Every day, the children of Light live with attacks by the rulers and powers of the kingdom of darkness that often use human beings as their lackeys. At the same time, the children of Light continue on in victory because Abba’s counterattacks strengthen us and help us overcome. We also live by the blessings of the Kingdom of Light. Everyday our loving heavenly Abba/Father manifests His love to us, for we live with many counterattacks by the enemy, who attempts to cloud Abba’s blessings and bring us under the control of negative emotions. The enemy feeds on fear and the negative emotions that come from our fallen human soul.

The Bottom Line: The final war is being waged between Lucifer/Satan and his forces against Yahuwah and His forces--on earth and in the heavens (i.e. Revelaton 12:7-12). We, as children of Light, are in the middle of the war, in the middle of the battlefield. WE ARE AT WAR!

HOWEVER! Daily, we can overcome the enemy’s attacks by putting our faith in action, by the blood of the Lamb who delivered us from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of Light, by the word of our testimony--our own experience with the saving and delivering power of Yahuwah and Yahushua--and our determination not to love our earthly life more than our eternal future in the Kingdom of Elohim. (Revelation 12:11) We overcome by His joy--His might--by praising the Creator and proclaiming His Word! We have powerful “weapons that are not carnal, but mighty to the pulling down of strongholds!”

Yahuwah has declared THE FINAL WAR against the powers of darkness! He is rallying His set-apart children of Light, His servant-warriors, who have totally left the world’s dark kingdom--those loyal and obedient only to the Master Yahuwah!

In 1992, I had a profound dream. I was standing on air up in the sky somewhere. I was all by myself. I was dressed in the modest clothing of pioneer women of the 1800s. I stood with my Bible in my right hand, while gesturing with my left hand as I taught an invisible audience. Around my waist was wrapped a braided gold cord about ½” thick. All of a sudden, while I was teaching, someone pulled hard on the free end of the cord--pulling me through space at a tremendous speed, while a man’s voice counted backwards from 40 to zero. At zero, I flew into a great room. I “landed” by the leg of a huge chair. I knew where I was--in the throne room of heaven. I woke up with the details so clear. Years later, I pondered why I was standing in space preaching/teaching an invisible audience. I knew there were people out there, but I saw no one. Around 2007, while mentally reviewing this dream, it became clear: I was teaching an invisible audience in cyberspace--on the internet--something I did not begin to do until 2000, when I began writing to people like you! My purpose for being in cyberspace has always been to strengthen His people in His Word, so that they overcome, and stand before the throne of Yahushua in victory! (Romans 14:10-12)

Helping others find Yahushua’s salvation, setting people free, is the natural fruit of being truly born again, knowing the Master, and walking in the beauty of His set-apartness. I was wondrously born again at age 6. My immediate response was to tell my friends about salvation. Later, I came from playing with my friends to watch programs on TV that showed people being saved and healed. At the true new birth, our nature becomes like our Master’s nature. We think like He does. We love others enough to care about their eternal life. [Refer to: “The True New Birth”/2015 4th edit]

In 2000, I began writing articles, studies, and updates on what He had taught me. It is now 2016, and I am still sharing what He teaches me in articles, studies, and updates. I will continue until the golden cord pulls me into His throne room. My eternal goal is Revelation 22:3-5! For us all: “Faithful is He who has called you, who will also do it.” (I Thessalonians 5:23-24; Philippians 1:6; Psalm 136:7-8)

