After-Action Report/Improvement Plan Template

[Note for After Action Report/Improvement Plan (AAR/IP) Template: Text found in this document that is highlighted and bracketed is included to provide instruction or to indicate a location to input text. All text that is not highlighted is to be included in the final version of the AAR/IP.] Incident TitleAfter-Action Report/Improvement Plan (AAR/IP)[Date (this is the date of the finalized AAR)]Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Contents PAGEREF _Toc430610282 \h 1Administrative Handling Instructions PAGEREF _Toc430610283 \h 2Incident Overview PAGEREF _Toc430610284 \h 3Executive Summary PAGEREF _Toc430610285 \h 4Section 3: Discussion of Findings PAGEREF _Toc430610286 \h 6Appendix A: Improvement PlanA- PAGEREF _Toc430610287 \h 1Appendix B: Incident TimelineB- PAGEREF _Toc430610288 \h 1Table B.1: Incident TimelineB- PAGEREF _Toc430610289 \h 1Appendix C: Incident ParticipantsC- PAGEREF _Toc430610290 \h 1Appendix D: Incident CapabilitiesD- PAGEREF _Toc430610291 \h 1Appendix E: AcronymsE- PAGEREF _Toc430610292 \h 1Table E.1: AcronymsE- PAGEREF _Toc430610293 \h 1[If an AAR contains graphics, figures, or tables, they should be numbered and listed in the Contents section (e.g. Figure 1, Table 1, etc.).Administrative Handling InstructionsThe title of this document is [complete and formal title of document].The information gathered in this AAR/IP is classified as [For Official Use Only (FOUO)] and should be handled as sensitive information not to be disclosed. This document should be safeguarded, handled, transmitted, and stored in accordance with appropriate security directives. Reproduction of this document, in whole or in part, without prior approval from [agency] is prohibited.At a minimum, the attached materials will be disseminated only on a need-to-know basis and when unattended, will be stored in a locked container or area offering sufficient protection against theft, compromise, inadvertent access, and unauthorized disclosure.Points of Contact: [List all points of contact below.][ODH POC:]Name TitleAgencyStreet AddressCity, State ZIPxxx-xxx-xxxx (office)xxx-xxx-xxxx (cell)e-mailIncident OverviewIncident Name[Incident Name]Incident Date(s)[Incident Date]ScopeThis was a Real-World Response that occurred for [incident duration, e.g. 3 days, 12 hours, etc.] at [incident location]. Topics EvaluatedTopic addressed in Findings Section 1Topic addressed in Findings Section 2Etc.Incident CapabilitiesIncident Capabilities are listed in Appendix D.Threat or Hazard[Name the incident scenario type (e.g. chemical release).]Participating OrganizationsParticipating organizations are listed in Appendix C. Point of ContactNamePosition/TitleJurisdiction/Lead AgencyAddress Line 1City, State Zip(###) ###-#### – office(###)###-#### – faxExecutive Summary[When writing the Executive Summary, start this section by stating the full name of the incident and providing a brief overview of the incident. This brief overview should discuss why the response occurred, the incident objectives, and what capabilities, activities, and scenario(s) were used to achieve those objectives. All of these areas will be discussed in more detail in the subsequent chapters of the AAR/IP. In addition, the Executive Summary may be used to summarize any high-level observations that cut across multiple capabilities.]In this report, the following incident elements were evaluated:[Findings Section 1 Topic][Findings Section 2 Topic][Etc.][Number] strengths and [number] areas for improvement were identified in the AAR/IP. The most salient of each are detailed below. [In general, the major strengths and primary areas for improvement should be limited to three each to ensure the Executive Summary is high-level and concise.]Major StrengthsThe major strengths identified during this incident are as follows:[Strength number 1][Additional major strength][Additional major strength][In bold font, list the first major strength; this should be identical to what was listed above.][In complete sentences, describe the strength. While the information will not be as extensive as what is in the full report, it should be sufficient to give an understanding of why it is a strength.][In bold font, list the second major strength; this should be identical to what was listed above.][In complete sentences, describe the strength. While the information will not be as extensive as what is in the full report, it should be sufficient to give an understanding of why it is a strength.][In bold font, list the third major strength; this should be identical to what was listed above.][In complete sentences, describe the strength. While the information will not be as extensive as what is in the full report, it should be sufficient to give an understanding of