
1943100-228600Ethos, Pathos, Logos: Argumentative Paragraph Exemplar00Ethos, Pathos, Logos: Argumentative Paragraph ExemplarElements of an Argumentative ParagraphExampleStance – begin by taking a position or a way of thinking on your topic- How the writer see things- How things are or should beStudents should be able to listen to music while working independently in class.Purpose –persuade or convince the audience (readers) of the soundness of your position- From texts, internet, videos, etc.- From experience In a recent survey at two local high schools, a majority of students felt that they worked better while listening to music. A 2005 study published in “Psychology of Music” found that workers who listened to music while working had a higher productivity than those who did not. A reasonable explanation relates to the fact that music puts students in a better mood and therefore increases their motivation. Resource: – build your reasoning by using this to convince your audience. Explain your evidence!- An explanation that links a piece of evidence to the stance so it’s persuasive If high school students were allowed to listen to music while working independently, they would use their time more wisely. Students, who are less likely to work well without music, will work better and in turn, complete class work more frequently. Listening to music independently means that students are less likely to bother classmates as well. Of course, the level of the music must not be disruptive to others and students must respect that their device is solely to be used for music only. If these ideas are considered, students should be able to listen to music while working independently. Elements of an Argumentative ParagraphYour TurnStance – begin by taking a position or a way of thinking on your topic- How the writer see things- How things are or should bePurpose –persuade or convince the audience (readers) of the soundness of your position- From texts, internet, people, videos, etc.- From experience Evidence – build your reasoning by using this to convince your audience. Explain your evidence!- An explanation that links a piece of evidence to the stance so it’s persuasive 1943100-228600Ethos, Pathos, Logos: Argumentative Paragraph Template00Ethos, Pathos, Logos: Argumentative Paragraph TemplateEthos, Pathos, and Logos EvaluationSuccess Criteria:I have used Ethos in my argumentI have used Pathos in my argumentI have used Logos in my argumentMy paragraph has a stance, purpose and evidenceLevel 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Knowledge and UnderstandingUses stance, purpose and evidence in paragraph writingDemonstrates limited understanding of the form of an argumentative paragraph (stance, purpose, evidence) Demonstrates some understanding of the form of an argumentative paragraph (stance, purpose, evidence)Demonstrates considerable understanding of the form of an argumentative paragraph (stance, purpose, evidence)Demonstrates thorough understanding of the form of an argumentative paragraph (stance, purpose, evidence)Thinking and InquiryFully explains your purpose with evidence Uses critical and creative thinking processes to explain argument with limited effectivenessUses critical and creative thinking processes to explain argument with some effectivenessUses critical and creative thinking processes to explain argument with considerable effectivenessUses critical and creative thinking processes to explain argument with a high degree of effectivenessCommunicationCommunication of argumentCommunicates argument with limited clarityCommunicates argument with some clarityCommunicates argument with considerable clarityCommunicates argument with a high degree of clarityApplicationMakes connections between topic and Aristotle’s Modes of Persuasion (Ethos, Pathos, Logos)Makes connections between topic and Modes of Persuasion with limited effectivenessMakes connections between topic and Modes of Persuasion with some effectivenessMakes connections between topic and Modes of Persuasion with considerable effectivenessMakes connections between topic and Modes of Persuasion with a high degree of effectivenessComments: ................

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