I’ve known the enemy’s intense attacks, beginning in the summer of 1966. At that time, I was a very naïve Baptist girl who knew nothing about the demonic world, or about Satanism, sexual perversion, child abuse, torture, sadism, sadomasochism, or anything about the mind of those under Satan’s rule. I lived a very sheltered life. I knew nothing about Joseph Mengele, the Nazi “angel of death” in Auschwitz, or his horrible “trauma-based mind control” experiments using Jewish children, which came into America in 1945 to be used on America children. I had no clue about spiritual warfare. So, when these horrors began to happen to me, I was so shocked that all I could do was daily attempt to survive. Day by day, the enemy gained ground by dehumanizing me. He finally succeeded in separating me from being able to accept the love of Elohim. I spent 10 years trying to do everything I could to show Him how much I hated Him. My church never taught me to know the real Elohim of the Word. Abba had to teach me how to know Him. I did not know the nature, ways, and thinking of the Elohim of Israel. Yet: “…though we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself” (II Timothy 2:13). “I will never leave you or forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5). “…who can separate us from the love of Messiah?...” (Romans 8:28-32)

Beginning in August 1966, Satan took off his mask as an angel of light, attacked hard, and kept attacking. I had no idea what was happening to me. However! In November of 1966, Yahuwah made a powerful counterattack! Without this counterattack I would have been killed a long time ago, and never known the real Yahuwah, the real Yahushua. In November 1966, I was awesomely baptized into the Spirit of Yahuweh, with all nine gifts of the Spirit in powerful operation. But, I was totally dragged into despair. Yet, because He remains faithful, His love never left me! It was ne who tied His hands from being able to help me, until 1985. [You can read my testimony in my autobiography, Touching the Eternal, published on Amazon in paperback book form, and on Amazon Kindle, and also in articles on , under the mikvah of the Spirit]

When my loving Abba Yahuwah, who is very different from the theological Christian “God,” and my loving Yahushua Messiah, who is very different from the Christian “Jesus Christ,” finally showed me the truth about myself through a powerful dream in 1985, I knew immediately repented of my hate, rebellion, and sin against Them! I repented with many tears! Immediately upon my repentance and restoration to the favor of Elohim, the cavern I had filled with hate was filled with deep love for my precious Abba and my precious Savior – Elohim of Israel! Yahuwah’s Spirit led me to guard the Torah, along with a deeper love and understanding for Yahushua Messiah.

No matter how hard the enemy attacks those whom Yahuwah “foreknew from the foundation of the world,” the counterattacks of Abba always manifest!

In April of 1999, He led me to live in Aqaba, Jordan, where He began teaching me His Word by His Spirit. I began studying “The Foundation of Deception” that I had grown up with, exposing it to others. During those many years enslaved to fear, sin, and hate, He taught me correct spiritual warfare. I learned the root of how the enemy works to twist people’s minds into believing his lies! Abba Yahuwah does NOT waste our time!

He helps us “redeem time.” His Spirit taught me the plots and plans behind things that the enemy did. (Ephesians 6:10-18; II Corinthians 10:3-6)

Warning! Never attempt spiritual warfare without the authority-backing of Yahuwah.

[Refer to: “Authority Backing”/February 12, 2012 and “Scriptural Spiritual Warfare” Parts I, II, and III/June-July 2010]

During my years of suffering, I learned the nature, ways, and thinking of the enemy – his goals, his plans, his boundaries, his final judgment! Learn! Be wise! We will be facing powerful enemies that have not been on this earth before, or not since before the Flood in Noah’s day. Learn to rest securely in the love of our Beloved Elohim.

The enemy is a legalist. If you give him legal right to attack you, that is your fault! Yahuwah cannot help you. He will not cross your will! Submit to the Spirit’s discipline, testing, training and empowering. No soldier is sent onto the real battlefield with no armor, no weapons, and no knowledge about the enemy or his abilities.

Luke 10:19: “I give you authority over all the authority of the enemy …”

But, you have to know how to use that power and authority that He gives! You can’t really learn how to war correctly by reading a book, listening to a sermon, reading an article, or playing religious games with it. It’s no game! You have to get into the battle and allow the Spirit to train you as you war. It’s a matter of total dependency on your Teacher! Many mistakes are made by gung-ho believers, who end up actually opening doors for the enemy to attack them. Messiah did nothing and said nothing except what His Abba told Him just what to do and say. Are we any better than our Master? As true believers, we must rest securely under the authority of Yahuwah’s Spirit!

