Academic VocabularyWeek of August 15 (test on August 26)Argumentative Writing- requires a student to form an opinion based on evidence from texts The argumentative essay prompt asked us to use the two texts to support our point of view on school uniforms. Argue- present reasons to support your view I argued that school uniforms were not a good choice based on the evidence that the author of the first text presented. Claim- a statement that can be argued My claim was that school uniforms are not beneficial to students. Counterclaim- A claim that negates or disagrees with the thesis/claim; what the opposing view thinks I mentioned a counterclaim; many people think that uniforms help decrease bullying. Evidence- statements from a text that a writer quotes or refers to as support for his or her thesis As long as I present evidence from the texts to back up my claim, I will get a good grade on my essay. Facts- statements that can be proven true It is a fact that apples are a fruit.Logical/Logically-sensible or reasonable; based on evidence I thought that the author’s argument was logical because it was based on evidence. Valid-logically correctThe author’s claim was valid because he supported it with evidence.Reasoning-the action of thinking about something in a logical, sensible wayI don’t agree with your reasoning about school uniforms. Sound- free from flaws or mistakes; solid His reasoning about the cause of the crash was sound. Week of August 22 (test on 9-2-16)Informative/Explanatory Writing- requires a student to analyze a text The informative/explanatory essay asked me to analyze the character’s point-of-view. Thesis- the main idea of an essay Your essay should always contain a thesis because it is what the rest of your essay is about. Central Idea- a main idea of a text The central idea of the article was that many household products can be dangerous. Draw a conclusion- to infer from evidenceI drew the conclusion that the woman killed her husband in order to get his insurance money. Convey-to communicate or make knownThe author conveyed the message that everyone should recycle. Identify-establish or indicate who or what (someone or something) isIdentify an example of the author’s use of a simile. Demonstrate- to show through writing Through using examples from the text, I demonstrated how school uniforms could have a negative effect on students. Establish a formal style- to write in a style that avoids slang and follows correct grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling When you write an essay, you should always establish a formal style.Delineate- to describe in detail I delineated the causes of the Civil War. Cite- to use evidence from a text I cited evidence from the article. Week of August 29 (test on September 9)Relevant- related to somethingYour essay should contain information that is relevant to your thesis. Sufficient- enough I had a sufficient number of pencils for class. Evaluate- to determine the significance, worth, or condition of something usually by careful study; to judge Evaluate the effectiveness of the evidence that the author presented. Plan- to make an outline or fill in a graphic organizer before you write an essay I planned my essay by filling out a TIDE graphic organizer. Revise- to make improvements to a rough draft of an essay I revised my essay based on my teacher’s comments. Edit- to correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization I edited my paper to correct my misspellings. Concrete Details- details that appeal to the reader’s sense of sight, hearing, smell, touch, or taste.The author’s description of the setting contained many concrete details. Process-a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular endDescribe the process for conducting the experiment. Author’s purpose- an author’s reason for writing a text The author’s purpose for writing the text about Rosa Parks was to convey how one person’s actions can make a difference. Point of View- the outlook that a person has on a topic My point of view on school lunch is that it could be greatly improved. Theme – the author’s message about life or people; it is usually not stated in the text and must be written as a sentence The theme of “Casey at the Bat” is to not be overconfident. ................

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