On January 1, 2015, the article “Withdrawal” was posted on my website, . I spoke in more detail about the withdrawal of Yahuweh’s Spirit from the earth and what is happening as a result of it, though I had mentioned this in several articles previously. This article follows suit. It tells what is departing with Him. It also speaks about your important role now, and in the days to come. This article should encourage you greatly!

II Thessalonians 2:6-8a: “And now you know what restrains for him (the anti-messiah, the man of sin, Apollyon-“apolia”--the destroyer) to be revealed in his (appointed/mo’ed) time, for the mystery of lawlessness is already at work, only until he who now restrains comes out of the midst, and then the lawless one shall be revealed…” (Italics mine) Read in context!

Daniel 12:2: “And now at that time, Micha’el shall stand up--the great prince who is standing for the sons of your people. And there shall be a time of distress such as never was since there was a nation, until that time. And at that time your people will be delivered, everyone who is found written in the Book (of Life).” (Also Matthew 24:21-24)

Other examples of expressions that denote our time are: “that Day,” “the Day of Yahuweh,” “the latter days,” and “in that day, at that time.” The words “shall stand,” refer to Micha’el standing to one side, standing aloof, or stepping back. Micha’el has been the restrainer of evil over Israel from earliest times. In Jude 1:9 Micha’el is called the chief angel, or archangel. He is called upon to address Satan, who is highly disturbed because he can’t find Moses’ body. Because of the high position of Micha’el and the trust that Yahuweh has in him, it is most likely that he is the one who replaced Lucifer/Satan after he rebelled and took 1/3rd of the angels with him.

When it comes time for Yahuweh to give the nod to Satan to begin his days of rage, Micha’el, the restrainer, will step back and allow the evil to go forth, over Israel, and over the world.

So great is the grief of Yahuweh over having to judge the world that He goes into His throne room and even sends the angels out (Revelation 15:7-8) Notice, by a carefully reading of Revelation 15-22, that the messengers who pour out the bowls of wrath upon the earth as Messiah returns, are not angels, but blameless human beings – seven of His most trusted servants.

Once the restrainer is removed from Israel, Mazzini/Pike Plan III, and all the goals of Satan will go forward with great fury and intensity to destroy as much of Yahuweh’s creation as possible, as fast as possible.

Speaking of the assigned task given to the blameless undefiled set-apart servants of Yahuweh to judge what is defiled, Sha’ul wrote: “Do you not know that the set-apart ones will judge the world…Do you not know that we shall judge angels? - How much more the things of this life? … Do you not know that unrighteousness shall not inherit the Kingdom of Elohim?” (I Corinthians 6:2-3, 9) At the conclusion of II Corinthians 10:3-6 Sha’ul wrote concerning spiritual warfare: “…and being ready to punish all disobedience, when your obedience is complete.” All judgment has been turned over to the Son. But, in the execution of His wrath, He has chosen ones who are “complete,” and blameless before Him, who will also judge, like the two witnesses of Revelation 11. These have long ago judged themselves, so there is no judgment for them – i.e. Revelation 14:1-5 – they are blameless before Him. Don’t think blamelessness is too high a goal for you. (I Thessalonians 5:23-24) Submit to the working of His Spirit in you, and desire purity, set-apartness, and blamelessness, and He will bring it to pass! Without having to say anything, by our nature and our lifestyle that aligns to Yahuweh and Yahushua in this dark and evil world, we shine as lights, and therefore judge the darkness as we walk through our day.

Revelation 12:12: “Woe to the earth and sea, because the Devil has come down to you with great wrath, knowing that he has a little time.” [To understand how little time he is allotted, refer to: “The Abomination That Lays Waste”] Truly the days will be shortened! [To check out this time-period further, refer to: “The Season of the Coming of Messiah and Yahuweh’s Judgment on the World”/January 8, 2012] The Scriptures in this 2012 article are amazing--pointing to only one time of year that these things can happen, and the only time of the year that Messiah can return. Yahuweh does nothing haphazardly--His timing is perfect!

Michael has been restraining the powers of evil from destroying Yahuweh’s land of Israel. But, soon, he will be told to stand aside, and let the evil go forth. Also, within Yahuweh’s very nature and character are restraining forces that are leaving the earth with Him. He will allow Lucifer/Satan/the Devil/the Dragon/Serpent his time to do his worse, before Messiah descends to stop it all on “The Day of Yahuweh.”

