Grade: 6 Subject: Social Studies
Unit 1: Ancient River Civilizations Unit Duration: Approximately 6 weeks
Essential Questions: What advances and accomplishment lead to the growth of civilization?
|Objectives |Texts/Resources |Academic |Activities and Assessments |Common Core Standards |
| | |Language/ | | |
| | |Vocabulary | | |
|Determine the meaning of words and|Articles |Advance |Task I: (R.H. 6.1, 6.6) |RH.6.1 Cite textual evidence to support analysis of |
|phrases as they are used in text. |“A Handy Bunch: Tools, Thumbs |Accomplishment |Graphic Organizer |primary and secondary sources. |
| |Helped Us Thrive” by Christopher|Technology |In the article “A Handy Bunch: Tools, Thumbs Helped Us Thrive” by | |
|Determine the central idea of a |Joyce |Geography |Christopher Joyce, the author claims that the Paleolithic eras |RH 6.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as |
|primary or secondary source |Life During the Paleolithic |Primary source |greatest accomplishment was advancements in tools. What evidence can |they are used in a text including vocabulary specific |
| |Period by Elisabeth Ellis |Secondary source |you find in the article to support the author’s claim? Record your |to domains related to history/social studies. |
|Comprehend complex texts by using | |Summarize |information in the graphic organizer. Cite evidence from the article. | |
|close read strategies |Hunter or Farmer? By Abraham |Analyze | |RH 6.5 Describe how a text presents information (e.g., |
| |Pfeffer |Compare |Task II: (RH 6.1, 6.4, 6.5, WHST 6-8.2) |sequentially, comparatively, causally). |
|Analyze primary and secondary | |Contrast |Short Response | |
|sources |Otzi the Iceman BBC Video Series |Fact |In the article “The Gift of the Nile” by Beverly J. Armento, the |RH 6.6 Identity aspects of a text that reveals an |
| |Otzi the Iceman by Micheal Porter|Opinion |author claims that Egypt’s greatest accomplishment was settling along |author’s point of view or purpose (e.g. loaded |
|Use precise language and domain | |Paleolithic |the Nile. What evidence can you find in the article to support the |language, inclusion or avoidance of particular facts). |
|specific vocabulary to give |(Text and task set) |Neolithic |author’s claim? Record your information in the graphic organizer | |
|information about a topic |Fertility and Food by M. Solodsky|Tigris | |WHST6-8.2 Write informative /explanatory texts |
| | |Euphrates |Final Performance Task: (RH 6.1,6.4,WHST 6-8.2) |including the narration of historical events, |
| |Mesopotamia of Old by John |Babylon |Extended Response Essay |scientific procedures or experiments. |
|Determine the author’s point of |Davenport |Sumer |Question: What advances and accomplishments lead to the growth of |6-8.2b. Develop the topic with relevant, well-chosen |
|view and his/her purpose for | |civilization |civilization? After reading the “The Gift of the Nile” by Beverly |facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or |
|writing the article. |Irrigation and agriculture by |Code of Hammurabi |Armento and “Life During the Paleolithic Era” by Elisabeth Ellis write|other information and examples. |
| |Graham Faiella |Irrigate |an essay that describes how humans evolved by enhancing in: |6-8 2c. Use appropriate and varied transitions to |
|Cite evidence to support analysis | |Levees |Technology |create cohesion and clarify the relationships among |
|of what a text says explicitly and|Gift of the Nile by Beverly J. |Ziggurat |Safety |ideas and concepts. |
|implicitly. |Armento |Polytheistic |Acquiring Food |6-8.2d. Use precise language and domain-specific |
| | |Monotheistic Pharaoh |In your essay be sure to: |vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic. |
|Compare and Contrast two time |Trade books |Temple |Explain which advances/accomplishments lead to the growth of |8-8. 2e. Establish and maintain a formal style and |
|periods. |Secret of the Ice man by Dorothy |Pyramid |Mesopotamia or Egypt. |objective tone. |
| |Hinshaw Patent |Nile | |6-8. 2f. Provide a concluding statement or section that|
| | |Hieroglyphics |Support your reasoning with evidence from texts |follows from and supports the information or |
| |The Continents by Jennifer Waters|Social pyramid |Edit essays for errors in capitalization, punctuation and spelling. |explanation presented. |
| | |Valley | | |
| |Mapping Our World by Janine Scott|Delta | | |
| | |Dynasty | | |
| |The Life and Times of Hammurabi | | | |
| |by Tamera Bryant | | | |
| | | | | |
| |Ancient Egypt: Excavating the | | | |
| |past by Jackie Gaff | | | |
| | | | | |
| |Mesopotamia: excavating the past | | | |
| |by Jane Shutter | | | |
| | | | | |
| |The Sumerians by Jane Shutter | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
Grade: 6 Subject: Social Studies
Unit 2: Greece Unit Duration: Approximately 4 weeks
Essential Question: Did Athens or Greece contribute more to Greek society?
