
|Time |Unit 1 |Standards |Essential Understandings |Essential Skills/RBT |Essential Questions |

|4 weeks |Relationships/ |RSL 1 | |-Recall literary elements |-Should our responsibility for |

| |Responsibility |RSL 2 |Everything we do has an impact on others. |-Interpret actions of characters |ourselves override our |

| | |RSL 6 | |-Explain how literary elements enhance reader’s |responsibility for others? |

| |(Potential Texts) | |Our choices have an effect on those we know, and |understanding and enjoyment of text | |

| |-King Arthur |RSI 3 |often on those we don’t. |-Implement lists of 21st century ideals |-To what extent is our personal |

| |-Beowulf |RSI 4 | |-Differentiate facts and myth |ideal of responsibility of the |

| |Frankenstein |RSI 5 |Responsibility for actions requires maturity and |-Critique relationships between characters |lack of responsibility affect |

| |-Taming of the Shrew |RSI 7 |often a loss of personal freedom. |-Produce self expressive work based on prior knowledge |our world? |

| | |RSI 9 | | |-How does our cultural upbringing |

| | |W 1 | | |impact the level of responsibility |

| | |W 2 | | |we take for our actions? |

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|Time |Unit 2 |Standards |Essential Understandings |Essential Skills/RBT |Essential Questions |

|4 weeks |Heroes and Villains |RSL 1 |Different types of heroes exist in literature and |-Recall characteristics of heroes and villains |-What is a hero? |

| | |RSL 2 |in society. |-Infer character traits based on actions | |

| |(Potential Texts) |RSL 3 | |-Summarize specific events that reveal an understanding of|-Can a hero have villainous |

| |-Lord of the Flies |RSL 4 |The potential for heroism can be determined by |plot and other elements |qualities or vice-versa? |

| |-Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde |RSL 5 |experiences and challenges. |-Implement expectations based on character behaviors | |

| |-Frankenstein |RSL 6 | |-Attribute importance of setting on character development |-Does society judge heroes too |

| |-Short Stories |RSL 7 |The life of a hero can be difficult. |-Critique traits of hero/villain based on society’s |harshly? |

| |-MacBeth |RSL 10 | |expectations | |

| | | |Every culture has heroes and villains. |-Generate, plan and produce a visual representation based |-Are people inherently good or |

| | |RSI 1 | |on information gathered from the text |evil? |

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|Time |Unit 3 |Standards |Essential Understandings |Essential Skills/RBT |Essential Questions |

|4 weeks |Conformity vs. Individualism |RSL 1 |Individual needs are often superseded by the needs|-Recognize societal pressures on characters |-Should individual needs be |

| |Acceptance of role in society |RSL 2 |of society. |-Classify forms of government/society |superseded by the needs of |

| | |RSL 3 | |-Explain character actions as they relate to societal |society? |

| |(Potential Texts) |RSL 4 |We are responsible for ourselves and for others. |norms | |

| |-1984 |RSL 5 | |-Implement rules based on restrictions seen in literary |-What impact does authority |

| |-Animal Farm |RSL 6 |Actions by the individual have an impact on |work |have on our decisions? |

| |-Great Expectations |RSL 7 |others. |-Organize outside informational texts as they relate to | |

| |-Hamlet |RSL 10 | |different sections of the work as a whole |-Is propaganda a negative or |

| | | |Propaganda is a tool used to influence others and |-Critique multiple resources in conjunction with research |positive influence? |

| | |RSI 1 |can be used negatively or constructively. |-Generate, plan and produce research paper as it relates | |

| | |RSI 2 | |to the text |-Will people choose to the right |

| | |RSI 3 |The use of force is prevalent in curtailing | |thing without the use of force? |

| | |RSI 4 |individualism and insubordination. | | |

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|Time |Unit 4 |Standards |Essential Understandings |Essential Skills/RBT |Essential Questions |

|4 weeks |Study of Genre and Elements |RSL 1 |The shared human experience embraces and |-Recall and Recognize literary elements |-Does humanity share common |

| | |RSL 2 |encourages goals and dreams. |-Interpret meaning in poetry and use of figurative |goals and dreams? |

| |(Potential Texts) |RSL 3 | |language | |

| |-Various Short Stories, Poetry|RSL 4 |Some dreams and goals are unrealistic and selfish.|-Infer speaker’s point-of-view and emotions |-Should we pursue unrealistic |

| |and Lyrics |RSL 5 | |-Compare techniques used in prose and poetry |Goals and dreams? |

| | |RSL 6 |The world of nightmares and monsters coexists with|-Execute writing of own poems or stories | |

| | |RSL 7 |the natural world |-Differentiate use of language in prose and poetry |-How doe nightmares and monsters |

| | |RSL 10 | |-Critique author’s style and technique |coexist in the natural world? |

| | | |The use of language enhances the human experience.|-Generate, plan and produce dramatic interpretation of a | |

| | |RSI 1 | |literary work |-How does the use of language, |

| | |RSI 2 | | |convey, enhance, or distort |

| | |RSI 3 | | |meaning? |

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