In this article, I will list a few of these restrainers that hold back the full fury of evil over His people, so that you might be aligned with them! But, also, as a child of Yahuweh and Yahushua you are a restrainer by your new nature, which you received at your new birth. (II Corinthians 5:17) [Refer to: “The True New Birth”/August 2009 to learn the 40 things that happen to a person when they truly repent and, by faith, receive the salvation of Yahushua Messiah]

Each member of the Bridal remnant, and this remnant as a whole, is one of the main restrainers left on earth, as she awaits the coming of Yahushua, the Bridegroom. She remains full of Yahuweh’s Spirit, even as He is now ascending into His throne room to await the pouring out of His wrath. When He departed, as told in Ezekiel chapters 8-11:23, He remained with those marked and chosen ones whom He knew – i.e. Jeremiah, Daniel, Daniel’s three friends, and Ezekiel.

The restrainers are also the preservers of the earth. Messiah referred to His disciples as salt – a preserving agent. (Matthew 5:13-16) Yahushua said that if the salt has lost its saltiness it is good for nothing but to be trampled underfoot of man. Tragically, religion and cultures of ease and comfort has caused most of His people to lose their saltiness – and thus they have nothing within themselves by which to preserve the earth from destruction. They will be trampled under the feet of evil men. Messiah also refers to His children as the “lights of the world.” If our light is not shining brightly, what good are we? -- We walk in darkness just like the damned.

Malachi 3:5-6: “See, I am sending you Eliyahu the Prophet before the great and terrible Day of Yahuweh. And he shall turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with utter destruction.”

If there is no Torah-order on the earth when He comes, the whole earth will be destroyed. In Mark 13, we read that children in our day will rise up against their parents and cause them to be put to death. The same mind-programming of children to rebel against their parents, Elohim’s authority, and all righteous authority, used by Hitler, Stalin, and Mao Tse Tung, is being used on American youth to train another army of fearless, cruel, and evil children and teens, with no mercy, compassion, or kindness. Military men are trained to kill an enemy. Today’s youth are being trained to kill for the fun of it. Using video games, TV, movies, action toys, etc, the Illuminati mind programming across board is teaching children the thrill of killing. Look at the list of character traits of our day in II Timothy 3:1-7, and compare them to what we are seeing across board in general in our culture.

II Timothy 3:1: “But know this, that in the last days, kelepos (Greek: raging insanity) will come.” Look at that list – it is in our face!

Therefore, if parents do not instruct their children in the Torah but turn them over to the programmers of evil, no matter how good their religious belief, they are no longer the “salt of the earth.” They have, ever so subtly, sacrificed their children to Satan. [Refer to: “Gentle Sacrifice”]

Unless, at His coming, Messiah finds children and fathers who are united, and obedient to His Kingdom instructions and teachings (Torah-Hebrew; “nomos”-Greek), He can’t set up His Kingdom. The good news is, that since He knows the end from the beginning there will be a remnant that will remain a preserver, a restrainer – the “salt of the earth.”

Luke 18:7-8: Messiah had told a parable that showed the faithful of His Father to us. But, then He asked: “But when the Son of Adam comes, will He find faith on the earth?” Yahuweh never fails to keep His promises! He never fails, period!!! But, He asks, will we remain faithful through the darkness trials of the coming days? (II Timothy 2:11-13)

From the beginning He had His restrainers and preservers of the earth – like Abel, Seth, Enoch, Methuselah, Noah, Shem, Abraham, Yitzak, Yacob, Moses, Joshua, the good Judges, Kings like David and Josiah, those like Nehemia and Ezra, and His trusted Prophets. After the Lamb of Elohim came, He had disciples and Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, and Pastor/shepherd Teachers, who were restrainers of evil, and preservers of the lineage of Messiah. But, all in all, the restrainers and preservers of earth have been very few. In fact, at times, this elite group of servants got down to one person on the entire earth, like with Seth and Noah. [Refer to: “The Preservation of the Royal Seed”/December 2007]

Today, there is a remnant that will be preserved, because they are restrainers, preservers, and useful obedient servants of the Master. They are very salty and very bright lights. Therefore, the Master has marked them for preservation through the tribulation. He needs these preservers, so He preserves them!!!

For a few weeks now I have been studying the Mishle (Proverbs), slowing going through each verse, using as a springboard for study the Mishle --Jewish Artscroll Commentary. It is amazing how much the words of Messiah Yahushua and of His Apostles amplify the words of the Proverbs. I am doing a lot of cross referencing, and the Spirit is amplifying more completely key meanings to me. After all, He, Yahuweh the Spirit, is the Teacher of Truth, the only One who knows absolute Truth in its most pure form! He is uniting His Spirit-taught ones, those who are now seeing “eye to eye.” To midrash with those who have the same Teacher, those who see eye to eye on all that He has taught, is like having fellowship in His Kingdom! I smile when I think that in His Kingdom everyone must be taught by Him, or by His chosen servants who teach like Him. No one will have the choice of finding a teacher who tickles their ear, and tells them what they want to hear. The lessons will be plumb line messages, so that they learn what they need to know to continue to His Kingdom! There will be strict discipline enforced. (Revelation 2:26-27) We have the privilege of His teaching now!