|Objectives |Texts/Resources |Academic Language/ |Activities and Assessments |Common Core Standards |
| | |Vocabulary | | |
|Determine the meaning of words and |Articles: |Primary |Task I: (R.H 6.1, 6.6, 6.8) |RH.6.1 Cite textual evidence to support analysis of |
|phrases as they are used in text |Life in Athens by James Banks |Secondary |Graphic Organizer and Short Response |primary and secondary sources. |
| | |Polis |In the article “School of Conquest” by Henry Abraham, the | |
|Determine the central idea of a |Country mouse in the Spartan |Acropolis |author states that “Sparta was an ideal society.” Write a |RH 6.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they|
|primary or secondary source |house |Agora |paragraph explaining whether the author’s decision to call |are used in a text including vocabulary specific to |
| | |Democracy |Sparta an “ideal society” is valid. Support your points with |domains related to history/social studies. |
|Comprehend complex texts by using |A School for Conquest by Henry |Oligarchy |evidence from the text. | |
|close read strategies |Abraham |Monarchy | |RH 6.6 Identity aspects of a text that reveals an |
| | |Ideal |Task II: (RH 6.1, 6.6, 6.8) |author’s point of view or purpose (e.g. loaded language, |
|Analyze primary and secondary sources |The Source of Athens Greatness |Developed |Graphic Organizer and short response |inclusion or avoidance of particular facts). |
| |by Myrna Chase |Athena |In the article “A source of Athens Greatness” by Myrna Chase | |
|Compare and contrast life in two | |Religion |the author claims that Athens was the greatest of all ancient |R.H. 6.8 Distinguish between facts, opinion and reasoned |
|different ancient societies. |Trade books: | |societies. Find evidence in the text to support the author’s |judgments in text. |
| |Greek Life by Tamela Bryant | |opinion. Write a short response that supports or rejects the | |
|Identify aspects of a text that reveal| | |author’s claim. Support your opinion with evidence from the |WHST.6-8.1 Write arguments focused on discipline-specific|
|an author’s perspective on an issue. |Primary Source: Athenian | |text. |content. |
| |Democracy by Pericles | | |6-8.1a Introduce claim(s) about a topic or issue, |
|Identify an author’s purpose for | | |Final Performance Task: (RH 6.1, 6.4 WHST 6-8.1) |acknowledge and distinguish the claim(s) from alternate |
|writing a particular text |NYSTROM | |Extended Response |or opposing claims, and organize the reasons and evidence|
| |Historical Atlas. | |Which Ancient Greek society contributed more to Greek society |logically. |
|Make and introduce claims about a | | |Athens or Sparta? After researching life in Athens and Sparta.|6-8.1b Support claim(s) with logical reasoning and |
|topic or an issue |Brain-pop | |Write an argumentative essay that evaluates which of the two |relevant, accurate data and evidence that demonstrate an |
| |“Athenian Democracy” | |city-states was the most developed and contributed more |understanding of the topic or text, using credible |
|Cite evidence to support analysis of | | |significantly to Greek society. |sources. |
|what a text says explicitly and | | |Be sure to: |6-8.1c Use words, phrases, and clauses to create |
|implicitly | | |• Describe what life was like in both Athens and Sparta. |cohesion and clarify the relationships among claim(s), |
| | | |• Take a position indicating which of the two city-states |counterclaims, reasons, and evidence. |
|Distinguish between relevant and | | |contributed more to Greek society. |6-8.1d Establish and maintain a formal style. |
|irrelevant details | | |• Support your reasoning with evidence from |6-8.1e Provide a concluding statement or section that |
| | | |• Establish and maintain a formal style |follows from and supports the argument presented. |
|Determine the author’s point of view | | |• Edit your errors for capitalization, punctuation and | |
|and his/her purpose for writing the | | |spelling. | |
|article. | | | | |
| | | | | |
|Determine if an author’s opinions are | | | | |
|validated by objective facts | | | | |
Grade: 6 Subject: Social Studies
Unit 3: Rome Unit Duration: Approximately 4 weeks
Essential Question: Was Julius Caesar a hero or a tyrant?