We must never go beyond the boundaries of obedience. We only have authority to speak into the demonic realm to set someone free, IF we have been well-trained in the Word and in the “power of His might.” Also, the will-power of those we want to help must be aligned to Yahuwah. We must not order demons to get out of, or loose (unbind), a person if the person wants to stay bound, or if they are willfully subservient, “echad,” with those who are bound! [“Echad”: a Hebrew word that signifies two in perfect unity as if they were one--like Yahuwah and Yahushua] We must never touch a person who has demons when doing deliverance, because demons have the legal right to jump onto us, if we’re out of line with Yahuwah’s authority! WISDOM! WISDOM! WISDOM!

Only the Spirit of Yahuwah and Yahushua have the wisdom we need to conquer the powers of darkness. They are the trainers of their soldiers! We do have the right to make proclamation against demonic forces that are in our house, harassing us or our family.

The forces of evil are entering this world at an incredible rate right now, in many forms. Please note: We have been given no authority over some of the fallen ones, because they are allowed by Yahuwah to do as they do--for a short time--until His purposes for them are over. The “principalities” over nations, for example; the “powers,” the “wicked ones in high places” set in power by Yahuwah for His purposes, for example. But, over demons, Nephilim, hybrids of all sorts, over the works of the enemy--yes, we have power to stand to protect ourselves and others we love. We have promises that He will fight for us, too! Proclaim His promises, strengthen your faith!

GO to the Word! Learn how Messiah and the Apostles operated in the Spirit of Yahuwah. Learn your legal boundaries. Acts 19:13-16 is a good story to remember: As in the story, unless you are known by Yahuwah, the demons don’t know you either.

The battle is increasing. More and more human beings are joining the forces of Satan and his fallen angels. Before it’s over there will be massive forces of the fallen ones, hybrids, mutates, returning Nephilim, and mind-controlled humans, and on the other side will be the Daniel 11:32b children of Yahuwah who know their Elohim!

II Timothy 3:12: “And indeed, all those wishing to live reverently in Messiah Yahushua will be persecuted.” Matthew 10:22: “And you shall be hated by all for My Name’s sake. But he who endures to the end shall be saved.” Philippians 1:27b-29: “…you stand fast…striving together for the faith of the Good News, without being frightened in any way by those that oppose you, which, to them truly is proof of their destruction, but to you of deliverance and that from Elohim. For to you it has been given as a favor, on behalf of Messiah, not only to believe in Him, but to suffer for His sake…”

Passages like these are throughout the Word. Anyone who is loyal to Yahuwah and Yahushua will be attacked by those who are terrified of Their Power and judgment. It is “par for the course” to have attacks, as we go about our business of serving the Master! The attacks are against the Spirit within us, to get rid of us who house His Spirit. The enemy does not fear “nominal,” or “lukewarm” Christians or Messianic people. So, they appear to go on with life as usual. But, there is a day of separation!

When the enemy attacks, there are always Yahuwah’s righteous counter attacks to protect, strengthen, shield, and aid His set-apart ones.

My main purpose for this article is to show you the definite pattern of attacks and counterattacks between the Kingdom of Light and the kingdom of darkness, so that you know what’s going on and not be deceived!

Yahuwah created human beings in His image and likeness. The recreation of His earth in Genesis 1 was “good”--only good! But Satan, who had corrupted it earlier, couldn’t stand for the “good” to continue. When he saw the creation of Adam and Eve, he had to try to stop Yahuwah from building His family. So, he came to Adam and Eve and deceived them into switching their allegiance from Yahuwah to himself, by giving empty lying promises of “you shall be as gods.” As time went on, he began his goal of destroying the likeness and image of Yahuwah from the earth, to corrupt mankind into his own ugly image and likeness, to destroy the beauty of this earth, to make it dark and ugly as it had been in Genesis 1:2. Then he had to stop Abel. Thus Cain killed Abel. It got down to Seth only. But, Yahuwah continued to build His family!