I Corinthians 6:19-20: When the Spirit of Yahuweh enters the spirit-temple of those who are truly born-again, He brings the fullness of Yahuweh, for He is Yahuweh. (II Corinthians 3:17-18)

He comes to purify, convict of sin, cleanse, guide and direct, to comfort, to lead into life everlasting, to teach, and to transform His children into His nature. He comes to discipline also. And, He won’t take any “back-talk” or excuses! His children either submit to His dealings, or He withdraws and leaves them to ourselves. That is very frightening! I fear Yahuweh – that is, above all fears, I fear losing His precious Presence!

His Spirit comes in with power and anointing (His Presence), to equip us to overcome the enemy. He gives us powerful spiritual weapons against our spiritual enemies. He comes in with 9 gifts to equip us to minister to others. He empowers us to live and speak like Messiah on this earth and do the “greater works” as He promised. He is the restrainer within us! He is the preserver of the earth within us! He is the salt and the light within us!

Luke 12:11-12: When you are brought before evil authorities, don’t even prepare what you are going to say, for the Spirit will tell you what you are to say. When I was dying of malaria in Musoma, Tanzania, I could not even remember my own name, for the disease produces amnesia. I had 13 of the 15 symptoms of malaria, and was in the final stages of its grip. But, my spirit was strong because the Spirit was strong within me. I could communicate from the “mind of the spirit.” I could not sit up; I was too weak. But, I was there to preach 25 meetings, and my African co-worker had preached 22 of those meetings already. I asked them to take me to the church. They carried me there, and set me in a padded chair with arm rests. They padded me with pillows. I had no memory to even remember my name. But, I heard the “still, small voice” of the Spirit within me, and I repeated what He said. I preached with great fervor and zeal, and my translator translated quickly. I preached for 2 hours. Later I came back and preached 2 hours more, and then 2 hours the next day. Then they put me on a bus for Kisumu, Kenya, an 8-hour trip. Yes, I survived and regained my memory, but through several events like that, I starkly learned the difference between the soul (mind, emotions, will, sin-prone nature, flesh, earth-bound desires) and the eternal re-born spirit that can house the Spirit of Yahuweh IF He is allowed in. Therefore, what is said in Mark 13:11 is perfectly normal to me. If I get into a dangerous situation, the Spirit will tell me what to do, what to say, how to act, and give me peace along with it.

If anyone rejects the Spirit, there is no repentance for that. If anyone says the working of the Spirit is from Satan, there is no repentance for insulting the Spirit. The Spirit is Yahuweh! It is “the sin unto death” to reject Him, to make light of Him, to take Him not seriously, to relegate Him to theology, or being a “force,” or an “it,” and to accuse His workings to Satan. (Matthew 12:24-32; I John 5:16) It is He who draws individuals to Yahushua for salvation! (John 6:44-45; I Corinthians 12:3, 13)

If a person does not have the Spirit of Yahuweh by the baptism into the Spirit, which Messiah does for those who are truly born of the Spirit, they are powerless against the enemy. Set aside charismatic churchy foolishness! Read the book of Acts! To reject the Spirit is to reject Yahuweh!

We need His power more today than any past time in history! Without His indwelling Presence, we are left with only our earth-bound soul’s reasoning to direct us! Without the empowering of the Spirit, faith that endures is impossible, and lasting faith for anything is impossible.

This is why most of His people run to human beings for help--no one can know Yahuweh if they reject the entrance of His Spirit into their temple. Imagine what would have not happened on the day that Solomon dedicated the Temple, if he had rejected the Spirit of Yahuweh’s coming down over the Ark? Yet, because of fear, doubt, intellectualism, and the lies of religion, so many of those that believe in Messiah have unwittingly rejected the Spirit of Yahuweh, and thus are left empty and void, dependent on their intellect, and the intellect of carnal men. They are totally open to “the wiles of the devil.” Because of religious extremism, many reject His Spirit as being a “charismatic thing.” The great falling away is not only happening, but is in its last stages. People who go by head reasoning have twisted the Scriptures to their own liking. We must learn from the whole Word (Genesis to Revelation). Without the Spirit no one can discernment His timing, the truth of His Word, the presence of evil ones, and who to trust and who not to trust. We must have His gifts operating in us! (Refer to: “The Manifestations of the Set-Apart Spirit”/April 9, 2008]

Read John 14-16 and the book of Acts! Without Him within you, able to function in full force within you, how can you endure what is coming? No one’s good deeds will help them; intellectual knowledge will fail; all the niceness will disappear and people will show their true nature.