|Objectives |Texts/Resources |Academic |Activities and Assessments |Common Core Standards |
| | |Language/ | | |
| | |Vocabulary | | |
|Determine the central idea of a |Would You Survive in Ancient Rome? by Franklin |Perspective |Task I (R.H 6.1, 6.6) |RH.6.1 Cite textual evidence to support |
|primary or secondary source. |Watts |Point of view |Graphic Organizer |analysis of primary and secondary |
| | |Argument |Read the article “Julius Caesar, Hero or tyrant?” by Travis |sources. |
|Compare and contrast the validity |Crazy, cruel, ambition by Steven Wishnia |Debate |Carlson. Determine the author’s perspective on Julius Caesar.| |
|of a primary source to a secondary | |Monarchy |What evidence can you find in the text to support the |RH 6.4 Determine the meaning of words and|
|source |A School for Conquest |Tyranny |author’s position? Record your information in the graphic |phrases as they are used in a text |
| |Enjoying Global History |Civil War |organizer. |including vocabulary specific to domains |
|Comprehend complex texts by using | |Dictator Mediterranean| |related to history/social studies. |
|close read strategies |Ancient Rome: The Republic |Alps |Task II (RH 6.1,6.6, 6.8) | |
| | |Patrician |Graphic Organizer |RH 6.6 Identity aspects of a text that |
|Determine the author’s point of |Julius Caesar’s Reforms |Plebeian |Richard Thompson, author of “Julius Caesar: Power -Hungry |reveals an author’s point of view or |
|view and his/her purpose for | |Senate |Tyrant,” claims that Julius Caesar was a “power hungry |purpose (e.g. loaded language, inclusion |
|writing the article. |The Roman Army |Consul |tyrant.” Write a paragraph explaining whether the author’s |or avoidance of particular facts). |
| | |Tribune |claim about Caesar is valid. Support your claim with evidence| |
|Distinguish between fact and |Caesar Hero or Tyrant: |Emperor |from the text. |R.H. 6.8 Distinguish between facts, |
|opinion in order to determine if |By Sara Ann McGill. |Republic | |opinion and reasoned judgments in text. |
|the opinions are validated by the | |Christianity |Final Performance Task (RH 6.1, 6.4, 6.6 WHST 6-8.1) | |
|facts in the text. |Film Clips |Villain |Extended Response |WHST.6-8.1 Write arguments focused |
| | | |Was Julius Caesar a tyrant or a noble emperor? |on discipline-specific content. |
|Cite evidence to support analysis |Map: The growth of the Roman Empire. | |After researching Julius Caesar’s life and his reign, write |6-8.1a Introduce claim(s) about a topic |
|of what a text says explicitly and | | |an argument essay that evaluates whether Caesar was a hero or|or issue, acknowledge and distinguish the|
|implicitly. |Primary Source: | |a tyrant. |claim(s) from alternate or opposing |
| | | |In your essay be sure to: |claims, and organize the reasons and |
|Determine the meaning of words and |Twelve Tables | |Take a position as to whether Caesar was a hero or a tyrant. |evidence logically. |
|phrases as they are used in text: | | |Determine if his impact on Rome lead to its growth or |6-8.1b Support claim(s) with logical |
|build academic vocabulary |NYSTROM Historical Atlas | |decline. |reasoning and relevant, accurate data and|
| |Kids Discover Magazines | |Support your claim with evidence from the text. |evidence that demonstrate an |
| |Brain Pop | |Establish and maintain a formal style |understanding of the topic or text, using|
| |“Caesar” | |Edit your errors for capitalization, punctuation and |credible sources. |
| | | |spelling. |6-8.1c Use words, phrases, and clauses |
| | | | |to create cohesion and clarify the |
| | | | |relationships among claim(s), |
| | | | |counterclaims, reasons, and evidence. |
| | | | |6-8.1d Establish and maintain a formal |
| | | | |style. |
| | | | |6-8.1e Provide a concluding statement or|
| | | | |section that follows from and supports |
| | | | |the argument presented. |
Grade: 6 Subject: Social Studies
Unit 4: The Middle Ages Unit Duration: Approximately 5 weeks
Essential Questions: Should the Middle Ages be considered a Dark Age or a Golden Age?