One third of Yahuwah’s angels followed him in his rebellion against Yahuwah. They are fiercely loyal to him. In Genesis 6, we read how some of them came to earth to live by through mating with human women and producing hybrids—giants, and mutates of various types. When the original Nephilim died, their offspring took the secrets of DNA mixing, and began corrupting all of creation by mixing the DNA of humans with that of animals, birds, fish, insects, plants, and the very soil of earth. This brought on the worldwide judgment of Genesis 6-8. Throughout the history of His family, over and over, the dark kingdom continued to attack everything that Yahuwah set in order for our blessing.

Before His death, resurrection, and ascension, Yahushua set in motion the requirements necessary to receive His salvation--repentance, forsaking all, guarding His Abba’s Torah, being filled with His Spirit, absolute submission and obedience to His Father, and absolute loyalty to Them both. Following the Lamb is certainly not having an easy belief-system that allows us to love the world and still “go to heaven.”

After Yahushua’s death, resurrection, and ascension, because of the mighty spread of the Good News of salvation among the Jews, Greeks, and the “lost tribes” of Israel, Satan counterattacked, using Hellenized Jews and Greeks to create an Egyptian-Greek pagan counterfeit religion--Gnostic Christianity. Later, it was institutionalized by Rome with the Gnosticism removed, but with sun god worship added, using elements of the worship of Sol Invictus, the Persian god, Mithra, which took Christianity even further from any Hebraic roots. It was “gentile” religion.

There have been many wonderful people through the centuries who have called themselves “Christian”--those who sought the Elohim of the Bible for themselves and found Him. His mercy has allowed all of us to find salvation through His Son, even if we didn’t understand His true nature, or the nature of His Father. He always has taken the truly born again ones forward into Truth, separating them from lies and deceptions!

Yahushua restored His Father’s Name to His people. Satan counterattacked by making His Name forbidden, substituting titles that were names of pagan gods in the place of Yahuwah and Yahushua.

The Torah of Yahuwah was given at Sinai for all mankind (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14). Those who are His children embrace the righteous rules for right-standing in His Kingdom. But, the Greek-Roman founders of Christ-ianity, named for the Egyptian-Greek god “Christos,” rejected His righteous Torah (his instructions and teachings for right-standing in the Kingdom of heaven), later adding the “law of the Jews” to the text of the Bible. Another counterattack on the Bible was the separating of the “Old” from the “New” Testament-- separating the “God” of Israel from the “Christ” of the gentiles.

Christianity was well received by the pagan world, causing extreme persecution on those that guarded the Torah and had the witness of Yahushua, the Messiah of Israel. It was the Roman institutionalized Church that brought the most persecution, even the slaughter of the true believers.

In 133 CE, Rabbi Akiva created “Rabbinic Judaism” as an extension of the ancient Pharisees. Rabbi Akiva exalted the authority of rabbis far above that of Elohim. He also despised the Torah-guarding believers in Messiah Yahushua. He manipulated the Roman government to help him kill the “talmudi yeshua”--the “followers of salvation.” Greeks and Romans hated anything Hebrew. They hated the Torah. [For details, refer to: “Exposing Rabbinic Judaism and Its Link to Rome”/March 2009]

The Jesuit order was established on Sep 27, 1540. The Jesuit movement was

founded by Ignatius de Loyola, a Spanish soldier turned priest, who was an occultist.

During the Protestant Reformation of the 1500s against Roman rule, the Jesuit Order took it upon themselves to defend the Pope. They often did so by killing true believers. They went on a rampage against the Reformers and those that held only to the Bible in a Counterrevolution. During this counterrevolution they slaughtered many believers, which they still do today. Anyone not bowing to the pope was a target for their evil.

Today, through centuries of infiltration, the Jesuit Order controls most every government, all aspects of commerce and trade, economy, religion, intelligence organizations, universities, and on and on, in the entire world. It controls America.

