After-Action Report/Improvement Plan Template

Interoperable Communications (IOC) DrillAfter-Action Report/Improvement PlanDATEThis After-Action Report should be maintained for three years with other facility documentation for the CMS Emergency Preparedness Rule, and made available for review upon request of site surveyors.Exercise OverviewExercise NameInteroperable Communications DrillExercise DatesDATE THAT REGION CONDUCTS EXERCISEScopeThis is a regional drill, planned for approximately three hours on DATE. Partners will include hospitals, local health departments, home care agencies, adult care facilities, nursing homes, hospice, community health centers, and End-Stage Renal Disease Center. ObjectivesDemonstrate the ability to use a primary and back-up communications system (internet – including VOIP, radio, cellular, and satellite) to communicate with coalition partners (LHD, hospitals, EMS, EM, and other partners).Complete the NYSDOH Health Commerce System (HCS) Health Emergency Response Data System (HERDS) survey within the timeframe outlined in the IHANS alert.Point of Contact[Insert the name, title, agency, address, phone number, and email address of the primary exercise POC, or individual who wrote the After-Action Report.]The following sections provide an overview of the performance related to each exercise objective, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement.Objective 1: Demonstrate the ability to use a primary and back-up communications system (internet – including VOIP, radio, cellular, and satellite) to communicate with coalition partners (LHD, hospitals, EMS, EM, and other partners).StrengthsThe [full or partial] capability level can be attributed to the following strengths:Strength 1: BLANK AGENCY was able to utilize cell phones as the primary communications method to access the email instructing them to log into the Health Commerce System, access the appropriate HERDS Survey and complete it.Add additional Strengths, as appropriate.Areas for ImprovementThe following areas require improvement to achieve the full capability level:Area for Improvement 1: BLANK AGENCY was unable to utilize satellite phones as a back-up method of communication.Reference: [List any relevant plans, policies, procedures, regulations, or laws.]Analysis: [Provide short summary of why the full capability level was not achieved.Although facility staff were trained in the use of satellite phones, the phones had not been charged in over one year. The phones were dead, and could not be used as a secondary form of communication.Add Additional Areas for Improvement if neededSuggested Corrective Action (s): Ensure that phones are charged at least quarterly.Assign specific staff, with back-up, to be responsible for charging the phones.Keep a running log of time and date phones are charged.Objective 2: Complete the NYSDOH Health Commerce System (HCS) Health Emergency Response Data System (HERDS) survey within the timeframe outlined in the IHANS alert.StrengthsThe full capability level can be attributed to the following strengths:Strength 1: BLANK AGENCY was able to access, complete and submit the appropriate HERDS Survey within the timeframe indicated in the email.Add additional Strengths, as appropriate.Areas for ImprovementArea for Improvement 1: No areas for improvement were identified.Add Additional Areas for Improvement if neededSuggested Corrective Action (s): None needed ................

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