Theory and Practice” by Gloria J. Galanes, Katherine Adams , John K. Brilhart

12. “Effective Presentation”, 3rd Edition by Ros Jay, Antony Jay published by Pearson

13. Effective Presentation Skills (A Fifty-Minute Series Book) by Steve Mandel

14. EatiQuette’’s The Main Course on Dining Etiquette””: A step-by-step guide to dining with confidence in the 21st Century, by David Rothschild

15. “The Complete Idiot’’s Guide to Etiquette” by Mary Mitchell – Published by Alpha Books 16. “Strategic interviewing” by Richaurd Camp, Mary E. Vielhaber and Jack L. Simonetti – Published by Wiley India Pvt. Ltd

17. Essentials of Effective Communication, Ludlow and Panthon; Prentice Hall of India.

18. Spoken English by V Sasikumar and PV Dhamija; Tata McGraw Hill

19. Developing Communication Skills by Krishna Mohan and MeeraBanerji; MacMillan India Ltd.

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