They hate the Word of Yahuwah more than they hate anything else. They have succeeded in inserting doctrines into fundamental Protestant Christianity that has had terrible affects on believers – putting false hope in false teaching. They have corrupted parts of the Messianic Writings, inserting words and ideas that are not grounded in the Tenach (Hebrew Scriptures – our foundation of all truth).

The Crusades, the Inquisitions, and the on-going Counterreformation, has brought Protestant Christianity under the control of the Vatican for the most part, and weakened the truth of the Word to the point where very few are even truly born of the Spirit.

In general, Satan’s counterfeits have always had religious roots. Most religions have hidden their roots. Lucifer has attempted to direct man’s worship away from Yahuwah to him, hiding it in the names of different gods--facades, masked deities, and saviors. All religions are being gathered under the umbrella of the Vatican--today’s seat of Satan.

Acts 3:19-22: “Repent therefore and turn back for the blotting out of your sins, in order that the times of refreshing might come from the presence of the Master, and that He sends Yahushua Messiah, pre-appointed for you, whom heaven must receive until the time of the restoration of all things of which Elohim spoke through the mouth of all His set-apart prophets from of old.”

In the 1800s, Yahuwah began His restorations, in the order by which He originally gave the plan of salvation in the 1st century. The whole of Torah is about the plan of the salvation through Yahushua Messiah! [Regarding the 7 Festivals of Leviticus 23, refer to: “Seven Appointments With Man”] Satan saw and panicked!

The Jesuit Order, Satan’s Order, began their takeover of America by the 1600s, growing greatly from the 1700s to world rule in the present. Yahuwah counterattacked by raising up men like Charles Chinique within the Roman Church who finally opened the door for Roman Catholics to find the real salvation through the Word of Elohim.

In the midst of it, Yahuwah began His first restoration with a massive moving of His Spirit in the 1800s to bring about the true new birth in millions, beginning in England and America. Men like Charles Finny were so empowered with the Spirit that he could walk into a work place and people would begin weeping and repenting of sin. The great revivals of men like George Whitfield and Charles Spurgeon rocked the western world with the moving of His Spirit. The great missionary movement was launched. Born again people felt led to go to foreign lands to tell the lost about the saving blood of Jesus and His resurrection. Whole nations were opened up to the Word of Elohim. Within Protestant nations of Europe, the UK, America, there was revival – a renewed excitement about the new birth. Missionary Boards formed to send out people to many lands. The outpouring of the message of salvation was Abba’s doing exclusively.

However! It wasn’t long before Satan began his counterattack. The preaching of the Good News of salvation became institutionalized. Big-name evangelists formed ministries, and created their own brand of “order.” At the same time, missionary boards, controlled by human reasoning, began enforcing requirement on missionaries they would sponsor with their money. Missionaries would need a college education. They would need “skills.” They would need to learn the language of their designated country, and on and on. This discouraged many who felt led to be missionaries, thus faith and dependency on the Spirit of Yahuwah was replaced by the authority and money of missionary boards. Women like Gladys Alyward went anyway, even though the China Inland Mission wouldn’t support her. Later they were humbled by the working of the Spirit through her. Lottie Moon went to China, but the mission boards put such restrictions on her that few joined her, mostly all women. Lottie starved to death with her people because the mission board in England wouldn’t send help.

Hudson Taylor rejected the missionary board’s control. Later they downplayed him as being very “unconventional.” He dressed like the local people in China. Yet, through he and his wife, the interior of China was opened up to the Gospel.

Psalm 78:41: “They turned back and tempted Elohim, and limited the Set-Apart One of Israel.”

Through religion no one can know Yahuwah and Yahushua! They are Persons – not a religion! Because they did not know Him, they limited Him to their own reasoning.

With each of Yahuwah’s final restorations, the enemy moved in to counterattack by raising intellectual religious people into positions of control--setting limits on the Set-Apart One of Israel—attempting to put Yahuwah’s Spirit under the authority of mission boards, denominations, and organizations. Of course Yahuwah’s Spirit won’t be confined by man’s intellect, so He withdrew to let people walk on the broad way.