Well does Messiah warn (Matthew 18:1-4), “Unless you become as a little child, you shall in no wise enter the Kingdom of heaven.” Think how a little child relates to their good father! People who are dependent on intellectual reasoning will fall apart when reality hits. Only those who are childlike can receive His Spirit! Human intellectualism blocks His Spirit!

The Spirit keeps us posted on what He is thinking and preparing to do. We are given the secrets of Yahuweh, who tells His set-apart servants what He is going to do before He does it, so we can be prepared. (Amos 3:7)

True wisdom and correct understanding can only come to those who are born from above, and have the Spirit of Yahuweh reigning in their re-born spirit, for true wisdom, knowledge, and understanding are imparted into the re-born spirit by the Teacher. From there, the mind picks it up and learns. If the mind accepts it, then the mind and the spirit align, and there is peace. Otherwise the battle between the two continues, and there is continued unrest, up and down emotions, unstable thoughts and actions. Through discipline, we learn to corral the rebellious soul! (Hebrews 12)

You can tell a person whose soul and spirit are aligned into one united “spirit man,” for their nature is that of Yahuweh and Yahushua. They think like Elohim thinks, and the fruit of their nature gives life to all who partake of it.

There is no wisdom unless it is taught by the Spirit as He tests, trains, and disciplines us to be conformed to the mind of Messiah. The mind of Messiah also resides in the re-born spirit. The “mind of the spirit,” is what kept me operating when the mind of the flesh shut down because of the malaria.

[Refer to: “Living From the Eternal Mind – The Secret of Never Being Deceived”/November 2010]

Only He can give you the true knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. First we must be forgiven and cleansed by the blood of the Lamb of Elohim, then receive His Spirit to teach us. Please know, I do not say this with any pride or condemnation for anyone, for He crushed me so low that I have no pride or judgment on anyone. But, after being taught wisdom and understanding by Yahuweh’s Spirit from Genesis to Revelation for so many years, the comments of the revered sages and rabbis on Mishle are a stew of good ideas, some solid wisdom, and some pure foolishness. The sages often make up ridiculous stories to pad the real stories that are sparsely told in the Tenach. Much of their thinking is based on their rabbinic teaching, the Talmud, Mishna, Oral Law, Gamatria, the Zohar, traditions of men (takinot), and even Kabala. Merely gaining intellectual knowledge of the Scriptures can take a person away from His Truth, if one’s intellect follows their own reason, or the reasoning of another person. This is why it is mandatory to have the Spirit as your teacher so that you can proverbially enjoy the fish, and clearly see the bones so that you don’t choke on them.

Colossians 2:8-9: “Make sure no one makes a prey of you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the traditions (takinot) of men, according to the elementary things of this world, and not according to Messiah, for in Him dwells all the fullness of Yahuweh’s Mightiness bodily…”

When intellectuals get together without the wisdom and knowledge of Messiah, without the Spirit of Yahuweh, to discuss the Scriptures, all kinds of foolishness often flows from them. Only Yahuweh knows fully what He says in His own Word. His Spirit was the Author of the Word in its original form. (II Peter 1:20-21; II Timothy 3:16-17) Don’t be fooled by people who act religiously superior, or intellectually superior. (Matthew 7:13-27)

Beware! Shun the teachings of those who reject Yahushua Messiah “in Whom dwells the fullness of Elohim bodily.” To submit to, align to, and receive the teachings of those who reject the blood of Yahushua for salvation is to deny Him. (Matthew 10:34-39) In our “Age of Humanism,” people follow intellectual people, or people who appear to be super spiritual, and become ensnared in a web of deceit and lies that leads to damnation. (Jeremiah 17:5-10; Mark 7:5-9; II Corinthians 11:14-15)

The restrainers, preservers, and resisters of evil hold back on onslaught of the enemy against the total destruction of His people. These walk in the power of the Spirit of Yahuweh – “the power of His might.” Those that are filled with the Spirit, walk in the Spirit, live in the Spirit, and are mighty through the Spirit against the powers of darkness.

When one is Spirit-taught, wisdom and understanding flow into the reborn spirit like water flows into a well-protected reservoir, which remains pure and usable as needed!

When one is not Spirit-taught, a mixture of some correct knowledge and wisdom, along with lies, deceptions, and pure foolishness, flows like muddy water and sewage into “cracked cisterns.” Such water is unfit for healthy drinking. (Jeremiah 2:8-13)

John 7:37-39, Messiah speaking: “If anyone thirsts, let him come unto Me, and let him who believes in me drink. As the Scripture has said: `Out of his innermost being shall flow rivers of living water.’ And this He said concerning the Spirit, which those believing in Him were about to receive, for the Set-Apart Spirit was not yet given, because Yahushua was not yet esteemed.” (Acts 1-2)

Isaiah 59:14-16: “And right ruling is driven back, and righteousness stands afar off, for truth has fallen in the street and righteousness is unable to enter...” This is in context with Messiah’s second coming!

