AUGUST 31, 2004



JANUARY 28, 2021

Meeting was called to order by Chairman Donald Schneider with Howard McCormick, Mark Turner and Christy Beckman present in office. Vickie Sandlin, Julesburg Advocate, joined the meeting via zoom.

McCormick moved to approve the agenda with the addition of the Task Force Meeting report, adding Carlton Britton, MAC meeting under reports, fairground grant under unfinished business and ambulance collections under new business. Turner second, carried.

McCormick moved to approve the January 28 vouchers and payroll as presented. Turner second, carried.

The minutes of the January 21, 2021 meeting were reviewed. McCormick moved to approve the minutes as amended. Turner second, carried.

Carlton Britton, Sheriff, joined the meeting. Britton brought up discussion on the 2021 budget and the confusion surrounding the part time pay request. Britton asked for clarification and discussion was held. Britton will use Crowder as contract help and Kirk will cover one day per week for Krystal Britton while on medical leave. Britton left the meeting.

Schneider reported on the COVID Task Force. The positive numbers are coming down. The new small business COVID grant is now open to other businesses over and above the restaurants, bars, gyms and theaters and they have until February 10th to turn in their applications.

McCormick moved to approve the personnel policy as presented. Schneider second, carried. Turner abstained.

Schneider brought up discussion about the Stretesky grant for the fairground bathrooms in the amount of approximately $30,000 with Cameron Britton and Tracy Kizer helping with the manual labor.

Turner moved to approve hiring Kaitlyn Alstatt in the Assessor’s Office at $14.32 per hour. McCormick second, carried.

McCormick moved to approve the collections report / request received by Tasha Harris, Ambulance. Turner second, carried.

Schneider moved to adjourn the meeting. Turner second, carried.

_______________________________ ________________________________ Donald Schneider, Chairman Christy M Beckman Clerk to the Board


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