Today, there are an estimated 43,000 Christian denominations and organizations, all claiming to have all truth. And none of them have the Truth! They’ve thrown Him out and adopted the reasoning of human beings who don’t know Them. Yahuwah has worked around man to save as many as possible, but His patience with the systems of man is over!

1871: Refer to “The Pergamum Altar and the Throne of Satan”/September 4, 2015.

In 1871, Albert Pike, leader of the Scottish Rite Freemasons, and Giuseppe Mazzini, leader of the Illuminati and founder of the MAFIA, wrote a plan for three world wars, and three new forms of government that would lead to a one world order. World War I and Communism, World War II and Fascism, Nazis, came about perfectly as planned. Now Part III, World War III, and world government is soon to be executed perfectly.

In 1871, the first friezes of the Pergamum Altar, altar of Zeus, “seat of Satan” (Revelation 2) were sent to Berlin--the new capital of the new country of Germany. (On January 18, 1871 Germany became a nation)

In the late 1800s, the New Age Movement arose out of the Theosophy teachings of Madam Blavatsky and the Thule Society. In the 1800s the séance movement began, as one of many counterattacks by Satan on the true new birth of Yahuwah’s Spirit.

With Yahuwah’s restoration, Satan counterattacked by deluging the world with various forms of ancient religions that were mystic, esoteric, and occult, restoring Satanism, witchcraft, voodoo, and other forms of his perversions by which he could seduce mankind into worshipping him. Mankind began to call for the return of the sky gods, the Nephilim of old, to rule them. Nazis arose to carry forth the restoration of the Arian Race, putting into practice the real meaning of Darwin’s “evolution theory.” Darwins’ infamous book was published on 24 November 1859. Its full title was On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life.

Darwin’s book became the foundation for modern reasoning. It was the foundation for the Eugenics movement that began in the early 1900s, of Planned Parenthood, the Holocaust, and the basis of the modern-day transgenic, trans-humanist movement. Evolution is basic to the plans for exterminating the very young, the elderly, and the infirmed, in our world today. It is the basis of Nazi occultism, Satanism--to destroy everything inferior to their idea of the gods of old--the “super men,” the heroes, the “men of renown,” Genesis 6. The philosophy of Eugenics began in the early 1900s in America, straight from the mind of Satan, at the same the great revivals of the new birth and the in-filling of Yahuwah’s spirit came straight from Yahuwah’s mind.

The war is for elimination of the image and likeness of Yahuwah in the earth! Today, the destruction of nearly 7 billion people is proposed, to begin a “post-human generation.” [Refer to: “Eugenics: The Planned End of Mankind”/January 2008]

The “powers that be” behind the post human movement and their governing bodies, like the U.N., consider humans to be no more important than insects, lab rats, or experimental animals to be used and destroyed. This is why horrible “experiments” are being done on aborted fetuses. To date, worldwide, since the early 1970s, there have been over 2 billion abortions, at least that we know of. America funds abortions worldwide using tax-payer money.

In the midst of Satan’s counterattacks against Yahuwah’s restoration of the new birth, around 1896 the return of the original Nephilim began--those whom Yahuwah bound in Tartaros until the day of their judgment. (II Peter 2:4) Enoch I, chapter 10, tells us of Enoch’s 70-generation prophecy from the days before the Flood to approximately 120 years ago (around 1896-1900). When they returned, they brought with them the same things they gave to mankind before the days of Enoch – weapons of war, land transportation, space travel, drugs, witchcraft, and immorality.

Daniel 12:4: “Seal up the book until the time of the end, when men shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.”

Genesis 6:3: The 120 years given to man have materialized in two basic timings: 1) 120 years X 50 Jubilee years = 6,000 years of man’s history, and 2) 120 years from the return of the Nephilim to the coming of Messiah from approximately 1896 to 2016. The signs of their return began between 1896 and 1900.