why it is a strength.]Primary Areas for ImprovementThroughout the incident, several opportunities for improvement in [jurisdiction/organization name]’s ability to respond to the incident were identified. The primary areas for improvement are as follows:[First primary area for improvement][Additional primary area for improvement][Additional primary area for improvement][In bold font, list the first major area for improvement; this should be identical to what was listed above.][In complete sentences, describe the area for improvement. While the information will not be as extensive as what is in the full report, it should be sufficient to give an understanding of why it is an area for improvement.]Recommendation[s][In complete sentences, describe each recommendation related to this area for improvement. This should be concise but comprehensive.][In bold font, list the second major area for improvement; this should be identical to what was listed above.][In complete sentences, describe the area for improvement. While the information will not be as extensive as what is in the full report, it should be sufficient to give an understanding of why it is an area for improvement.]Recommendation[s][In complete sentences, describe each recommendation related to this area for improvement. This should be concise but comprehensive.][In bold font, list the third major area for improvement; this should be identical to what was listed above.][In complete sentences, describe the area for improvement. While the information will not be as extensive as what is in the full report, it should be sufficient to give an understanding of why it is an area for improvement.]Recommendation[s][In complete sentences, describe each recommendation related to this area for improvement. This should be concise but comprehensive.]Section 3: Discussion of FindingsThis section of the report discusses identified findings and their related recommendations for future incidents. Each finding is supported by included observations.Recommendations have been developed for each Area for Improvement and incorporated into the Improvement Plan (Appendix A).For each section of findings, related Public Health Preparedness Capabilities, Healthcare Preparedness Capabilities, and Core Capabilities have been identified. Findings Section 1: [Broad Topic Addressed, e.g. Internal Coordination, Partner Coordination, etc.]Section Description: [Description of the scope and elements of the topic being addressed] These findings are related to the following capabilities [Below, list the capabilities addressed in this topic]:Public Health Preparedness CapabilitiesHealthcare Preparedness CapabilitiesCore CapabilitiesFinding 1.1—Strength: [Briefly describe the strength identified here]Observations for 1.1: [Observation that supports the Strength][Observation that supports the Strength][Etc.]Discussion: [Provide the summary of findings and provide detail on the identified strength. This should give a clear picture of the finding. It can be as long as needed.] Finding 1.2—Area for Improvement: [Briefly describe the area for improvement identified here]. Observations for 1.2: [Observation that supports the Area for Improvement][Observation that supports the Area for Improvement][Etc.]Discussion: [Provide the summary of findings and provide detail on the identified Area for Improvement. This should give a clear picture of the finding. It can be as long as needed.] Recommendations for Finding 1.2:[Recommendation based on the discussion][Recommendation based on the discussion][Etc.]Findings Section 2: [Broad Topic Addressed, e.g. Internal Coordination, Partner Coordination, etc.]Section Description: [Description of the scope and elements of the topic being addressed] These findings are related to the following capabilities [Below, list the capabilities addressed in this topic]:Public Health Preparedness CapabilitiesHealthcare Preparedness CapabilitiesCore CapabilitiesFinding 2.1—Strength: [Briefly describe the strength identified here]Observations for 2.1: [Observation that supports the Strength][Observation that supports the Strength][Etc.]Discussion: [Provide the summary of findings and provide detail on the identified strength. This should give a clear picture of the finding. It can be as long as needed.] Finding 2.2—Area for Improvement: [Briefly describe the area for improvement identified here]. Observations for 2.2: [Observation that supports the Area for Improvement][Observation that supports the Area for Improvement][Etc.]Discussion: [Provide the summary of findings and provide detail on the identified Area for Improvement. This should give a clear picture of the finding. It can be as long as needed.] Recommendations for Finding 2.2:[Recommendation based on the discussion][Recommendation based on