Amos 5:10: “They hate the one who reproves in the gate, and they despise the one who speaks the truth.”

Truth has indeed been thrown into the street, and under the bus! This describes our world today. Today’s men and women have little capacity to even want to hear truth, let alone wisdom and understanding. “The fear of Yahuweh is the beginning of wisdom.” “The fear of Yahuweh is to hate evil.”

We are seeing the great apostasy, the “great falling away,” before our very eyes. What is truly in man is surfacing, for good, or evil. What has been hidden under a mask of religious goodness is oozing out for all to see. People are changing their beliefs and lifestyles to maintain their loyalty to lusts of their flesh.

Psalm 2:2-5 a: “The kings of the earth take their stand, and the rulers take council together against Yahuweh, and against His Messiah, and say, `Let us tear apart Their bands, and throw away their ropes from us.’ He who sits in the heavens laughs; Yahuweh mocks at them. He speaks to them in His wrath and troubles them in His rage…”

The world is raging against Yahuweh, His Messiah, His Torah, and His people! The “God of the Jews” is considered mean and hateful, and His Book a hate-crime book. Those with wisdom are learning how to keep silent, and only speak as He leads. The way to life is getting more and more narrow, and fewer and fewer are walking on it. The world is running down the broad road to their destruction. It is horrifying to see so many once “good Christians,” or “good Messianics,” running down the broad road with them!

The goal of the globalists is to replace all human kind with cybogs, robots, cloned creatures, DNA-mixed hybrids, and Nephilim, thus eliminating the eternal spirit. Humans are eternal beings. It is their spirit that makes them eternal beings. So, to mix human DNA with that of other creatures, including demons, would erase the spirit of man, and cut off his ability to enter the eternal Kingdom of Yahuweh. These hybrids cannot be “born again.” Their end is destruction. They cannot rise from the dead. The goal of Lucifer/Satan is not just to rid earth of His physical image and nature, but to keep humans from having eternal life with Yahuweh! Along with causing the Good News to be so watered down that few can be truly born again, as the “lord” of religion he also introduces doctrines and philosophies that keep people from tapping into the eternal realm of Yahuweh and become like Him. How delighted Satan is that most so-called “believers” have no interest in leading anyone to His Kingdom--thus they actually cooperate with him without knowing it.

It is very rare to hear anything anymore, even in churches, about the literal human spirit, which, if born again, becomes a portal into the realm of Yahuweh. The Christian “Gospel” alludes to this, but it is not clarified, so most people receive the Good News into their head, and never realize what involves their spirit. At the new birth, the Word, the “sword of the Spirit,” literally cuts between the soul and the spirit, perfecting the spirit, and leaving the soul to be “saved,” as it is disciplined to align to the spirit. (Hebrews 4:12)

Without understanding of the spirit of man, and of the Spirit of Yahuweh, people just live according to the soulish mind and follow their leaders into the world of death. Charismatic churches talk about the spirit, but no understanding that the Spirit is Yahuweh Himself, and so by receiving His Spirit, we are responsible to keep the Covenant of His Torah!

As we pass through the final days of this final era and age, proceeding towards the Kingdom Age of Yahushua, a great separation is taking place. Messiah said He did not come to bring peace to the earth, but to bring division – to separate. (Matthew 10:34-39)

As the Spirit of Yahuweh departs, He seriously is whittling down the children His children, to set apart a remnant for Himself. The way is getting narrower and narrower – in fact, its single file now to the narrow gate! The only one who can go beside us is the Master. He is whittling hard to cut away sin that binds us, and selfish ambitions that are contrary to His will. The process of whittling is like that of threshing – it is painful. It is hard. But, unless He is permitted to whittle, we won’t be prepared for the Kingdom. If people hold tight to their selfish self-will, they will be eliminated from the Kingdom. All belief systems will be tested. Whittling has the same effect as the raking of the “tribulum,” which separates the clinging chaff from the wheat. “Chaff” is our own sin-prone rebellion that keeps us from being usable to the Master.

Hebrews 12:25-29: “Take heed not to refuse the One speaking. For if those did not escape who refused His warnings on earth, much more we who turn away from Him who comes from heaven, whose voice shook the earth then. But, now, He has promised, saying `Yet once more I shake not only the earth but also the heavens.’ And this `yet once more’ makes clear the removal of what is shaken…so the unshaken things might remain. Therefore, receiving an unshakable Kingdom let us hold fast to the favor through which we serve Elohim pleasingly with reverence and awe, for indeed our Elohim is a consuming fire.”