The second restoration of Yahuwah, following the Biblical pattern in the Messianic Writings, was the restoration of the baptism into the Spirit by Messiah after a person is born again. In the coal mining area of the Rhondda in 1904, Evan Roberts was used by the Spirit to launch the restoration of His infilling and empowering of those truly born again. The gifts of the Spirit were restored. As early as the last 1800s, men like Charles Finny were being filled with the Spirit, not knowing what was happening to them, but being empowered with the anointing (Presence) of the Spirit to such a degree that, in many cities, bars had to shut down due to lack of business, houses of prostitution had to close due to lack of “clients,” crime rates dropped to nearly zero, and people were crying out for salvation. I recommend you read Charles Finney’s autobiography!

This great movement of Elohim moved into other nations. By 1906, it came to America in the Azusa Street revival in Los Angeles, California. It was like the glorious “day of Pentecost” all over again! Those who were filled with the Spirit had a burning desire to reach the lost with salvation, as well as begin to pray for the sick, cast out demons, and study the Word.

NOTICE! With those truly born again and truly filled with the Spirit, the main fruit has always been the desire to share the Good News with others because love for Messiah compels us to share it! (II Corinthians 5:16-21) Beware of losing your first love!

From Wales, the message of the baptism into the Spirit was brought into Germany. Whether it was solely the rejection of it by the state Lutheran church, or a combination of different rejecting forces, the government of Germany outlawed the teaching of the baptism into the Spirit. By the early 1920s, Nazis were deeply involved with Satan, through séances and rituals. The Theosophical Society was founded in late 1875, in New York City, by Russian noblewoman Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and American Colonel Henry Steel. Theosophy became a foundational belief of Hitler. The Thule Society was founded in August 17, 1918. In September of 1919 Hitler joined it. It later became the Nazi Party. Its roots were “neo-pagan,” as is the Theosophy Society. The Vril were totally satanic. They became part of the Nazi ambition to eliminate all inferior races, and return the gods of old to rule mankind. That’s what is behind the emphasis on aliens now.

The rejection of the baptism of the Spirit was the rejection of Yahuwah Himself. It is the unpardonable sin! (Matthew 12:23-32) It was met by Yahuwah’s counterattack on Germany—Hitler, Fascism, Nazis, and the destruction of the nation in World War II. Satan used Hitler to destroy six million Jews. Yahuwah counterattacked with the establishment of the state of Israel, to prepare it for the coming of His Son!

It was not long after the 1904 revival broke out in Wales, that religious controllers in the UK, in Europe, and in America, began forming denominations and organizations to control the “movement.” New churches formed under the names like “Pentecostal” or “Apostolic Holiness,” later being called “Charismatic.” Early on, there were those that Abba raised up to flow in His Spirit and draw people to Himself, like Maria Woodsworth Etter and Aimee Semple McPherson. But, it was not long before these moves of the Spirit drifted towards being institutionalized.

At the same time, the counterattack of Satan introduced cults of various kinds. Along with the establishment of Mormonism officially April 6, 1830, there was the establishment of the Jehovah’s Witnesses in the 1870s--both deny the deity of Messiah, making Him into something totally weird. The Seventh Day Adventist movement was officially established May 31, 1863. During the 1800s, there was a hodgepodge of new religious groups.

Another counterattack by the evil ones was the explosion of materialism around 1900s, and World War I (1914: Mazzini/Pike Plan I). Technology was once again given to mankind by the returned Nephilim, enticing mankind to align to the plans of Satan.

The early 1920s saw the rise of the New Age Movement with Alice Bailey, and technology explosions like the “discoveries” of Nicola Tesla and weather warfare. The Nazis rose to power, and through séances, by 1922, began building flying saucers, which they perfected by the 1940s. Once again, Nephilim gave man technology, stolen from Yahuwah, that would bring about his destruction – body, soul, and spirit.