the discussion][Etc.]Appendix A: Improvement PlanThis IP has been developed specifically for [identify the State, county, jurisdiction, etc., as applicable] as a result of the [Incident Title] that occurred on [date of incident].FindingRecommendationCorrective ActionCapability ElementPrimary Responsible OrganizationOrganization POCStart DateCompletion DateFinding 1.21. [Insert Recommendation][Corrective Action 1] [Corrective Action 2][Corrective Action 3]2. [Insert Recommendation][Corrective Action 1][Corrective Action 2]Finding 2.21. [Insert Recommendation][Corrective Action 1] [Corrective Action 2][Corrective Action 3]2. [Insert Recommendation][Corrective Action 1][Corrective Action 2]Finding 2.21. [Insert Recommendation][Corrective Action 1] [Corrective Action 2][Corrective Action 3]2. [Insert Recommendation][Corrective Action 1][Corrective Action 2]Finding 2.21. [Insert Recommendation][Corrective Action 1] [Corrective Action 2][Corrective Action 3]2. [Insert Recommendation][Corrective Action 1][Corrective Action 2]Finding 2.21. [Insert Recommendation][Corrective Action 1] [Corrective Action 2][Corrective Action 3]2. [Insert Recommendation][Corrective Action 1][Corrective Action 2]Finding 2.21. [Insert Recommendation][Corrective Action 1] [Corrective Action 2][Corrective Action 3]2. [Insert Recommendation][Corrective Action 1][Corrective Action 2]Finding 2.21. [Insert Recommendation][Corrective Action 1] [Corrective Action 2][Corrective Action 3]2. [Insert Recommendation][Corrective Action 1][Corrective Action 2]Finding 2.21. [Insert Recommendation][Corrective Action 1] [Corrective Action 2][Corrective Action 3]2. [Insert Recommendation][Corrective Action 1][Corrective Action 2]Finding 2.21. [Insert Recommendation][Corrective Action 1] [Corrective Action 2][Corrective Action 3]2. [Insert Recommendation][Corrective Action 1][Corrective Action 2]Finding 2.21. [Insert Recommendation][Corrective Action 1] [Corrective Action 2][Corrective Action 3]2. [Insert Recommendation][Corrective Action 1][Corrective Action 2]Finding 2.21. [Insert Recommendation][Corrective Action 1] [Corrective Action 2][Corrective Action 3]2. [Insert Recommendation][Corrective Action 1][Corrective Action 2]Finding 2.21. [Insert Recommendation][Corrective Action 1] [Corrective Action 2][Corrective Action 3]2. [Insert Recommendation][Corrective Action 1][Corrective Action 2]Finding 2.21. [Insert Recommendation][Corrective Action 1] [Corrective Action 2][Corrective Action 3]2. [Insert Recommendation][Corrective Action 1][Corrective Action 2]Finding 2.21. [Insert Recommendation][Corrective Action 1] [Corrective Action 2][Corrective Action 3]2. [Insert Recommendation][Corrective Action 1][Corrective Action 2]Finding 2.21. [Insert Recommendation][Corrective Action 1] [Corrective Action 2][Corrective Action 3]2. [Insert Recommendation][Corrective Action 1][Corrective Action 2]Finding 2.21. [Insert Recommendation][Corrective Action 1] [Corrective Action 2][Corrective Action 3]2. [Insert Recommendation][Corrective Action 1][Corrective Action 2]Finding 2.21. [Insert Recommendation][Corrective Action 1] [Corrective Action 2][Corrective Action 3]2. [Insert Recommendation][Corrective Action 1][Corrective Action 2]Finding 2.21. [Insert Recommendation][Corrective Action 1] [Corrective Action 2][Corrective Action 3]2. [Insert Recommendation][Corrective Action 1][Corrective Action 2][NOTE: The only findings that will be listed in the first column will be the Areas for Improvement. Strengths will not have recommendations.][Optional]Appendix B: Incident Timeline[In formulating the analysis, the primary AAR author may assemble a timeline of key events. While it is not necessary to include this timeline in the main body of the AAR/IP, there may be value in including it as an appendix. If so, this section should summarize what actually happened during the incident in a timeline-table format.] [An example of the format for the Incident Timeline is presented below.]Table B.1: Incident TimelineDateTimeEvent/Action02/20/150900Explosion and injuries reported at subway station 13 02/20/150902Subway services stopped in accordance with protocols; notifications started02/20/150915Evacuation ordered for planning zone 2A02/20/150940Traffic at a standstill on major egress route 1 reported to players (Response generated issue because personnel to staff traffic control points were not deployed)Appendix C: Incident ParticipantsParticipating OrganizationsFederalStateLocal[Other Partners]Appendix D: Incident CapabilitiesCapability TypeCapability NameCapability Function/SubcategoryRelated FindingAppendix E: Acronyms[Any acronym used in the AAR/IP should be listed alphabetically and spelled out.]Table E.1: AcronymsAcronymMeaning ................

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