Many Christians are looking for a big revival, with gold pouring out from heaven and people running into the churches to get saved, followed by a “rapture” of the church. This is no more than a fairytale concocted by the Jesuits to keep people from being submissive to the disciplines and whittling of a good Father. Hebrews 12:6-8: “For whom Yahuweh loves He disciplines, and flogs every son whom He receives. If you endure discipline, Yahuweh is treating you as sons. For what son is there that a father does not discipline? But, if you are without discipline – of whom you are all sharers – then you are bastards and not sons.” Straight forward truth …

As you can read in my report from my intercession in Rome and on Patmos, August 2012, Yahuweh is stepping back, watching to see if His children will remain loyal to Him. Undisciplined children are rebellious, stubborn, hard-headed, and defiant. They can’t be loyal to anyone but themselves.

Evil is fast-increasing. It will reach a point in the near future where the earth will be almost totally destroyed, and over 6 billion people dead. That is why this earth cannot stand more than 29-30 days of the reign of the Beast. [Refer to: “The Abomination That Lays Waste”] The book of Enoch I tells us about the coming of the Nephilim before the flood, and their return now.

Isaiah 5:20: “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil…Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and clever in their own sight.”

But, now, to openly speak against evil, and expose evil people, is dangerous. Even former friends and family are becoming more and more hostile to His Truth. In fact, to speak against what the Word calls “wicked,” or “evil,” now makes one vulnerable to having all types of abuse by their own government, including anything from harassment, the shutting down of bank accounts, slandering reputations, to imprisonment and even death. China’s persecution of the true believers who stand against evil is a good example of what is coming to America. America is following the Communist China pattern in many ways! Tolerance of evil is politically correct now.

Truly, as I spoke of the Hegelian Dialectic in my last two articles, the Illuminati has mind-programmed people to really believe that evil is good, and good is evil – to believe opposites. Today, the world scorns anyone who speaks out against evil, labeling them “cultists,” “extremists,” “resisters,” “religious fundamentalists,” “extreme right wingers,” etc.

Yet, we can’t put our light under a bushel basket. Yahuweh’s spirit within those that resist the advancement of evil, expose evil by their very nature. They know who we are! They consider us dangerous to their plans. Just by our siding with Yahuweh, we are enemies of all the elite who rule this world from their caves of darkness. We are the targets for destruction because we will resist their demands to align to a satanic world ruler and take his ID “mark.” True believers will be the hunted. Are you prepared to be hunted by powerful demonic humans and non-humans? It’s coming to your neighborhood and to your house, and its coming soon.

I am convinced by all the research I’ve done for so many years on the inside Illuminati, the “black royalty of Europe”--the 13 Illuminati bloodlines--regarding Satan worship, and the giving of pre-flood technology to the highest world rulers in politics, economics, military, and religion, that most of the world’s rulers, visible and hidden, are not fully human. Many other sane people agree with me (smile). I am not into weirdness, but I do know about the clones, the DNA hybrid mixes, the cyborgs, the Nephilim, and yes, the shape-shifting reptilians, too. I know that no one in the highest offices has any conscience. They do their evil with great happiness. So the murder of millions of people doesn’t even phase them. They are totally possessed with the spirits of the fallen ones. Every American President, except Martin Van Buren, is directly related to the very demonic Plantagenet/Angevin/ Tudor/Windsor bloodline, and they are all interrelated with each other. This bunch call themselves the Devil’s bloodline. Historians call them “the Devil’s brood.” Their goal is wealth, power, control, and the eradication of all human kind except for a few slaves. They are worshippers of Satan/Lucifer.

They bitterly hate the restrainers, the preservers of Yahuweh – because all these centuries they (“we”) have held back the total destruction of earth. But, now, Yahuweh says: “It’s over.” We are being pulled back! We are being called upon to withdraw! Withdraw where? -into His Presence (Psalm 91)!!! His born-again, Spirit-filled, Torah-guarding people, who live with His nature, have always been the restrainers and preservers, holding back the forces that want to push ahead of Yahuweh’s plans!

Did you know you were that important!

But, IF you are a world-loving person, you are not restraining anything. You are standing totally naked and unprotected in the face of the wrath of Yahuweh.

If your loyalty is totally towards Yahuweh, and your salvation firmly through Yahushua, you are a danger to the powers of the evil ones. By your very presence, you hold back what they want to do now, usurping Yahuweh’s control. But, as I said above, as He departs to His throne room to allow the evil one full control over the earth, He is calling His set-apart ones to hide until the destruction is past--whether in Petra (read information below), or in a tunnel or cave under East Jerusalem, or in the Garden of Eden, which will be opened to the Bridal remnant, you must hide in Him, under His talit, in His “secret place.”

