Rubric for the Assessment of the Argumentative Essay

Rubric for Romeo and Juliet Performance- Assessment Two

|Category |Distinguished (9-10) |Proficient (7-8) |Emerging (4-6) | Incomplete (0-3) |

|Individual Character Development & Language |1. a. At every moment, actor’s |1. a. Actor loses focus at times, but|a. Actor breaks character once, but| a. Actor breaks character 1+ times |

| |objectives and reactions are clearly |character is not broken. Actor reacts |works toward an objective. |and/or finds it difficult to complete|

|Skills: |understood. |to the action. |Strategies are tried, but action is |the scene. |

|Characterization: |b. Various strategies are utilized |b. More than one objective, reaction, |not believable. |Actor is not in the moment |

|Objectives, reaction |effectively. |and strategy is utilized. |c. Lacks commitment to emotion. |Actor does little to reveal or get |

|Strategies |c. Character’s |c. Emotional state often engages the | |objective. |

|Emotions, Tone |emotional state |audience. |2. Listeners strain to hear many of|2. Very little is heard by the |

|Projection |engages the audience. |2. Most words are heard from anywhere |the words. |audience. |

|Language |2. Every word is easily heard from |in the space. |3. a. Some of the text is | |

|memorization |anywhere in the space. |3. a. Most of the text is memorized. |memorized. |3. a. Little or no text is |

|rhythm and phrasing |3. a. Text is memorized, and every moment|b. Attention to pentameter is paid, |b. Actor struggles to get the lines|memorized. |

| |is persuasive. |but it is a bit mechanical. Important |out and/or is reading most of the |b. Actor struggles to get through |

|Through your vocal, emotional, and physical |b. Words are spoken in the rhythm of |ideas are appropriately emphasized. |lines from the script. Some words |the reading of the lines or rushing |

|interpretation, the audience is engaged in what your |natural speech and pronounced correctly. |Words have been phrased well and most |are appropriately emphasized, and |makes words unintelligible. Phrases |

|character wants and says. |Important ideas are appropriately |ideas are understood. Most words are |some phrases are clear. Most words |may run together without pauses or |

| |emphasized. Words have been phrased so |pronounced correctly. |are pronounced correctly. |too many pauses drag on and on. Few |

| |well that it is easy to understand all of | | |words are pronounced correctly. |

| |the ideas. | | | |

|Category |Distinguished (9-10) |Proficient (7-8) |Emerging (4-6) | Incomplete (0-3) |

|Individual Movement & Physicality |1. Actor’s focus is compelling, shifting |1. Actor maintains constant focus and |1. Actor loses focus and/ or is so |1. Often unaware of other characters |

| |seamlessly as the action changes. |shifts that focus appropriately, but it|engaged in his/her movement that it |and/or audience and/or is distracted |

| | |may appear vacant or unmotivated at |distracts from the scene. |or distracting. |

|Skills: | |times. | | |

|Focus |2. All movement is necessary, purposeful,| |2. Too much movement or too little | |

|Movement |and is motivated by language and character|2. Movement may be interesting, but it|movement creates distraction or |2. Watching the actor is like |

| |objectives. |may be ill-timed and/or without clear |boredom. Movement contradicts or |watching a talking or sleeping |

| | |motivation. A little fidgeting is |ignores the text. |statue. |

|Through precise and intentional movement, motivated by| |evident. | | |

|character objectives, the audience is engaged in your | | | | |

|characterization. | | | | |

Group Score_______

|Category |Distinguished (9-10) |Proficient (7-8) |Emerging (4-6) | Incomplete (0-3) |

|Group Performance |1. Actors quickly and efficiently set up the| 1. Actors waste time as they set up the |1. Actors are badgered to begin or |1. Actors are unprepared and/or are |

| |space and situate the audience. Each object |space and situate the audience. |need help. Too many objects and/or |searching for things they still need. |

|Skills: |and/or prop in the scene is necessary, |Not all objects and props are necessary |props clutter the space and detract | |

| |well-placed, and enhances the action. |and/or some needed ones are not present. |from the performance. |2. Introduction is missing. |

|Use of physical space and props |2. Actors clearly and succinctly introduce |2. Actors speak about each character and |2. Actors forget to speak about each| |

|Introduction |themselves and the characters they are |the objectives but in a way that drags or |character and/or each objective. | |

|Pacing |playing as well as major objectives. |rushes. |3. Parts may be well-rehearsed |3. It drags or rushes the text in a way|

| |3. The scene has a compelling beginning, |3. Most of the scene maintains good |whereas others lack clarity and |that obscures meaning and/or threatens |

| |middle, and end. Characters work together to |pacing, characterization, and focus. Some |direction. Many group members lack |to put people to sleep. It’s so long, |

| |direct focus and maintain the energy of the |characters lack the development, focus, and|energy and focus. |it surpasses time allotted and cannot be|

|The group is so well-organized and |scene. |energy of others. | |finished. |

|rehearsed that it shows an impressive | | | | |

|commitment to the acting and performance | | | | |

|process. | | | | |


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