Name: ___________________________Mrs. Blasofsel Honors English IV / Period [ ][ ] ______________________ 20_____2016 Election Photo Essay BrainstormingTask: Create and present an argumentative photo essay that reveals information about one of the prominent 2016 presidential election issues. You will present the information in your essay so that voters may be well-informed about the issue prior to voting. In order to achieve this goal, you must include fundamental background information, the benefits and challenges associated with the issue, and the Democratic and Republican stance on the issue. Although at a minimum your essay must include ten (10) images, you will need perhaps 10x that many in order to appropriately convey the issue – remember this is a photo essay so you need to inform through pictures not words. The essay must be presented in a video format, and it must be publically published on YouTube when you are finished. Your pictures in the video should tell the “story,” so you will need to appropriate organize it. Furthermore, your video must include appropriate transitions between pictures and between topics. Finally you must also select appropriate music to unify your photo essay. In addition to your video, your will submit two documents: 1) An Annotated Work Cited page in MLA format. You must cite all background information, pictures, and song(s) you utilize for this photo essay. Your “annotations” must include the following: a summary of the source, how you used the source and/or why it’s significant to your assigned electoral issue, and an explanation of the source’s credibility, 2) a photo-by-photo visual rhetoric justification that includes the following: the photo itself, the distance shot, the angle shot, (and other prominent features that apply such as lighting, framing, lines, symmetry, viewpoint, background, etc.) and how it helps connect or organize your photo essay. You may NOT start creating your video until I’ve approved your brainstorming! Assigned 2016 Election Issue: _____________________________________Basic Background Information (your issue may require more than the space provided): Benefits of Issue:Challenges of Issue:Republicans’ Stance:Democrats’ Stance:Create your argumentative thesis statement: Create an Outline (i.e.: how will you organize all your requirements?)Possible title for your photo essay (Think alliteration or puns)? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Potential song(s) to use in your photo essay that would convey the appropriate tone?___________________________________________________________________________________________6150610129528Mrs. BApproval020000Mrs. BApprovalHow to cite an electronic image:You must provide citations for images, just as you do for words, quotes, and ideas. Even if you find the image through Google, you must click on the image and go to the original source for the image (which won't be google -- it will be another website). To get to the original source, click on the image and then click "website for this image," usually on the upper right side of the screen. Here's an example of what happens when I want to cite this picture that I found by doing a google image search for "elephant":The elements are:Title of image or your own description of the image. Digital Image.?Title of the website where it was published?(not Google!). Date it was published (if you know it or n.d. if there is no date). Web (medium). Date that YOU saw it (today's date). Sample citation: Elephant next to a car. Digital image.?The London Telegraph. 13 May 2008. Web. 9 June 2011. Like most digital images, this photo has no official "title," so instead I described the image in a few words.?Source:“Citing Google Images.” South Hadley High School Library. South Hadley High School Library, n.d. Web. 14 September 2014 ................

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