We will only be allowed to restrain so long. Micha’el will only be allowed to restrain so long. When Yahuweh gives the “nod” and Micha’el throws out “that old Dragon” onto the earth, we’ll have 29-30 days before Messiah comes. The rage of the Dragon will be directed mostly towards us! I suppose you know that from reading the Prophets and Revelation!

So, what will happen to His people, including the marked set-apart ones, during those 29 or 30 days?

Isaiah 26:20-21: “Go my people, enter your chambers, and shut the door behind you. Hide yourself, as it were, for a little moment, until the indignation be over-past. For behold, Yahuweh comes out of His place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity. The earth also shall disclose her blood and shall no more cover her slain.”

You see this in context with Isaiah 26:14, when He speaks of the Nephiim and DNA mutate hybrids not rising in any resurrection (for they are only a two-part being, having only a body and a soul – no spirit)

Isaiah 26:19, Isaiah speaking of Yahuweh’s people and himself personally: “The dead men shall live, together with my dead body shall they arise. Awake and sing you who dwell in the dust, for the dew is as the dew of herbs, and the earth shall cast out the dead.”

When the Apollyon (Revelation 9:11; 11:7; 17:8; II Thessalonians 2:3), the Beast, the anti-messiah, incarnates his father Satan who is full of rage, how will the set-apart ones, still alive on earth, be protected? We know that He will put a mark on the Bridal remnant. He will protect those Jews in Jerusalem with a mark during the rampage before that. These are two different groups, but still, each will have a mark with the Father’s Name on it to protect these two groups. But, what about the guests of the attendants of the wedding who are alive on earth before the resurrection of the past justified ones? I have written much about this.

I lived in this area of 8 years (1999-2007). In Isaiah 26:20, it says for His people during this time of “indignation,” to go into “chambers” for a “little moment.” The Hebrew word for “chambers” is “holes in the rocks!”

A “little moment?” – Certainly NOT 3½ years? Please read past articles where I explain the Jesuit 3½ year hoax in detail. Where in proximity to Israel are these chambers? Isaiah is not talking about bomb shelters. He is talking about a place that the Orthodox Jews know to head to when the anti-messiah sits on his throne on the Temple Mount. They know to flee. They have not read Matthew 24:15-16, but they know to flee and they know where to flee. In Hebrew, the word “rock” is “selah,” or “Sela,” as in Isaiah 16:1-5, speaking of this hiding place. In Greek the word for “rock” is Petra--a real place along the real King’s Highway in the land of Edom, bordered on the South by the Red Sea, on the East by Iraq, on the West by Israel, and on the North by Israel and Syria. I have been there many, many times.

In those eight years, I watched the physical preparation for those who will hide in the chambers (caves) there. It was Esau’s old haunt, formerly home to the Horites in Mount Seir, and now home to Bedouin from the children of Ishmael – Nabaoth and Kedar. It is a U.N., U.S., and E.U. zone all to itself. It is well described in Revelation 6:12-17!

Yahuweh must retain a remnant in the earth who will preserve, and restrain until Yahushua comes! These restrainers and preservers are from all the tribes of Ya’cob, i.e. Revelation 7:1-8. Those Torah-guarding believers whose spirit-temples are filled with the Spirit of Yahuweh, hidden in the rocks, will definitely be restrainers and preservers. They are mentioned also in Revelation 12:7-17!

We are in the time of II Thessalonians 2:8-12. The “great falling away” is happening (the apostasy). Yahuweh is sending a strong delusion on those who do not have a “love of the truth.” They are too busy making money, amassing possessions, enjoying life, preparing a secure future for themselves, and catering to their children’s desires, to search out Truth, so they sure don’t love Truth. They have grown too soft and weak to allow the Spirit to discipline them, so few have understanding. Few have wisdom.

Proverbs 4:7: “Wisdom is the principle thing, therefore get wisdom! And with all your getting, get understanding.” Wisdom takes the knowledge of Yahuweh and transforms it into reality in our lives!

We don’t have much time left! Yahuweh is ascending. He is taking His knowledge, His wisdom, His understand, and all of His attributes with Him. This is why the earth is losing them!!!

We must also have wisdom as to how to conduct ourselves. As you probably now, Big Brother is watching us via publically posted-cameras, through TV, listening to us via cell phones, etc. It’s not a movie anymore, this is reality.

