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Tristan RoarkProfessor ThompsonENGL 1302.50823 September 2016The Enlightenment of EducationThe origin behind the evolution of modern day society revolves around one major factor and one thing only, education. Education is the reason why this world has evolved in such a drastic manner and it is not going to stop anytime soon. People would agree that education and knowledge are some of the most important traits to obtain in life. It is taught in many ways, some may be in the form of liberal studies, and others vocational. The way we have all obtained knowledge and achieved an education regardless of the level of academics one is that, we can conclude that there are many ways that one can educate themselves whether it be via school, parents, the internet, etc… Theories of education span from one persons ideas to another. Knowledge is limitless, and people describe what education is in a lot of ways. Of coarse some might object that education comes in many ways, shapes, and forms and to a certain degree, I agree with that. Although I concede that the teaching of education should be taught at a young age where kids are motivated to learn and gain knowledge. Education should not just be taught in a classroom, but should be achieved in many ways. Education should be taught through vocational practices in order for people to be more hands on and productive in the world around them. Through life lessons that people go through, and by the wisdom they gain through life, is the ultimate description of what education is. There are a few philosophers I am interested in discussing and explaining their views on education while comparing them to mine as well. Some philosophers believe in radical study practices, Hsun Tsu, a Chinese philosopher that live in isolation, took upon the practice of liberal studies thought that men were born inherently evil and believed in rigorous training, devoted liberal studies, and strongly believes that studying can bring men into enlightenment. His views on education differ drastically from others due to the fact that some people believe education needs to be vocational and hands on in a good environment opposed to sitting down all day and studying. Some of his views and the way he describes them does seem to make sense in certain aspects of life and he said that one time he “Once tried spending a whole day in thought, but found it of less value than a moment of study.” (Hsun Tsu 6). Many people would agree with him on the fact that studying is very important if one is trying to become educated. Although Hsun Tsu seems to be spot on about some aspects of education, many would agree that is methods are crazy. Educating oneself in isolation requires a lot of free will and is not for everybody, therefore his ideas of education might not be the best for everybody. Many people require others for help and advice in order to grow their knowledge, and trying to achieve knowledge by yourself would not work for most people and would become overwhelmingly boring. Anyone who wants to fill themselves with education and become one with knowledge should put themselves in an environment where there is a teacher guiding his/her students in a path of learning and success. Hsun Tsu was a very smart human being, but questioning his methods of studies would not be far fetched. Other philosophers may or may not agree with him, but using Hsun Tsu’s ideas definitely would not be the path to take if searching for knowledge. There are many philosophers who would follow in Hsun Tsu’s footsteps, but other writers have different ideas.John Locke’s ideas come from the idea that people learn and educate themselves through experience whether it be self taught or through trials in life. “Nativism,” in Locke’s eyes is the belief that people can relate and share values as part of the inheritance of humans. Locke describes two subjects in the process of educating and obtaining knowledge in oneself. Experience is his first theory in knowledge in which he thinks people learn values and life lessons in order for them to be educated which seems to be a really good trait to posses in life in order for someone to become wise, because without experience there is no wisdom. It is how you handle these, “experiences” in order for someone to learn and grow from it. The other idea Locke is looking at is “sensation,” and in order to gain from that, one must be in touch with what your brain is telling you and how to respond to it. In using sensation our brain tells us if it is hot, cold, hard, soft, painful, hungry, sleepy, etc… If we do not apply ourselves with sensation, then there would be no way anybody could learn, yet survive. Locke makes sense in his theories, but he seems to be focused solely on life lessons and the emotional and physical responses rather than actually obtaining knowledge in order for someone to achieve a higher education whether it be a degree, diploma, or a notice of higher education. Achieving wisdom and knowledge needs to be in an environment where the atmosphere is motivating for someone to learn and strive from, not just by following what your body is telling you.In listening about different ideas of education, Rabindranath Tagore, a Confucian philosopher, wants students to obtain knowledge not from an isolated classroom, but from the outdoors while learning specific things on their own time and at their own pace rather than feeling forced upon by the teacher. He believes that learning openly and tranquilly brings students into a level of education where they actually love learning. Most people would seem to agree that Tagore’s educational beliefs would be more appropriate and entertaining as opposed to the other philosophers beliefs. Tagore was a strong believer in vocational studies and a lot of people would seem to agree with him. The philosopher wanted to teach young kids in a different but positive way. According to him, “ The child’s life is subjected to the education factory, lifeless, colorless, dissociated from the context of the universe, within bare white walls staring like eyeballs of the dead. We are born with that God-given gift of taking delight in the world, but such delightful activity is fettered and imprisoned, muted by a force called discipline which kills the sensitiveness of the child mind which is always on the alert, restless and eager to receive first-hand knowledge from mother nature,” (Tagore 42). People get bored just sitting in a classroom all day which seems to burn out many of students and their passion of learning. Education should not be restricted and soul depriving, what education should be is positive, uplifting, and inspiring for eager learners to strive in order to obtain more knowledge. Tagore’s beliefs and ethics should reflect on what teaching and education should be. These philosophers all have a different standpoint when it comes to the origin of education and what it should be. All these writers make sense, but if the big picture is looked upon with an open mind, the obtaining of knowledge through the practices of different education methods all lead up to benefitting the human mind. Some more than others, but education is all about the enlightenment of the human mind and how it is going impact the world around it. ................

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