Argumentative EssayPART I:Chose a topic that interests you from the ones listed below to write a One Page Argumentative Report:Is Disney Plus beneficial or detrimental (good or bad) for the Disney Corporation?Is Alexa good or bad (beneficial or detrimental) in our homes?PART II:Use this table to organize your information and research your topic:Remember to keep all of your sources handy for bibliography cards and citations later.PROSSourcesCONSSourcesStrongest EvidenceEvidence/DetailsEvidence/DetailsEvidence/DetailsPART IIIHave you made a decision? Good. Write your Thesis Statement now stating which side you chose. Create a properly formatted outline to explain and layout what will be in your 3 paragraphs:TOPICIntroductionThe statement and your position on it. (Your Thesis Statement)The Pros (Positives)The evidence that is in support of your argument.Strongest Supporting EvidenceSupporting evidence/detailsSupporting evidence/detailsThe Cons (Negatives)The evidence that is NOT in support of your argument.Strongest evidence against argumentEvidence/details against argument.The ConclusionRestate your thesis argument in your own words and expand.*Remember, this is just a sample; you need to create a 3 part outline that best suits the needs of your supporting details.PART IV:Write a one page report to support the side you chose to debate. Remember to use proper format, headings, grammar, punctuation and supporting details.You must properly cite all of your sources throughout this report.Create a cover page for your report that is both vertically and horizontally aligned with the appropriate sections and format.RUBRIC FOR ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY (35 Pts.)CONTENTS4320POINTSIntroductionContains the following elements: A brief explanation of your topicsome background informationA thesis statementContains two of the 3 required elements. Contains one of the required elementsNone of the required elements are recognized.Presentation of both sides of the controversyPROSDetails supporting the thesis statement.Three of the strongest evidence are presented.Each evidence is presented separately.Various evidence (statistical studies, expert opinions, and personal experiences) are used.Two of the strongest evidence has been presented. Acceptable types of evidence are used and explained separately.One evidence is presented. A variety of evidence is not used.Evidence is neither strong, adequate, nor supportive of the thesis statementCONSDetails about the counter side of the topic:State at least two of the strongest points of the counter side.One strong point for the counter side has been clearly stated.Counter points have been presented but are not recognized as the strongestThe strongest points for the counter side have not been recognized.CONCLUSIONThe conclusion leaves the reader solidly understanding the writer’s position, opinion and/or suggestion for change in the first two sentences of the paragraphThe conclusion is recognized in the first two sentences of the closing paragraphWriter’s position is stated but not at the beginning of paragraphNo conclusion and the paper just ends.CITATIONSWorks Cited page correctly formatted for Pros and Cons. Minimum of 5 sourcesFour sources formatted correctlyInsufficient sourcesResearch not cited TOTAL POINTS(20 PTS)5430TITLE PAGEAll elements of a title page are formatted correctly.One error in content or formatTwo or more errors in content or formatUnacceptable format TABLEFormat and content accurateOne error in format/contentTwo or more errors in content/formatUnacceptable format/contentOUTLINEFormat and content accurateOne error in format/contentTwo or more errors in content/formatUnacceptable format/contentTOTAL POINTS(15 PTS.) ................

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