Yahuweh’s third restoration began around 1920, as an outgrowth of the baptism into the Spirit--the great healing movement, with deliverance from demons, more evangelism, more teaching of the Word, and with hunger among people for Truth. Yahuwah raised up men like Smith Wigglesworth, John G. Lake, and William Branham.

Satan’s counterattack: More occult societies began, demonic supernatural manifestations increased, “paranormal” manifestations, there was a rise in magic and witchcraft, as well as Lucifer and/or Satan worship. Satan worship has grown to a huge degree, even among the U.S. military.

And, once again, Satan used religious man, who began to organize the great healing movement of the Spirit of Yahuwah. Every single time, whether on a personal level, or a group level, or an organizational level, when man tries to organize “God” the work of the Spirit stops. Yahuwah will not compete with man!

More unscriptural doctrines were introduced. As a counterfeit by Satan, as time went along, the simple message of living by child-like faith became “the Word of Faith” movement, the “blab it and grab it” movement, the “name it and claim it movement.”

The whole movement has become no more than people using “faith” to obtain selfish desires--money, personal power and control, materialism, and fleshly gratifications

Today, the church system as a whole is dying for lack of Truth. Most denominations have now rejoined with the Vatican and openly rejected the Protestant Reformation. Few teach correctly on the return of Messiah, because few hear from the Spirit. Christians and Messianics run around with “itching ears” to find teachers that tell them what they want to hear. (I Timothy 4:1; II Timothy 3:1-7, 4:3-4, etc.). Messiah is left out of the lives of most “believers,” as is prophesied in Revelation 3:15-22.

In the 1940s, 50s, and 60s, using television and other media, Yahuweh continued the spread of the Good News around the world, along with the in-filling of His Spirit, coupled with miracles, healings, deliverances, the 9 gifts of the Spirit, along with more teaching of the Word regarding real faith.

In the mid-1990s, Yahuwah began His FINAL RESTORATION! Though there have been individuals and groups that taught the guarding of Torah all through history, in the mid-1990s, there was a stark rise in people returning to Torah--guarding Shabbat, the Festivals, and desiring to get out of dying Christianity, and learn their “Hebrew roots.” The Hebrew Roots Movement and the Messianic Movement was launched forward. The Messianic movement originally was considered exclusive for Jews who had come to faith in Messiah. But, with people like Angus and Batya Wooten, John Hulley, Ephraim and Ramona Frank, and Steven Collins, along with the awesome research of Ya’ir Davidy, an Orthodox Jew, and his team, “the 10 lost tribes” were found. The door opened for the House of Ephraim/Joseph/Israel to return to the Torah, much to the consternation of religious Jews who thought Ephraim was of lower status with “God” than Judah.

But, it was not long before Satan began his counterattack. One way was to keep people content with their Christianity but fascinated with Hebrew roots teaching, which became no more than a fad. Another way was to get people so proud of their Torah guarding that they forsook Messiah, discredited Him as Deity, or just ignored Him. The religious prided themselves on being Jewish and studying the Torah, while forsaking the reading of the “New Testament.” Then came the “hate Paul” movement, then came the denial of Messiah’s Deity movement, then came the denial of Messiah movement, as many former Christians converted to Judaism. That plague is with us more now than ever before! Satan has done a fabulous job of getting people to commit eternal suicide!

The Jewish “anti-missionary movement” has won over a lot of victims to the wicked religion of Rabbi Akiva, who will join them in the flames of hell. Leviticus 17:11 is an eternal requirement for salvation!

The evidence of Satan’s attacks and counterattacks are with us today-- in the world, in Christianity, in the Messianic Movement, in Judaism, and in the minds of people in general--leaving us all with a disastrous mess that only the return of Messiah can clean up! Rather than seeking the Spirit as their Teacher, people are flocking to teachers who do not know Yahuwah or Yahushua.

The restoration of all things has come to pass. Messiah is on His way. Stick with the Spirit of Yahuwah as your only Teacher! He will confirm His Word in His own way.

Be wise! Be discerning! Prepare well!

Shalom in His love,


March 3, 2016


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