|Objectives |Texts/Resources |Academic Language/ |Activities and Assessments |Common Core Standards |
| | |Vocabulary | | |
|Determine the meaning of words and |Articles: |Invasion |Task I: (R.H. 6.1,WHST.6-8.2) |RH.6.1 Cite textual evidence to support analysis of |
|phrases as they are used in text: |Pandemics of the Past by Dr. |Vikings |Short Response |primary and secondary sources. |
|build Academic Vocabulary |Perlin |Barbarians |After reading “The Black Plague” by Sara Ann McGill, write| |
| | |Page |a well-developed paragraph explaining how the plague |RH 6.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they|
|Determine the central idea of a |The Black Plague by Sara Ann |Knight |hindered growth during the Middle Ages. Support your |are used in a text including vocabulary specific to |
|primary or secondary source |McGail |Squire |claim with evidence from the text. |domains related to history/social studies. |
| | |Magna Carta | | |
|Comprehend complex texts by using |The Dark Ages by Crystal |Feudalism |Task II: (RH 6.4, 6.6) |RH 6.6 Identity aspects of a text that reveals an |
|close read strategies |Proenza |Lord |Graphic Organizer |author’s point of view or purpose (e.g. loaded language, |
| | |Vassal |After reading four historians’ interpretations of the |inclusion or avoidance of particular facts). |
|Analyze primary and secondary sources | |Serf |Middle Ages, analyze their statements and determine each | |
| |Trade books: |Manor |author’s point of view about the Middle Ages. Circle the |WHST.6-8.1 Write arguments focused on discipline-specific|
|Make and support claims |Sir Gawain and the Green Knight|Sustenance |words that have a negative connotation. Underline the |content. |
| |retold by Robert Potter |Plague |words that are positive. Write each author’s point of |6-8.1b Support claim(s) with logical reasoning and |
|Write an argumentative essay | |Patrons |view on the graphic organizer. Cite key words and phrases|relevant, accurate data and evidence that demonstrate an |
| |The Black Death by Alan |Humanism Perspective |that support your analysis. |understanding of the topic or text, using credible |
|Determine the author’s point of view |Robinson |Sonnet | |sources. |
|and his/her purpose for writing the | |Classics Reformation, |Final Performance Task: (RH 6.1, 6.6 WHST 6-8.1) |6-8.1c Use words, phrases, and clauses to create cohesion|
|article. |The Holy Crusades by David West|Indulgences |Should historians call the Middle Ages the “Dark Ages” or |and clarify the relationships among claim(s), |
| | |Revolution |the “Golden Age”? After researching Europe after the fall|counterclaims, reasons, and evidence. |
|Distinguish between fact and opinion |If you lived in the days of the| |of the Roman Empire, write an argumentative essay that |6-8.1d Establish and maintain a formal style. |
|in order to determine if the opinions |knights by Ann Mcgovern | |evaluate which of these titles best describes this time |6-8.1e Provide a concluding statement or section that |
|are validated by the facts in the | | |period. |follows from and supports the argument presented. |
|text. | | |Be sure to: | |
| | | |• Evaluate which title best describes this time period. | |
|Cite evidence to support analysis of | | |•Support your position with evidence from the text. | |
|what a text says explicitly and | | |•Establish and maintain a formal style of writing. | |
|implicitly. | | |• Edit your errors for capitalization, punctuation and | |
| | | |spelling. | |
Grade: 6 Subject: Social Studies
Unit 5: Africa Unit Duration: Approximately 4 weeks
Essential Question: Are the countries in Africa better off during colonization or now?
