
In the past five years I have had six different roommates, four different homes, traveled to over eight different countries, but have always had two best friends. Being a college student my life is subjected to constant change; change in what is trendy, a change in lifestyle, and a change in my budget. However with all this change one thing has never fluctuated, my relationship with Lexi and Garrett. In order to keep a relationship healthy you need to have trust, honesty, and loyalty. These three characteristics can help any relationship thrive through any obstacles it may face. Out of the three I feel trust is the most important. Lexi and Garrett trust me with their secrets, best interests, and my loyalty. By telling them exactly what I think about aspects of their life we avoid conflict, have a mutual understanding of feelings, and gain the most out of our time together. Lexi is my closest female friend and we do everything together. We live together in our sorority house so we always eat meals together, shower at the same time, we both play volleyball together, and we are dating boys who live together. Some friends tried to warn me about living with such a close friend because they were worried it would ruin our relationship however, they do not know how close and honest Lexi and I are. If she is listening to music too loud, I feel totally comfortable asking her to put on headphones. If she asks me to do a favor that I don’t have time for, I know I can explain what my situation is and she will understand. Many common conflicts between roommates, and friends, rise from little issues that gets swept under the rug because someone is too worried to speak their mind. By always telling Lexi the truth about her actions we never have any hidden resentful feelings. The truth unlocks our thoughts and gives us freedom to express our feelings and therefore makes living together a positive and fun experience. As previously stated, Lexi and I are dating roommates named Garrett and Eric. Sometimes, as all women do, we both need to vent about their shortcomings. Occasionally we both tend to make a bigger deal about things because we just get very emotional. Since Lexi trusts my opinion so much and I am not afraid to be honest and not worry about her feelings, I can play the devils advocate when she is venting to me. If I give her advice and tell her she may be overreacting, instead of a huge fight with Eric she realizes she should just let it go. The same goes for myself. I know Lexi will always tell me her view on my relationship, if I am being too dramatic or if my anger is justified. An open and honest policy between us and the understanding that our feelings will not be hurt allows us to give constructive criticism about our relationships and it makes our lives much easier. Garrettt and I have been together for about a year and a half. During our time as a couple, I studied abroad in Europe for about 7 weeks. With little to no contact and his girlfriend being halfway around the world, most of his friends thought Garrett would be upset with me leaving. He felt the total opposite. He was completely on board with me traveling and enjoying my freedom. He knows that he can express any of his worries, fears, or concerns with me and I will listen to them maturely and only grow from hearing the truth. He reveals to me things that I did not even realize were a part of my personality, some good and some bad, and our relationship grows stronger from truthful communication. We are still young and in college and we both do not see the need to be in a negative and stressful relationship. Being honest about what we want to eat, what we want to do, or where we would like to vacation allows us to both speak our minds and agree on a wonderful compromise. I agree that no relationship can thrive unless the foundation is based on trust, and both Lexi Garrett feel the same. The truth allows me to live with my best friend and never have any negative feelings or harbored resentment toward her, a common curse that befalls most girls when they live together. The truth empowers my friends to give me unbiased advice that may be harsh but necessary to hear. And lastly the truth allows me to be in love. ................

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