We must walk in wisdom. The Mishle teaches us to be wise with our mouth. Betrayal is everywhere. Infiltrators are everywhere. You don’t know who is even fully human when you go shopping. The only way to keep from being fearful and paranoid is to sit in His Presence and absorb His love, His peace, His life into yourself. Proclaim the Psalms, sing to Him, tell Him often how much you love Him and want to be blameless before Him. Press in – press hard! He will preserve those that fear Him, obey Him, and speak of His Name. (Malachi 3:16-4:4; Psalm 103, etc)

Please be aware: There is no unconditional love in the Bible! It’s all a deception, using the Greek “agape,” (unconditional love) which is far distanced from the teachings of the Word, and the nature of Yahuweh. He does not separate the sinner from the sin! That’s another lollypop idea of western religion. He is light, and He will not condone the things of darkness.

More and more, I, and other discerning people, feel the emptiness all around them, the danger, the oppression, the pending explosion of evil. The damned go on their way appeasing their lusts (passionate desires of the flesh that exalt them). The spirit of the python/anaconda is covering the earth. It is attempting to crush the life out of Yahuweh’s people. This is the spirit of Apollo/Apollyon, who is associated with the python in Greek mythology.

It is time now to withdraw more and more from the world, and be more and more set-apart unto Yahuweh and Yahushua Messiah. (Revelation 22:11b)


People are making very bad decisions now, based on what they call “logic.” But, only the Spirit-taught see the dangers. I am well versed in understanding “portals,” both into Yahuweh’s dimension and into the dimension of the dark kingdom. I know what opens the portals, and what closes them. You must know these things! Let the Spirit teach you! Wisdom is about gone from the earth! As Yahuweh ascends, so ascends His attributes from the children of men! As the Source of all true knowledge, wisdom, and understanding ascents, so do His characteristics, His nature, and all that He is!

It’s not some ethereal theological “God” who is ascending. It is the Creator of this universe who is ascending! He and Yahushua hold this universe together by Their power! Yahuweh wants a family like Himself. He will have His family like Himself! I sure want to be a part of it! Don’t you?

Yahuweh is taking with Him all that He is – so that only those with whom He is still dealing will have what He is – the giver of life, peace, joy, love, righteousness, purity, gentleness, compassion, mercy … As far as the world is concerned, these attributes of His character are ascending with Him! Do you see how critical this is? This is not light thing? The most horrible thing that could ever happen to any of us is to lose His Presence! We must diligently guard ourselves against defilement.

A simple reading of II Corinthians 6:14-7:1 should make things very clear! The nature of the restrainers is the nature of Yahuweh and Yahushua. It is HIs nature that holds back on the onslaught of the evil one. He balances justice with mercy very well! Today, there are still people who can be saved, born again, and taught the Word. What are you doing to reach some of them? They are becoming fewer and fewer, but still, if you can save one, it is one whom you’ve snatched out of the jaws of Satan and hell. Earth’s people are becoming more and more evil in their thinking and acting. It is seen in how babies and children are being used in the worship of Satan, how abortion is increasing, how little children are being abused in their homes, how the elderly are being despised as “useless eaters,” and at the coldness of people in general – without love, compassion, kindness, gentleness, humility, contriteness, or genuine submission to Yahuweh.

The earth cannot continue without His power holding it together. All of creation groans for the coming of Messiah and the reborn human sons of Eloim. He is the author of life. Without Him, the earth would burn up, and become like Venus or Mercury. What would earth be like without His Truth, wisdom, and life-sustaining provisions? What would earth be like without His Presence in the spirits of His remnant? It is His Presence within us that keeps the earth from being like it was in Genesis 1:2! You see in Genesis 1:2b that His Spirit brought life back to the earth. He brooded over it like a hen broods over her newly-hatched chicks.

So, what is ascending with Him? - all that mankind needs to live and survive is ascending!

Ezekiel 14:12-23 is a starkly realistic passage of Scripture. It speaks of those who will survive famine, the savage attacks of the beasts of the earth, war, and pestilence (disease). He speaks of three men who would only be able to save themselves--not even to save son or daughter: Noah, Daniel, and Iyob (Job). Years ago, I asked Abba why He only mentioned these three men in this prophecy. He answered quickly: “Daniel overcame the wrath of men, Iyob overcame the wrath of Satan, and Noah overcame and was saved from My wrath.” These three men were overcomers. Today’s overcomers will only be able to save themselves by their own righteousness before Abba. So, we must be prepared to overcome.

Don’t allow His withdrawing to affect you! He will not leave or forsake His set-apart ones! Hold tight to the promise of Isaiah 41:10-13. The only way to avoid His withdrawal affecting you is if you hold onto Him tightly with all your might, as Elisha did to Eliyahu! (II Kings 2)

I write, as always, with His shalom and His love, but also with a strong sense of urgency because I really care…


January 6, 2015


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