|Objectives |Texts/Resources |Academic Language/ |Activities and Assessments |Common Core Standards |
| | |Vocabulary | | |
|Determine the meaning of words and |Trade books: | | | |
|phrases as they are used in text. |South Africa by David Petersen |Summarize |Task I: (R.H 6.1, 6.5, 6.6) |RH.6.1 Cite textual evidence to support analysis of |
| | |Explain |Graphic Organizer |primary and secondary sources. |
|Determine the central idea of a | |Analyze |In the article “French Mission” by Richard Pearson, the | |
|primary or secondary source |People of the World by Gillan |Argue |author shows the social, political and economic effects of|RH 6.3 Identify key steps in a text’s description of a |
| |Doherty |Describe |imperialism on the French colonies. Does the author |process related to history/social studies (e.g. how a |
|Comprehend complex texts by using | |Compare |believe that imperialism had a negative or positive effect|bill becomes law, how interest rates are raised or |
|close read strategies | |Contrast |on Africa? What evidence in the article can you find to |lowered). |
| |Imperialism and WWI by Ormonde |Evaluate |support the author’s point of view? Record your | |
| |de Kay, Jr. |Cause and effect |information on a graphic organizer. Cite textual evidence|RH 6.5 Describe how a text presents information (e.g. |
|Make and support claims | |Aksum |to support your reasoning. |sequentially, comparatively, and casually). |
| | |Land lock | | |
|Write an explanatory essay |Does colonization pay? by O.P. |Ghana |Task II: (RH 6.3, 6.5, WHST 6-8.2) |RH 6.6 Identity aspects of a text that reveals an |
| |Austin |Griot |Short response |author’s point of view or purpose (e.g. loaded language, |
|Determine the author’s point of view | |Patriarch Imperialism Freedom|In the article “Can Africa claim the 21st century?” by |inclusion or avoidance of particular facts). |
|and his/her purpose for writing the |Imperialism by J.A. Hobson |Desertification Savanna |John Peterson, the author claims that Africans are facing | |
|article. | |Sahel |many social, political and economic problems today. |WHST.6-8.1 Write arguments focused on discipline-specific|
| |Reports warns of impending |Desert |Identify and explain the major problems in Africa today. |content. |
|Distinguish between fact and opinion |problems in Africa |Rainforest |Write a short response to explain two key steps that can |6-8.1b Support claim(s) with logical reasoning and |
|in order to determine if the opinions | |Boycott |be taken to prevent, deter or solve some of these problems|relevant, accurate data and evidence that demonstrate an |
|are validated by the facts in the |The French Mission |Civil Disobedience |mentioned in the text. Explain why one of these steps |understanding of the topic or text, using credible |
|text. | | |will help Africa become modernized. |sources. |
| | | | |6-8.1c Use words, phrases, and clauses to create |
|Cite evidence to support analysis of | | |Final Performance Task: (RH 6.1, 6.3, 6.5 WHST 6-8.1) |cohesion and clarify the relationships among claim(s), |
|what a text says explicitly and | | |Extended Response |counterclaims, reasons, and evidence. |
|implicitly. | | |Are there more challenges facing the people of Africa |6-8.1d Establish and maintain a formal style. |
| | | |today or during the time of colonization? Write an |6-8.1e Provide a concluding statement or section that |
| | | |argumentative essay that evaluates whether the people of |follows from and supports the argument presented. |
| | | |Africa face more challenges today or was it more | |
| | | |challenging during the time of colonization. |WHST.6-8.2 |
| | | | |Write informative/explanatory texts including the |
| | | |Be sure to: |narration of historical events, scientific procedures or |
| | | |•Identify and explain problems in Africa that were a |experiments. |
| | | |result of imperialism. | |
| | | |•Identify and explain some modern issues. | |
| | | |•Make a claim to show if the countries in West Africa are | |
| | | |better off today than they were under colonial rule. | |
| | | |• Support your argument and points with evidence from your| |
| | | |research. | |
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