
Name: __________________________________________ Argumentative EssayYour timed writing will be evaluated by the criteria on this rubric. The essay is worth 100 points. ScoringQualities:55+ = 100%5 = 95%5- = 90%Essay strongly addresses the prompt.Essay contains a sophisticated and easily-identifiable thesis statement in a well organized introduction paragraphEvery body paragraph contains well-written reasons that support the argument.Every body paragraph is supported by intelligent examples and thoughtful research.Essay demonstrates sophisticated use of language and has few errors in grammar and syntax.Essay demonstrates original and careful thought.44+ = 89%4 = 85%4- = 80%Essay mostly addresses the prompt.Essay contains a strong and easily-identifiable thesis statement in a clear introduction paragraph. Every body paragraph contains contains well-written reasons that support the argument.Every body paragraph is supported by researched information, but doesn’t fully support claim.Essay mostly demonstrates sophisticated use of language, and there may be a few errors in grammar and syntax.Essay mostly demonstrates original and careful thought.33+ = 79%3 = 75%3- = 70%Essay somewhat addresses the prompt.Essay contains an easily-identifiable thesis statement in an introduction paragraph. Every body paragraph contains topic sentences that relate to the thesis statement.Every body paragraph is supported by examples; they may be simplistic.Essay occasionally demonstrates sophisticated use of language, but there are distracting errors.Essay occasionally demonstrates original and careful thought, but some ideas are rushed22+ = 69%2 = 65%2- = 60%Essay may or may not address the prompt or is incomplete Essay may or may not contain an easily-identifiable thesis statement and there may or may not be an introduction paragraph. Body paragraphs may or may not contain topic sentences that relate to the thesis statement. Body paragraphs may or may not be supported by examples; no research completed. Essay may or may not demonstrate sophisticated use of language and does not contain dialogue.Essay may or may not demonstrate original and careful thought but many ideas are rushed11+ = 59%1 = 55%1- = 50%Essay rarely addresses the prompt or is incompleteEssay does not contain a thesis statement, or it is difficult to understand and there may or may not be an introduction paragraph. Body paragraphs are missing a topic sentence or are unrelated to the thesis.Body paragraphs do not explain or support claim. Language is difficult to read or understand.Essay does not demonstrate original or careful thought and ideas are rushed or confusing.0No attempt was made or the writing is completely off topicPreparation Outline: Argumentative EssayRequirements: You will write an argumentative essay on the topic of your choice. You will explain in detail your argument and provide support using examples from your own life and also information that you researched. Must be typed on Google Docs, written in size 12 font, and double spaced. Share with wanackk@jenningsk12.us.Introduction: Must include a hook. ______________________________________________________ What general background will I provide my audience so that they understand my topic? _________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________Thesis Statment: Make your claim: “I believe that…”___________________________________________________________________________________find help with your introduction here: paragraph I, II, and III (your body paragraph is where you’ll give your evidence/examples) TRANSITION/Body Paragraph I: Personal facts or support for argument.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Support for your idea: ______________________________________________________________________________________________TRANSITION/Body Paragraph II: Researched information to support argument.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Support for your idea (cite your source): ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________TRANSITION/Body Paragraph III: Counterclaim to argument. Provide support to someone opposing your argument. While it may be true that ____________; nevertheless, it turns out that ____________.A common argument against this is ________, but _____________.Skeptics may think that ____________, but ___________.Conclusion (your conclusion will restate your thesis and argument. Do not present any new information)____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Argumentative Essay Topics*If you select your own topic, you must clear it with me first. Should marijuana be legalized in Missouri?Should religion have a place in government or schools?Should students be allowed to choose their own classes (as they do in college) from a younger age?Students who play sports or participate in extracurricular activities achieve better grades in school.Is the widespread increased use of technology good for young children—or does it harm their development?How is the President doing at his job?Do movements like Black Lives Matter and #MeToo promote inclusiveness and awareness or division and inequality?What is the greatest threat to our environment?Should cell phone tracking devices be illegal?What types of restrictions should there be on abortions?Women have a right to choose to have an abortion. How involved should the US get in conflicts in other parts of the world?What should Saint Louis do to combat gun violence?Should there be restrictions or laws for transgender students in bathrooms/locker rooms?What types of academic requirements should student athletes have to meet in order to maintain their eligibility to compete?Should the United States ban the death penalty?Should hate speech be protected under free speech?Should an employer be able to fire someone if the employer has a problem with the employee’s race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, identity, etc.?What levels of education do people really need in order to be qualified to enter the workforce?Do our schools today adequately prepare students for the real world?Should prisoners be allowed to vote (during and after incarceration)?Who is responsible for low test scores? (teachers, students, school district)Should Jennings High School have metal detectors?Should the United States deport undocumented workers?Vaping product and cigarettes should be banned to protect our health.Schools should be required to provide transportation for students to and from school.High schools should require students to keep cell phones in their lockers during class time. The United States government should provide free college tuition.Should healthcare/insurance be provided free of charge?Should prostitution be legal? ................

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